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Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae |OT| Brought to you by Coleman™

Dude, believe me, I've tried virtually every imaginable thing I can think of, including specific combinations of legs, core + tail, head, right side (deadeye, blind spot, etc) you name it. His hind legs even have two separate lock-on spots (per leg, I mean). I can't make sense of it watching footage from over 10 different encounters. As in, actually paying careful attention and not having to devote brainpower to actually PLAYING the game.

The -only- predictability I can find in his AI is that attacking his head causes him to use his Parry move a lot more.

edit: Actually, that also may be down to positioning more than attacking a specific point. Garulas and Sabertusks both can be forced to use their Parry moves from the front, for example.

The behemoth fight in general needs a lot of tuning to provide satisfying areas of weakness and opportunity, I agree. There doesn't seem to be a very effective way to bring him down beyond Armiger cheese and that's a shame. Would like to see him use his parry move more often- and for it to have a greater effect- and for limb damage to be better expressed with individual health bars if that's how he's staggered. As it is, taking him down sans Armiger is a long frustrating experience, especially once he enrages and slings out attacks with barely enough pause to let you poke him once between cycles.


Does anyone find the camera when you're in shops a bit weird as well? The forced slowdown in your walking speed is a bit irritating even if I do get what they're going for.


Does anyone find the camera when you're in shops a bit weird as well? The forced slowdown in your walking speed is a bit irritating even if I do get what they're going for.

the shop is kinda tight spaced though, I really like that whole zoom in and walk thing.
Yeah, someone should try and look for an unused 3D model named Stella :D
I think the Naga and Wild Horn models can be found in the demo files. Same goes for the Titan summon that was originally supposed to be in the demo. If it was on PC, someone could have modded the unused car driving code and unlocked it :p


that puzzling face



Kinda OT, but you know what I'm actually looking forward to now? Mevius FF. I finally got a cheap, decent tablet a few days ago that should be able to run it. Could be fun if they built it from ground up for touchscreens and if it's not F2P. I hope Mizuta is the composer.

Also tried out SE's Heavenstrike which is surprisingly charming and well-made with a nice soundtrack from Ryo Yamazaki (synthesizer programmer and composer on many FFs) and character design by Ryoma Ito (FF Tactics Advance, FFXII:RW). It has the typical F2P regenerating "Stamina" mechanics though, but if you only play in short sessions (15-30min) and want to do the story missions only you won't need to wait. The only F2P game that didn't feel like it was only fun or playable if you paid all the time was Sakaguchi's Terra Battle. Played that for weeks, which I never did with a mobile game.


Crystal Bearer
Kinda OT, but you know what I'm actually looking forward to now? Mevius FF. I finally got a cheap, decent tablet a few days ago that should be able to run it. Could be fun if they built it from ground up for touchscreens and if it's not F2P. I hope Mizuta is the composer.

Also tried out SE's Heavenstrike which is surprisingly charming and well-made with a nice soundtrack from Ryo Yamazaki (synthesizer programmer and composer on many FFs) and character design by Ryoma Ito (FF Tactics Advance, FFXII:RW). It has the typical F2P regenerating "Stamina" mechanics though, but if you only play in short sessions (15-30min) and want to do the story missions only you won't need to wait. The only F2P game that didn't feel like it was only fun or playable if you paid all the time was Sakaguchi's Terra Battle. Played that for weeks, which I never did with a mobile game.

This is not the thread for that, man.


FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting

community thread is dead

you could have made it not-dead


This is not the thread for that, man.

Okay, sorryyy! But wouldn't that Heavenstrike part be even too random for Community? :D Should have posted in that Android gaming thread I just found again, I guess, though I thought it might have been interesting for you guys, too, because some FF staff worked on it.

Whatever, back on topic:
Having watched Falk's walkthrough yesterday I realized that the blue particle effect after successfully dodging is really necessary as a visual indicator, though it might could be toned down a bit eventually. I didn't know if I liked it when I saw it first in the demo ATR, but I think it's important to have it in some form.
And man, if only more people would have known about R3 lock-on, which I'm sure still many don't do even after having finished it and having done their write-ups, their impressions would have been way better. Well, the overall opinion is pretty positive, anyway, I think.

Watching Falk play made it look way more fun and fluid. This demo's feedback will be extremely valuable for SE, especially because they have enough time to actually improve stuff in the next 12-18 months.


Crystal Bearer
My point is we don't need every FF-related thread turning into some insular catch-all. It's a bad trend on GAF that needs to be broken.
So I went to fight the Behemoth and he kicked my ass handily. Not sure if spoiler so

I went to the gas station and then some cave and got Rumah summon. Go back and fight the Behemoth and he's kicking my ass, my HP goes to zero and I see a option to summon, I do and it's a auto win.

