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I used to play all my Final Fantasy games in Japanese va, but lately English va performances have sounded so much better and Japanese va have become a little gringe to hear.
Big win playing without having to read subtitles anymore.


Gold Member
Just started the demo.

Why the hell is the game so blurry when you move the camera? Playing in Graphics or Framerate mode makes no different. Looks horrible.

It's like a blurry outline around your character. I need an option to turn this motion blur off.
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Lil_Bambino98 on youtube I uploaded the hour (processing) or you can check my psn, I have no need to lie. Literally, when fighting the swamp monster I dropped to 20fps. the story is a typical pseudo-fantasy world where only the lightest-skinned people exist and have to fight against evil because the character is supposed to be some pseudo-Lord.

Fast And Furious Shaw GIF by The Fast Saga

Disappointed by the demo. Feels incredibly on rails throughout, levels are claustrophobic, eikon battles become lengthy QTE sequences. They should have iterated on the open world FF15 formula.

To be fair it was stated that the demo is an intro and would be linear and CS heavy, The game is supposed to open up properly, But I'll guess we'll find out wether it does or not soon!!

VRR is essential in this game



This game on 60hz (fixed) displays is constant stutter.

C2? I played with the game optimizer open a lot to see the frame rate and it seems to jump between 49-59 FPS for me in the castle section I wouldn't like to experience this on a shit/average TV.


The nicest person on this forum
The mother seems over the top heartless with little explanation, so I hope they go into that some more. Good for that intro shock value though.
I’m getting impression that she care too much about blood, lineage and status and because Clive didn’t inherited phoenix, she considers him failure.

Or Clive could be love child from another woman.
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Cant stop thinking about this game

Want to play the demo again, but I will replay the intro again once the full game comes out.

Havent felt excitement like this for a game in a very, very long time. I believe the last time was in 2020, after playing FF VII R and TLOU 2. That "wow, this is a special experience" kind of feeling.
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Well "ATB" in FF7R isn't really much different from super gauge in any fighting games, or Trials of Mana.
Not at all lol.

They just let you use normal abilities, spells and stuff. They are not overpowered or anything. They are just like any normal skill and spell in a FF. And normal attacks don't do nearly enough damage to just get on the game with it.

Or did you play FF games with just the attack option, and never used spells, and beated the games?


Yea, she was a real bitch :messenger_grinning_smiling:

Dominant or not the way she treats her firstborn child is some very sus shit lmao.

I’m getting impression that she care too much about blood, lineage and status and because Clive didn’t inherited phoenix, she considers him failure.

Or Clive could be love child from another woman.

Yeah that's what the lore notes say about her. I guess she was also fucking around with the imperial leader or whoever as well.

I like the in-game notes thing too. Love that I can get instant context on what is going on in the scene.
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The mother seems over the top heartless with little explanation, so I hope they go into that some more. Good for that intro shock value though.
There's probably going to be more, but it's one of the oldest archetypes in the book. Noble that most likely politically married into royalty with a strong disdain for what doesn't benefit her. Joshua did as a Dominant, Clive is worthless comparatively.

European folklore are full of em. Actual history at times as well.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The reason behind this is clear, the phoenix rejected Clive, she seems him as a failure.
I think it goes beyond that. She is very clearly concerned more about prestige and bloodlines of nobility to a fault. To the point where she freely
sells her entire kingdom to the empire for more power and nobility. She had zero love for her husband and, as he clearly pointed out, was only the archduke because his predecessor was taken before his time.

Either way, I am glad we get such a great villain immediately. Reminds me a lot of Shinra and Queen Brahme. She absolutely will not be the main villain, but she is at least the "starting" one.
Yeah I knew that, just hoping for some more context. As of now she's just a shallow prototypical cartoon villain.
The context is also there, she's a purist for lineage and craving power.

Clive's father even told Clive that he could stop kissing his boots since his mother wasn't there.

She's far from shallow, she was well developed in the little time she was onscreen in the demo.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The context is also there, she's a purist for lineage and craving power.

