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Final Fantasy XV Chapter 0 revealed, preview inbound (Spoilers) (Duh)


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Final Fantasy IV story
- cecil is bad then good
- murders whole town
- while going back to save the baron castle, many characters die
- when u ride the airship, few towns, barren map, not so much sidequests
- story is basically try to save 4 crystals, try to save 4 more (but you only get to see 1-2 in the next world)
- second world is barren also
- you also go to the moon, no towns
- game is unbalanced
- fake job system
- generic ending, everyone is happy and bad guy is killed


Just read the AMA from the guy who played it.

-He says the combat is faster and flashier
-He says he's hyped as fuck for the whole game
-He says the graphics have been downgraded from Duscae demo

Guess which one's the only one being discussed in this thread?

But people aren't focusing on the negative. No sir.

After a 10 year development cycle, we expect quality. Minor speed upgrades to an already shitty battle system isn't really something I'm going to cling on. I want to be reassured that it will perform well, and look decent, and I want them to prove to me that the 10 years developing the game were well spent, and will show that the wait was worth it. So far from everything we've heard, it seems like they could have literally thrown this shit together in less than a year. I mean what the fuck?

That said, I'm about to watch the gameplay demo. Maybe it will be good.


You know, most Final Fantasy stories were much better told in square, blue boxes without voice acting...

Unless they get FFXII's voice acting cast back together. They could even make "Moms are tough" work.


Bearded Noctis.


Don't understand why people are put off by the plot synopsis on the 4chan leak. It doesn't sound that bad to me, just sounds similar to FFXII. The leak barely tells you anything

Any plot will sound bad when summarised into 7 lines lol


Don't understand why people are put off by the plot synopsis on the 4chan leak. It doesn't sound that bad to me, just sounds similar to FFXII. The leak barely tells you anything

Any plot will sound bad when summarised into 7 lines lol

Yeah, I agree.

Have always said I'll reserve my opinion until I actually beat the game. I like what I'm hearing so far, though.


Witcher 3 story leaked:

Man searches for his daughter (not actually his daughter) with her mother (not actually her mother)
A sneaky elf mage (hiding as an ugly midget) has been hiding her in a different dimension
They meet and fight other elves
Daughter kills herself to stop apocalypse
She doesn't actually die
Happy ending


Final Fantasy XIII leak

Girl Cloud rides a train with rebels
Brings down a major support system for their enclosed city
Hallways, Hallways, HALLWAYS!!!
Defeat corrupt wannabe god
Waifu lesbians get crystallized


Wait.. Final Fantasy has quest instructions/markers in the HUD now? I already though the game would be shitty but wow this is actually a complete deal breaker.


Final Fantasy IV story
- cecil is bad then good
- murders whole town
- while going back to save the baron castle, many characters die
- when u ride the airship, few towns, barren map, not so much sidequests
- story is basically try to save 4 crystals, try to save 4 more (but you only get to see 1-2 in the next world)
- second world is barren also
- you also go to the moon, no towns
- game is unbalanced
- fake job system
- generic ending, everyone is happy and bad guy is killed

Dude you missed the fact that you team up with a moon mage, fight a naked girl and her three ugly friends, a giant robot bursts from the ground, and dead people summon a spirit bomb.

Goddamn FFXV seems so boring after reading that.


Does this sound sightly better:

Many towns, few but expensively detailed and gorgeous cities.

Yes, the world feels empty. From what i gathered, they kinda wanted that after some point in the developpement.

The game is all about the journey so you need to believe in this journey by crossing huge land masses with you car. Hopefully, there are many great environnements to look for.

The above doesn't sound bad to me at all. You have bunch of cool destinations with towns and hopefully interesting large cities (frankly you don't need more then a few large cities). World is there for you to travel, hunt, discover some cool landmarks, camp, etc...

A simpler story would actually be good after X, X-2, XIII, XIII-2, XIII-3.

