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Is everyone else with 10 years of souls games, keep pressinc "O" to dodge. Holy shit the muscle memory :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Lol i kept doing that untill the morbol boss. And im pretty sure ill do it a few more times when the game launches untill i get that R1 for dodge muscle memory.


Demo version is 1.01, April State of Play version is 1.03. So we can assume the demo version is a slightly older build and perhaps the launch version is version 1.03 or 1.04.

So hopefully the launch version gets a framerate boost for performance.

John Linneman also noted on Twitter that both modes have RT enabled and that perhaps the launch version will allow you to disable this for the performance mode to hit 60fps.

I think the FFXVI is very conscious of what people are saying on the forums and I'd expect a patch for the framerate and motion blur, assuming the above doesn't resolve it.
Really hope so. The performance is bloody awful in Performance mode as it is. I was excited at the start of the demo since it appeared to hit and maintain 60fps the entire time, but as soon as you make it to the castle... oh boy... - it's bad.


Gold Member
FF doesn't stand for the tiny box you want to put in.
Well said. To me FF has always stood for challenging my expectations, dropping me into new worlds and pushing the genre in new ways

If it was confined to some very arbitrary rules of what makes an FF game we wouldn't have had FFVII go cyberpunk after 6 games in old fantasy settings. We wouldn't have had FFIX drop with a more like kid friendly aesthetic and become one of the best in the series. We wouldn't have had FFXI move to full 3D, FFXI go full MMO and FFXII break with turn based battles and go for more mature story telling. In fact when it feels a bit too safe like FFXIII is when it's most forgettable

Each FF game tries new things and can be judged within the context of the series vs others


Really hope so. The performance is bloody awful in Performance mode as it is. I was excited at the start of the demo since it appeared to hit and maintain 60fps the entire time, but as soon as you make it to the castle... oh boy... - it's bad.
I'd love a 40fps graphics mode and 120hz support myself. That'd satisfy both worlds for me.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi was largely inspired by Dragon Quest I&II which was hugely popular in Japan, and it directly influenced his design approach when he made a game called Final Fantasy. He greatly admired and competed against the successful Jrpg series in a rivalry that lasted all the way up to FFVI. There would be no Final Fantasy without Dragon Quest. The entire franchise was birthed by it's creator following a trend.
Yes, when FF was a new IP, and not a estabilished franchise.

By the same token, Dragon Quest was inspired by Ultima. The entire franchise was birthed by its creator following a trend. And yet Dragon Quest structure and gameplay is not similar at all to Ultima. The game got its inspiration elsewhere, as anything in life, but build an identity to itself, and its as big at it is today because of that.


Moderated wildly
I honestly dont understand how anyone could see these Aeikon fights as gameplay....I literally just moved a cursor around a screen until it turned into a circle and pressed triangle.......

Is this 2023's answer to Dragon's Lair....?

Am I just this out of touch...the game is far too easy, I just spam square, performance is atrocious even in fights in this demo....Im actually sat here baffled that people think this is good....I just can't see it and genuinely feel so out of touch.

The music is absolutely amazing, the graphics are nuts...the story seems really decent....but this isn't a game at all to me, and definitely not a final fantasy GAME......I hope Rebirth is nothing like this as I loved FF7 remake.
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I honestly dont understand how anyone could see these Aeikon fights as gameplay....I literally just moved a cursor around a screen until it turned into a circle and pressed triangle.......

Is this 2023's answer to Dragon's Lair....?

Am I just this out of touch...the game is far too easy, I just spam square, performance is atrocious even in fights in this demo....Im actually sat here baffled that people think this is good....I just can't see it and genuinely feel so out of touch.

The music is absolutely amazing, the graphics are nuts...the story seems really decent....but this isn't a game at all to me, and definitely not a final fantasy GAME......I hope Rebirth is nothing like this as I loved FF7 remake.
You're far, far from being alone in this. Don't worry.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I honestly dont understand how anyone could see these Aeikon fights as gameplay....I literally just moved a cursor around a screen until it turned into a circle and pressed triangle.......

Is this 2023's answer to Dragon's Lair....?

