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Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae 2.0 coming in May | Trailer at E3, more at Gamescom


There's dog monster that the camera is having a hard time keeping up with. They are a total pain in the ass to fight against. Let alone a herd of 10-12 of them. And that's even without mentionning to get a hard camera lock-on you need to keep a button pressed for 2-3 second, otherwise you need to keep the lock on button pressed.

They need to slow the enemies down or speed us up depending on their vision of the combat system.
A combat camera configured to pull away a bit more and give a better comprehension of the surroundings would alleviate this.

I have played the demo a lot and I still do not understand the lock-on mechanic.


that puzzling face
They need to slow the enemies down or speed us up depending on their vision of the combat system.

You know how virtually every JRPG has those enemies with absurdly high evade where you just shrug and hit them with magic instead?


God forbid there are mob types that do different things in a game.

God forbid the demo doesn't have magic either... oh wait

(Tabata hinted as much when fielding the 'monotonous' question)


Final fantasy is one of the few game series with pretty much a 50/50 male/female split.
They do some design choices that gravitates heavily to male audience in FF15. It may be bias of producer and not series in general, but still it looks like there is some preferences in gender.
You don't usually rely on all-boys talks to attract female audience (the opposite is also true - all-girls talks are not so much interesting for boys).
I hope you're right but it's a pretty common design choice in western open-world games.

The music has been worked on long before the director shift, so i'd think that overworld/exploration themes would've been recorded back then. As long as there are new themes for each area, then there's little risk of the player growing tired of them. Especially if they're handled like a Xenoblade-style, where there are not only different themes per area, but also different themes for day and night in those areas.


Biggest disappointment for me beyond the appearance, is that they chose cindy instead of cidney for her name in NA. If she really is the cid in this game, they totally missed the mark.


They do some design choices that gravitates heavily to male audience in FF15. It may be bias of producer and not series in general, but still it looks like there is some preferences in gender.
You don't usually rely on all-boys talks to attract female audience (the opposite is also true - all-girls talks are not so much interesting for boys).

dont you think that is a problem? how would you like it if as a fan you all of a sudden felt like you were being marginalised?


You know how virtually every JRPG has those enemies with absurdly high evade where you just shrug and hit them with magic instead?


God forbid there are mob types that do different things in a game.

God forbid the demo doesn't have magic either... oh wait

(Tabata hinted as much when fielding the 'monotonous' question)

Wish they'd put in a magic system even though the effects weren't final. It's either melee combat only or instant win Ramuh.


Biggest disappointment for me beyond the appearance, is that they chose cindy instead of cidney for her name in NA. If she really is the cid in this game, they totally missed the mark.

Cid is also in the game iirc he is mentionned in the demo. He is a military leader of some sort. I can't find his full name at the moment but I'm pretty sure his name is dropped in the demo.


I understand perfectly. I stand by my previous comment. I've seen this happen way too many times before: at first the developers state they won't change a thing, before caving into the P.C. outraged crowd. If SE sticks to their original artistic vision, then awesome, but I 'm just expressing my 2cents on the matter.

The 'PC outraged crowd', yes because saying a girl with her tits hanging out of her bra isnt suitable attire for a mechanic as claimed in the video is PC. Get out


They need to slow the enemies down or speed us up depending on their vision of the combat system.
They should just take Type0 style camera, because in FF15 now you have no idea what's going on on a screen half of the time. And dodge-rolls would be nice too.

dont you think that is a problem? how would you like it if as a fan you all of a sudden felt like you were being marginalised?
I will not buy a game if I feel marginalized. But I really don't want them to change their core stance, it's their vision, their approach and finally their game. Not mine. Even if I will be out of target audience due to current vision. And even if they might fail due to poorly chosen idea.
I like FF14 approach to this matter - they listen community on actual problems, room of improvements, player-vision on imbalances and stuff. And then they do things in a way they think they should be, taking into account all the information received. But it's often quite different of what community hoped for.
The game should have integrity and consistency, and this means that only one decision-making body should exist and it should have it's own complete vision of what is the game and should follow it. And when a vocal outsider can actually change a game - game quickly becomes a mess.


