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Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae 2.0 coming in May | Trailer at E3, more at Gamescom


Hmm, those two don't look very energetic or outdoorsy. Here, let's try this:


There, that seems more normal.

I hope you did that "cutout" of the Cindy "parts" at work with people looking over your shoulder ... lol


Purple Drazi
I liked Noctis' voice, it reminded me a lot of Tieria Erde from Gundam 00.

Odd, it reminded me of Setsuna. Maybe I just haven't watched 00 in a long time. I should maybe fix that; definitely one of my favorite anime.

But yeah, more than once my friend and I joked that he might turn to Prompto and threaten to "become a Gundam."
That is what he said, but you did cut out a bit of the conversation where it sounds like Tabata is confused about the two points literally being put together like that by the other guy. The two sentence fragments together could kind of read like, "Cindy is too sexy, put that woman in the party!", which could seem like an odd bit of feedback.

Seemed like an overall positive and realistic reaction to feedback overall, so I'm not feeling so worried about the game's progress going forward.
I want to hope there's at least some subtle bits lost in a direct translation because I really don't want to have to admit that anyone could still possibly be that incredibly tonedeaf regarding female characters in games. Someone needs to clarify to them that the issues are two separate problems players have with the demo. It would be depressing for them to listen just to not put the pieces together correctly.
It's still a grievous sort of disconnect re: marketing, though, and it could still reflect within the scope of this game. I think we're probably safe, but that was a heck of an odd segment.

That specific comment didn't come from Tabata. The guy that said it is just a marketer at Square. So there's no reason to think that the game will reflect that comment. With Tabata, he was against the idea of changing Cidney's design, but he did feel that they went to far with how they presented her and he's going to try to change that.


It's clear that perhaps Tabata doesn't feel quite the same way, but the guy who said it let his views on women shine through more than just that one time.
That's fair. This is the first ATR I've watched so I'm not familiar with his views. Hopefully the feedback gives the women on the team some ammunition for making their viewpoints more incorporated into the game's ethos.
Aeana speaks Japanese. She would understand if there was something else being said, and she said there's not.
As do I. I also watched the entire exchange in video form and not just half of it via screenshots. I just mentioned the way I interpreted the situation while watching; I'm not pretending Japan is super progressive on gender issues.


That is what he said, but you did cut out a bit of the conversation where it sounds like Tabata is confused about the two points literally being put together like that by the other guy. The two sentence fragments together could kind of read like, "Cindy is too sexy, put that woman in the party!", which could seem like an odd bit of feedback. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They seemed to say they wouldn't be emphasizing her sexiness going forward, which I interpreted as some more tastefully done camera angles. I think that would help quite a bit. Maybe I'm giving them all too much credit.

Seemed like an overall positive and realistic reaction to feedback overall, so I'm not feeling so worried about the game's progress going forward.

I want to hope there's at least some subtle bits lost in a direct translation because I really don't want to have to admit that anyone could still possibly be that incredibly tonedeaf regarding female characters in games. Someone needs to clarify to them that the issues are two separate problems players have with the demo. It would be depressing for them to listen just to not put the pieces together correctly.

Aeana speaks Japanese. She would understand if there was something else being said, and she said there's not.


that puzzling face
I think discussing Japan's stance on gender roles is just about as useful as Japan discussing the second amendment.

yes, I'm aware FFXV is targeted at the global market etc


Purple Drazi
That specific comment didn't come from Tabata. The guy that said it is just a marketer at Square. So there's no reason to think that the game will reflect that comment. With Tabata, he was against the idea of changing Cidney's design, but he did feel that they went to far with how they presented her and he's going to try to change that.

Ah, thanks. That changes my perspective a fair bit. Good news.
Yeah, I get the impression the tone of this game is going to be pretty horrendous between this and the total "lol who cares" response to what was apparently Europe's #1 complaint.