I get the money and then the car and ride off into the sunset. My questions are

Did I miss anything?

Is it possible to beat the Behemoth without the summon?

And I think I saw in some random YouTube title about there being a hidden/unlock able story scene in the demo, is that true?


So I went to fight the Behemoth and he kicked my ass handily. Not sure if spoiler so

I went to the gas station and then some cave and got Rumah summon. Go back and fight the Behemoth and he's kicking my ass, my HP goes to zero and I see a option to summon, I do and it's a auto win.

I get the money and then the car and ride off into the sunset. My questions are

Did I miss anything?

Is it possible to beat the Behemoth without the summon?

And I think I saw in some random YouTube title about there being a hidden/unlock able story scene in the demo, is that true?

Yup, it is very possible, but it takes around 15mins.
Falk did it, too, yesterday. Can't find the video in his Twitch archive, though.
So I went to fight the Behemoth and he kicked my ass handily. Not sure if spoiler so

I went to the gas station and then some cave and got Rumah summon. Go back and fight the Behemoth and he's kicking my ass, my HP goes to zero and I see a option to summon, I do and it's a auto win.

I get the money and then the car and ride off into the sunset. My questions are

Did I miss anything?

Is it possible to beat the Behemoth without the summon?

And I think I saw in some random YouTube title about there being a hidden/unlock able story scene in the demo, is that true?

You can beat the Behemoth without the summon though it can be quite tricky! There are a ton of small sidequests you can partake in during the demo, however none of them are story related specifically.

And yes, you likely missed all of the phantom swords lol


that puzzling face
So I went to fight the Behemoth and he kicked my ass handily. Not sure if spoiler so

I went to the gas station and then some cave and got Rumah summon. Go back and fight the Behemoth and he's kicking my ass, my HP goes to zero and I see a option to summon, I do and it's a auto win.

I get the money and then the car and ride off into the sunset. My questions are

Did I miss anything?

That's essentially it for the main questline.

Did I miss anything?

And I think I saw in some random YouTube title about there being a hidden/unlock able story scene in the demo, is that true?

Probably talking about the ending that you saw.

Is it possible to beat the Behemoth without the summon?

Yes. Cheese method (alternating between hiding to regen mp then spamming Armiger warp attack) allows you to do it as early as ~lv25

Non-cheese method realistically requires ~lv40
Yup, it is very possible, but it takes around 15mins.
Falk did it, too, yesterday. Can't find the video in his Twitch archive, though.

You can beat the Behemoth without the summon though it can be quite tricky! There are a ton of small sidequests you can partake in during the demo, however none of them are story related specifically.

And yes, you likely missed all of the phantom swords lol

That's essentially it for the main questline.

Probably talking about the ending that you saw.

Yes. Cheese method (alternating between hiding to regen mp then spamming Armiger warp attack) allows you to do it as early as ~lv25

Non-cheese method realistically requires ~lv40

Thanks for the prompt reply!

It's time for Noctis to do some Rocky Balboa style training so that I can reclaim my gaming pride from that Behemoth! ;(


that puzzling face
We will always know this as the Falk method from here on out.

pls, in my playthrough last night I beat him without even using cover once, with a total runtime of 3h30m from restarting the game (first ~1h45 was dedicated to the main questline too)

I expected some true MLG effects, you disappoint me baldfalk :|

I would if I wasn't raging over Youtube STILL processing aforementioned 3h30m playthrough.

in the meantime knock yourself out



just lost an ebay bid for the ps4 demo

$30 is too much though

I still can't believe that SE made it a one-use download code.

You'd think that they would put it on a disc so that people could pass it around, lend it to friends, and build up hype.

Instead it makes Type-0 -- not exactly an awful game -- come off looking like Tobal No. 0. It shouldn't; it's a good game that is worth buying.

And this time you don't even own the demo of the next big FF game. If I want to see what the demo of FF7 was like all those years ago, I can just pop in the disc. How about this time?


Crystal Bearer
I still can't believe that SE made it a one-use download code.

You'd think that they would put it on a disc so that people could pass it around, lend it to friends, and build up hype.

Instead it makes Type-0 -- not exactly an awful game -- come off looking like Tobal No. 0. It shouldn't; it's a good game that is worth buying.

And this time you don't even own the demo of the next big FF game. If I want to see what the demo of FF7 was like all those years ago, I can just pop in the disc. How about this time?

Problem is, demo came in super hot so they didn't have time to print a disc unless they wanted to delay Type-0.