Am I just this out of touch...the game is far too easy, I just spam square, performance is atrocious even in fights in this demo....Im actually sat here baffled that people think this is good....I just can't see it and genuinely feel so out of touch.

The music is absolutely amazing, the graphics are nuts...the story seems really decent....but this isn't a game at all to me, and definitely not a final fantasy GAME......I hope Rebirth is nothing like this as I loved FF7 remake.
It is definitely bordering on "interactive movie" territory for me too. Lots of story, not much gameplay, people defending it as "this is just the beginning of the game, all RPGS have crazy long intro sequences".

I finished the Morbol fight last night and wanted to save my game. I sat through about 45 minutes of cutscenes before I had control of my character again.

Like you, I love a lot of stuff about this game (music, graphics, story, etc.) but it's extremely light on actual gameplay. Hoping the naysayers are right in that it opens up later to become more of a game and less of a "movie where you occasionally press buttons to arrive at the pre-determined outcome"


If you pause to look at ATL(active time lore) every other sentence during cut scenes, you will not be confused by the end.

I know I had to pause at least 5-6 times while talking to the king during that short cut scene just so I can understand the conversation they were having.
It's nice to have extra info but don't fall into a trap here of overusing the function thinking you need to know every little thing. Otherwise it ends up feeling exhausting and you think you need to rely on it. It's meant to be a fun help, not a crutch.

Things will get brought up again in the story plenty and its often fun to replay a game with more knowledge. It's ok not to immediately know every detail and just get the general gist.

(To be fair I did need it once. If you're talking about the scene in the throne room I didn't understand *Storm*, but tbh. it's confusingly named in the first place. Other than that its pretty straight forward, There's a blight, things are getting worse, mothers a controlling bitch, they set out to the front, you need to do a clean-up task. Not that complicated a conversation)
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March Climber

Gold Member
I must know...


SlimySnake SlimySnake

By Square Enix's standards, how good does this game look to you graphically? Is it just really good cinematic direction and use of effects(like blur), or does this manage to reach your Next Gen standards?


I honestly dont understand how anyone could see these Aeikon fights as gameplay....I literally just moved a cursor around a screen until it turned into a circle and pressed triangle.......

Is this 2023's answer to Dragon's Lair....?

Am I just this out of touch...the game is far too easy, I just spam square, performance is atrocious even in fights in this demo....Im actually sat here baffled that people think this is good....I just can't see it and genuinely feel so out of touch.

The music is absolutely amazing, the graphics are nuts...the story seems really decent....but this isn't a game at all to me, and definitely not a final fantasy GAME......I hope Rebirth is nothing like this as I loved FF7 remake.
Eikon encounters are varied some you fight human sized and others have more input than the phoenix one. Anyway, they're designed to the cinematic splender more than anything, so not a big deal. In previous FF games these would just be CGI cutscenes with 0 input, so you're argument doesn't make sense...
I won't be salty. I will be sad, simple as that. This is seemingly a very good game, just it isn't a FF game at all.

And even if justified or not(or even if it that matters or not), this game selling ACTUALLY well will basically seal the fate, at least for the next few entries, that for me and the fanbase the last FF game that Square release was FF X.

I don't see it reviewing as well as you all think it will be, and whatever sales it gains in the west will be offset by a sharp decline in Asia, but whatever happens, happens. It just is what it is.
Well seeing as I am a part of that fanbase XI and XIV are better than X, sorry not sorry.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I must know...


SlimySnake SlimySnake

By Square Enix's standards, how good does this game look to you graphically? Is it just really good cinematic direction and use of effects(like blur), or does this manage to reach your Next Gen standards?
I only just got to the swamp area before i went to bed last night so waiting to play an actual level to form a better opinion.


The intro cutscenes with that massive war scene and the titan fights were INSANE. I kept asking myself how its possible to be realtime with that level of fidelity. I will be interested to see if they actually let us participate in those battles. The opening shits on GOW Ragnorak and just made me angry. lmao


Need more 120hz, VRR, HDMI 2.1 displays out in the market I think before more devs get on board!
Displays will be slower to come out if developers don't start supporting it. It's not even complicated to support, much like adding 1440p wasn't, either, and there were plenty 1440p monitors on the market before the PS5 supported it.