Currently playing through Type 0 where all the female characters wear skirts and it's pretty much unavoidable to get upskirt views when dodging.

It's really lame.

I've shown Ducae to a quite a few friends and pretty much every time when they're going to Cidney they've made a comment about how inappropriate her clothes are, the animations of her bent down in front of the car or the camera angles.

I think it's the same issue where Japanese anime has shifted primarily to catering towards the pervert demographic.


I wonder how dodge-roll will be implemented. If I can recall correctly all the buttons are used except for R2 and L2.

Circle = Jump
Triangle= Techniques
X= Warp
Square= Attack
L1= Defend/Warp dodge
R1= Lock-on
L1+circle= Manual warp-dodge

There doesn't seem enough buttons for a dodge roll. Maybe they will replace Manual warp-dodge with dodge roll?


Ah, so much nice stuff here. I look forward to play the 2.0 version, but that CINDY-debacle is just fucking with my enjoyment of following this game. The only defense for this design move that I can think of is the fact that males are treated somewhat similar (Gladio).

Please, if anyone with direct contact with Tabata, send him to Europe for some gender education lessons. I will happily sponsor his stay in Sweden if it would help.
(Might be somewhat extreme to send him to Sweden, let’s say Norway instead!).


Another thing in regards to Cindy's character design. I care much more about how she acts than how she dresses. And judging from the demo, her personality didn't come off as being an airhead, slutty or even flirtatious. She was professional and all business.


Junior Member
I always felt that Tabata doesn't know how to PR. The answers he had given to sensitive questions are always terribly worded or in a way that makes people stressed up. People who had followed his past interviews and ATR might know what I'm talking about.


Wait, this is incredible. They're actually changing the voice direction following feedback. And people said that would never happen. I specifically stated Batman in my comments too.



Wait, this is incredible. They're actually changing the voice direction following feedback. And people said that would never happen. I specifically stated Batman in my comments too.


At the same time, they refuse to change the most problematic issue for most Europeans....


Another thing in regards to Cindy's character design. I care much more about how she acts than how she dresses. And judging from the demo, her personality didn't come off as being an airhead, slutty or even flirtatious. She was professional and all business.

That's why her looks are even more off-putting.


Purple Drazi
Currently playing through Type 0 where all the female characters wear skirts and it's pretty much unavoidable to get upskirt views when dodging.

It's really lame.

I've shown Ducae to a quite a few friends and pretty much every time when they're going to Cidney they've made a comment about how inappropriate her clothes are, the animations of her bent down in front of the car or the camera angles.

I think it's the same issue where Japanese anime has shifted primarily to catering towards the pervert demographic.

It's a sad, weird cycle. Many Japanese consider console gamers "weird", more so than in the past from what I've documented. But it's a self-fulfilling stigma, because the games being made are fitting the bill like crazy.

It also turns out that we got Warp dodge vs dodge roll because they were hitting tight limits before shipping the un-optimized demo. Understandable.

But... out of battle warping was possible up until February. So... was out of battle warping really "buggy", or are a certain pair of machines already hitting a wall? Like, memory leak/ GTX 970 vram level stuff?

Jeez, what was this game like on PS3?

Fun ramblings: . If you walk long enough around the rock edges when you get out of bounds without hitting the right LOD triggers, the game stops loading assets properly. Going to the other side of the map by the stone arches is a bland zone, if you got out by the gas station. Much of the archways don't have collision, btw. Hopefully they fix that in the final game. Additionally, near the 'pride' rock (which also doesn't have collision near the top) in the North East part of the map, there is a spot where you can trigger a battle without getting attacked and freely warp dodge around a pocket of space about 15x15 ft. Noct also has shivering animations when you walk out of bounds behind the top of the cave.

I wonder if the demo area is going to see a significant overhaul in terms of boundary placement in the final game?

I bet 2.0 is going to patch the out of bounds trick too :(
Cindy issues aside. They fixed every single issue I had in mind, keeping in mind that its a early acces demo. I really appreciate the honesty of the dev team.


The reason there won't be any permanent female party members is because they wanted the story to be about 4 bros. Simple as that. Not because they hate women are just see view them as sex objects. Lmao, you guys are definitely looking too deeply in their comments.

