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Forum Rumor: Battlefield 4 details leak from EA China [Up: Seemingly Real]


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FB 2.0 is designed to be 'future proof' so it makes sense.
PC locked at 100fps one year from release? lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I dont see why this game cant be made 1 year of full production. Its obviously way more oriented towards multipayer, and 3-4hr SP campaign could be slapped into it easily, especially with large team sizes and budgets DICE has.

Im way more interested about full nextgen version of this game.

Because BF has never been about just making a new iteration of the same thing. This is what concerns people.


Coming from the 360 version the PS3 version controls like shit. You *can* get used to it but if you paid for a product expecting some competency you shouldn't have to.

I have both versions and preferred the ps3. Ended up selling the 360 version. Couldnt tell any control difference in the 2.

However, BC2 on 360 actually controlled noticeable worse than ps3. I put over 100hrs into each. It had a noticeable larger deadzone or stifness in aiming. I always attributed it to the stiffer sticks on the 360. But then they seemed to fix it for bf3. So seems it was an actual code difference.

In bf3 I only ever noticed the "input lag" thing when you flick the sticks. but I never play like that, and it never did it when actually playing the game correctly.


I call bogus on commander coming back, everything theyve done in the last 3 BF games has been moving away from it and the game would need serious changes to make it work


If they mean the full production cycle is only one year, that's pretty standard for EA (and AAA in general) games.

A lot of AAA development these days is done with like 30-50 people for a year, and then 200 flood in to make all the content once they're done prototyping.

The iPad thing sounds like smartglass and DICE is hiring for mobile integration for their games.

I'll see if I can get a full translation from duckroll since he actually speaks Chinese and then retitle the thread.

Right on the money. A small team prototypes and builds a lot of the game then more are added for graphics, music, tighten up the prototype game play and level design etc.

Why are people going lol only 1 year? Maybe DICE is learning how to improve their dev cycles? It would be great if they have laid out plans that are more efficient than how things are done now so that they can do BF4 in a 16-24 month window.


1. PS4 and X720 gets 64 max player count? I'm not Jeff Rigby, but can't they do better than that?

2. Frostbite 2 on next-gen? When DICE has been using different versions of the Frostbite-engine for BC, BC2 and BF4 - why would they use the BF3-engine for their next-gen game BF4? On the PS3 and X360 version - yes, sure.

1. Map design

2. I think Frostbite 2 can scale up real well and its already optimized for multiple cores due to the pc build. I think its gonna be great, they wont have to make a brand new engine


I have no problems, change your sensivity.

It has nothing to do with that.
I have both versions and before the 2 consecutive input lag patches, the difference between 360 and PS3 was night and day. Tv has nothing to do with it as I'm always playing on a plasma anyway and no other games had such problems.
Well besides Killzone 2, but then again we all know that the game had a lot of input lag to begin with.

After those patches, the PS3 version controls a lot closer to the 360 one which doesn't have input lag at all. It's still not fully fixed, but at least it's a lot better than before.


I have no problems, change your sensivity.
Bullshit. Back when I had the game I did everything: change sensitivity, play it in 480p mode. It didn't matter, I always felt the input lag. There was no input lag whatsoever in the beta I played.

And it's not my tv because BF3 was the only game where I had any problems with input lag. The Bad Company games, COD games or any other games for that matter had no issues with input lag at all. And I have any picture enhancement modes on my tv off and gaming mode set to on.

Now I hear it's been improved with the latest patch, I don't know myself how the game feels now because I no longer have it. But there was definitely an issue with input lag. You never noticed it, fine. It didn't mean other people didn't have issues...


BC and BC2 actually used the same engine, but modified.

Frostbite 2 uses quite a few features out of that same engine as well, but it just changed enough for them to feel it was worth renaming it.

Technically BC1 = FB1, BC2 and 1943 = FB1.5 , and all future games = FB2.

Of course it is just naming, the engine will be changing constantly overtime.


Technically BC1 = FB1, BC2 and 1943 = FB1.5 , and all future games = FB2.