They're not interested in taking feedback seriously, and don't even seem to understand that people could want women as party members for reasons other than being sex objects.

All that and how he talked about them 'acting differently' around women makes me imagine how annoying the guest party member section will be.
It's just so frustrating man, as are all the people defending Cidney's design.

I truly hope that Japan gets a huge feminist movement someday soon.


The reason there won't be any permanent female party members is because they wanted the story to be about 4 bros. Simple as that. Not because they hate women are just see view them as sex objects. Lmao, you guys are definitely looking too deeply in their comments.


The demo has many many problems. The finished product may be more than a year away but will likely release anyway but in a broken state. All the complaints in the OP is pretty much what I experienced also.


Well she did say that maybe Tabata didn't look like he felt the same way

Tabata's followup comments were attempting to be a bit more accommodating to the complaints. With that said, there's some context to keep in mind here: Cindy's design was apparently the #1 complaint coming from Europe. Their response basically amounted to "maybe we went a little too far, but we're men! we won't change it, but maybe we'll focus a little bit less on her assets in the cutscenes" Despite Tabata being a bit apologetic, the overall tone from him is not dramatically different. He doesn't want to make major changes, and feels that the designers of the character did a good job. So everybody who's concerned about them changing her design because they like it can chill out. Clearly nothing's going to change.
Yeah, the Cindy comment makes no sense. I would say less than 0.00001% of mechanics in the world have a get up like that...I mean sure, Cindy is nice eye candy, but dressed inappropriately considering the context. They should give her a t-shirt and longer shorts at least...

Hmm, those two don't look very energetic or outdoorsy. Here, let's try this:


There, that seems more normal.



All that and how he talked about them 'acting differently' around women makes me imagine how annoying the guest party member section will be.
It's just so frustrating man, as are all the people defending Cidney's design.

I truly hope that Japan gets a huge feminist movement someday soon.

I myself don't have a problem with Cindy's design. Does that make me sexist?


Tabata's followup comments were attempting to be a bit more accommodating to the complaints. With that said, there's some context to keep in mind here: Cindy's design was apparently the #1 complaint coming from Europe. Their response basically amounted to "maybe we went a little too far, but we're men! we won't change it, but maybe we'll focus a little bit less on her assets in the cutscenes" Despite Tabata being a bit apologetic, the overall tone from him is not dramatically different. He doesn't want to make major changes, and feels that the designers of the character did a good job. So everybody who's concerned about them changing her design because they like it can chill out. Clearly nothing's going to change.

I just hope it doesn't reflect the game's tone, but yeah I was dissapointed by their reaction to that complaint.


Tabata's followup comments were attempting to be a bit more accommodating to the complaints. With that said, there's some context to keep in mind here: Cindy's design was apparently the #1 complaint coming from Europe. Their response basically amounted to "maybe we went a little too far, but we're men! we won't change it, but maybe we'll focus a little bit less on her assets in the cutscenes" Despite Tabata being a bit apologetic, the overall tone from him is not dramatically different. He doesn't want to make major changes, and feels that the designers of the character did a good job. So everybody who's concerned about them changing her design because they like it can chill out. Clearly nothing's going to change.

Yeah, the director is a guy who seems to think being "cheerful and active" requires showing a lot of skin, and also made sure to include plenty of creepshot content in Type 0, and also directed a game called The Third Birthday.

This other dude sounds like a piece of work but there's no need for others to pretend these general attitudes aren't coming right from the top.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
More or less the negative things noted by the players are similar to what I was complaining about. Two things I don't agree with are definitely Cindy's design and personality – that I personaly love, my fav. char in the demo so far – and Noctis' NA voice... now about this one last, other than the poor voice acting (came by the short time they had at disposal for the voice direction), what's all that batman-voice complaining? Japanese Noctis sounds also very "batman-ish" so that's the way the character has been thought out, why people want that changed?


