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First Blade Runner 2049 impressions


If people are going through his filmography then you can not miss out on Incendies. His absolute masterpiece. After that Enemy and especially Prisoners are recommended. I was a little luke warm on Sicario and Arrival was a complete stinker.

But this is Blade Runner, and I don't think I would have wanted any other director taking care of the sequel to one of my favorite movies.

Only 9 days left!


I'll just settle for this movie breaking even, if it's good. That by itself should be a momentous task considering the budget.

Yeah. It doesn't affect me at all, but I want to see the film do well. I'm just worried that while the marketing, in the form of the shorts, has been great fan service, it's kinda preaching to the converted. I remember Tron: Legacy having that problem; the marketing campaign was awesome for Tron fans (physical goodies), but IMO did absolutely nothing to bring in a new audience.

It's at times like this that I wish I was back at school or university, because I don't have a great perspective on what the hype levels outside of fan communities are any more.


I hate the idea of continuing all the classics of the 80s. Also remakes, reboots, spin offs, etc.

I hope, at least, a quality film. Not a shambles like the majority of these productions.
I hate the idea of continuing all the classics of the 80s. Also remakes, reboots, spin offs, etc.

I hope, at least, a quality film. Not a shambles like the majority of these productions.
Three of those classics were remakes themselves. The Thing, The Fly, Scarface
Wow I was shitting on this ever since I saw the trailer. Looked like a straight up action movie. Glad to hear it's more in line with the original. My interest has been (re)piqued.
I thought Ridley was directing so I expected it to be garbage. I don’t even particularly like Blade Runner but it’s a well shot movie.


Fuck I'm so excited to watch Blade Runner in the theaters. I was planning on watching it on my new OLED before 2049 but I probably should just wait instead. HYPEEEEEE

Mr. Hyde

If he can pull off Dune it'll mean a label for directing skill level will need to be invented.

This is truth. If he pulls this off, I will have 60% percent faith in him pulling Dune off. Mind you, that's not because he isn't a good director. He's in my top five working directors. It's just a film that has to be given an insane thought process before filming. I am sure a lot of fans will be pissed off even if it turns out to be a masterpiece on a film level.
Wait, what? Dune is in the pipeline? And by this amazing director?
And it’s a dream project for him
”...A longstanding dream of mine is to adapt “Dune,” but it’s a long process to get the rights, and I don’t think I will succeed...”
February 2017 said:
It’d been rumored for a while that Legendary Pictures had been courting Sicario and Arrival director Denis Villeneuve for their upcoming Dune reboot. Now in under 140 characters, Brian Herbert (son of Dune author Frank Herbert) has confirmed that the contracts have all been signed, and Villeneuve will be directing
Outside of the main trailer, they don't really know how to market this.

I'd argue that they knew exactly how to market it. They already know Blade Runner fans are going to go see the movie because it's a Blade Runner sequel. So the trailers were meant to create a wider appeal to get the general public to come check it out. Marketing is just trying to give the movie a big box office number!

Unrelated: to those saying Blade Runner wasn't a great movie, you have to explain yourself a little better. I personally didn't like Blade Runner but I'm very hyped for 2049 because Hard Scifi and Villeneuve. Plus I liked the IDEA of the original movie, just not the execution.

The big thing for me is that the "romance" between Rick and Rachel is obviously crucial to the "what defines humanity" theme of the movie... but their relationship was so rushed and not convincing to me or my wife at all. He gave her some harsh truths in a very not-loving way, made her cry, then there was a weird rapey scene after she saved him and then they were in love? Didn't work for me. I don't need a dating montage with sappy pop music or anything... just something to show me that they have a reason for loving each other.

There, I gave an explained reason for why the movie didn't click with me. That's all I ask of people attacking/defending/discussing media of any kind.

Anyway, these impressions are pushing my hype over the top. Day 1 if possible!! Having an infant really complicates simple movie-going plans.


All these impressions make me sooooooo happy!! Cant wait!! Did they ever mention anything about sequels being made or is this a one off movie?

I have a soft spot for those books, I always wondered what they would look like if they were ever truly adapted for the big screen, now it's going to happen. What a time to be alive.

This is what he said a few days ago about Dune:

"[David Lynch’s ‘Dune’] wasn’t the movie I was dreaming of. So I would like to bring to the screen what I felt, the images I saw, when I read the book,” he said, adding that it’s “not a reboot or a remake at all…but we are just going back to the novel.”

I'm not going to let hype for Blade Runner spiral out of control regardless of the impressions. Too much hype generally leads to disappointment, and early reviews have a tendency to be super positive. I think certain types of films are particularly susceptible to this... cultural touchstones or beloved franchises (Star Wars, Bladerunner), super hero movies, that type of thing.

Never forget:

It feels funny tempering peoples enthusiasm because I've also tempered people's negativity in the trailer threads based on the talent involved!
I think certain types of films are particularly susceptible to this... cultural touchstones or beloved franchises (Star Wars, Bladerunner), super hero movies, that type of thing.

Never forget:

It feels funny tempering peoples enthusiasm because I've also tempered people's negativity in the trailer threads based on the talent involved!
I would agree with you on Star Wars and superhero movies

But not here, mainly because the situation isn’t really the same at all. For one, Blade Runner doesn’t have a massive perpetual motion drive of hype and “must be good” excitement that would underline the other series/genre. If anything, it’s the opposite of that; it’s the notion that the movie couldn’t be as good as the original, people doubting that it could, and how could anyone try to do a sequel to that classic movie, like The Thing prequel or Terminator Genisys

And two, Blade Runner may be a classic but it’s a niche classic that doesn’t exactly have the kind of appeal and foundations that leads to easy wild praise like a Star Wars or Superman or Jurassic Park or whatnot. It’s a PKD adaptation + noir + cyberpunk + philosophical questiond and subtext about what it means to be human.

Basically, I trust high praise of a high concept hard sci-fi movie over the same for a superhero movie because the bar for such praise is way higher than the latter. Like if Mute or Annihilation got tons of praise in early impressions, would you be as skeptical as if it was the next Marvel movie?


wow @ this getting that kind of initial reception, and at 3 hours long

hell yeah

Ironic? that a studio let Denis submit a 3 hour cut for an R-rated sci-fi sequel to a 35-year old cult hit (and box office dud) when Ridley Scott couldn't get a 3 hour cut of a swords and sandals epic following the massive success of Gladiator just 5 years prior.


It's so hard to believe that the majority of us had no idea who Denis was 4 years ago. Now out of no where he's become one of the best if not the best director in the industry today.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
It's so hard to believe that the majority of us had no idea who Denis was 4 years ago. Now out of no where he's become one of the best if not the best director in the industry today.

He's the new Nolan and he didn't even need a batman.

edit: ^ good timing
I think it’s increasingly clear that Villenueuve is the great genre-film director of his generation.
- Middle Eastern thriller-drama
- Bleak suspense thriller
- Kafkaesque metaphorical nightmare
- Intense crime thriller
- Unorthodox first contact sci-fi adaptation
- Major sequel to classic genre film

That's one varied and impressive resume so far
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