This is my take as well. It's a male-bonding road trip game, we know it, and they apparently know that we know it too, hence the assumption that anyone asking for a chick in the party either doesn't get the premise, or doesn't find Cindy to be their type and can't bear being without something more respectably dressed to lust after.

Gladiolus is practically shirtless. Where's the outcry for him being deemed "too sexy"?

Exactly. The dude is physically flawless and as meticulously engineered to sell sex as Cindy is. And he'll sell copies of the game to girls like Cindy will sell to guys, at least in Japan.

Square Enix sells sex appeal using guys just as much as -if not more than- with women. It's a virtual movie star industry for them, and we really shouldn't feel awkward about taking part in it, or enjoying looking at attractive fictional people.


Wouldn't it be better if they released the demo patch at E3 and used E3 as a way to promote it and show press they're listening to feedback? A teaser trailer only for FFXV would be pretty stark, given that many expect FFXV at their conference this year
I remember me and a few friends after hearing Noctis' voice a while back in a trailer thought it sounded really whiny, so we were pleasantly surprised when he turned in to Batman. But they're going back to that whiny voice from the trailer aren't they :/


It also turns out that we got Warp dodge vs dodge roll because they were hitting tight limits before shipping the un-optimized demo. Understandable.

But... out of battle warping was possible up until February. So... was out of battle warping really "buggy", or are a certain pair of machines already hitting a wall? Like, memory leak/ GTX 970 vram level stuff?

I understood this is because if you can warp to any surface, you need to do a shit ton of QA to assure that you can't warp anywhere you're not supposed to.

In a large world that might be impossible if the world is supposed to have boundaries and isn't 100% free roam like GTA.

So they really want to waste resources into a Demo?

Why not finish up the game instead already?

The progress they make with the engine applies to both the demo and the full game, demo is just a limited area to show us those features. It's not like they're making new quests to the demo or anything.


So they really want to waste resources into a Demo?

Why not finish up the game instead already?

Maybe the way they work allow the enhancement to happen to both full game and demo without duplicate the workload? Like sharing lib and things and it just a matter of patching it to demo?


Biggest disappointment for me beyond the appearance, is that they chose cindy instead of cidney for her name in NA. If she really is the cid in this game, they totally missed the mark.

The real Cid is flat out mentioned in the demo as the father of cindy, he will most likley make an appearance in the full game and do stuff.
Or he could die the moment you meet him and cindy will replace him for you guys to have even more of a problem with her, just hypothetically speaking.


Biggest disappointment for me beyond the appearance, is that they chose cindy instead of cidney for her name in NA. If she really is the cid in this game, they totally missed the mark.

It's stupid when you play with Japanese voices, you clearly hear Sidonie/Sydney, not Cindy.


It's stupid when you play with Japanese voices, you clearly hear Sidonie/Sydney, not Cindy.

They could either make a correction or just not make a change at all, don't know how much faith one can possibly have in their localization quality right now.


Biggest disappointment for me beyond the appearance, is that they chose cindy instead of cidney for her name in NA. If she really is the cid in this game, they totally missed the mark.

I felt the same way until I heard Cindy mention that her dad was named Cid. So there is another character named Cid in the game, so I don't see Cindy as "the" Cid any more.
This is my take as well. It's a male-bonding road trip game, we know it, and they apparently know that we know it too, hence the assumption that anyone asking for a chick in the party either doesn't get the premise, or doesn't find Cindy to be their type and can't bear being without something more respectably dressed to lust after.

Exactly. The dude is physically flawless and as meticulously engineered to sell sex as Cindy is. And he'll sell copies of the game to girls like Cindy will sell to guys, at least in Japan.

Square Enix sells sex appeal using guys just as much as -if not more than- with women. It's a virtual movie star industry for them, and we really shouldn't feel awkward about taking part in it, or enjoying looking at attractive fictional people.

Neff with the truth bombs. The hyper sensitivity to female sexualisation in the industry is becoming ridiculous. I'm not even going to deny its an issue, but the furore surrounding FF XV's depiction of Cindy seems a bit manufactured imo. It's not as if the all male protag cast aren't also meant to be viewed as sexy, 'perfect' young men.
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