Clive's father even told Clive that he could stop kissing his boots since his mother wasn't there.

She's far from shallow, she was well developed in the little time she was onscreen in the demo.
Yep. We know she honors nobility, power, and prestige, but she is not above petty revenge. She sees Clive as a failure both as a Noble and as her own son. Someone who was deemed unworthy by the gods her family covets. And she freely will send him to frontlines to his death instead of simply having him executed where he laid. Vindictive, power hungry, and manipulative. Even the first we saw of her, in the original trailer, gave off that impression. I just never thought they would go *this* far this early with her.

March Climber

Gold Member
For those who have played FFX, does Sin technically count as an FF summon? Also, what is the likelihood that it is some sort of secret mega boss in this game as a nod to FFX?

I'm just trying to think of summons more dangerous than Titan, and Sin would probably be number 1 on the list.


Gold Member
30fps mode doesn't feel as smooth as people have stated. Switching between the two and I can't do it, ESPECIALLY with that motion blur.

Combat is good so far. Graphics are okay on graphics mode with performance mode having very blurry distant textures.

Just noticed that it seems ALL characters have that terrible blur around their model.
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There's probably going to be more, but it's one of the oldest archetypes in the book. Noble that most likely politically married into royalty with a strong disdain for what doesn't benefit her. Joshua did as a Dominant, Clive is worthless comparatively.

European folklore are full of em. Actual history at times as well.

It's just a little weird to see when the firstborn son was a priceless treasure in those times. She is a nutter if she was expecting to bat 1000 with every kid, and somehow forgetting they can still become a dominant later in life? Oops. Maybe some bad writing there but probably explained more later.

I just immediately assumed that Clive was like the child from a previous wife or a bastard. Similar to John Snow or something. That vibe felt very much like Game of Thrones to me.

Yeah that seems likely. Would give some more sense to her motivations.
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The mother seems over the top heartless with little explanation, so I hope they go into that some more. Good for that intro shock value though.
I just immediately assumed that Clive was like the child from a previous wife or a bastard. Similar to John Snow or something. That vibe felt very much like Game of Thrones to me.
But it is sort of explained:
Joshua, the younger brother inherited the power of the Phoenix and is a Dominant while clive only got a small porion of the power.

EDIT: I see some one else already explained a lot better than me lol
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
For those who have played FFX, does Sin technically count as an FF summon? Also, what is the likelihood that it is some sort of secret mega boss in this game as a nod to FFX?

I'm just trying to think of summons more dangerous than Titan, and Sin would probably be number 1 on the list.

I wouldn't say Sin is a traditional summon. If you want to think summons more dangerous than Titan? Bahamut was usually always the more powerful of the two. Asura, Hades, Knights of the Round, Magus Sisters - all could be interesting Eikons to see. But I still think there will be something about Ultima and Zodiark in this game.


For those who have played FFX, does Sin technically count as an FF summon? Also, what is the likelihood that it is some sort of secret mega boss in this game as a nod to FFX?

I'm just trying to think of summons more dangerous than Titan, and Sin would probably be number 1 on the list.

Sin won't be in FF16 at all.

Ifrit is more dangerous than anything he's the main characters eikon and he kicks ass lol


It's just a little weird to see when the firstborn son was a priceless treasure in those times. She is a nutter if she was expecting to bat 1000 with every kid. If they're going to go GoT then I hope they flesh it out more.
Yeah, but that sadly just how sometimes people are. Favourite child and the *failure* isn't uncommon, even sometimes today. Exaggerated when political power came into play.

Popular historical example is sons or daughters that got sold off somewhere (mostly into marriages) so you were rid of them because they didn't fit. And that's one of the more cheery examples.

Edit: That's not to say that I don't agree that she needs some fleshing out. I mean the political marriage and so on part is pure assumption by me too.
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Clive is level 30 vs Atlas level 45 in this clip of an optional "hunt". The game can be much more challenging if you want it to be
He gains like 4 levels from that one fight though... So even if you do decide to fight thigns while udnerleveled it seem like that would bring you to the "appropriate" level pretty quick


Gold Member
I wouldn't say Sin is a traditional summon. If you want to think summons more dangerous than Titan? Bahamut was usually always the more powerful of the two. Asura, Hades, Knights of the Round, Magus Sisters - all could be interesting Eikons to see. But I still think there will be something about Ultima and Zodiark in this game.