Moderated wildly
Eikon encounters are varied some you fight human sized and others have more input than the phoenix one. Anyway, they're designed to the cinematic splender more than anything, so not a big deal. In previous FF games these would just be CGI cutscenes with 0 input, so you're argument doesn't make sense...

But for me it wasnt cinematic splender, it was sheer boredom in a screen filling mess of particles. Just get rid of the entire hud IMO and play the cutscene and let me look at the pretty graphics...I dunno. I was genuinely just numb from my thumb spamming triangle and Hugo from plague tale screaming just how he was in the game I played a year ago.

There is a lot to love. It also hurts how much this game is just game of thrones...its obviously the Japanese thinking "this is what the west wants" The mum will be evil and not even be bothered about killing her own kids...oooh the back stabbery of these soldiers killing their own king! what a dirty affair.

Music, AMAZING! - graphics incredible when the performance is hanging in there. I'm not sold on the rest.

My hope is this opens up massively after the demo, gets harder and has a lot more combat options. then it might deffo be a day one. If it is like this demo from beginning to end with hours of cutscenes and very little gameplay I will be shocked if it scores over an 8 which I guess will be driven by its presentation.


The nicest person on this forum
There is a lot to love. It also hurts how much this game is just game of thrones...its obviously the Japanese thinking "this is what the west wants" The mum will be evil and not even be bothered about killing her own kids...oooh the back stabbery of these soldiers killing their own king! what a dirty affair.
I'm guessing you never watched shows like Vinland Saga. Western are not the only ones that does dark medieval.

But I guess by your logic this show just trying be "western cartoon".....right?
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Moderated wildly
I'm guessing you never watched shows like Vinland Saga. Western are not the only ones that does dark medieval.

But I guess by your logic this show just trying be "western cartoon".....right?

Actually, I am dying to watch this. I have seen how amazing some of the fight scenes look. Maybe this game should just have been a final fantasy movie as the story and presentation is pretty amazing.


But for me it wasnt cinematic splender, it was sheer boredom in a screen filling mess of particles. Just get rid of the entire hud IMO and play the cutscene and let me look at the pretty graphics...I dunno. I was genuinely just numb from my thumb spamming triangle and Hugo from plague tale screaming just how he was in the game I played a year ago.

There is a lot to love. It also hurts how much this game is just game of thrones...its obviously the Japanese thinking "this is what the west wants" The mum will be evil and not even be bothered about killing her own kids...oooh the back stabbery of these soldiers killing their own king! what a dirty affair.

Music, AMAZING! - graphics incredible when the performance is hanging in there. I'm not sold on the rest.

My hope is this opens up massively after the demo, gets harder and has a lot more combat options. then it might deffo be a day one. If it is like this demo from beginning to end with hours of cutscenes and very little gameplay I will be shocked if it scores over an 8 which I guess will be driven by its presentation.
Haha, it's funny how it felt so much like A Plague Tale. Sick Kid, played by the same actor who played Sick Kid.

March Climber

Gold Member
Looks way better then FF7R imo, what is next gen nowadays ?
People are posting stuff like this in that Graphical Fidelity thread





As expected, things are beginning to move forward, graphically. I was just curious to know if FF 16 at least managed to make an impression.

Edit: And I agree that 16 looks better than 7Remake's best version. There were people here who tried to argue the opposite but that was quickly shut down once this demo released, because there's a clear leap in fidelity.
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I'm guessing you never watched shows like Vinland Saga. Western are not the only ones that does dark medieval.

But I guess by your logic this show just trying be "western cartoon".....right?
Berserk too. You follow Guts from a teenager to a young man then to a mature man. Filled with political plot lines, dark medieval setting, yet very Japanese just like XVI feels to me

Boss Mog

I was gung ho on this game since it was announced and the demo both blew me away and disappointed me at the same time. The 30fps mode unplayable for me, way to blurry and the 60fps mode was far from stable outside of combat. I know this was an old build so I still have hope that the final version will be more stable in its 60fps mode.

