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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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Unless they changed it in the final game, you actually don't need the bar. Noctis has a visual cue where his body looks like it's beginning to tire out and stop sprinting, and that'd be when you'd press it.

TIL. Just easier with the bar I guess.


Unless they changed it in the final game, you actually don't need the bar. Noctis has a visual cue where his body looks like it's beginning to tire out and stop sprinting, and that'd be when you'd press it.

Yeah, Noct is in a forward slant when he sprints. As soon as he moves into a more upward position like the regular jogging animation, it means he's getting tired. Let go and press & hold the sprint button when you see him adjust his running stance.


Two and a half hour in, the only bug I encountered is missing VO in one brief in game cutscene.
When the dog first shows up


just encountered the added King's Glave cut scene.

not sure what to think. they wanted it to serve as a conventional FF CGI cut scene but it looked like a trailer for a movie, because of all the new characters (new to the people who didn't watch the movie).


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
just encountered the added King's Glave cut scene.

not sure what to think. they wanted it to serve as a conventional FF CGI cut scene but it looked like a trailer for a movie, because of all the new characters (new to the people who didn't watch the movie).

that's a problem. It had seemed like they had done certain things so the game would be stand alone, but now they are basically requiring people to have a full firsthand knowledge of the external material to play the game.

Not good.
Yea I was super skeptical after duscae and plat demo but judgment disc and final game changed my opinion on a lot of things. I really like it. Still screwing around in chapter
Yea 14 hours in.

anyone have a proper idea what the difference is between easy and normal yet? Im still not sure lol.


25 hours in and in Chapter 5 now. I am enjoying the game but it definitely has some annoying aspects to it. I also can confirm that there are cutscenes that are missable. In a chapter tonight I got a scene that was not in the playthrough that I previously watched on Youtube. The scene is VERY easy to miss if you're rushing and it providing some characterization for Luna.


Purple Drazi
I told myself I wasn't going to do this.

"Don't do this," my inner monologue insisted. "Please just do not do this. Final Fantasy rankings are meaningless. Everyone in this damned fandom has at least a slightly different takeaway. Please reconsider, Jeff Zero. You could be reading The Wheel of Time right now. Or building a shelf. Or going on a jog. Or slamming your head against a wall. Any of these things is more practical than this."

In the final hours of anticipating where FFXV will place in my rankings -- in the final analysis before Noctis and Crew join the archives -- I'm doing this.

I've seen a lot of top five lists in this impressions thread as we barrel into a new mainline single-player Final Fantasy for the first time since Mass Effect 2. Speaking of Mass Effect 2, why did I wait until September 2010 to try those games? Oh, right. Because of Final Fantasy XIII.

I'll be ranking every mainline single-player installment plus Tactics. Why neither of the MMOs? Because I'm a heathen who has yet to play an MMORPG. Why Tactics? Because I really, really like Tactics.

Let's mosey.

13. Final Fantasy III

Enough people have told me my mistake here was playing the DS remake to know that my mistake here was probably playing the DS remake. I didn't like the game at all. It felt soulless and unrefined. Given its age, the lack of refinement is reasonable. But I tell you, this had not an ounce of charm to it. Not for me, sers and ladies. Not for me.

12. Final Fantasy II

There's this really great moment in Final Fantasy II where
Guy reveals he speaks beaver.
I had to mark this for spoilers because I don't want to ruin the only charming thing that ever happens in this video game. Also, please smack yourself repeatedly in combat. No, really. Trust me. Remember when I said slamming my head into a wall may have been more productive than writing this subjective somewhat off-topic list? I was talking about leveling up stats in FFII.

11. Final Fantasy XIII

Please let it be over.

10. Final Fantasy

So, like, there's a sizable jump from XIII to the first game. I dig this one. It's just super-archaic. Nicely replayable, though. I like the remake a lot even though I readily admit those bonus dungeons are poorly-designed. They double my clock time though without making me long for sunshine and I get to beat up classic Final Fantasy bosses. I get to name characters after my best friends and some girl I used to have a crush on and beat up Gilgamesh. I am basically 12 again when I play this game.