Of course it is just naming, the engine will be changing constantly overtime.
Well, technically they referred to the first engine as Frostbite 1.X:


I would say that the major changes between Frostbite 1 and 2 were:

-Shifting to a DirectX 11 renderer.
-A memory architecture built around constant streaming.
-Integrating EA's shared animation engine that was spearheaded by EA Sports.
-A shift to a job architecture that could scale up to a huge number of cores and eventually to DirectX 11 compute shaders.
-Creation of a fully realtime development process that meant they no longer had to spend hours rendering lighting or animations and could iterate on their work instantaneously.
-The addition of Frostbite Schematics, a scripting language like Unreal Kismet.

However, they still use things like improved versions of the audio system and destruction system from Frostbite 1.X for the new engine.

That said, the whole idea of switching to this new engine base is that their core technology was set in place for next generation and then they could, as you said, iterate and improve from there without a fundamental incompatibility between the next-gen console design and their engine design holding them back.

Naked Lunch

The return of the commander.
64 players on consoles.
60 fps on consoles.
The return of the Chinese faction. (would like to see Brits in there though as well)

All I needed to hear.

Battlefield completely owns the FPS genre with nothing even remotely close. Having 64 players in the living room will make it untouchable for quite some time.
Shame it won't be coming out for the Wii U.
The Wii U pad would have been excellent for the Commander role, but I guess that's just business as usual.


It has nothing to do with that.
I have both versions and before the 2 consecutive input lag patches, the difference between 360 and PS3 was night and day. Tv has nothing to do with it as I'm always playing on a plasma anyway and no other games had such problems.
Well besides Killzone 2, but then again we all know that the game had a lot of input lag to begin with.

After those patches, the PS3 version controls a lot closer to the 360 one which doesn't have input lag at all. It's still not fully fixed, but at least it's a lot better than before.

Bullshit. Back when I had the game I did everything: change sensitivity, play it in 480p mode. It didn't matter, I always felt the input lag. There was no input lag whatsoever in the beta I played.

And it's not my tv because BF3 was the only game where I had any problems with input lag. The Bad Company games, COD games or any other games for that matter had no issues with input lag at all. And I have any picture enhancement modes on my tv off and gaming mode set to on.

Now I hear it's been improved with the latest patch, I don't know myself how the game feels now because I no longer have it. But there was definitely an issue with input lag. You never noticed it, fine. It didn't mean other people didn't have issues...

I'll echo this. LCD, Plasma, game mode, lower res, sensitivity, nothing I did mattered. There is input lag there that wasn't there in beta. It's not unplayable, but it's annoying to the point where I just won't bother. It's more broken to me than not.


The return of the commander.
64 players on consoles.
60 fps on consoles.
The return of the Chinese faction. (would like to see Brits in there though as well)

All I needed to hear.

Battlefield completely owns the FPS genre with nothing even remotely close. Having 64 players in the living room will make it untouchable for quite some time.

With 64 players, hopefully the vehicle maps can have the same quality as the maps we got in Armored Kill.

Naked Lunch

With 64 players, hopefully the vehicle maps can have the same quality as the maps we got in Armored Kill.
It means they can bring back even more classics from 1942 and BF2. Theres some really huge maps I would love to see in Frostbite.

I hope the Commander rumor is true - its pretty much essential to get any kind of team organization, especially with 64 players. Tactical, teamwide communication was basically impossible on BF3. It was a massive step back from BF2 in that regard. Youre going to have to stick with good clan servers though, people who will take commanders seriously - good thing the server rental system was a hit even on consoles. Theres so many quality clan servers with great consistently returning communities even on 360. On the flipside, can you imagine some annoying little xbox kid commanding on the consoles? It wont be a pretty site.

Ive wanted and hoped for 64 player, real Battlefield on consoles ever since PC BF2 hit. The dominoes are all falling into place.


Trucker Sexologist
I am all for it as long as they introduce skill back into battlefield.

No more user friendly mortars, no more catering to COD converts with small maps.

Introduce complexity and let the fans embrace it.
BF3 has a ton of equipment and systems and no tutorial on how to use any of it. I don't think it needs much more complexity. What it needs is a SP mode that teaches you how to not suck in MP.

Being able to use the SOFLAM cam to aim artillery would have been a nice touch though. 1942 had a pretty cool system for that. I guess you can kind of do that if you plant one yourself as Recon.
Bullshit. Back when I had the game I did everything: change sensitivity, play it in 480p mode. It didn't matter, I always felt the input lag. There was no input lag whatsoever in the beta I played.