The second complaint I had was the combat, I didn't enjoy it that much. I actually preferred FFXV's action combat to this, it was way more technical, this seems way too basic and simplistic by comparison. Boss fights drag on because of the high HP of the bosses but they don't really pose a threat. FFXV has bosses and enemies that could one shot you, I was always on edge when fighting those strong enemies, this, on the other hand, felt like a relaxing, albeit tedious, walk in the park. It's a beautiful spectacle but not challenging or fun at all. And yes I played the Eikon Challenge demo.

I'm still buying the game though.
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Gold Member
Yes, when FF was a new IP, and not a estabilished franchise.

By the same token, Dragon Quest was inspired by Ultima. The entire franchise was birthed by its creator following a trend. And yet Dragon Quest structure and gameplay is not similar at all to Ultima. The game got its inspiration elsewhere, as anything in life, but build an identity to itself, and its as big at it is today because of that.

Doesn't matter. You said FF shouldn't chase trends, when it's been doing that since the beginning. FFXII was the first mainline entry to break away from classic turn based combat, by chasing the trend of MMO combat. Even in 2006 it was chasing trends. It really wasn't until FFXIII that they reinvented Jrpg combat with the combat systems of FFXIII and FFXV, but who the fuck cares cause those two games sucked dick.


But for me it wasnt cinematic splender, it was sheer boredom in a screen filling mess of particles. Just get rid of the entire hud IMO and play the cutscene and let me look at the pretty graphics...I dunno. I was genuinely just numb from my thumb spamming triangle and Hugo from plague tale screaming just how he was in the game I played a year ago.

There is a lot to love. It also hurts how much this game is just game of thrones...its obviously the Japanese thinking "this is what the west wants" The mum will be evil and not even be bothered about killing her own kids...oooh the back stabbery of these soldiers killing their own king! what a dirty affair.

Music, AMAZING! - graphics incredible when the performance is hanging in there. I'm not sold on the rest.

My hope is this opens up massively after the demo, gets harder and has a lot more combat options. then it might deffo be a day one. If it is like this demo from beginning to end with hours of cutscenes and very little gameplay I will be shocked if it scores over an 8 which I guess will be driven by its presentation.

This is exactly what I want...what I've always wanted for an FF game. I also agree with @ Danjin44 Danjin44 ...reminds me a lot of Vinland Saga, which surprised me in a good way.

I am with you on the difficulty though. I really hope they provide some challenge and don't make the game a total cakewalk. I still remember playing FFXV and laughing at the difficulty. I was able to beat a boss midway through that game simply holding X, with my eyes closed. No...that isn't a joke, I mean that literally.

Square Enix has been notorious in the last few years with making some of their bigger releases way, way, wayyyy too easy. FFXV compared to previous entries, Kingdom Hearts 3 (hated the game) was....well just see for yourself:

You also have Dragon Quest XI, Octopath Traveler 2....all which were significantly easier than the previous entries. Give us hard mode for the first playthrough Square.
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Lokaum D+

People are posting stuff like this in that Graphical Fidelity thread





As expected, things are beginning to move forward, graphically. I was just curious to know if FF 16 at least managed to make an impression.

Edit: And I agree that 16 looks better than 7Remake's best version. There were people here who tried to argue the opposite but that was quickly shut down once this demo released, because there's a clear leap in fidelity.
One is a ubsoft game and we all know how much we can trust Ubsoft trailers

Second is a gorgeous tech demo running sub 30fps, dont think any game ll look like that for at least two gen,

Third one, i agree, its a beaultiful game even though I don't like the game.

I dont know how good ll 16 look at the end of the day, we have played the 1.01 version and in April the game was already at 1.03 at the State of Play, we all ll see how the release version look at june 22
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Can’t Git Gud
I only just got to the swamp area before i went to bed last night so waiting to play an actual level to form a better opinion.


