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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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I stand corrected. In the future I'll rightly attribute Roman Reigns followed by an explanation for how Verendus popularized it. Admittedly, I know about as much on wrestling as I do on distant galaxies.

We need to know if you are an astronomer for further context.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I stand corrected. In the future I'll rightly attribute Roman Reigns followed by an explanation for how Verendus popularized it. Admittedly, I know about as much on wrestling as I do on distant galaxies.

Its not a wrestler saying, its slang used by afro americans all the way back decades.


I don't want to get too in-depth here simply because I've not actually played the game and I'm relying on word-of-mouth. I should probably have noted that up front so I apologize if I've misled you. But I'm answering based on what I've heard from people who have played the game; it's just that I don't know the specifics past what I've said. What I can tell you, though, which will probably bring some relief, is that
I've not seen anyone compare the second half's layout to FFXIII corridors at all. It's apparently reasonably more open than that, at least, and there are dungeons and NPCs and so forth, yes. It's just that the "open world" feel is certainly gone.

Game direction kind of spoliery discussion no story stuff:
You know it seems to me like most open world games go that direction. They narrow it in to focus on the story towards the end. Xenoblade, for example, had large open worlds at the beginning but they became smaller and then more linear after Eryth Sea, so about half way or so. Sounds fine to me as long as it's not FF XIII linear. That game legit gave me feelings of claustrophobia I'm not even kidding.


I don't want to get too in-depth here simply because I've not actually played the game and I'm relying on word-of-mouth. I should probably have noted that up front so I apologize if I've misled you. But I'm answering based on what I've heard from people who have played the game; it's just that I don't know the specifics past what I've said. What I can tell you, though, which will probably bring some relief, is that
I've not seen anyone compare the second half's layout to FFXIII corridors at all. It's apparently reasonably more open than that, at least, and there are dungeons and NPCs and so forth, yes. It's just that the "open world" feel is certainly gone.
Nah, it's alright. :) Also, I think you did tell me that you didn't play the game yourself before...
It does bring some relief, yes. I for example really enjoyed Uncharted 4's levels. Most were also "wide linear" and maybe that's more like the areas in the second half of FFXV are?


I for one can appreciate even a messy plot as long as the characters are likeable which seems to be the case for this game so I'm still super excited.

I mean I liked Tales of Graces story but hated Asbel a lot.

I agree. I mean I want there to be some semblance of a plot. Like nobody is expecting movie quality plots out of a final fantasy game haha but to me plots get enhanced greatly when i give a shit about the fate of the characters.

FFX is prime example. I looooooooove the story. So much. But purists might call the plot a piece of shit.


Could you elaborate a little more? because the hold circle is my impression after I played the Platinum Demo.

Since you're using a Bloodborne avatar, I'll draw a parallel here.

You know how in Bloodborne you have all of that combat depth through the use of items, exploiting weaknesses down to damage type (like serrated or thrust), and also things like transformation attacks, rolling attacks, running attacks, charged attacks, backstep attacks and the list goes on?

Well, if someone said that Bloodborne's combat is just hitting R1 to attack and O to dodge, they wouldn't actually be wrong, as it is completely possible to go through the game with just that, but it's an oversimplification that sells the game short compared to what it offers.

Since you played the Platinum Demo, check this out:


If you want to put in the work, there's a lot more to it than just holding O.

And it's not just for flash either, most of the moves he's using in the video have a large amount of iframes, making them excellent ways of avoiding damage, especially since there are some attacks that can't be dodged by holding square. He's also great at managing his MP, which is fundamental in this game.

Balee in me who balees in you who balees in one piece...

As for combat, sure, you can probably get through many encounters by holding O, but that's not all there is in combat. There are plenty of tutorials on youtube right now, that explore surprisingly detailed movesets each weapon type has

Why did you have to ruin it with one piece?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I agree. I mean I want there to be some semblance of a plot. Like nobody is expecting movie quality plots out of a final fantasy game haha but to me plots get enhanced greatly when i give a shit about the fate of the characters.

FFX is prime example. I looooooooove the story. So much. But purists might call the plot a piece of shit.

Purists of what? FF fans like FF stories. There is no "FF purist" because most FF fans cant agree on what is pure about FF in the first place.

I for one can appreciate even a messy plot as long as the characters are likeable which seems to be the case for this game so I'm still super excited.