Performance normally gets solidified toward the end, and there was a great Naughty Dog write up talking about Last of Us on PS4 about it. So 2 months delay to clean up performance and implement a good NEO mode sounds alright.

Hyperbole is strong in this thread. That said I may cancel my pre-order ... to get a NEO FFXV bundle.


Well,it's all about execution imo and that leak in the first page is a little original at least but i haven't read the rest.
Could someone find me the gif where the Mexican soap opera actress get run over by a car
hit the side mirror and has like multiple camera cuts, please?

Also, Please make sure you include this quote on that GIF


Watching the video now. Kind of skimming through it so as to not spoil myself as much.

About that opening tease, though.

Is that seriously Noctis? He gets a leg brace too? Really? Are you kidding me? Jesus. Also, I don't see what's so great about his design so far. Too, erm, blurry for me to see it properly, I guess?

What the fuck was up with that pixelated as fuck close-up of the diner's menu, though.

So far so awful English voice acting. Just like Episode Duscae. No surprises there, but it still sucks to hear it.


Gold Member

Is that pic of an middle aged guy that isn't in any of the trailers actually Cid but only younger? He looks almost the same.


I had a feeling people will compare this game to FFXIII and will say how FFXIII was a much better game.
I already do that with XIII - although that's easy thanks in large part to how XIII-2 and Lightning Returns turned out.

XIII still looks amazing today. It played great once the training wheels came off in Pulse. The soundtrack was a delight (although that's one of the few things that held up or got better in the sequels). The localization was solid and inoffensive (yeah, even Vanille). The story was flawed but still comes off as a masterpiece compared to the two games that followed. The late game AI was a legitimate challenge and really tapped into making the most out of mastering the battle system. I didn't even find Lightning all that offensive in the first game as it was treated as a true ensemble cast and she wasn't elevated to some mythical deity for Toriyama to fanboy over.

So yeah, I don't have a problem with XIII. And XIV evolved into something exceptional in the MMO space with a lot of time and hard work put in to reshape it into something special.

I don't have any hope of XV being salvaged in a similar fashion... but we'll see. Everything about this production comes off like it'll wind up as the most shallow gaming experience since... well, what was Ubisoft's last game again? I'll just say Watch Dogs. Yeah, Watch Dogs. Probably won't play as well as Watch Dogs, either. And won't sell as much as Watch Dogs 2.


I really don't play FF games for superior visual quality, so that's not what I'm most concerned about. In their decision to make this open world, and get the highest level quality/real time weather/day night cycle, wildlife, etc that all uses resources, and I just want the game to run well.

- decent story
- solid fps with minimal dips
- good battle system
- lots of side content that doesn't amount to fetch quests

If they can deliver on the above I'll be happy enough.


LOL if I've never played ff7, my thoughts would be like "this shit sounds ridiculous and awful".
Doesn't it? And yet FFVII overall was/is a pretty amazing game. Everyone is overreacting like crazy.

Also concerning The car driving off road. Is that a really big deal? You have chocobos, airship and can hoof it on foot. Does the car have to drive off road? I mean if they had a tank or armored troop carrier it could be cool, but what does driving a sports car onto the wilderness buy you?
Not reading the leak. Don't care. I loved the XIII trilogy, so I'm pretty much guaranteed to like this one.

Bearded Noct is amazing, should've been like that the whole game.
I really don't play FF games for superior visual quality, so that's not what I'm most concerned about. In their decision to make this open world, and get the highest level quality/real time weather/day night cycle, wildlife, etc that all uses resources, and I just want the game to run well.

- decent story
- solid fps with minimal dips
- good battle system

- lots of side content that doesn't amount to fetch quests

If they can deliver on the above I'll be happy enough.

Got some bad news, bud...
Really not feeling the voice acting at all. There's something really off about it. It sounds like a Sonic game or a cheap cartoon.