The intro cutscenes with that massive war scene and the titan fights were INSANE. I kept asking myself how its possible to be realtime with that level of fidelity. I will be interested to see if they actually let us participate in those battles. The opening shits on GOW Ragnorak and just made me angry. lmao
Do you think that war scene is pre rendered? It looks crazy good. With many characters, effects, earth shattering and so on.
Many scenes in the demo look pre-rendered/cgi to me. It could be all real time but it would be kinda funny if square enix was apparently a master of inserting high quality FMVs into the game lol.
Some faces shots are just nuts. The soft lighting is something else. It doesn't look realistic but it got that cgi look which fake trailers like deep down had.... maybe,
I think HFW got more detail and is more technical.. but never achieves THIS cgi look. Maybe it's direction or more personal lighting. HFW is the best looking ps5 game... but these shots below look way ahead imo. but HFW is more consistent probably.

like... these must be pre-rendered RIGHT ?! are we getting bamboozled by square enix ?! I took these yesterday
edit: No way it's real time. The softnesa round her eyes in the 2nd pic and soft shadowing?! I've never seen a game do that.


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The nicest person on this forum
Actually, I am dying to watch this. I have seen how amazing some of the fight scenes look. Maybe this game should just have been a final fantasy movie as the story and presentation is pretty amazing.
I dont know what to tell you, based on prologue demo you think the game is going linear but they already show this game is going have exploration many times.

I can tell you right now FFVII Rebirth is going be much more linear than FFXVI.


Gold Member
I'm guessing you never watched shows like Vinland Saga. Western are not the only ones that does dark medieval.

But I guess by your logic this show just trying be "western cartoon".....right?
There are good shows/manga in that dark fantasy style, but i often see far more bad than good ones. In general, not many JP game developers seem to understand dark fantasy, From being the highlight from the few.

Its not a fair comparison either, its a genre that has been present in the west for waaaaaay longer than in japan. There's naturally a whole lot more of reference and material for western writers to take inspiration on.
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The nicest person on this forum
There are good shows/manga in that dark fantasy style, but i often see far more bad than good ones.

In general, not many JP game developers seem to understand dark fantasy, From being the highlight from the few.
To me from demo they did pretty damn good job here.
It is definitely bordering on "interactive movie" territory for me too. Lots of story, not much gameplay, people defending it as "this is just the beginning of the game, all RPGS have crazy long intro sequences".

I finished the Morbol fight last night and wanted to save my game. I sat through about 45 minutes of cutscenes before I had control of my character again.

Like you, I love a lot of stuff about this game (music, graphics, story, etc.) but it's extremely light on actual gameplay. Hoping the naysayers are right in that it opens up later to become more of a game and less of a "movie where you occasionally press buttons to arrive at the pre-determined outcome"
Yeah I skipped most of the cutscenes tbh


The nicest person on this forum
I would be fine with that. Not every game needs to be too open. Guided open world/big linear is great.
Its how most JRPG like DQXI and Xenoblade structured. Xenoblade 1-3 are still linear games with big map to explore.
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March Climber

Gold Member
Do you think that war scene is pre rendered? It looks crazy good. With many characters, effects, earth shattering and so on.
Many scenes in the demo look pre-rendered/cgi to me. It could be all real time but it would be kinda funny if square enix was apparently a master of inserting high quality FMVs into the game lol.
Some faces shots are just nuts. The soft lighting is something else. It doesn't look realistic but it got that cgi look which fake trailers like deep down had.... maybe,
I think HFW got more detail and is more technical.. but never achieves THIS cgi look. Maybe it's direction or more personal lighting. HFW is the best looking ps5 game... but these shots below look way ahead imo. but HFW is more consistent probably.

like... these must be pre-rendered RIGHT ?! are we getting bamboozled by square enix ?! I took these yesterday


Even if this is somehow pre-rendered, the cinematic direction here is top notch. Games like this make me thankful for the monumental impact that people like Hideo Kojima had on the entire video game industry.

One is a ubsoft game and we all know how much we can trust Ubsoft trailers

Second is a gorgeous tech demo running sub 30fps, dont think any game ll look like that for at least two gen,

Third one, i agree, its a beaultiful game even though I don't like the game.

I dont know how good ll 16 look at the end of the day, we have played the 1.01 version and in April the game was already at 1.03 at the State of Play, we all ll see how the release version look at june 22
Lol, no need to put those games down to prop up FF 16. I do think that we're reaching a point where bullshots and fake footage will eventually be gone in 1 to 2 more generations. However, I think that the next important thing developers have to ensure is making their games look 'next gen' in other ways. Being on point cinematically(and I don't just mean cutscenes), is one of those key factors. Even if FF 16 was cross gen I would be impressed by it's level of direction, because what they've done makes it feel ahead of other past Square Enix projects.