I always thought titan was a pretty basic level summon, a little bit under the likes of Alexander (depending on the game he's either SSS tier or high mid pack) or Diablos.

Honestly I would have wanted Diablos but we are getting Anima it seems for the dark themed one (better than ghost train I guess), still hoping Alexander shows but suspect given the trailers he would have shown up by now if he was included.
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March Climber

Gold Member
Put that on spoiler tags. This is a very spoiler heavy story beat for FF X. And not everyone has played that game.
I think it's fine. There's not enough to go on with my post to really spoil anything beyond the first few hours of FFX. You pointing it out might have done the opposite effect of what you wanted lol.


Gold Member
Just downloaded it. Will give it a go later after watching some RLM.

First time I will be diving into a FF game in well over a decade. Digging the art design and atmosphere/tone from what I seen with this entry.


I think it's fine. There's not enough to go on with my post to really spoil anything beyond the first few hours of FFX. You pointing it out might have done the opposite effect of what you wanted lol.
Quite the opposite. But this thread already went to shit, so screw it. Just hope that your statement doesn't spoil anyone that didn't play X out of its enjoyment.
Loved the music and the cutscenes, but the combat system is terrible. Dumb button mashing, zero challenge (without rings), boring as hell. Hard to understand how people can enjoy this combat style.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Loved the music and the cutscenes, but the combat system is terrible. Dumb button mashing, zero challenge (without rings), boring as hell. Hard to understand how people can enjoy this combat style.

You mean the combat at the very beginning of the game was easy? And the combat section that gave you every ability by a still somewhat early point of the game was easy? When you wouldn't have access to those abilities by that point? Who would have thought.

Also button mashing? If you are button mashing, you are playing this kind of game wrong. Use abilties correctly, dodge, rack up score to get better exp/rewards - also kills enemies far, far faster.
Loved the music and the cutscenes, but the combat system is terrible. Dumb button mashing, zero challenge (without rings), boring as hell. Hard to understand how people can enjoy this combat style.
It's funny how many people have no clue how good the combat in this is. I already posted two other videos but the combat in this is deep as shit even in the demo.

It's not in the video but you get invincibility frames on the charged shot as well. During the initial jump back. Really good for enemies that attack twice like the dragons sweeping attack.
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You mean the combat at the very beginning of the game was easy? And the combat section that gave you every ability by a still somewhat early point of the game was easy? When you wouldn't have access to those abilities by that point? Who would have thought.

Also button mashing? If you are button mashing, you are playing this kind of game wrong. Use abilties correctly, dodge, rack up score to get better exp/rewards - also kills enemies far, far faster.
I mean even the couple of BOSS FIGHTS. Zero challenge, no strong potions used. Dodged all the attacks I wanted easily, did all the attack variations the game presented. Plays like a mobile game.
Loved the music and the cutscenes, but the combat system is terrible. Dumb button mashing, zero challenge (without rings), boring as hell. Hard to understand how people can enjoy this combat style.
I've played FFXIV, but never gave too much attention to Soken's music, even if I've always found that game's soundtrack quite enjoyable but nothing else. However, what I listened to in this demo made me feel the same emotions that Uematsu's music made me feel. It was a very especial moment.
This could very well be my favorite non-Uematsu soundtrack if this continue like this.
played the demo:
I left with a hmm multiple problems in the 1st 10 mins if you have a HDR tv the hdr and how its calculated in this game is extremely off. If you leave the brightness at its default level the entire picture looks like its blown out. make sure to not turn on any of the visual assets or you will get weird colors that I guess are to show sound?

after you start the game big problem 2 comes in to play 1st the lighting in this game is weird maybe its the time of day maybe its the engine the best way i can describe it as the sun is dim like your playing in warm mode 2 It looks so weird and 2nd they 100% muted all of the colors in this game I thought it was just the stream when they showed it off but after playing the demo the colors are muted so everything is almost in a shade that's mixed with brown. Even with HDR on nothing pops highlights are extremely dim and every has a soft pastel look. Since sony is also doing the marketing with there the high end oled bravio tvs with ff16 I do not see how anyone who picks it up on a high end tv will be satisfied with how it looks or the hdr Highlights the game has.

