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Fighting Games Weekly | Nov 4-10 | I-No what that finger smells like [18+]


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";89052706]dahbomb with the early betting on fchamp taking money from my pocket[/QUOTE]
Gotta corner the market early son.

You can ask for bets on ChrisG vs Nemo or Neo vs Nemo. I think people might be interested in Neo vs Nemo with odds.


Not sure about that. All signs point to a sponsorship from MS for Evo 2014 with an inclusion of Killer Instinct in the featured games at the competition.

Having a new game exclusive to the PS4 that causes demand would place stress on Evo, financially and logistically (you'd need XBox Ones for KI, PS4 for whatever title this is, and XBox 360s for other titles).

Assuming Evo can pull it off, it leaves an extremely heavy burden on TOs to be able to provide setups to play a large number of games; they very well might have to choose the system that they can leverage the most, even if it doesn't mean having the most popular games at the moment at their tournaments.

BYOC would remedy this, but depending on the size of the tournament, that would bring it's own logistic issues as well. Smaller tournaments/weeklies would fare better under that model, but the larger tournaments would struggle.

The sponsorship won't have much of an impact- most folks have dual-modded sticks at this point, and the only Xbone game is KI, which I expect won't get much of a following - I'd be shocked if it drew 256 at Evo next year.

I just don't see the FGC jumping out to buy a $500 console for an unproven game- the younger crowd is largely too poor, the older crowd remembers KI being about the same quality as Wargods, MK: Deadly Alliance, and SF: The Movie.

A few folks will play it, but it's going to take more than payola and a marketing push to make it popular among the FGC.
(I do expect it to have some popularity among casuals)
has there been any word of a ps4 stick ? I need a new stick so I can use it for pc but might as well wait for a ps4/pc stick. My R2 TE doesn't work on my computer for whatever reason.


has there been any word of a ps4 stick ? I need a new stick so I can use it for pc but might as well wait for a ps4/pc stick. My R2 TE doesn't work on my computer for whatever reason.

I suspect the first sticks will be handmade Arcade-in-a-Box (RIP) type deals.

We won't see any commercials sticks until a major PS4 fighter comes out

I really hope Markman can convince Mad Catz to make a real high quality pad for the PS4 this time- at least as good as Hori FC3.


Mrs. Harvey

Evilore. Make avatars bigger. Kthanx.


I am watching this week's The Fray and according to Magus... Nemo popped off something fierce when he won the MM against FChamp right when he was on match point. Said he got super hyped over the win.

Now that's what I am fucking talking about!

I need a different version of that avatar:

"Top Hustler

UMVC3: Filipino "EVO CHamp"


I feel less cautious throwing money at arcade sticks now that it seems I don't have to worry about them not working on PS4. I think I'd rather have a Capcom Cup stick than wait for the inevitable USFIV stick.



Yes! Champ will win Capcom Cup.

Champ confirmed to lose.

I just got my copy of Daigo's book (Thanks his manager/friend =P). On glance, it's pretty interesting. The page I flipped to talks about winning, losing, and continuing to win. He mentions that it's easy to understand winning in the context of a game is simply whoever has the most points and whoever has fewer loses. However, victory isn't about defeating your opponent but growing as a player. The people that continue to win aren't concerned with just beating the opponent in front of them.

A bit standard but pretty Daigo-esque considering him recently. He has section about "good/not good" or "suited/not suited" section that seemed kind of interesting but I haven't read it fully.


I'm listening now to yesterday's Fray and JWong said Nemo has been playing his Wolvie/Storm/Akuma team in the past months to learn the match-up!
Maaaaaaan....shit is gonna be crazy in December! Can't wait
Out of the FGC for a while. Why's everyone talking about Capcom Cup so much? Isn't it in December?

Qualifiers for the final two spots for AE are on now. In marvel land the players just got announced and of course there is lots of crying and carrying on...and Nemo being awesome.


Out of the FGC for a while. Why's everyone talking about Capcom Cup so much? Isn't it in December?
Voting finished for Marvel players and results were announced a few days ago. For Street Fighter, Asia qualifiers are going on now, this weekend.

