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Fighting Games Weekly | Nov 4-10 | I-No what that finger smells like [18+]


tagged by Blackace
Weird/off-topic conversation to have in this thread, but then how do you explain PS2 -> 360 as the US market console of choice?
Was a bit different considerig Sony had brand loyalty with the PS2, and MS was just getting the ball rolling. By the time the current gen came, it was pretty much what we're seeing now in reverse, except there was less parity featureset wise than there is now. Sony spent the next few years playing catch up.


Weird/off-topic conversation to have here, but then how do you explain PS2 -> 360 as the US market console of choice?

It wasn't off topic when a guy further upthread said that nobody was going to buy Killer Instinct. I was saying that I disagreed. I explain the change is the console market of choice 7 years ago by saying it was 7 years ago.

EDIT: I also think that the PS4 will outsell the XB1 in every country except the US because other countries are smarter.


Weird/off-topic conversation to have in this thread, but then how do you explain PS2 -> 360 as the US market console of choice?
There are numerous reasons why the US market shifted from PS2 to 360.

*PS3 was launched 1 year later than the 360. Like the PS2 which had a head start over Xbox/GCN.

*360 was cheaper just like the PS4 is cheaper.

*By the time the PS3 rolles around 360 already had quite a few games on it like Gears of War. Having to launch against that was troublesome.

*Sony lost a lot of 3rd party exclusives and they had to play catch up to gain up to the 360 in terms of offering the exclusive games. Having multiplatform games perform worse on PS3 was also a problem.

*A lot of 3rd party games were advertised primarily on 360 like CoD which ended up being huge. CoD became synonymous with Xbox and Xbox Live.

Now the situation has reversed completely in all areas. This time PS4 launches first, is cheaper, has superior hardware on all front which is reflecting in the games available at launch and Sony had advertised a lot of 3rd party games with the PS4 (Diablo 3 expansion, Destiny, Watch Dogs, AC4 etc). Not only that but the whole DRM issue put Sony in the drivers seat. Sony "won" E3 and that will be reflected in the coming months when they are expected to regain their marketshare in the US.


Was a bit different considerig Sony had brand loyalty with the PS2, and MS was just getting the ball rolling. By the time the current gen came, it was pretty much what we're seeing now in reverse, except there was less parity featureset wise than there is now. Sony spent the next few years playing catch up.

That makes sense.

It wasn't off topic when a guy further upthread said that nobody was going to buy Killer Instinct. I was saying that I disagreed. I explain the change is the console market of choice 7 years ago by saying it was 7 years ago.

EDIT: I also think that the PS4 will outsell the XB1 in every country except the US because other countries are smarter.

I meant it was off-topic in my extending the question to the console market as a whole and not relating to Killer Instinct.

Can't say that I agree with the thought that the Xbox One will outsell the PS4 in the US, though. Just the price difference alone makes me think that, among other things.
It's worth noting that for this launch both companies are somewhat desperate and risk-adverse, and really both what the console makers and what consumers want from a "games console" is changing pretty dramatically.

MS doesn't seem to be in a good position, not just because they've been dropping the ball at every turn but it doesn't seem like the people who made the 360 successful are the ones in charge of this console. There doesn't really seem to be a vision there, or atleast one that MS can communicate; it just feels like a list of features from the MS umbrella of products and services shoved into an HTPC as opposed to an actual product. The PS4 isn't particularly imaginative but atleast it tries to do one thing well.

Also, I get the feeling that Xrd will be 30fps on PS3. It's Unreal engine, and it looks way more demanding than NRS games.


Also, I get the feeling that Xrd will be 30fps on PS3. It's Unreal engine, and it looks way more demanding than NRS games.

Hoo boy, I'd rather prefer that they get rid of some particle effects or downgrade the characters' looks than have a 30 fps fighting game.


People migrated from PS2 to 360 for the reasons I listed. More importantly though we should discuss why people migrated from PS2 to Wii and then abandoned the Wii U.

