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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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Malik's impressions hit on why I thought this game wouldn't review that well despite the strong combat and associated systems.

Structure change into a more linear path combined with a bigger focus on story means your pretty much doing a toss up on whether or not the things you liked about the first half of the game carried over or not.


Yeah, I hoped it would be well executed enough to make me enjoy both parts for their peculiarities, but I can see people being divided between which half is the good one, basically.

If I have to choose, though, then I hope it's the first for me, since it's where most of the side content seems to take place, if not all. :p

I'll take disappointment about the later parts of the campaign over not even wanting to play it after the credits roll.
At this point isn't it best that so close to release people play the games themselves rather than get worked up over the varying real time reactions of the early copy posters? Like, we are all going to buy and be able to talk about it soon enough...


As quite a few people expected, it seems like a love/hate scenario with the second half. I've seen people gushing over it, some not so much.

If anything has been demonstrated throughout this thread though, with so many differing opinions and reactions: This game will be a very personal experience that will shape your own unique opinion. Reviews are going to be all over the place with this game.

We have waited this long, no matter how it turns out in your own view, its still a magical moment in gaming for us all!


Finally someone agreed with me a couple of pages back, chapter
is fucking awful. Laziest game design I've seen in years.

What happens
in Chapter 13

It's a 3 hour long chapter with shitty stealth, copy pasted rooms and corridors and a shit ton of fights. And here's the thing, throughout the entire chapter you literally can't use ANY of your gear, you can only kill enemies with a one shot one kill weapon that drains your entire MP. Also a shit ton of jumpscares and QTE's.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The influence of Nojima couldn't have been fully excised, and that doesn't change what I think of the other writers.

I don't know what your saying. but to blame writers for things they are not in charge of and have not been in charge of for a long time doesn't make much sense to me.

Someone asked about shakespeare being a tool for things happening off screen or cut out with no explanation, you brought up Nojima in that context. Nojima would not have been in charge of that kind of compromised state of the game 2 and a half years from release. Especially when even things shown in trailers last year are apparently not even in the game, which is scary to think about.
As quite a few people expected, it seems like a love/hate scenario with the second half. I've seen people gushing over it, some not so much.

If anything has been demonstrated throughout this thread though, with so many differing opinions and reactions: This game will be a very personal experience that will shape your own unique opinion. Reviews are going to be all over the place with this game.

We have waited this long, no matter how it turns out in your own view, its still a magical moment in gaming for us all!

Based on what I've heard from a few people in the know, I'm expecting 8.5-9s from most major outlets.I don't know numbers, I just know it's apparently being received quite well by reviewers. Take what you will from that.


Played a while on the Pro in HQ mode. :) Contrary to some reports I think it runs perfectly fine and there's also no stutter while panning the camera in a circle. The retail game also got another little graphical boost over the demo:

Retail Pro HQ:

Judgment Pro HQ:

The sun stands a little different but I don't think that's the cause for this screen looking a bit better.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Seems to me that some people just do not react well to changes in formula/style regardless of how well executed they are.

I'm not just talking about major elements that some people simply find unfitting with their wants and expectations like the Batmobile stuff in Arkham Knight. It can be a lot more subtle in that different employment of the base mechanics can annoy some.

Souls' games are a great example of this in that it seems very evident to me that for some folks round here, anything other than duelling one-on-one with a knight-type enemy is a bad thing.


I don't know what to think of this game. Reviews are gonna be crazy divisive. I'm worried the only way to know for sure is to take the plunge.

This is how every game should feel. Critical opinion is merely a suggestion right ? you are allowed to have your own thoughts from your own experience.

From what I've played and heard , at the very least - FFXV is a substantial step above 13 , the back half will sour some and excite others but the over all satisfaction gained from this game will rely mostly on how much mileage you get out of the battle system. If you've played the most recent Japan only demo and didn't care for that aspect .. well... it might be better to wait a little while.

I'm going to buy the game myself , I really enjoyed that demo (outside of knowing next to no Japanese) and who knows, maybe I'll lose interest half way through or maybe it'll be the first mainline entry I've finished since FFX (which took me months). The power is mine alone.