I mean I liked Tales of Graces story but hated Asbel a lot.

the characters individually are not very interesting, but as a group their interactions and communication is good, based on people who have played the game

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Its not a wrestler saying, its slang used by afro americans all the way back decades.

Yes, you're right, it is. But Verendus specifically started using it to get under WrassleGAF's skin (because it's Roman's catchphrase) because, as has been established, Verendus is a notorious troll.
- Combat is a mess. All you need to do is hold circle and occassionally press square to dodge or block to win enemy encounters. There's little to no skill required here.

But people would still rather have this than a form of turn based...


Purple Drazi
That feel when you're about to log out for a bit and the new page has four people quoting you in a row. o_o;

We need to know if you are an astronomer for further context.

I took a single astronomy course three years ago. I also really, really, really like space opera. So honestly, it was a terrible analogy, because the closest I've ever come to understanding wrestling is that one time nine years ago I was driving across the Howard Frankland Bridge in Tampa Bay and Hulk Hogan waved at me.

...true story.

Its not a wrestler saying, its slang used by afro americans all the way back decades.

Ohh, I see. Thanks.

You know it seems to me like most open world games go that direction. They narrow it in to focus on the story towards the end. Xenoblade, for example, had large open worlds at the beginning but they became smaller and then more linear after Eryth Sea, so about half way or so. Sounds fine to me as long as it's not FF XIII linear. That game legit gave me feelings of claustrophobia I'm not even kidding.

I don't doubt it, either. XIII's linearity made me step back and realize even I can have problems with something being too linear. Xenoblade took me a long time to get into precisely because its first half was so thin of story, but I'm glad I finally did, because the back half is rather rewarding. End of the day, I still prefer my games to have a more routine pacing of plot, but I'll live. :p

Nah, it's alright. :) Also, I think you did tell me that you didn't play the game yourself before...
It does bring some relief, yes. I for example really enjoyed Uncharted 4's levels. Most were also "wide linear" and maybe that's more like the areas in the second half of FFXV are?

I hope so. Uncharted 4, from what I've played, has a really great design. That'd be ideal.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.



But people would still rather have this than a form of turn based...

There is some suspicions as to whether that person even played the game.

But yes I would. The gambit system from XII is my absolute favorite and I know a lot of people hate it.It can be pretty complex for taking on the greater challenges of the game. I much prefer live battle to stop and take turn battles.


I agree. I mean I want there to be some semblance of a plot. Like nobody is expecting movie quality plots out of a final fantasy game.

That's rather odd reasoning. Even movies can be shit. Being a movie doesn't automatically guarantee a well constructed story.

Same as how being a video game shouldn't automatically have low standards for a well constructed story. Especially an RPG, where storytelling and narrative are key aspects of that genre.

It comes down to how well it is written and directed.


About the lack of narrative in the first few chapters, while I didn't play the game, I'll still say I disagree just from the preview footage I've seen.

I guess it depends on what constitutes storytelling to each person. If you're only considering cutscenes, then I can totally see there being little of it, especially in the first half, but the way this game handles exposition and narrative just isn't like that.

I'm not here to tell you how you should play the game, but when the devs go out of their way to add things like Prompto's photographs of gameplay moments, as well as scripted photograph places for you to review, remember your journey and save the ones you like while camping at the end of an in-game day, as well as some camping moments having unique cutscenes and gameplay events tied to them, I think it's safe to say that it's no surprise that the people finishing the game first feel this lack of narrative.

Most of the conversations seem to be contextual and during their journey, if you just rush through the main quest and fast travel everywhere, of course you'll miss a lot in terms of storytelling.

Now, as far as plot focus and urgency are concerned, that I'll definitely agree with, even just by watching footage, but I think it's very much by design, because of what I just mentioned.

This kind of party interaction is the one aspect of this game's narrative that I'm looking forward to the most.


But people would still rather have this than a form of turn based...

Well, that depends. I'm not against turn-based combat, I very much like it, and wouldn't mind it returning in XVI at all. But for this specific game and the combat concepts it tries to achieve, it would absolutely be a waste of potential not to have it being real-time.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Guy probably made a hasty generalization on the battle system. I think that's the only thing I doubt and need to play to see for myself.

Think of it how people keep saying "FFXIII is incredibly simple to play, just press forward and circle/x".


Purple Drazi
About the lack of narrative in the first few chapters, while I didn't play the game, I'll still say I disagree just from the preview footage I've seen.

I guess it depends on what constitutes storytelling to each person. If you're only considering cutscenes, then I can totally see there being little of it, especially in the first half, but the way this game handles exposition and narrative just isn't like that.