(and super disappointed they didn't fix Cid and her boob design)


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Final Fantasy IV story
- cecil is bad then good
- murders whole town
- while going back to save the baron castle, many characters die
- when u ride the airship, few towns, barren map, not so much sidequests
- story is basically try to save 4 crystals, try to save 4 more (but you only get to see 1-2 in the next world)
- second world is barren also
- you also go to the moon, no towns
- game is unbalanced
- fake job system
- generic ending, everyone is happy and bad guy is killed

You missed Kain continuing to betray the party. Could have fit that in there like 4 times.


Loved the footage, these are my observations (I am not the most observant person in the world, mind you):

- That intro! Shows some real storytelling potential;
- When taking the wheel, you are shown the duration of the journey, which is nice;
- Combat looks awesome! Very flashy and also seems to have quite some depth;
- IQ not very good, for example the faces look somewhat plastic;
- Love the banter: sometimes very informative or interesting, other times just funny because of incredibly stupid puns (some people might find them cringeworthy, can see that too);
- I kind of liked the monster design: the crustaceans looked good, and the giant bird (do we know it from previous games?) was gorgeous!;
- Battle camera seems really good! Even in small corridors;
- Voice acting was quite good (only a few questionable lines in my opinion);

There it is. Feel very good about this game, and am highly hyped for november 29!


Noctis is sent off to marry Luna, his childhood friend, in order to secure the peace for his kingdom. Once he has left the capital, the empire attacks the kindgom and kills his father. Luna, learning the truth about the empire's intentions, starts her own journey to awaken the lost summons all over the world.

Noctis learns that the king is now dead and gets fustrated because he couldn't say goodbye to his father one last time. He decides to go to Altissia to meet Luna, who's been held captive by the empire. Before Noctis gets there, hell breaks loose in Altissia and Luna scapes awaking Leviathan.

After that, Noctis chases Luna around the world while learning that he needs to gather the power of the ancient kings in order to prevent the world from falling into despair. When he finally gets to Luna, the bad evil guy finally reveals himself as the first guardian/king of the crystal. The only way Noctis can beat him is to sacrifice 10 years of his life to gather the power of the world's lifestream.

10 years later, Noctis and his friends finally return home with one last mission, take back the throne and save the world.

It's all about presentation. inb4 "it still sounds bad as hell lmao" posts.
It's not all about presentation. If that's the case, artistically beautiful films would be considered the best films. But that's not the case. The core plot has to be good. The basic ideas should be interesting.

What you described is nothing special, and it lacks an interesting hook to stand out among all those other stories. For all the claim of "road movie", what you summarized is pretty run of the mill hero story.

Watch Dogs pitched a setting and concept of technology and how it has become more and more pervasive in society and our lives. Undertale promotes a society of what we would call monsters as 'normal' and encourages non-violent means of settlement, and asks the player to question traditional play. The recent Personas also embraced specific ideas that lent the games solid hooks and themes that are apparent in the styles and stories (death for P3, identity in P4, societal dissatisfaction in P5).

Whether these games were successful or not at executing their story ideas, part of what is compelling about them are these ideas. And FF15 has none to speak of.


That 50 minutes video was pretty great. Didn't watch all of it, just skipped around, but I loved everything I saw. Hyped again!

Jesus that dub is terrible, haha.

Yeah, is dual audio still confirmed?

Got some bad news, bud...

I really like the battle system, personally. Liked it since Duscae, but Platinum Demo combat was awesome.

The performance was complete trash though, both the framerate and framepacing.


Ugh, God. Somebody please tell me it's confirmed that the final game will have the Japanese voice track because I really can't stand the English VA, especially Ignis.

Liking what I'm seeing so far, though. Only problem I'd have--and this has nothing to do with any of the recent information, of course--is that I feel like combat will be a little too hectic since we have a four party members and it's real-time combat as opposed to turn-based.

Oh! And it's cool to see that we can switch outfits. It would be cool if we could get more as we progress farther into the game.
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