09. Final Fantasy IV

This is the first installment I'll feel kind of bad for having so low on my list. This game has some style. I like that there's an airship called the Enterprise. I have always been a Trekkie. Like, since birth. Represent. When I first played Final Fantasy IV I was like 13. I found Cecil and Kain cool. Rydia, too. Oh my god. The first time I typed her name just now my iPad tried correcting it to Rufus. The second time it gave me radiation. Anyway, I still like these characters at 29 but Rosa gets worse every time. Alright game. You can fly to the moon in a whale so I can't not play it.

08. Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy fans come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them love the earlier games the most. By reading this list you can no doubt ascertain that I am not one of those people. FFV, however, is still pretty good. The gameplay is really nice. I think this is the most fun I have overall with any of the first six titles. The job system is neat and the three-world dynamic keeps things fresh. Plus, I get to beat up a bunch of classic summon monsters before forcing them to do my bidding. Shiva likes to kick my ass though if I'm unprepared.
I'm usually unprepared.
The story is mostly kind of whatever for a post-III game but the end of the second act carries a nice punch to it.

07. Final Fantasy VIII

Atmosphere abounds in this hit 1999 game about a bunch of writers who locked themselves in a room for months until they had a scenario in mind that haunts my dreams. There is not one thing about this game I don't like on some level except for its main romance. Unfortunately for me, its main romance becomes the plot. My grandmother once watched the sequence on the Ragnarok in which Squall resists Rinoa's embrace. She infamously remarked to myself and three of my friends that it was a completely unbelievable scene because any 17-year-old boy would be instantly smitten by such blatant sexual advances. We were all 12. I felt so embarrassed. Anyway, cool game.

06. Final Fantasy XII

I want to rank this game higher but I just can't. I like its battle system a lot. I like its world a lot. I like half ifs cast a lot. Balthier represent. Sky Fortress Bahamut era represent. But I can't shake the knowledge of what Final Fantasy XII could have been. Would have been. Should have been. Yasumi Matsuno is aces. His original vision could have been dope. I know this out of assumption, but do not feel like I am making an ass out myself or others in assuming. The second half is so sparse on story and the dungeons are all geometrically identical. I think I stole that bit from someone else upthread. But whatever, it's true. Also, character interaction. We needed a lot more of that. Yet despite all these flaws the game nearly hits my top five. It's sweet.

05. Final Fantasy VI

I don't really like Terra but her theme song is unforgettable. This statement sums up my entire relationship with Final Fantasy VI. I don't particularly like how magic-learning works but I love learning cray amounts of spells anyway. I don't especially care for the overarching cast but Celes, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, and Shadow are nice. I'm not totally onboard with the way the World of Ruin works but its tone and color pallet and ambience are astounding. I'm not even Kefka Palazzo's biggest fan but his nihilistic need to make everyone agree that nothing is worth a damn is still pretty memorable. The combined force of everything I worship about this game obliterates all the things I do not appreciate and secures it a #5 spot.

04. Final Fantasy IX

There's a spot early on in Final Fantasy IX where main protagonist Zidane Tribal grabs Garnet's ass as they climb the ladder to an airship. Later on in life, Zidane will lecture lovable fireball-tossing Vivi Ornitier whilst urinating beneath a starry sky. In these moments and in many other ways Final Fantasy IX is a remarkably human video game with real pathos that isn't afraid to revel in its absurdity. Kuja wears a thong to an annihilation party and Adelbert Steiner loves gysahl pickles. It's an endless comedic quest backed by an incredible gameplay loop brimming with side activities and well-timed minigames. It's also surprisingly melancholy and its chocobo theme features a ukulele. You can't go wrong with this game. Unless you activate Trance toward the end of a regular battle. Then you're fucked.

03. Final Fantasy Tactics

Before Game of Thrones and Dragon Age entered my life I always thought of FFT's Ivalice as my dark jaded fantasy. Matsuno introduced so many characters only to kill 'em off like Tomino in an old-school Gundam tale. Except this particular study of classism and war and political tomfrakkery is told within the framework of a Final Fantasy world. It's swords-and-sorcery-and-Marxist-underpinnings and a liberal dash of Lutheranism. It's a relatively mature tone and it can offer a real challenge. The gameplay is largely confined to battles but the battling is addictive and the party and job combinations are immense. I prefer the War of the Lions localization despite its occasional faux-Shakespearian fever dream but there's a lot of charm in the PSX translation too. Delita's biography page literally begins with "friend of you" so you know right from the start you'll be laughing ironically for dozens of hours.