I'm not here to tell you how you should play the game, but when the devs go out of their way to add things like Prompto's photographs of gameplay moments, as well as scripted photograph places for you to review, remember your journey and save the ones you like while camping at the end of an in-game day, as well as some camping moments having unique cutscenes and gameplay events tied to them, I think it's safe to say that it's no surprise that the people finishing the game first feel this lack of narrative.

Most of the conversations seem to be contextual and during their journey, if you just rush through the main quest and fast travel everywhere, of course you'll miss a lot in terms of storytelling.

Now, as far as plot focus and urgency are concerned, that I'll definitely agree with, even just by watching footage, but I think it's very much by design, because of what I just mentioned.

This kind of party interaction is the one aspect of this game's narrative that I'm looking forward to the most.

Really insightful post, Gbraga. Thanks for sharing.


I don't think that it's hold O to win and that's the only thing you can do to win any battle.

But it is a core mechanic in combat regarding basic/normal combos and it just doesn't feel satisfying and engaging as mashing the buttons and timing each "basic" attack right.

I tried mashing the buttons, but it just didn't work out for me.

I say that as a huge Judgment demo fan and I played that thing over 10 hours :p
Didn't get a chance to reply to this since the thread for it got locked.. is this really the reversible cover? :I

The cover they showed us still had the labels

Gonna have to go and print this one then because the normal and reversible covers are terrible.

Yeah that's it, pretty disappointing, looks much better with the system banner


Well of course, but that's because you're actually an insane person.

jk, I really like FFXII too

I just didn't see the type-0 hate coming tbh, I played it when it was a PSP game with a fanmade english translation and I fell in love with it. Then I played the remaster and, though its Psp roots where still there and the camera was a mess, I still liked the game.

I like type-0 for the combat and mission design, and the FF fan services. Also the graphic is just insane on PSP.I don't care about the story or the characters. I put over 100 hours into the PSP version. I tried to play it on PS4 and the camera just shits all over me. I wonder if the game will be perceived differently if it came out as what it is: a PSP game.

Edit: oh I see people are already carrying over Verendus memes to this thread, great. The legend of the last thread should not remain locked.


I'm not here to tell you how you should play the game, but when the devs go out of their way to add things like Prompto's photographs of gameplay moments, as well as scripted photograph places for you to review, remember your journey and save the ones you like while camping at the end of an in-game day, as well as some camping moments having unique cutscenes and gameplay events tied to them, I think it's safe to say that it's no surprise that the people finishing the game first feel this lack of narrative.

This kind of party interaction is the one aspect of this game's narrative that I'm looking forward to the most.
Couldn't agree more. I can't think of many games that place so much focus on the bonds between the party like that, at least not the ones I've played (including Persona). I find the nature of the lads' relationships pretty unique compared to other games; the sim-type elements such as cooking, camping, photography and driving appeal to me so much as a means to explore their bonds.


I don't think that it's hold O to win and that's the only thing you can do to win any battle.

But it is a core mechanic in combat regarding basic/normal combos and it just doesn't feel satisfying and engaging as mashing the buttons and timing each "basic" attack right.

I tried mashing the buttons, but it just didn't work out for me.

I say that as a huge Judgment demo fan and I played that thing over 10 hours :p

Sure, I agree. People who say "but you can just mash if you want" are completely missing the point.

Really insightful post, Gbraga. Thanks for sharing.

Well, as I said, didn't play it, so grain of salt and all that, but it's weird to me to see people who were following preview footage getting concerned about it. We know what it's like, and I don't think they've removed all of the bits we enjoyed watching so much in the several videos of Leide and Duscae.

Obviously you can still not like it, but it's not a surprise.

Couldn't agree more. I can't think of many games that place so much focus on the bonds between the party like that, at least not the ones I've played (including Persona). I find the nature of the lads' relationships pretty unique compared to other games; the sim-type elements such as cooking, camping, photography and driving appeal to me so much as a means to explore their bonds.

Absolutely, it's the most refreshing element of this game, for sure. The way they seem to be portraying friendship is quite unique. For as many "power of friendship" JRPGs we have out there, it's strangely rare to see examples of convincing relationships. I was already in love with it back in Episode Duscae, with the tent scene. The little touches like them pushing the phone closer to Noctis trying to wake him up, it's just very believable as a long-lasting friendship. They love each other, and it's great.