The general audience is migratory, they go from Nintendo to Sony back to Nintendo and now probably back to Sony. As far as the softcore CoD/Madden fans go, they will buy the consoles that their hardcore buddies will tell them to buy or their friends have. When 360 was out all the hardcores were buying/supporting it and the softcores followed. Its pretty obvious that the softcores will move to PS4 especially since many of them had a PS2 in their lifetime. The only question is what the casual audience will buy ie. the soccer moms. Maybe its Xbox One with Kinect, maybe its PS4 because its cheaper who knows. No one can predict what the casual audience will flock to and quite frankly I don't care. They move hardware but they barely move software as shown by the Wii.

KI will sell obviously to get things back on topic. I think what will hurt it though is no story mode on day 1. I think Double Helix dropped the ball on that one.




This exchange made me bust out laughing, thanks.


Weird/off-topic conversation to have in this thread, but then how do you explain PS2 -> 360 as the US market console of choice?

360 won in marketing (exclusive dlc/console of choice for the biggest third party games)
360 had a lower price for most of its life
360 had the superior third party ports due to ps3/cell being hard as fuck to program for, at least for a good chunk of the gen

$599 really hurt PS3 right from the get go. sony got arrogant. 100 million people weren't dying to upgrade their ps2 to ps3 at that price, so microsoft swooped in and pretty much did everything right.

Funny that we're seeing the same thing as this new generation begins. PS4 is now in 360's place, while Xbone = PS3


Ah wtf, Eventhubs' dumb ad blocker page comes up at work when there's no adblock/no script installed. Probably doesn't play nice with whatever network settings they have here.

Fucking dumb.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";88553684]KanChoMan vs Yaranaika battle of fates

It's fine if it's from the game.[/QUOTE]

According to TOS, it's not. I wouldn't take the chance.

"Images of a sexual or profane nature are discouraged. Images presenting exposed genitalia, bared buttocks, and/or female nipple/aureola are not allowed. Outside of this, common sense and a "safe-for-work" rule should be the primary considerations"

Do yourself a favor and take'em down, for your sake man.


Maybe we can convince Lab Zero to convince a UNIB international release. Perhaps even an indiegogo for it.

Nyu Media and a PC version seem to be the best bet for now, given some of the twitter dustup last week.

Lab Zero isn't really in a position to help others outside of selling their engine (I'd love to see the SG engine sold to Examu)



http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv152341993 - Free period over.

Fuudo (Fei Long) vs. Bonchan (Sagat)
3-2 ○○●●○
Momochi (Ken) vs. Dashio (Seth)
3-1 ○○●○
sako (Ibuki) vs. Mago (Fei Long)
3-1 ○○●○
Fuudo (Fei Long) vs. Uryo (C.Viper)
1-3 ●○●●
wao (Oni) vs. Michael-tan (Ken)
1-3 ○●●●
Fuudo (Fei Long) vs. Haitani (Makoto)
3-0 ○○○
Momochi (Ken) vs. Kazunoko (Yun)
3-0 ○○○
Michael-tan (Ken) vs. Haitani (Makoto)
3-1 ○●○○
Umehara (Ryu) vs. Momochi (Ken)
2-3 ○●●○●
sako (Ibuki) vs. Fuudo (Fei Long)
1-3 ○●●●
Momochi (Ken) vs. wao (Oni)
0-3 ●●●

Azure J

This thread started off pretty amazing with the first page stuff. Team Xrd/Smash 4 all day, err day. I'll moonlight in Marvel here and there but I don't see myself being all in with it like I used to be. :p

I also need to quit being a fraud and actually play more Skullgirls.


