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Posted screenshots here. Incredible. I am so impressed.... I had the game pre-ordered and only wanted to try out the demo for 5 minutes... ended up playing the whole thing in about 3 hours.

It looks incredible.
It plays perfectly in 30fps. Honestly... this is the 30fps I've been asking since most 30fps games been shitty slow this gen. Like demons souls 30fps being 75ms slower than bloodborne? yeah... this is not here. This feels still quite snappy and responsive at 30fps.
The motion blur quality is fantastic. A godsend for oled users. 30fps that actually does not have judder. Performance mode is ok too but blurry. But still good.
4k, HDR, Oled and this game looks MAD at times. Like seriously. Check the screenhsots. Thing looks straight up cgi for me at times

More on the game:
-Incredible music with a touch hint of ff7 theme in there. It speeds up and slows down when needed. It's so good. The swamp ambient transitioning into battle theme? holy wow!
-The story and cinematography !!! The direction. Just mind blowing.
-Constantly engaging, great combat. Fighting actually is very immersive. Bosses were cool to fight.
-The demo left me with my jaw wide open like every 3 minutes lol. What the hell is going on.
-The way that demo ended? ooof.

I would purchase the game at the end of the demo if I didn't already. Where is the button to tell them that I've got physical on pre-order :p
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No other game does this. Just this demo. Weird. Anyone else have this weird issue?
It's an option. Something like visual audio or something like that. It's supposed to show audio on screen.
Will wait to release. Don't know how you guys have the time, as we already had massive games come out this year. Don't you all work or have spouses?

Still playing botw (never beat it and got totk after that), and Diablo4.
Put down dead island, and re4re for D4... No time for FF16.
Sure I could put my other games down but why do that, I know this is going to be good anyway. I'll wait.
Will wait to release. Don't know how you guys have the time, as we already had massive games come out this year. Don't you all work or have spouses?

Still playing botw (never beat it and got totk after that), and Diablo4.
Put down dead island, and re4re for D4... No time for FF16.
Sure I could put my other games down but why do that, I know this is going to be good anyway. I'll wait.
I've already beaten Tears but still mess around in the world was grinding SF6 hard on PS5 and PC. This demo is the first thing that made me roll up the cord on my fight stick. I can't get into D4 and I've tried. Level 36 Necro and 30 Sorc it just doesn't work for me. I'll give it a go again after I beat the full game of XVI.


Yes it's very GoT inspired. That's not speculation, the team have brought it up before.
Yeah, partly.

Even without that though multiple members of the team have done dark, political fantasy before including the writer. Tactics had some fucked up shit (human sacrifices, good old murdering for political gain, two married main charachters that stab each other during the epilogue) and Vagrant Story was a straight up dark.

It's much intensified, but its not like it wasn't their MO to begin with.
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Ok, really? Now I may put my other games down to try it. Do you mean like Ivalice the world, or in that it has geopolitical scheming, or do you mean artstyle. I'll take any of those, but all 3 would be nice. My all time fav is ff tactics, and vagrant story.
All three brother, and Tactics is also my favorite Final Fantasy EVER.

Mood, world, atmosphere, music, story it all feels like Tactics. If this game can keep this up for the entire run. I'm not sure where it will wind up. Seriously, Eikons are actually scary, like HOLY FUCK scary. All of them. There is a lot of nuance in the story that reminds me of tactics especially between their father and mother. It's amazing. Give me a Calculator or Time mage and I may die of excitement.
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Yes it's very GoT inspired. That's not speculation, the team have brought it up before.

I don't mind it as I like GoT but I could only laugh at Torgal's description like did they really.

Torgal was found alone in a snowfield during one of Archduke Elwin's expeditions to the freezing north, and gifted to his sons upon his return.

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I must be in the minority when it comes to the combat. Im not digging it so far, it just feels floaty and weightless, like you're slicing through thin air and not actually impacting an enemy. I think its quite a step down from FF7R.


Gold Member
I am going to give my 2 cent on the demo then not talk about the game anymore as it is obviously not for me.

Graphics - good
Soundtrack - excellent!
Art theme - excellent!

button mash - bad
QTEs - worse

There is nothing here in terms of gameplay that is remotely worthy of a main FF title. precision doge is easy enough, just mash x and dodge until you win. CINEMATIC STRIKE! lol QTEs are lame. Cutscenes every other min. If I didn't start skipping them It would have been at least 2 full hours of cutscenes to 15 mins of gameplay. then there is the horrible summon fight. (triangle) to fire R1 to dodge. that's it.. it's light interactive QTE that goes on far too long.

