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Fighting Games Weekly | Nov 4-10 | I-No what that finger smells like [18+]


I didn't know that coming up with your own team was a criteria for ranking.

They are also missing that one tournament he placed 2nd in (KVO).


Enthusiasts only cared about Street Fighter on X-Box cause it ran better, nothing to do with the brand.

Live is better than PSN also.

If I had to guess what the SF and Sony thing is maybe it's a Capcom Arcade Cabinet thing they did is coming to PS4.
I don't know... multiple sources says Yipes is a "GOD" when played in a sitdown, coming from both EC and WC top players.

If we're talking about results then yes yipes isn't top 10. If we're talking about skill? hell fuck yes he should be top 10 if the claims are true.

My list of top marvel players in terms of skill would be (in no particular order and at their prime)
1) chris g
2) jwong
3) yipes
4) champ
5) combofiend
6) rayray
7) nemo
8) Rog
9) angelic
10) fanatiq (going to get flak for this but I think when he is serious, he is fuckkkking gawddddlike).


I don't know... multiple sources says Yipes is a "GOD" when played in a sitdown, coming from both EC and WC top players.

If we're talking about results then yes yipes isn't top 10. If we're talking about skill? hell fuck yes he should be top 10 if the claims are true.
Yipes even based off of results is top 10 though.


Not a bad top 10 list but honestly I have enjoyed this list if for no other reason than to watch everyone cry about it. They should do one for Street Fighter IV as well.


I don't know... multiple sources says Yipes is a "GOD" when played in a sitdown, coming from both EC and WC top players.

If we're talking about results then yes yipes isn't top 10. If we're talking about skill? hell fuck yes he should be top 10 if the claims are true.

My list of top marvel players in terms of skill would be (in no particular order and at their prime)
1) chris g
2) jwong
3) yipes
4) champ
5) combofiend
6) rayray
7) nemo
8) Rog
9) angelic
10) fanatiq (going to get flak for this but I think when he is serious, he is fuckkkking gawddddlike).
Yipes above Champ is highly inaccurate even in terms of "potential skill". Yipes at his level best in casual mode can't beat Champ consistently.

No Flocker in there, he should at least be in the top 10.
Yipes above Champ is highly inaccurate even in terms of "potential skill". Yipes at his level best in casual mode can't beat Champ consistently.

No Flocker in there, he should at least be in the top 10.

I said in no particular order. Funny enough Champ said this in bums chat last night "YIPES SITDOWN IS A GOD"

I have to see what else flocker can do outside Zero/Vergil. If he can play other characters at a solid level where I can go "Oooo that was smart" then I'll replace him with angelic free. Angelic has a lot of "Oooo that shit was smart". Too much of zero is just landing that one hit and then 50/50/50 the incoming over and over.


Flocker actually does play other characters. He has a pocket Strider he used to beat ChrisG with. He has a decent Trish and Dorm. He used to play Tron and Phoenix too. He has a Dante as well although not that great.

Also you are discrediting his Zero a lot as even though all you see is a lot of Lightning Loops and 50/50s his neutral with the character is the best there is. In Vanilla Marvel 3 when he played the character with Phoenix it was a pure fundamental character as he had to play defensively all the time. Zero was a different character then... I mean he was top tier but not near broken tier status... you had to put in work with him and Flocker put Zero on the map in that game.


Hopefully some of that Yipes sit down ability bleeds over into Capcom Cup, it might be a smaller than paper thin chance he wins but if he did that would be amazing. Actually anyone that takes it over Justin,Chris, or Champ is okay in my book.


He beat Stone Cold and The Rock in the same night and that's like the only thing that matters.

But neither Chris G or Fchamp are the people's champ. D=

On Flocker, Justin described the difference between his Zero and others as Flocker is actually playing Mega Man. Jumping around, shooting busters, looking for open hits etc, where all other series are just looking for the mix-up and the corner combo, heh.


I want a topanga marvel league in the US. I think we'd get a better representation of skill, which would allow for proper rankings. Lists should only be based off of ranked matches in my opinion.
Flocker actually does play other characters. He has a pocket Strider he used to beat ChrisG with. He has a decent Trish and Dorm. He used to play Tron and Phoenix too. He has a Dante as well although not that great.