More or less the negative things noted by the players are similar to what I was complaining about. Two things I don't agree with are definitely Cindy's design and personality – that I personaly love, my fav. char in the demo so far – and Noctis' NA voice... now about this one last, other than the poor voice acting (came by the short time they had at disposal for the voice direction), what's all that batman-voice complaining? Japanese Noctis sounds also very "batman-ish" so that's the way the character has been thought out, why people want that changed?

His voice sounds way too deep with how he is built physically. And he's pretty young, in typical jrpg I assume he's 16-18 (older than that and you are generally a general).


Nice! Hopefully the fps will look a lot more stable, probably easily my biggest complaint, wasn't great even when just running with no one around.
Manual dodging and move cancelling also seem great additions combat wise, just wonder what their stance is for mid air combat, don't know if its just not in the demo or not.

Good to hear they tweaked Noctis' voice too, looking forward to hear that, but Gladious voice was more annoying for me, his Japan version had a sorta... jolly/jokey side to it?, while the English version just tried to be very serious, hope that gets changed too.

As for Cidney, don't really care so much I about her appearance, I just want the game already please, ha ha. Understand that she probably doesn't represent the "norm" for what female mechanics would wear, and perhaps I would personally prefer her to just wear a T shirt or something, but can't say her current form really disgusts me or shocks me. With it being the no. 1 complaint in europe though, maybe just put a T shirt on her or something.
I'm surprised that Cindy's design was the number one complaint in Europe. I was also surprised by their response, which was just plain bizarre. That's like some Ueda "girls can't climb" shit.

Anyway, I'm annoyed that they're not fixing the dash. It sucks!


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
If the full-marketing machine starts at Gamescom I think it's easy to expect this game for Spring 2016.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
His voice sounds way too deep with how he is built physically. And he's pretty young, in typical jrpg I assume he's 16-18 (older than that and you are generally a general).

I do also think the voice is at start surprising, but if you listen to Jap Noctis also there the voice is quite more deep and malish than the way the boy looks. I mean, it's simply like that. I fear now we'll have a younger western Noctis and a more adult Noctis.

Also I think his age ranges between 21 and 24 and not 16 and 18.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest

Usually they release games 8-10 months after the fullscale marketing starts. Unless with the gamescom speech they didn't really mean any blow-out. But expecting this game for end of 2016? Sounds so late even for a lazy publisher like S-E...


So they are going to show this at every event from now on? Could this mean that this game may actually release before or around next years E3? I sure hope so.


I do also think the voice is at start surprising, but if you listen to Jap Noctis also there the voice is quite more deep and malish than the way the boy looks. I mean, it's simply like that. I fear now we'll have a younger western Noctis and a more adult Noctis.

Also I think his age ranges between 21 and 24 and not 16 and 18.

Surprising if you are right on his age I think he would be the oldest JRPG protagonist ever. It wasn't a deal breaker for me but I instantly noticed how he sounded like Batman or Jensen in Deus Ex. Hopefully they won't go too young and land just an octave or two lower than now.


Purple Drazi
Usually they release games 8-10 months after the fullscale marketing starts. Unless with the gamescom speech they didn't really mean any blow-out. But expecting this game for end of 2016? Sounds so late even for a lazy publisher like S-E...

There's no way to be sure Gamescom is intended as the beginning of some massive finish line blitz. I get where you're coming from, but every fiber of my body tells me this is not a Spring 2016 release, but a Fall 2016 one.

And honestly if Kagari is noping that's just solidifying my stance, heh.


Some pretty irritating comments in the transcript. Not only is it just stupid, this is not how anyone working on a franchise in the state Final Fantasy is in should be responding to feedback.

Demo was fairly underwhelming overall, to me and I don't think I'll fiddle with any iterations on it. I'm far more interested in how the whole package comes together in the full version although at this point I'm not really all that excited either way. Still, they should take their time and build up a strong base they can reiterate on in the future. It'd be nice to see series have some stable legs to stand on again, they seem so lost. I thought they were headed in a nice direction with XI & XII until that approach was quickly tossed out the window going into XIII.