Edit: Beaten


We need to come up with some sort of odds to win for each player of the Capcom Cup, to facilitate all the betting.
In terms of most likely to win:

1) ChrisG (heavy favorite) 1.1 : 1
2) FChamp 1.3 : 1
3) Justin Wong 1.5 : 1
4) Nemo 2 : 1
5) Yipes 2.5 : 1
6) MarlinPie 3 : 1
7) KaneBlueRiver 4 : 1
8) Abegen 5 : 1


In terms of most likely to win:

1) ChrisG (heavy favorite) 1.1 : 1
2) FChamp 1.3 : 1
3) Justin Wong 1.5 : 1
4) Nemo 2 : 1
5) Yipes 2.5 : 1
6) MarlinPie 3 : 1
7) KaneBlueRiver 4 : 1
8) Abegen 5 : 1

odds are too close to each other. they need to be more spread out.


odds are too close to each other. they need to be more spread out.
It's Mahvel so anything can happen.

Updated odds (just doubled them):

1) ChrisG (heavy favorite) 1.1 : 1
2) FChamp 1.6 : 1
3) Justin Wong 3 : 1
4) Nemo 4 : 1
5) Yipes 5 : 1
6) MarlinPie 6: 1
7) KaneBlueRiver 8 : 1
8) Abegen 10 : 1

Out of the FGC for a while. Why's everyone talking about Capcom Cup so much? Isn't it in December?
The community voted list for UMVC3 have just been revealed recently. The winners are ChrisG, FChamp, Justin Wong, Nemo, KBR, Yipes, MarlinPie and Abegen. Some people are salty that players like Abegen/KBR made it in over more consistent players like Neo and RayRay. Also there was a lot of drama over Flocker not making it in so Capcom did a special "final boss" exhibition where the winner of Capcom plays the EVO champion Flocker for $1000 in a FT5.

Of course it's not a high stakes Marvel tournament without some drama. FChamp talking mad shit about most of the players voted (basically called Yipes the Mike Ross of the Marvel community and MarlinPie a training dummy which can only do combo video stuff). Then of course Nemo made more shots at FChamp/Flocker. Nevertheless FChamp/ChrisG/Neo have challenged Nemo to long set MMs for $1000 each and Nemo has agreed. This is of course coming off of the loss of both ChrisG and FChamp in 2 FT20s at EVO against Nemo so this is America's time for vengeance.

And of course big MMS require even more side bets which is what I am instigating.
I think I'll bet that Yipes gets knocked out in the first round. I'll wait until I see brackets just to be doubly sure, but I think it's a pretty safe bet.
The community voted list for UMVC3 have just been revealed recently. The winners are ChrisG, FChamp, Justin Wong, Nemo, KBR, Yipes, MarlinPie and Abegen. Some people are salty that players like Abegen/KBR made it in over more consistent players like Neo and RayRay. Also there was a lot of drama over Flocker not making it in so Capcom did a special "final boss" exhibition where the winner of Capcom plays the EVO champion Flocker for $1000 in a FT5.

Of course it's not a high stakes Marvel tournament without some drama. FChamp talking mad shit about most of the players voted (basically called Yipes the Mike Ross of the Marvel community and MarlinPie a training dummy which can only do combo video stuff). Then of course Nemo made more shots at FChamp/Flocker. Nevertheless FChamp/ChrisG/Neo have challenged Nemo to long set MMs for $1000 each and Nemo has agreed. This is of course coming off of the loss of both ChrisG and FChamp in 2 FT20s at EVO against Nemo so this is America's time for vengeance.

And of course big MMS require even more side bets which is what I am instigating.

I saw that FChamp challenged Nemo but I hadn't seen that ChrisG did. Not surprised though.


I saw that FChamp challenged Nemo but I hadn't seen that ChrisG did. Not surprised though.
I don't think ChrisG did but Nemo basically answered to both in the tweet (referring to FChamp and ChrisG).

Nemo: "If they wanted to give the winner of Capcom Cup extra money... they should've made FChamp the final boss!"

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