Hate that there is like no scene at all for fg around here, never had a chance to play an offline match of KOFXIII or Mavhel, last time it was when i went to the Cannes tournament for BlazBlue CS1, fun times

and i don't see things changing with BBCP and Killer Instinct, and the internet connection in my area is not even that good, sucks so much :(


no one is gonna buy killer instinct

I honestly believe that the XBox1 will outsell the PS4 in the US. And a significant portion of those people will buy KI since it's a release game on a next-gen system. (Though it probably shouldn't be, given the minuscule time they had to work on it.)

I'm of the opinion that KI is going to do very well. It took some time for me to get to that opinion. I was originally in the "really, WTF, this is crap" camp when I first saw it, but watching it over time, and hearing how it plays from other people I know have convinced me that it has a legitimate shot to do well sales-wise.

However, from an FGC standpoint, it's looking at the game the wrong way. The real question is how much of the FGC will integrate it. Being platform-exclusive on next-gen hardware which doesn't have any other fighting game support make that sell extremely difficult.

Other than the obvious moneyhat at Evo 2014 and possibility of seeing it at CEO 2014 (Microsoft might be able to help since they are a sponsor, and I'm sure Jebailey is looking for ways to make that happen), you're more than likely not going to see it on local ranbat streams and you're going to be pressed to see it at majors.

Also remember that Injustice has done very well for NRS, but it's not considered a main draw (it's at the very best, third behind AE and UMvC3) at that majors.

This is most likely attributed to the fact that it had a huge amount of content outside of actual matches (good story, side games/quests/tasks). Killier Instinct has what seems to be a great training mode (on par with Skullgirls it would seem) but little has been seen outside of that (and it doesn't look like they're going to have the same amount of out-of-match content that Injustice has).


Sales numbers should not be used as a sole indicator of how well a game will be received by the FGC as a whole.

dark ages all over again.

Perhaps Wiz and Max were right.
No, they weren't
. Does anyone know what the hell they were rambling about when that happened? I figured it was Max heard something and Wiz trolling after seeing it.

SFxT primarily failed because of the DLC shenanigans. It could have succeeded otherwise.

Agree on this for the most part, but I also felt the colors were way too saturated. I know it's a silly thing, but when you feel a game is going to burn your retinas out as well as be unbalanced because of a new-to-the-genre mechanic, you're not going to rush to play it.

Ah wtf, Eventhubs' dumb ad blocker page comes up at work when there's no adblock/no script installed.

That blocker is Javascript-based.

I see nothing out of the normal here. Carry on.


Wao finally gets put down by Michael-tan, god damn some sick moments by Wao though. Though probably should've been 3-0 Michael-tan but he got srk fadc ex hadou instead of shinryuken in the final round of the first game.
I'm of the opinion that KI is going to do very well. It took some time for me to get to that opinion. I was originally in the "really, WTF, this is crap" camp when I first saw it, but watching it over time, and hearing how it plays from other people I know have convinced me that it has a legitimate shot to do well sales-wise.

Depends what you mean by sales. I expect a lot of people will download and play it as a F2P game. But to then spend money on it with such limited modes and character choice? I suspect not.

If and when the full package finally comes together, you'd hope there are better options to choose from.


Depends what you mean by sales. I expect a lot of people will download and play it as a F2P game. But to then spend money on it with such limited modes and character choice? I suspect not.

If and when the full package finally comes together, you'd hope there are better options to choose from.

Well, if people primarily take F2P, then it's not a sale
but I was generally referring to overall revenue generated by the game through all channels (whether it a full version, on-disc or online, or piecemeal).

The point is more that as a community, I don't think we'll be going out for it in droves, or seeing it at a lot of tournaments because logistic and financial reasons.

What happened to Pam? I didn't even realize it was you until I read the name.
That OP title...XD

I literally just watched the footage a few minutes ago. The game is looking great; it's one of the few next-gen games I'm super excited about, and would buy a PS4 to play.


fuck yeah momochi taking out daigo, just wao to go and he's 7-3. Michael-tans Ken demolished wao and momochi would've seen infiltrations oni in action.

looking good for top 4 now and going straight to the final round robin stage.
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