02. Final Fantasy X

A funny thing happened on my way to adoring Final Fantasy X. When I initially beat the game way back during its initial launch phase I liked it well enough but I don't think it was in my top four or so. I was pleased overall but I had considerable qualms. Then as the years passed and I failed to replay it I grew increasingly apathetic toward it. I let the perception of the social circle I ran in taint me over time. It didn't help that I abhorred X-2. I know, I know, some of you swear by that one, but it is just not for me. By the middle of 2009 I'd convinced myself I disliked FFX. Then while my ex and I were living in virtual squalor in a balmy South Carolinan nowhere town I scrambled together a few extra bucks and repurchased it because she wanted to know why I didn't care for it. She'd never played, either, but her friend said it was the bee's knees. To this day I can't thank that friend of hers enough. Final Fantasy X is tremendous. Some of the characterization remains off-key and I won't deny there's a cheese to a lot of the game's execution that is more pronounced than usual with this series. But when it works, it really, really works. I mentioned IX's melancholy but X's is superb. As I re-examined the plot and its tragic world and its escalating hope and tension I was utterly enthralled. The bittersweet ending might be my favorite of all time in this medium. I really enjoy the Yuna character and seeing her rise to help rebuild has me cheering yet watching her lose her love choked me up big-time upon my return. Even now I'm thinking about that ending and it's hitting me like a velvety rich brick.

01. Final Fantasy VII

Yeah. I'm one of them. Yes, I started with VII. Yes, there may be lifelong unshakable bias as a result. Yes, I think Cloud Strife is a badass. But not because of what he does so much as how he comes into his own. I don't like the Cloud of the Compilation of FFVII subseries. I like the Cloud of the original story. I like how he shields himself from an uncomfortable truth. I like how in reality he's just some average guy in way over his head and he's awkward and kind of a jerk but he means well and he comes to terms with who he is and he accomplishes greatness with the help of his diverse group of ragtag sing-alongs. Final Fantasy VII has a scope that's second-to-none in this series. It has subplots within subplots within subplots. There's this arc like 35% into the game where Barret Wallace has to face down a dude from his past who's turned self-destructive because he's haunted by the ghosts of all those men and women and children they had failed. It's one of maybe twenty-seven random examples I could pull out of a hat even now showcasing how poignant and perennially relevant VII's script and tone can be, despite ultimately still being silly and kind of shounen. That's the thing about Final Fantasy VII. Tonally, it goes everywhere. Just absolutely everywhere. But it does so with terrific charm and cohesive vision and it's never afraid to throw consequences at its player for all the great narrative hurrahs they earn. It's a story about life being a right royal bitch sometimes but the world still being worth fighting for. And it lets me race big giant birds and ride a snowboard and hit people with a metal pipe on a motorcycle and dive into the deep blue sea in a submarine whilst evading a gargantuan green freakshow and I can cross-dress in a seedy smoking market and summon thirteen knights whenever I need to pause for a sandwich. This game has it all. This game is the best.

Well, there you have it, folks. I wasted half an hour of my life on this. But I'm too damned curious to find out where Final Fantasy XV will place. The wait is almost over and I just have to know. I just have to. I've heard about its shortcomings. I'm a big story-driven guy so I'm only cautiously optimistic considering the things I've seen in here. But I am my own person, too, and some of you seem to be reasonably into the goings-on in Eos, anyway, even if it seems nigh-universally recognized that maybe Tabata's team could have handled this all better. And the world looks great, and combat looks great, and the music is divine, and I'm not just saying that to earn brownie points with Falk in hopes my text wall post isn't deleted.

So maybe it'll all come together for me. Or maybe it won't. But come what may, I am ready.

Bring it on, Noctis.


Okay guys, how does the OST stackup compared to Nobuo Uematsu's composition?

I have FFVI to FFXIV OSTs in my collection and I love them all. Except XIII, I hate XIII with a passion.