Played a while on the Pro in HQ mode. :) Contrary to some reports I think it runs perfectly fine and there's also no stutter while panning the camera in a circle. The retail game also got another little graphical boost over the demo:
The game proper ran not too bad , noticeable jitter compared to light mode but I didn't find it a dealbreaker at all given how much nicer the lighting and texturing looked. The most problematic area was the tutorial zone where you're inside of a fancy training room with Gladio , the frame pacing was so bad there it looked like it was running 20 fps.


Based on what I've heard from a few people in the know, I'm expecting 8.5-9s from most major outlets.I don't know numbers, I just know it's apparently being received quite well by reviewers. Take what you will from that.

That's good to hear. No matter what, I want this game to be critically and commercially successful, even if this game is trash. I know SE is capable in delivering a special experience, and with the nightmare this game has been through I would absolutely hate to see SE bail on this franchise at least with the big budget experiences like the main-line FF's have been.


Based on what I've heard from a few people in the know, I'm expecting 8.5-9s from most major outlets.I don't know numbers, I just know it's apparently being received quite well by reviewers. Take what you will from that.

Did you hear from them after they got past the first half? :p


Played a while on the Pro in HQ mode. :) Contrary to some reports I think it runs perfectly fine and there's also no stutter while panning the camera in a circle. The retail game also got another little graphical boost over the demo:

Retail Pro HQ:

Judgment Pro HQ:

The sun stands a little different but I don't think that's the cause for this screen looking a bit better.

Yeah they either sharpened the textures further or added more AF because the ground and rocks look a tiny smidge better from what I see.

Also surprise surprise, like I expected the tutorial video for the Pro version was trumped up from fucking nothing.


Junior Member
Seems to me that some people just do not react well to changes in formula/style regardless of how well executed they are.

I'm not just talking about major elements that some people simply find unfitting with their wants and expectations like the Batmobile stuff in Arkham Knight. It can be a lot more subtle in that different employment of the base mechanics can annoy some.

Souls' games are a great example of this in that it seems very evident to me that for some folks round here, anything other than duelling one-on-one with a knight-type enemy is a bad thing.

I think there's more to it than that in XV's case. But I don't really see the issue considering how Tabata stated in interviews that the open portion is always accessible. Seems fine to me. Ugh I want it to be Tuesday already.


Junior Member
That's good to hear. No matter what, I want this game to be critically and commercially successful, even if this game is trash. I know SE is capable in delivering a special experience, and with the nightmare this game has been through I would absolutely hate to see SE bail on this franchise at least with the big budget experiences like the main-line FF's have been.
Same here. Really hoping it hits a 90 Metacritic and sells really well.

But honestly SE will be fine I think. This burden is off their shoulders, for the most part.

(Just hire better writers and have a better localization team)


PSY・S;225434526 said:
I wonder how many of the early positive impressions from reviewers were only based on the first half...

The start of the second half is very strong, which is very misleading because chapter
is so shitty.
12 & 11 aren't that good either.

Ran rp

Yeah they either sharpened the textures further or added more AF because the ground and rocks look a tiny smidge better from what I see.

Also surprise surprise, like I expected the tutorial video for the Pro version was trumped up from fucking nothing.

Shadows are better.


I like how one negative impression (and honestly it's not that negative) sends y'all into a tizzy.

The review thread is going to end lives...if I was a scumbag reviewer I'd write a negative review for hella clicks


Finally someone agreed with me a couple of pages back, chapter
is fucking awful. Laziest game design I've seen in years.

It's a 3 hour long chapter with shitty stealth, copy pasted rooms and corridors and a shit ton of fights. And here's the thing, throughout the entire chapter you literally can't use ANY of your gear, you can only kill enemies with a one shot one kill weapon that drains your entire MP. Also a shit ton of jumpscares and QTE's.

Yikes that does sound bad. That's essentially stripping out all the best parts of the game in favor of random stealth. I have to wonder what the hell they were thinking inserting such a random thing.

The start of the second half is very strong, which is very misleading because chapter
is so shitty.
12 & 11 aren't that good either.