I don't ever skip cutscenes in games but when it comes to a demo A DEMO, I just wanted to see how the game felt to play and it doesn't play very well. So it was kind of annoying to get these long winded cutscenes and then snippets of gameplay that isn't really that good. Since when was final fantasy mash square button to win for 5-10 minutes on a boss? Even playing on performance it's very sluggish and I still don't know how to switch target lock to other enemies.

Also this seriously outdated level design doesn't sit well with me either. Being packed into these extremely tight spaces and then forced into small combat arenas and quick time events for opening doors and pushing your way into the next small area. I really thought we were passed this kind of thing. I really hope this is just a bad representation of the game. I really didn't like FF15 and the FF7R and had hoped this would be something completely different.
Yeah it sounds like you just don’t have a lot of skill for action type combat because if you did it wouldn’t take that long and you wouldn’t be just mashing square.


Can’t Git Gud
Even if this is somehow pre-rendered, the cinematic direction here is top notch. Games like this make me thankful for the monumental impact that people like Hideo Kojima had on the entire video game industry.

Lol, no need to put those games down to prop up FF 16. I do think that we're reaching a point where bullshots and fake footage will eventually be gone in 1 to 2 more generations. However, I think that the next important thing developers have to ensure is making their games look 'next gen' in other ways. Being on point cinematically(and I don't just mean cutscenes), is one of those key factors. Even if FF 16 was cross gen I would be impressed by it's level of direction, because what they've done makes it feel ahead of other past Square Enix projects.
The pics I posted beats die hardman to the pulp. He was my go-to-digital-man for graphics showcase. Any of these 3 shots I took, showcase a next gen compared to death stranding.
The softness of shadows and especially around the eyes... wish I had turned on "high quality" ps5 screenshots but I play with HDR and it compresses the shots a lot. Maybe the compression makes it look better but my father said today that I am not crazy.
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Doesn't matter. You said FF shouldn't chase trends, when it's been doing that since the beginning. FFXII was the first mainline entry to break away from classic turn based combat, by chasing the trend of MMO combat. Even in 2006 it was chasing trends. It really wasn't until FFXIII that they reinvented Jrpg combat with the combat systems of FFXIII and FFXV, but who the fuck cares cause those two games sucked dick.
Doesn't matter? We invented the wheel because someone saw a round rock rolling through a cliff and got inspired by it. ATB was a creation that FF created, heavy storytelling was something FF pioneered(And this part started with the first game).

Being INSPIRED by something is very different than chasing a trend. BOTW was inspired by open world games, but it created its own identity by doing something unique with that inspiration. That's not chasing a trend, not in the sense that you are implying.


Another WTF game design decision. The entire game seems to be based of QTE. This is going to be a hard pass for me.
Nothing wrong with it, most of the game is pure Gameplay with some QTEs here and there, leave the concern trolling elsewhere kiddo.

Btw does anyone know what the review version is? Assuming SoP was 1.03 i guess it's a later version.


Gold Member
Doesn't matter? We invented the wheel because someone saw a round rock rolling through a cliff and got inspired by it. ATB was a creation that FF created, heavy storytelling was something FF pioneered(And this part started with the first game).

Being INSPIRED by something is very different than chasing a trend. BOTW was inspired by open world games, but it created its own identity by doing something unique with that inspiration. That's not chasing a trend, not in the sense that you are implying.

Hey you're right! And FFXVI was inspired by Devil May Cry and Game of Thrones.



Gold Member
To me from demo they did pretty damn good job here.
Eh, it still fell too much into typical jrpg tropes in my book. Overly dramatic scenes, le epic titan fight, too much enphasis on the "DARK" and "GRITTy" instead of just letting things flow and blend naturally, throw in some interpersonal drama right from the get go and a narrative that feels too much like its building up to be classic monomyth and you have a shonen manga.

Throwing in dark filter, death, shock scenes and betrayal won't make a story look any less juvenile by themselves if the story still follows scripts out of shonen. Not like i have anything against those, it can be entertaining in a cheesy sort of way like old Resident Evil games, but its not good to take itself too seriously like what i saw here.
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