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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT| Classic sprite-based JRPG goodness [UP] Global launch

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You're using Xiao and calling Delita straight trash? Okay.
I had no other option that was not a duplicate and between pulling a banner with Lightning and Delita, I guess it's clear which one is better. I didn't get her but I'm satisfied with what I got, now Xiao can fuck off.


Came home to a maze run with a pot. Yay :)


Indeed, Rydia.

It's testing time :)
Did a #yolo 11-pull and ended up with Lightning, a second Ludmille, and a 3* Vaan (!). I can actually field a physical team now! Oh, and a Medius and Roselia too.

Physical: Lenna, Lightning, Leo, Vaan, and WoL/Cecil.

Magic: Celes/Terra, Exdeath, Kefka, Tellah, Golbez/Exdeath/Kefka.

Right now, if I could actually farm TMs, I'd roll: 4x Luna/Zidane and 3x Shantotto/2x Ludmille. I need a new laptop so I can Nox. If I could semi-automate magicite farming and TM farming...

Who are the confirmed 6* units (and new 5* evolutions), and is there any word on their release order?


Lyrian with that triple post, he's going for the top of the wall of shame.

How so you multi-quote across multiple pages then?

I'd be surprised if I'm not on the top of the list. I didn't even realize that multi-quote was a thing until somewhere around post 14 or 15 thousand, lol.

How about you Lyrian? You're day turning out well? :)

Still fighting the university. Found out this afternoon that pretty much any candidate that did not have the main campus as their home base was screwed in the selection process. I now have a half-broken working account in the system that I will hopefully MacGyver into fully working long enough to successfully petition for the two remaining roles that are open until the end of the night.

Direct supervisor got pissed off at me because I ran over my allotted tutoring hours last week and I attempted to bill the school for an additional half a billable hour (for the good of the students, right?). Didn't go over so well, ROFL. I wonder why? :)

-- No measurable damage increase for Rydia at LB level 12 over 11. Disappointing.


Wait... multiquote is a thing? I've been digging each out individually.... fuuuuuuuuu (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I hope this Tactics event has Tactics music. Explorations will be a bit more bearable lol.

That'd be pretty awesome really. I could go for some trisection, desert land, decisive battle, tension 1, backfire, antipyretic, battle on the bridge, well... really any of the combat songs, and ending with the mission complete...


Congrats everyone on your pulls!!! Chilly didn't destroy the world, I finally pulled a tank against all the odds, and several new Lightnings to the board. Kevyward, you need to add your ID to the thread.

Lyrian, I really hope you get things worked out with the University.


Really wish I had pulled a Lightning, oh well. Could only do daily pulls and didn't have the Lapis for an 11 pull (and I can't spend money on something like this). I'm sitting on 2800, but I don';t think it'd be worth it to dump it into single 500 lapis pulls.

Running 5* WoL, CoD, Artemios, Tellah, and Lenna atm. I've also got 5* Cecil, Rain, Lasswell, Xiao, and Garnet sitting around. Cecil/WoL/CD is the start of a good 6* party, but I could really use some more good Phys units like Lightning and I badly want an ExDeath.

Plus I have Krile, Golbez, Celes, Penelo, Maria, Shadow, Kain, Edgar, Rydia, Miyuki, Galuf, Ludmille, Sabin, Shantotto, Cyan, Luna, Gilbert, 2x Hayate, and Charlotte. I really need to do some TM farming at some point.

I think I could make an okay Blizz chain party out of Tellah, Krile, Celes, Golbez, and Lasswell. I would need to level up Celes and Golbez though and they're only level 1 3*s atm.


Guys, if you have the condition, start the TM farm right now. By the time you feel the need for it you will be sorry you didn't start earlier. This shit takes a ridiculous amount of time even you you let it running all day everyday.


So I have done around 20 x 11 pulls as well as daily pulls and some tickets, plenty of Ludmille and Charlotte but not a single Lightning. The only consolation is that I ended up getting some characters I didn't have: WoL, ExDeath, Locke, Garnet and Miyuki.