How are
14 and 15
by comparison?
Come on guys, I didn't start hating the game, lol. There are bad sections in every game that I played, no game is free from it. Anyways i will put a final review soon once i am done with ending.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Linearity is not the issue in the second half, hell I think the two best moments happen in the second half. It's this:
It's a 3 hour long chapter with shitty stealth, copy pasted rooms and corridors and a shit ton of fights. And here's the thing, throughout the entire chapter you literally can't use ANY of your gear, you can only kill enemies with a one shot one kill weapon that drains your entire MP. Also a shit ton of jumpscares and QTE's.
It's like something you see in early last gen games. I can't fathom how that made it into the game.


Yikes that does sound bad. That's essentially stripping out all the best parts of the game in favor of random stealth. I have to wonder what the hell they were thinking inserting such a random thing.

How are
14 and 15
by comparison?

I'm still on
, I'm under-leveld and I'm trying to grind some side quests for the EXP.


It's a 3 hour long chapter with shitty stealth, copy pasted rooms and corridors and a shit ton of fights. And here's the thing, throughout the entire chapter you literally can't use ANY of your gear, you can only kill enemies with a one shot one kill weapon that drains your entire MP. Also a shit ton of jumpscares and QTE's.

Yeesh. That sounds like a part that would make me instantly throw the game in the garbage. Who the hell is responsible for this?

Ran rp

Finally someone agreed with me a couple of pages back, chapter
is fucking awful. Laziest game design I've seen in years.

It's a 3 hour long chapter with shitty stealth, copy pasted rooms and corridors and a shit ton of fights. And here's the thing, throughout the entire chapter you literally can't use ANY of your gear, you can only kill enemies with a one shot one kill weapon that drains your entire MP. Also a shit ton of jumpscares and QTE's.

3 hours of that?? Is it just a difficult chapter or does it seem like it's the intended play time?


Come on guys, I didn't start hating the game, lol. There are bad sections in every game that I played, no game is free from it. Anyways i will put a final review soon once i am done with ending.

You're not revisiting the open world during the second half? I wonder if there's anything interesting that unlocks after key story events.


Finally someone agreed with me a couple of pages back, chapter
is fucking awful. Laziest game design I've seen in years.

It's a 3 hour long chapter with shitty stealth, copy pasted rooms and corridors and a shit ton of fights. And here's the thing, throughout the entire chapter you literally can't use ANY of your gear, you can only kill enemies with a one shot one kill weapon that drains your entire MP. Also a shit ton of jumpscares and QTE's.


Holy shit that sounds even worse than I thought.

Whoever sounded off on that has no business being in charge of a video game.


that puzzling face
You're not revisiting the open world during the second half? I wonder if there's anything interesting that unlocks after key story events.

I think there'd generally be two ways to play the game - revisiting from time to time, or barreling through to the end to see what happens and then going back for postgame.

I'm inclined to think most people would opt for the latter.
I have no idea how people are taking my impressions of
Chapter 10 to 13
as something negative for the whole game, since it doesn't overshadow the exceptional early experience for me. Also the time it took me to go through them is quite short, since I was sprinting through to reach the end. It is not like there is any redeeming factor in them to explore since they are linear, right to their core.

There are some good moments in them but they are often overshadowed by the bad ones. Secondly a correction to @HMD's post talking about length of
Chapter 13, which is certainly not 3 hours long. I was rushing through it and it took me around an hour or a little over it. It was bad, yes. But the good news is that Stealth is not forced. The bad news is that since we lack proper weapons, we have to do a lot of shit to get rid of the enemies. I didn't like it is all I can say.

You're not revisiting the open world during the second half? I wonder if there's anything interesting that unlocks after key story events.

What falk said is what I intended to do.
I am actually quite excited to go back :D
I think there'd generally be two ways to play the game - revisiting from time to time, or barreling through to the end to see what happens and then going back for postgame.

I'm inclined to think most people would opt for the latter.
It's a 3 hour long chapter with shitty stealth, copy pasted rooms and corridors and a shit ton of fights. And here's the thing, throughout the entire chapter you literally can't use ANY of your gear, you can only kill enemies with a one shot one kill weapon that drains your entire MP. Also a shit ton of jumpscares and QTE's.

Wow that sounds like a desperate attempt at padding the game :/
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