Relevant to my interests. I had to watch the whole thing to evaluate it objectively.

Hmm, those two don't look very energetic or outdoorsy. Here, let's try this:


There, that seems more normal.
I can't put my finger on it, but something about this image makes those two guys seem sporty and ready for action, as though they spent most of their lives in the kitchen and have just discovered that the whole world can be their kitchen. Is it the haircuts?


as if 3rd birthday wasn't enough evidence, it's starting to look like we chalk up just about any game that Tabata works on to have gross representation of females.


The number 1 complaint is a character is "too sexy", lol

Thanks for the laugh Europe

*cue Right Said Fred


I know there are a million and one valid reasons to harp on BioWare, but this kind of integral misunderstanding just makes me want to stand up and start hugging all my BioWare games by comparison.

Maybe in another decade, Square.

Bioware? Miranda's ass and tits, sexbot cameltoes and nerd dream female-only promiscuous Asari race? Truly a bastion against sexism.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Bioware? Miranda's ass and tits, sexbot cameltoes and nerd dream female-only promiscuous Asari race? Truly a bastion against sexism.

And also that female I can't even remember the name that completely became sexy going from ME 2 to ME 3 lol. Also why men can be sexy (Shepard or any game protagonist more or less) and women can't lol.


The number 1 complaint is a character is "too sexy", lol

Thanks for the laugh Europe

*cue Right Said Fred
It's a well known fact that too much clothing inhibits movement. If anything, Cindy needs a skimpier outfit if gamers are supposed to take her seriously.


If someone called me "too sexy" I'd take it as a compliment not as a complaint. I'm saying this as a guy though.


Purple Drazi
Bioware? Miranda's ass and tits, sexbot cameltoes and nerd dream female-only promiscuous Asari race? Truly a bastion against sexism.

I figured it was only a matter of time before someone brought that up!

It's not an unfair assessment, either, but they're pretty good overall, I think. Plenty of well-written women, including Miranda, and plenty of female party members who exist for far, far more reason than eye candy. And female protagonist options, too, with high-quality voice acting and -- although it's taken too long -- a good amount of marketing rep as of late.

We probably shouldn't go too far down the BioWare-examination rabbit hole in this thread, though, but I understand that I'm the one who mentioned them so you're only responding in kind.


Wow this is all great news, they seem to fix things pretty fast if it's to be believed.
Kinda sucks we can't warp outside of combat, but I can forgive it because I understand where that could end up. At the same time thought it does seem like they have a lot of work ahead of them... and like someone said it may ship broken anyways.

It would be funny but sad to hear this game was rushed. Just yesterday I was comparing a lot of animations from the demo to the ps3 version and they kept a lot of the animations so we can't say technically the development only started 2012, they had some things done years before the transition to ps4.

This is how Cidney should ideally look
I am really getting sick of this blatant sexualiazation especially in Japanese games
Sometimes it feels like the stereotype of loser otaku who's never seen a woman is very true

It's sad because I enjoy every other aspect of this game and cannot wait for it
Wait...Japan thought it was TOO HARD? Aren't these the same population of players which 10% have cleared the current raid tier in FFXIV compared to 2% of NA/EU? What the hell?


The people defending and trying to justify Cindy's design are either completely tone deaf misogynist or both. Theres nothing wrong with liking the design but saying it isn't a problematic design, glossing over that the design is pretty much only for male gaze, or even attempting to justify the design jsut signals that you have your head way too far up "japanese culture" to actually see the problems with it.

fyi: I'm one of the Euro's that complained about the design. I find it completely immersion breaking because it doesn't really feel like it belongs in the world they've created. The sketch being passed around is a much better design. It actually looks like a mechanics getup and its attractive without being in your face with ass 'n' titties.
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