Trying to resist doing any more draws, I want her but RNG seems to hate me(swinging between despair and rage atm)


So I have done around 20 x 11 pulls as well as daily pulls and some tickets, plenty of Ludmille and Charlotte but not a single Lightning. The only consolation is that I ended up getting some characters I didn't have: WoL, ExDeath, Locke, Garnet and Miyuki.

Trying to resist doing any more draws, I want her but RNG seems to hate me(swinging between despair and rage atm)

Holy crap. Tough break man. Hang in there.
Congrats to my buddy Chilly and girl CCIE! I'm so happy for you that you broke that tank curse! Chilly getting in on that double cast love now! I wish my physical damage dealer curse broke today too but my daily pull was Shadow :( It will break during the Orlandu banner right? right? .... ;_; God willing we'll have that crystal update that Japan has by the time he hits.

Also, fuck yeah to ADV Coli!!! Finally something more constructive to do with that energy and some nice loot to boot. I didn't think we'd get it at the same time or before? Japan. At least last I checked it hadn't hit Japan yet.


Lyrian, I really hope you get things worked out with the University.

Thanks! Proudly working towards pissing more people off at the moment because I am filling out requisitions that I don't have all of the University's blessings to complete.

Too bad for them. They can deal with it.

Wait... multiquote is a thing? I've been digging each out individually.... fuuuuuuuuu (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Click the plus button next to each quote and click Quote on the last person in the list you want to quote in the same post.

I felt **so** stupid the day I figured that out.

So it seems the consensus is not to mass pull on the new banner...hmmm.

Usual Reddit Hivemind attitude.

Now that Lightning is out, the baseline benchmark for pulling is now "Is this unit better than Lightning"? If yes, pull. If not, don't pull.

Reddit logic is pretty much this:

Delita has a lower Altema rating than Lightning, therefore he is crap. Everyone else doesn't reach 6*, thus they are crap by default. Therefore, no one is better than Lightning and thus "do not pull".


So it seems the consensus is not to mass pull on the new banner...hmmm.
I'd probably pull, if I didn't have Celes for the Minerva Buster TM. The robe from the new Coliseum looks nice for my mage too (Exdeath can't wear robes anyway, so I don't need more than one caster robe), so I'm good on that end too.

Yeah, I'll be saving my Lapis for the next banner. Maybe increase my slots a bit or something instead.


Usual Reddit Hivemind attitude.

Now that Lightning is out, the baseline benchmark for pulling is now "Is this unit better than Lightning"? If yes, pull. If not, don't pull.

Reddit logic is pretty much this:

Delita has a lower Altema rating than Lightning, therefore he is crap. Everyone else doesn't reach 6*, thus they are crap by default. Therefore, no one is better than Lightning and thus "do not pull".

A great chance to pull Charlotte and Ludmille is better than a great chance to pull Alma and an average chance to pull Gafgarion.

Lightning and Delita are equally hard to pull but Lightning is better than him in every single aspect.

There is no hivemind here, this new banner is straight up worse than the one we just had and there is a great chance that the next one will be more interesting considering the Tactics units left.


sparkle this bitch
Usual Reddit Hivemind attitude.

Now that Lightning is out, the baseline benchmark for pulling is now "Is this unit better than Lightning"? If yes, pull. If not, don't pull.

Reddit logic is pretty much this:

Delita has a lower Altema rating than Lightning, therefore he is crap. Everyone else doesn't reach 6*, thus they are crap by default. Therefore, no one is better than Lightning and thus "do not pull".

Having a complete Anti-Reddit mindset is just as bad as having that same mindset.

None of the characters particularly excel in their field, even ignoring future releases, Delta will fall behind Lightning, but even with his 6*. His moveset is still lacking. For the slim chance of getting him, he doesn't feel worth it. Same applies to Gaff. Both Chizzy and WoL at 5* have largely fantastic movesets, he's lacking the best of both worlds.