And it's not my tv because BF3 was the only game where I had any problems with input lag. The Bad Company games, COD games or any other games for that matter had no issues with input lag at all. And I have any picture enhancement modes on my tv off and gaming mode set to on.

Now I hear it's been improved with the latest patch, I don't know myself how the game feels now because I no longer have it. But there was definitely an issue with input lag. You never noticed it, fine. It didn't mean other people didn't have issues...

I have the game on pc aswel and I play it with a Dualshock controller using MotionInJoy and I never noticed it was faster. I'll do a comparison with both versions with the DS controller to see if there is a difference.


All sounds good but this

Lasgana: easier to pickup the game, to take care of players from CoD

This made me throw up!!! I hope they don't go COD route or change the BF formula too much. I already saw what happened to KZ3 when they tried to cater to everyone. They lost the faithfuls and the newcomers didn't give a shit about it in few months! There is a reason we have COD game every damn year to satisfy that crowd. Devs need to stop copying them and ruining their game in the process.


I feel I should note there are currently zero Frostbite 2 games announced for Wii U., nor is it mentioned in the rumor.

I think that's kind of odd when many of the internal studios have moved on to FB2 and you would think they would make a Wii-U game eventually. Seems like it would be beneficial to optimize the engine for the platform sooner rather than later.

I'm really curious about what went wrong in their relationship. (and I know the rumors)

What rumors?


Gold Member
The comparisons between the pc version and the next-gen consoles next year are going to be so much fun.




I call complete bullshit on this rumor. BF3 has solidified that DICE don't listen to their community and the features listed such as these:

- game will support video recording with internal replay system this might be in box or via dlc.. thats unclear or if its universal paltform inclusion

It will never happen.

Not to mention Bad Company 3 will come back next year. Which is another rumor.


Return of Commander mode is complete bullshit, current players (ie. squad leaders) don't even issue simple Attack/Defend orders, and they think they're going to make it more complicated? Ha.


I'll be skipping this if they don't have VOIP on PC version again.

Was excited about BF3. Played a ton of BF2 on PC. But no VOIP on PC = no voice chat for me on PC = no teamwork/playing with randumbs who go rogue all the time and don't listen to in-game commands/text = boring.

Before "USE VENT OR TS NOOB" I don't play with any clans, and I like to play when I like to play. If people aren't available to play through clans or groups, I still want to be able to play with people with microphones. In BF2 I would just make a squad and name it "VOICE" and fill it with 5 like-minded individuals and run train on the server.


Return of Commander mode is complete bullshit, current players (ie. squad leaders) don't even issue simple Attack/Defend orders, and they think they're going to make it more complicated? Ha.
The truest post in this thread. Commander Mode in pubs for BF2 was a glorified spotter and supply dropper, issuing artillery strikes and radars whenever he/she pleased rather than where the team needed it most.

In my many hours with BF2, I could count on one hand how many public servers actually forced players to listen to or utilize commander mode in a competent way. Why DICE would put it in BF4 when many efforts to integrate teamwork-oriented mechanics in their games have failed already boggles the mind.


If this rumor was indeed bullshit, wouldn't have DICE completely dismissed it on Twitter by now?

I'm not in 100% believer mode... But it does make you wonder.


I loved Commanders in BF2 :( Even if it wasn't always used, it could easily determine the winning team in a match. Especially if a team lacked a commander while their opponents benefited from one.

Squad leaders didn't always listen to orders, but issuing good UAV's and fulfilling supply drops was important, and if they didn't follow orders (ex: defend this base we're about to lose) a bunch of random spottings usually got the message across to someone on the team, be they a squad leader, member, or just a rogue player. This was especially helpful in spotting flanks at heavily contested bases when the opposition managed to squeeze around the front lines.

However if Commanders are to return, dedicated Squad Leaders needs to return too.

And go ahead and raise that squad member cap back up to 6 while you're at it >:[

Of course if I can't talk to anyone with VOIP in PC again none of it will matter, but maybe they'll put it back in so they can support commander > squad leader voice interaction again.


Press - MP1st.com
If this rumor was indeed bullshit, wouldn't have DICE completely dismissed it on Twitter by now?

I'm not in 100% believer mode... But it does make you wonder.

Sent DICE an email and haven't received a reply yet, too. I'm sorely tempted to email their GM for this, to be honest. =)
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