So, is the OST memorable like the others?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Okay guys, how does the OST stackup compared to Nobuo Uematsu's composition?

I have FFVI to FFXIV OSTs in my collection and I love them all. Except XIII, I hate XIII with a passion.

So, is the OST memorable like the others?

Your automatically disqualified from the OST debate. Say what one wants about 13, but the OST is one of the strongest in the series bar none


Okay guys, how does the OST stackup compared to Nobuo Uematsu's composition?

I have FFVI to FFXIV OSTs in my collection and I love them all. Except XIII, I hate XIII with a passion.

So, is the OST memorable like the others?

It's great tons of memorial tracks.


People who finished the game, is
The Adamantoise
the supposed 10 hour boss fight?

The boss is enormous, literally an entire mountain.
Okay guys, how does the OST stackup compared to Nobuo Uematsu's composition?

I have FFVI to FFXIV OSTs in my collection and I love them all. Except XIII, I hate XIII with a passion.

So, is the OST memorable like the others?

OST is up there with XIII as one of the strongest FF soundtracks
OST is up there with XIII as one of the strongest FF soundtracks

Now this is what I like to hear. XIII's soundtrack is one that I listen to on its own every now and then; it's just fantastic. I've been hoping for XV to deliver the best soundtrack of the year, and its shaping up to be just that.


Is the combat fun?

I love it. If you play like shit you can get wrecked by decently leveled mobs. I thought I would hate playing as only Noctis but it's fine your buddies have really competent AI which is really surprising to me. I also thought that Gladio would be my favorite for his skills but for me it's actually Ignis.


Purple Drazi
OST is incredibly strong. Best OST since IX, in my opinion, and some tracks reach even loftier highs.

Yeah, every song I've heard via YouTube is phenomenal. I stopped spoiling myself in tracks. I'm so eager to hear more of them for the very first time in-game.
Some brave soul on GameFAQs got the platinum trophy, and it thankfully seems fairly manageable in terms of JRPG platinums - looking at you, FFX/X-2. I'm relieved that the full acension grid doesn't seem to be required, plus the fishing requirements may not be as bad as I'd thought. I'm still legitimately traumatized from fishing in P4:G. It's amazing that the game isn't out yet, and someone has platinum'd it!

I'm not looking forward to
Adamantoise, all those who have completed it said it seemed to be tedious. I don't think I got that far into Yiazmat, either.
Speaking of FFXII, I'm petrified what that platinum trophy for the TZA will be like.

Let's mosey.

Great - and very funny - read, Jeff! You also encapsulated the reasons I love FFVII beautifully. Also, your grandmother's FFVIII commentary was 100% on point.


that puzzling face
I think I'm disqualified from commenting on the OST but I feel like it's very honestly the best effort by everyone involved, and then some.


Purple Drazi
Great - and very funny - read, Jeff! You also encapsulated the reasons I love FFVII beautifully. Also, your grandmother's FFVIII commentary was 100% on point.

Hey, thanks! :3 Yes, my uh, grandma sure called it liked she saw it. And she certainly saw it on that polygonal spaceship.


I told myself I wasn't going to do this.

I'm glad you did. This was a well-written, pleasant, refreshingly self-aware take on the ranking of FF games. And as someone who's been conditioned into a lifelong love for those games, reading a good FF list can sometimes feel like drinking a good cup of coffee.

My biggest point of disagreement relates to the Squall/Rinoa romance. Aside from the fact that I enjoyed it, having also been a somewhat self-contained teenager, Squall's reluctance to accept Rinoa's advances was relatable to me. :p


FFXII's future platinum trophy shouldn't be difficult. I managed to 100℅ the PS2 Zodiac version with ease. It was a lot of fun, too.

Hopefully XV will be fun to 100% as well.
I haven't heard everything yet but I kid you not this may have my overall favorite sound track in any final fantasy. And that is insane. In fact I think the music is the best part of ffxv so far.
FFXII's future platinum trophy shouldn't be difficult. I managed to 100℅ the PS2 Zodiac version with ease. It was a lot of fun, too.

Hopefully XV will be fun to 100% as well.

I remember loving the hunts, but not quite getting all the equipment via enemy drops, or defeating Yizamat. Kill chains were really satisfying! Outside of the sidequests, FFXV's platinum thankfully doesn't look too bad.