Also you are discrediting his Zero a lot as even though all you see is a lot of Lightning Loops and 50/50s his neutral with the character is the best there is. In Vanilla Marvel 3 when he played the character with Phoenix it was a pure fundamental character as he had to play defensively all the time. Zero was a different character then... I mean he was top tier but not near broken tier status... you had to put in work with him and Flocker put Zero on the map in that game.

I'm not saying he solely relies on zero. His zero neutral game is really good, I just want to see more.

I do remember his trish being decent, don't remember his dorm. I'm not going to count his tron/phoenix because... thats like saying viscant had a haggar lol. I don't recall how his normal phoenix neutral play was so I won't comment on it.

Basically what it comes down to, he is borderline top 10 for me, not because of skill but rather that there is a ton of good players. I mean I probably would replace him with angelic overall if I spent the time to look back at his old games.


even though people should not take this list so seriously, it's so fun to witness the salt produced by 'top' players as well as the users in this thread.
flocker not a top 10 marvel player lolololol

Whats wrong with wanting to see more from other characters. I want to evaluate his decision making skills. It took him 2 tournaments before he figured out to do shoryu into buster at the start of the round against jwong. He is a very good player, but I want to see his decision making skills on the fly. Simple as that.

I mean after looking at some of his old videos, he would be top 10 and replace angelic most likely.


Whats wrong with wanting to see more from other characters. I want to evaluate his decision making skills. It took him 2 tournaments before he figured out to do shoryu into buster at the start of the round against jwong. He is a very good player, but I want to see his decision making skills on the fly. Simple as that.

are you seriously stating that the winner of umvc3 evo 2013 may or may not be in the top 10 of umvc3 players in 2013?


Well Flocker's Tron was way more legit than Viscant's Haggar lol.

In any case if we are talking about pure skill then 3 players should definitely make the top 10 list:

Xian, Tokido and Zak Bennet. Mostly because these 3 players perform internationally and are generally the best or among the best in their region. Their scene pales in comparison to the US (in the case of Xian it might as well be non existent) yet they are still excellent players. Tokido and Xian player other games as well yet they are still proficient at Marvel... imagine if players like them were focused only on one game and were practicing against US competition daily.

even though people should not take this list so seriously, it's so fun to witness the salt produced by 'top' players as well as the users in this thread.
No one is salty here.
are you seriously stating that the winner of umvc3 evo 2013 may or may not be in the top 10 of umvc3 players in 2013?
may I point you to viscant? Also what about 2nd place runner up in 2012 Infrit? I'm talking about at their prime and skill base, not result base. Also I never mention top 10 in 2013 or anything of that sort.

I really people would fucking read. I mean shit it wasn't even a tl;dr post.
Well Flocker's Tron was way more legit than Viscant's Haggar lol.

In any case if we are talking about pure skill then 3 players should definitely make the top 10 list:

Xian, Tokido and Zak Bennet. Mostly because these 3 players perform internationally and are generally the best or among the best in their region. Their scene pales in comparison to the US (in the case of Xian it might as well be non existent) yet they are still excellent players. Tokido and Xian player other games as well yet they are still proficient at Marvel... imagine if players like them were focused only on one game and were practicing against US competition daily.

No one is salty here.
I agree with the tron statement. It was way more legit but cmon, we all know why tron was on that team.
Top 3 international players for me if they were to dedicate the time to marvel only for me would be xian, tokido, and nemo. Zak is most definitely solid but I think nemo beats him.


Oh by the way I am taking bets for the Nemo money matches at Capcom Cup. Specifically FChamp vs Nemo (supposed to be for $1000).

I like FChamp over Nemo for any amount of money between $10 and $100.
Can't imagine they'd do that, especially since the focus of USF4 is solely on people who have been keeping the game alive for the last 2 or 3 years. So it's automatically a smaller audience they're aiming at. Splitting THAT audience further in half seems weird.

Plus, this is a goofy ass ad. I don't think something as potentially big as securing rights to the main entry in the biggest fighting game series ever would be rolled out with something this silly. Especially since there's really no reason to make the ad centered on cabs unless it's a play on words somehow.

So it's probably just Street Fighter II & III in all their endless iterations for Capcom Arcade Cabinet.

Maybe Sony will let Iron Galaxy put that fucking patch through.
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