Graphics and frame rate: as soon as you start the game if you play in performance mode even with a VRR tv the frame will drop like crazy even in cut scenes if this game was pushing crazy graphic like RDR2, Ghost, MGS4, spider man, cyberpunk, witcher ect I would give it a pass but even in performance mode I saw the fps drop to sub 30. Extremely choppy even in the starting area at times this game runs at best and at worst then ff15 and ff15 was open world this game has closed off areas with loading screens as soon as you enter a room it will literally lock you in God of war never did that and that game is linear as well. Also the graphics have a weird look to them one of the problems is motion blur I will turn on motion blur by default for the style effect but in this game it looks like Vaseline the opening fight in the cave is a mix of wow this looks cool and interesting and I cant see anything thats happening. The whole section when there both sliding down it got so blurry you would have to play it back in 0.25 youtube speed to make out anything that is happening. don't know if its FRS or what its terrible i assume its FRS since even in dead space and RE4 the ps5 turn FRS on to the max which just smears the image in blurr.

off of the prologue umm is the word I would use the gameplay in this section "if you can call it" is on rails like crazy and short you will literally walk then have a 5+ min cut scene No jrpg or rpg in the past 10 years has this level of stop and go production its like the copied it from ff14 ff14 is notorious for having you walk to and area cut scene then walk and another 10+ lore dump then cut scene. I was hoping they would move beyond that but i guess not disappointing the amount of closed off invisible walls is crazy no dialogue choices or decisions your straight up watching cut scenes. The game play that is there beyond bare bones even Tales of arise starts you off with more stuff do to in the tutorial then ff16. The boss fight in this game is interesting you can tell platinum worked on it but it feels so on rails compared to even platinum earliest boss fights. Combat is like Dmc mixed with nier mixed with KH but with extremely long cool down im not really happy with that the only launcher in the demo is tied to one of the longer cool downs in the game God of war Ragnarok didnt even do something like this and that game is far from God of war 3.

Story: Without spoiling to much its ok nothing really super crazy or surprising outside of that the let the actually villain just up and leave without any sort of push back or suspicion. Some extremely questionable story beats in the castle raid section it honestly felt like at times everyone just dropped 100 IQ points for the sake of plot. Like it was beyond obvious what was happening and the choices they made made 0 sense. Im not going to say beat for beat its like the opening of witcher 2 but even in that game the king of everyone around him wasn't just waiting around to get steam rolled or walking right back in the door the just left out of. Dialogue leaves alot to be desired and clive as a character from what I played is pretty boring barely any personality or flair especially after his child arc.

Challenge mode:
Just played the ekion challenge mode for the most part pretty positive game play wise I do have some questions and complaints Iv read that during that section you dont have the wind ekion obliviously when you get to the boss you see why. But if you dont have the wind one by then or the rock one is the game play going to be even more bare bones like the prologue? because 1 thing the challenge mode did better then the prologue was the combat felt way more together the prologue felt like KH1, Tales of arise with no launcher, FF15 with you just mashing X at level 1, Nier with just a dodge move and DMC5 mission 1 new game with nero and no devil arms. It felt terrible and unfun even the boss fight wasnt great. This fixes that 10 folds but the actually difficulty is way to easy is story mode and action mode going to be the only options because right now encounters dont even last long god of war 2018 had this issue if you played on anything below hard you would melt trash mobs and various enemies way to fast this felt like that but worst. The fact that they keep saying you have to beat the game to unlock "hard mode" has me concerned because the ff14 has the same issue the game is so easy at times its boring until you either do raids with good players or turn the difficulty up when its available.
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