And while Alma isn't a bad healer, she isn't as good as Leanna. It swaps Cheer for Ultima. Nor is she as good as Garnet. If you don't have either, it could be worth picking up, but Leanna has been on banners for 3 weeks now.

The TMs are all good too, but I would never recommend to people to chase a 4* or 5* for a TM. And Alma's bit, while good, isn't worth rolling just for I feel like. If they were all 3*, sure.

At best, it's a banner for Daily rolls only.

No doubt about that, if that's the objective, this is a great banner.

I wouldn't say it's a great banner for that. As stated above, I can never suggest to someone to roll for a TM on a 4* character. You have to want the character at the very least. With 5* being nothing but a faint dream.


Click the plus button next to each quote and click Quote on the last person in the list you want to quote in the same post.

I felt **so** stupid the day I figured that out.

If I'm not mistaken that carries between pages too, so you can + 3 people and then go to the next page and + 2 more and then hit quote and it'll carry them all over.


Where is Valentus, I have to decide if I want to pull tomorrow lol

My Kingdom for a Vaan!!!!!

Do you want crappy units with really really awesome TMs? Then pull!

Usual Reddit Hivemind attitude.

Now that Lightning is out, the baseline benchmark for pulling is now "Is this unit better than Lightning"? If yes, pull. If not, don't pull.

Reddit logic is pretty much this:

Delita has a lower Altema rating than Lightning, therefore he is crap. Everyone else doesn't reach 6*, thus they are crap by default. Therefore, no one is better than Lightning and thus "do not pull".

Everybody knows here that i dont give a fuck about altema and exviuswiki rankings and always say that dont look into the numbers and look in the usefulness of the unit.

I can tell you: those units are crap for the rarity they start. and thats why:


- 2 materia slots in 5 star (WTF)
- cant equip weapons or helmets (WTF 2)
- Alma has 90 mag base INT, so even with 2 earrings and 2 MAG+30% materia, her int will go up only to 180 INT, where exdeath, kefka, or even golbez can surpass the 300+ INT cap, so Alma's ultima will be HARMLESS.
- In the white mage department: No cheer, no focus, no raise.


- 113 base ATK. Chizuru and Fencer (120 base ATK), Lightning (145 base atk in 5star)
- Cant equip katanas, cant equip great swords, CANT EQUIP SHIELDS (WTF)
- No bonus for specific equip. Fencer (ATK with swords) and Chizuru (via TM, and Gaff cant equip chiz TM because CANT EQUIP KATANAS)
- No Barrage, or a skill that would be more useful as replacement.
- Do you want to spend 20+ summons for a unit like that? If Gaff would be 3star, it would be a very ok unit. But no, in the future, when you get a gold crystal, you will pray that its not a penelo, a fran, a shadow, or a Gaffgarion.


- Delita is ok... for a 4star base unit, but its a FUCKING RAINBOW. In the future, your luneth, gilgamesh or orlandu chance can be wasted because you draw a delita.

Those units are very poor. There is no justification to save them. Their TMs are top-tier, but as the unit itself... no thank you.

And this comment you wont read in places like reddit.


Please don't hate me... Cause I am on cloud nine right now.
Probably the craziest 11 pull of this event. I've only ever gotten 1 rainbow crystal, so first pull of the 11 is a rainbow crystal and I swear I stared at it for 5 minutes before I tapped it.

and behold!


Alright can't get better then that right... But wait there's another rainbow crystal in my 11 pull what could it be...


2 Lightnings in 1 pull, how is that even possible wow. Plus 2 Charlottes and 3 Ludmilles.

Also I cleaned up my friends list add me kevyward!

Congrats! The FFBE Gods were smiling on you today. At least you don't have to worry about getting that character now.


Professional Schmuck
1. Cloud of Darkness with a chance of Lightning <--- is fucking GOLD.

2. Sticking with daily pulls for now.

3. wtf, TWO Lightnings in one pull??? STFU/GTFO

4. Didn't think I'd get sick of the Maze event, yet here we are.


So I have done around 20 x 11 pulls as well as daily pulls and some tickets, plenty of Ludmille and Charlotte but not a single Lightning. The only consolation is that I ended up getting some characters I didn't have: WoL, ExDeath, Locke, Garnet and Miyuki.