Played a bit more, and got all the phantom swords. Knightsguard is nice, and so is that limit break version of warp strike. Poor Gladio :p

Slowly getting better at the combat. Still don't like the animation lock, and devs definitely need to make the animations shorter AND/OR cancellable. Lightning Returns had higher priority to guard, which meant Lightning could cancel her attacks mid animation if you pressed guard, and this is what needs to happen here. Currently, the combat doesn't feel responsive, and that is an important factor in a good ARPG combat system.

The camera and targeting are still crap and need an overhaul. Targeting basically should be like KH, where you press say R1 to engage/disengage hard lock-on, and then cycle targets with R2. Camera needs to actively follow targets when you are locked on.

Anyway, will be trying to take down the Behemoth without the summon next, using these newfound abilities.


Played a bit more, and got all the phantom swords. Knightsguard is nice, and so is that limit break version of warp strike. Poor Gladio :p

Slowly getting better at the combat. Still don't like the animation lock, and devs definitely need to make the animations shorter AND/OR cancellable. Lightning Returns had higher priority to guard, which meant Lightning could cancel her attacks mid animation if you pressed guard, and this is what needs to happen here. Currently, the combat doesn't feel responsive, and that is an important factor in a good ARPG combat system.

The camera and targeting are still crap and need an overhaul. Targeting basically should be like KH, where you press say R1 to engage/disengage hard lock-on, and then cycle targets with R2. Camera needs to actively follow targets when you are locked on.

Anyway, will be trying to take down the Behemoth without the summon next, using these newfound abilities.
Have you used R3 hard lock-on?^^


Have you used R3 hard lock-on?^^

I have. But it doesn't work like an instant lock on as in KH games. Here, you first have to hold R1 for a second, and then press R3 for hard lock. For a fast and fluid ARPG, that 1 second wait is sluggish, and takes away from the experience.
I have. But it doesn't work like an instant lock on as in KH games. Here, you first have to hold R1 for a second, and then press R3 for hard lock. For a fast and fluid ARPG, that 1 second wait is sluggish, and takes away from the experience.

After you R1 lock you can immediately click R3, there's a delay for you?


After you R1 lock you can immediately click R3, there's a delay for you?

No, I mean that R1 lock takes a second. Unless you're just using the R1 tap for auto soft cycles, which I find is unreliable as it jumps around so much. To be honest tho, I didn't bother using R1 taps after the initial use, so perhaps I can better control it now. Will try later.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I do wonder... Is FFXV still under the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos? And is Etro still in this game?
Finally took the Behemoth down today without using any cheesing, although I did make use of the skill once or twice while he was downed. One thing that really bothered me is that against the Behemoth at least both Ignis' and Prompto's AI are terrible at staying alive. Despite their lowered health compared to Gladio they also seemed to be receiving almost every attack it dealt out. I got bored of keeping them alive in the end and let them die. Ended up taking on the Behemoth with just Gladio as company but it took a very long time.

The 'soft' time limit for killing him off is practically speaking when food buff runs out. Because between increased crit rate and higher stats, you do slightly over 2x dps with the food buff. When it wears out it becomes exponentially longer, especially when he enters his 'berserk' state.

Well no wonder it took me forever. I totally forgot about the buffs from sleeping at camps since I've just been using the caravans to get the xp bonus.


that puzzling face
The 'soft' time limit for killing him off is practically speaking when food buff runs out. Because between increased crit rate and higher stats, you do slightly over 2x dps with the food buff. When it wears out it becomes exponentially longer, especially when he enters his 'berserk' state.


This week Famitsu's article on the game shows a lot of nice details, like the object present in the tent in the beginning, or the various signs around the area.
Love these little details :)


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I do wonder... Is FFXV still under the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos? And is Etro still in this game?

It's definitely still an FNC title but I'm sure they said they're renaming certain key-words to make it easier to understand. Probably l'Cie will be called differently but it will still be there (is Noctis one?).


Junior Member
I think the reason there is animation lock to attacks because each swing is meant to be decisive and committed, kinda like MH and Souls. Problem was while Noctis is taking his sweet ass time, a lot of the quicker enemies have near instantaneous attack animation, not enough telegraph motions to balance out, and enemies often come in packs, making it even worse. In the two series I mentioned, large focus tends to be on a single or two enemies at a time, but this clearly isn't the case with FF15.

They have to do something about it.
This week Famitsu's article on the game shows a lot of nice details, like the object present in the tent in the beginning, or the various signs around the area.
Love these little details :)

yea, lovely details everywhere. I hope this applies to the entire game when finished.

btw. is there a way to check the playtime? Couldn't find it yet.
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