Sorry I just cannot get behind this travesty but again I will no longer speak of it since there is nothing to be accomplished by constant moaning. 🤷‍♂️
No longer speak of it? Then stfu then maybe 🤷‍♂️


Moderated wildly
I think I kinda like the combat and I'm kinda into finding out where the story is going.

Deffo going to pick it up at some point to run through the story.

Hopefully they get it to locked 60fps.
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I'm amazed. I was so skeptical until now...

Combat is great; story has a lot of potential; graphics are great as well.

Active-time lore is going to be copied by Bioware, just you watch.

My only real gripe was the framedrop during Godzilla vs Mothra.


Joshua va is the same as Hugo from plague tale 2? Sounds the same.

And what engine are they using? It’s not luminous but not ue either
I must be in the minority when it comes to the combat. Im not digging it so far, it just feels floaty and weightless, like you're slicing through thin air and not actually impacting an enemy. I think its quite a step down from FF7R.
It seems OK so far. I'm not done with the demo, but the first few fights seemed pretty pointless, I guess just getting accustomed to things. But even the first boss was not difficult or noteworthy, stagger him about 4-5 times, easy to avoid his attacks.. just wasn't that enthralled with it. But it has potential I guess, going to see where it goes.

Small thing there seems to be no sound effect when you land from a jump and don't know why but it bothers me makes it feel very floaty when jumping. Otherwise so far so good.


I'm amazed. I was so skeptical until now...

Combat is great; story has a lot of potential; graphics are great as well.

Active-time lore is going to be copied by Bioware, just you watch.

My only real gripe was the framedrop during Godzilla vs Mothra.
Atl is such a god idea.
That fps drop you speak of was intense. But will worth of madness happening.


Gold Member
Just a short comment after almost completing the demo, it seems like we have another strong goty candidate on our hands...

The good voice work and writing is what suprised me the most, also SOME parts of the graphic, i still think it looks a bit uneven but way better than any yt trailer.

Quality mode was more than decent but the blur when you turn the camera has to fucking go.
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Shouldn’t this be getting more attention? I didn’t expect the game and graphics to blast me like that. Feels next gen enough for me to make me play at 30fps. Not many games did that this gen.

For a japanese developer its incredibly impressive, agree

But this is not at the level of Jedi Survivor by any stretch. Not that its a complain or anything like that, Survivor is ultimately much more impressive (especially in terms of ragdolls / physics and just how expensive the game looks at all times for real)
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Really enjoyed the demo, Definitely felt the frame rate dips here and there they range from 49-59 quite aggressively both indoor and outdoor in Rosaria but they were nowhere near as bad as people are making out at all, I didn't feel it as bad as some are saying in the Eikon battle.

Is my C2 helping with the frame drops or am I just not looking for it hard enough??? It's definitely not a perfect performance mode but the graphics mode is horrendous I can't do 30fps it feels like a slide show.

Battle system is good and I liked the characters/voice acting, The Benedikta demo we have all already seen was nice to play had no real performance issues there I liked Titans moves they felt solid as a rock.... ...

Roll on next week 🤘🤘🤘


I must be in the minority when it comes to the combat. Im not digging it so far, it just feels floaty and weightless, like you're slicing through thin air and not actually impacting an enemy. I think its quite a step down from FF7R.
I agree 100% that and the bullet sponge enemies. I did not connect with any of the characters either, very boring dialogue. Going to wait for reviews.
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The nicest person on this forum
I agree 100% that and the bullet sponge enemies. I did not connect with any of the characters either, very boring dialogue. Going to wait for reviews.
What? Most normal enemies went down pretty fast, it’s the boss fights that have more health which is true with 90% all RPGs.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
People told me this doesn’t look like “Final Fantasy” …..yeah my ass! the aesthetics screams Final Fantasy.
This screamed FF to me.
Like going to see the king to the castle and getting your first mission
reminded me of FF1. There's FF2 vibes in there as well. This is definitely a Final Fantasy game. At least it is if you've played any games before FF7.

March Climber

Gold Member
Shouldn’t this be getting more attention?
Gaming media is currently focused on summer showcases. I still remember years ago when Konami stupidly released MGS: Revengeance on the exact week of E3. A ton of youtubers and podcasts didn't cover it and reviews even came in late. To this day I've never understood that decision, but thankfully word of mouth, memes, and other factors helped it sell alright.
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