I hope the entire game can capture that feeling.
Anyone who has played the JD now that that's not true, so yeah, whatever.

It's not true at all though. :/ Not even in the Judgment demo on easy was it just press attack and evade.

There is some suspicions as to whether that person even played the game.

But yes I would. The gambit system from XII is my absolute favorite and I know a lot of people hate it.It can be pretty complex for taking on the greater challenges of the game. I much prefer live battle to stop and take turn battles.

Yeah no, I've played Judgment Disc extensively, I know for a fact that isn't true.

Well, that depends. I'm not against turn-based combat, I very much like it, and wouldn't mind it returning in XVI at all. But for this specific game and the combat concepts it tries to achieve, it would absolutely be a waste of potential not to have it being real-time.
Ok. I can respect all of these responses. I haven't played the JD but when I played the first couple of demos, it was pretty much as they said. Hopefully things have changed and become more complex further in.
To drag out the combat, at least from the demo, I'm assuming Easy Mode will let you hold down one button all day, but that's far from optimal and I still think you'll get merked. Attacking at the right times, evading, using the right weapons, limit breaking with your bros, and applying spells are going to make fights much, much easier than just attacking with one sword and hoping for the best (which won't come).

And, let's be honest, most of the previous FF games let you mash that Attack option and slay random encounters without much trouble, save for popping some Cura or status remover when things got rough. It was the boss fights that required a semblance of attention and having somewhat decent gear and equipment.

My only beef so far is the summons and magic. That shit should have been deeper than what it is.

Ok. I can respect all of these responses. I haven't played the JD but when I played the first couple of demos, it was pretty much as they said. Hopefully things have changed and become more complex further in.

The Judgment demo is the most current and best representation of the game, if you remember it's on Easy Mode and that you can't die. Someone had a write up on one of the other threads about all the cool things you can do, and another person detailed the importance of abilities like deathblows and all that. There's a ton going on, and I'm almost certain it'll be required to finish the game.
I've heard a lot of positive praise about the combat, that's all I need. I'm skipping past all story mentions in case someone accidentally posts a spoiler


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
PSY・S;225304096 said:
i know. i wish it was so i could enjoy it.

Well.. KH 2.8 HD is 2 months away and we'll probably get KH 3 soon


Just got my copy, street date be damned. SoCal!

I'll be starting in a couple hours. Man, it's been...so long.
I guess they just lied or they cut that stuff later. I was so disappointed when I found out today... But I'm glad I did. Finding out while playing and hopeing there was more to come for naught would be worse.

I'm going to be so pissed off if in the DLC for Prompto, Gladiolus and Ignis [and possibly Luna] that each one has a city or town added to the game as a part of it. I'm kind of getting that sneaking suspicion, that this is why they needed more time to work on the DLC's - because they were originally supposed to be a part of the main game, but they ran out of time to finish them and add them in. For example, they mention that in Prompto's DLC, there will be a snowmobile - implying there's a snowy area and probably a town also. Some of the past games in the saga have had entire side stories for each character [Final Fantasy VI, in particular] where you could go to a new town and get a playable flashback, or go to sleep in an inn and then play through a dream sequence, etc. I'm wondering if these towns were supposed to be included in the main narrative and are the hometowns of these characters that have some special significance for them, but we're cut from the game and will be added later via DLC due to time constraints? What the fuck Tabata/Square-Enix??


Since you're using a Bloodborne avatar, I'll draw a parallel here.

You know how in Bloodborne you have all of that combat depth through the use of items, exploiting weaknesses down to damage type (like serrated or thrust), and also things like transformation attacks, rolling attacks, running attacks, charged attacks, backstep attacks and the list goes on?

Well, if someone said that Bloodborne's combat is just hitting R1 to attack and O to dodge, they wouldn't actually be wrong, as it is completely possible to go through the game with just that, but it's an oversimplification that sells the game short compared to what it offers.

Since you played the Platinum Demo, check this out:


If you want to put in the work, there's a lot more to it than just holding O.

And it's not just for flash either, most of the moves he's using in the video have a large amount of iframes, making them excellent ways of avoiding damage, especially since there are some attacks that can't be dodged by holding square. He's also great at managing his MP, which is fundamental in this game.

Thanks for the explanation. I played the boss twice in the platinum demo and I tried different moves, mostly the wrap. I guess the demo was purposefully made easy so the player can't fail and didn't explain all the possible moves that you could do like the ones shown in the video. I have more hope for the combat now.
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