Purple Drazi
I'm glad you did. This was a well-written, pleasant, refreshingly self-aware take on the ranking of FF games. And as someone who's been conditioned into a lifelong love for those games, reading a good FF list can sometimes feel like drinking a good cup of coffee.

My biggest point of disagreement relates to the Squall/Rinoa romance. Aside from the fact that I enjoyed it, having also been a somewhat self-contained teenager, Squall's reluctance to accept Rinoa's advances was relatable to me. :p

Thanks! Huh, maybe I'll save this silly post, tweak it, build it slightly, and host it on some dime-a-dozen blog site someday. :p I had fun writing it. I love reading these sorts of lists from fellow fans, too, so if you've ever got one, lay it on me.

As for Squall/Rinoa, hey, I get that. I can definitely see how it might be relatable and certainly believable. I think my relative dislike for the Rinoa character (I didn't think she was awful or anything, she just never fully clicked for me) has a lot to do with it. Squall himself is a dude I can appreciate.


Thanks! Huh, maybe I'll save this silly post, tweak it, build it slightly, and host it on some dime-a-dozen blog site someday. :p I had fun writing it. I love reading these sorts of lists from fellow fans, too, so if you've ever got one, lay it on me.

As for Squall/Rinoa, hey, I get that. I can definitely see how it might be relatable and certainly believable. I think my relative dislike for the Rinoa character (I didn't think she was awful or anything, she just never fully clicked for me) has a lot to do with it. Squall himself is a dude I can appreciate.

I'm not as big of a fan of VII as you are (although I greatly respect it) but damn, your post made me want to immediately start playing it.


What the fuuuuuuck. My Amazon order was supposed to ship yesterday on the 25th but now it says it won't ship until Tuesday to arrive on Thursday...wtf.


I remember loving the hunts, but not quite getting all the equipment via enemy drops, or defeating Yizamat. Kill chains were really satisfying! Outside of the sidequests, FFXV's platinum thankfully doesn't look too bad.

As long as there's no bullshit lightning dodge trophy or super bullshit sphere grid grind trophy or mega bullshit Chocobo racing with the worst controls ever trophy or ultra bullshit blitzball grind trophy then it shouldn't be terrible.

Yes, fuck FFX so much. Rotten endgame.
Holy shit! Post-game, there are so many new hunts, even Level 99 one which have mysterious super bosses!!! These boss fights don't have a picture of the monster when the hunt is given so I am pretty sure they are all new designs.

Also can confirm ultimate weapons quest is given by a person in Lestallum.


( ≖‿≖)
Holy shit! Post-game, there are so many new hunts, even Level 99 one which have mysterious super bosses!!! These boss fights don't have a picture of the monster when the hunt is given so I am pretty sure they are all new designs.

Also can confirm ultimate weapons quest is given by a person in Lestallum.

This is what I'm looking to hear. Don't care about the story at all and the combat was fun enough, but was waiting to see what post game content is like before confirming a buy.


Game crashed 3 times for me.. 30hrs of play. All during battling on the roads. Norris would disappear in the battle. And then goes to loading screen forever.


i just bought the game on ps4 and the installation took like 10 minutes, that is unusual and never happened before, every game installation on ps4 takes like 5sec- 20sec


Holy shit! Post-game, there are so many new hunts, even Level 99 one which have mysterious super bosses!!! These boss fights don't have a picture of the monster when the hunt is given so I am pretty sure they are all new designs.

Also can confirm ultimate weapons quest is given by a person in Lestallum.

Before or after you beat the game for the 1st time?


Chapter 13 is actually pretty cool. Stuff that's been done in other game and even better, but it's a breath of fresh air in this one. Also it actually feel long enough to be a chapter unlike the previous 3.


Game crashed 3 times for me.. 30hrs of play. All during battling on the roads. Norris would disappear in the battle. And then goes to loading screen forever.

This happened to me in a different area. He disappeared but my reticle still showed up. I'm wondering if there will be another patch before the game actually comes out on Tuesday to address some of these issues. If so, I can't really be mad about it because I'm playing the game at a time when I shouldn't be.
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