Trying to resist doing any more draws, I want her but RNG seems to hate me(swinging between despair and rage atm)

Wow that's a lot of pulls.

Hopefully you'll get Lightning if ever you decide to try your luck again.

Gratz Kevyward. Epic pull right there. 2 Lightnings. Got 2 Rainbows for my 11 pull as well, but the other one was WoL, which i already have.


A great chance to pull Charlotte and Ludmille is better than a great chance to pull Alma and an average chance to pull Gafgarion.

Lightning and Delita are equally hard to pull but Lightning is better than him in every single aspect.

There is no hivemind here, this new banner is straight up worse than the one we just had and there is a great chance that the next one will be more interesting considering the Tactics units left.

No doubt about that, if that's the objective, this is a great banner.

Having a complete Anti-Reddit mindset is just as bad as having that same mindset.

None of the characters particularly excel in their field, even ignoring future releases, Delta will fall behind Lightning, but even with his 6*. His moveset is still lacking. For the slim chance of getting him, he doesn't feel worth it. Same applies to Gaff. Both Chizzy and WoL at 5* have largely fantastic movesets, he's lacking the best of both worlds.

And while Alma isn't a bad healer, she isn't as good as Leanna. It swaps Cheer for Ultima. Nor is she as good as Garnet. If you don't have either, it could be worth picking up, but Leanna has been on banners for 3 weeks now.

The TMs are all good too, but I would never recommend to people to chase a 4* or 5* for a TM. And Alma's bit, while good, isn't worth rolling just for I feel like. If they were all 3*, sure.

At best, it's a banner for Daily rolls only.

I wouldn't say it's a great banner for that. As stated above, I can never suggest to someone to roll for a TM on a 4* character. You have to want the character at the very least. With 5* being nothing but a faint dream.

I didn't say the banner was bad. Just that Reddit is taking it's usual very narrow perspective on the banner. And that perspective is often based solely on whether any of the units in the banner dethrone the current top-of-the-leaderboard units in the game or not.

I personally think that the banner is good for TMs. That said, Reddit's stance is that a player should never pull for a unit based only on their TM, unless that TM is either Dual Wield or Dualcast.

I think it's in the territory of tossing a few half price pulls in an attempt to get those TMs, but I wouldn't personally whale out on this banner. Even so, that's pretty far away of a stance from DO NOT PULL.


If I'm not mistaken that carries between pages too, so you can + 3 people and then go to the next page and + 2 more and then hit quote and it'll carry them all over.

I could have sworn the last time I tried that, it didn't work. Humm. I'll try that again soon.


I would pull, because I love Delita, but the fact is that I want Ramza and Agrias more, so I will pull on that banner instead. Use the week to restock some of my tickets first


I would pull, because I love Delita, but the fact is that I want Ramza and Agrias more, so I will pull on that banner instead. Use the week to restock some of my tickets first

That's my thinking. Hopefully we'll get Ramza soon. The next couple of weeks will be recharging Lapis and just doing the daily pull and hope for the best.


Decided to do 3 more 11 draws, first two we mostly garbage, 3rd shows me rainbow crystal...... GODDAMN ZIDANE!!! Think this was my 4th rainbow this event(out of 20+ draws) and no Lightning, this rng can go kiss my ass!!!


How many dualcast tmr are recommended to get? Currently sitting on enough Ludmille to make 1 now, but would it be better to hold off and make 2 instead?
If I'm not mistaken that carries between pages too, so you can + 3 people and then go to the next page and + 2 more and then hit quote and it'll carry them all over.
It even carries over between threads.

Ex: If I were to click on the + for a post here and then go to make a post in a completely separate thread, there will be a notification that I have some selected quotes that aren't from the thread I'm in. I can ignore it and post as I would have otherwise or I can click to add them to the post I'm writing.
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