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Forza Motorsport 5 at gamescom - Spa confirmed

After seeing IGN footage, I rike it! :D

PS: T10, turn on the reflections of the bridges (so when the car passes under them they are reflected in the car's body).

PPS: T10, the shadows of the bridges are ok, don't mess with them! ;p
how so? this is supposed to be laser scanned.

I have to admit I'm somewhat disappointed. Yes, the track looks perfect from a radius/camber/elevation standpoint (and that's the most important!), but they didn't appear to scan anything outside of the actual track itself. Barrier placement (most noticeably heading up the corkscrew, but in other places as well) is the same as FM2, and hasn't been that way in real life since 2005. The end of the world? No, but it could be better. It should be better.


I have to admit I'm somewhat disappointed. Yes, the track looks perfect from a radius/camber/elevation standpoint (and that's the most important!), but they didn't appear to scan anything outside of the actual track itself. Barrier placement (most noticeably heading up the corkscrew, but in other places as well) is the same as FM2, and hasn't been that way in real life since 2005. The end of the world? No, but it could be better. It should be better.
Ahh... so the *track* (as in, the asphalt) is laser scanned, but that's the limit to the accuracy. That kinda sucks.

What's the difference in distance between the actual track and what you can see in that video? I'm guessing it must be significant (at least more than a few feet) for you to notice?
The walls have been pushed way, way back. Turn 1 (crest) is the same way. I always try to stay on the black stuff, and my safety won't be threatened while a sit on my sofa, so in the grand scheme of things, not a massive deal. It's still unfortunate that for the redone tracks at least, it's a bit of a half-assed job.


If there's one game that could get me to buy an Xbox One, this is going to be it. Very impressed with the Gamescom footage. Just wish we saw more tracks.


The walls have been pushed way, way back. Turn 1 (crest) is the same way. I always try to stay on the black stuff, and my safety won't be threatened while a sit on my sofa, so in the grand scheme of things, not a massive deal. It's still unfortunate that for the redone tracks at least, it's a bit of a half-assed job.
Having viewed your in-game shot versus reality, it is a huge difference; most people won't notice or care but it does seem strange to laser scan the tarmac and nothing else. The rest of what has been shown looks very good and the sounds are sublime.

REV 09

that ign vid looks great. can't wait for this. forza always played amazingly, but the jaggies were an eye-sore. now it just looks beautiful. the little things are really going to make next gen stand out for me.


The walls have been pushed way, way back. Turn 1 (crest) is the same way. I always try to stay on the black stuff, and my safety won't be threatened while a sit on my sofa, so in the grand scheme of things, not a massive deal. It's still unfortunate that for the redone tracks at least, it's a bit of a half-assed job.

Are you sure that's from the same spot of the track? That looks quite different...Not just talking about the surrounding walls, but the track itself too. Guessing track difference (width, elevation etc) is just the FOV?

Side note, anyone have a link to the IGN footage?


Having viewed your in-game shot versus reality, it is a huge difference; most people won't notice or care but it does seem strange to laser scan the tarmac and nothing else. The rest of what has been shown looks very good and the sounds are sublime.
I'm pretty sure the tech Kunos used scanned in environmental objects (and gravel/grass), didn't it? Makes you wonder why T10 wouldn't use it, unless it's so they can reuse assets from older games without having to make big adjustments.

Seems pretty lazy on their part, though. Wonder if they've cut similar corners (lol pun) with the cars and "every car is being redone" (or whatever) thing they're talking about.


Watched iRacing footage and that also looks different from Forza and the real thing, like somwhere in between, weird.


Another Laguna Seca gameplay, posted? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mJvXADLq6w

hmm in EVERY downshift, and almost every upshift we got exhaust flame now. yeah, nitpicking and all, but this looks more like a need for speed feature.
if cars behave like this in stock form, what will happen with a decat, straight pipe and some agressive cams?

its a little bit too much. hopefully adjusted for final game , which, yeah, looks great :)

ps also, I really dont like the very first collision, at around 28sec.
ferrari at full throttle at the change of elevation point hits the ferrari in front, both maintain full traction(!)
i hope its the settings and aids that are "user friendly", and not that the game is so forgiving in its most realistic settings.
if its the latter, then I can do better data than calspan or whoever did it.


The Inside Track
So I have someone at the MS booth right now recording F5 footage, hopefully with HeliosT10 playing. I'm sad if it's laguna seca there though, talk about a bland track :(
Somebody tell these peeps at gamescom to start using 1080p cameras for christ sakes.



I'm pretty sure the tech Kunos used scanned in environmental objects (and gravel/grass), didn't it? Makes you wonder why T10 wouldn't use it, unless it's so they can reuse assets from older games without having to make big adjustments.
I believe Kunos did scan everything for FVA and will likely do so for AC. The folks at iRacing scan everything and have as much detail as possible in-game.

Seems pretty lazy on their part, though. Wonder if they've cut similar corners (lol pun) with the cars and "every car is being redone" (or whatever) thing they're talking about.
Don't know if it's lazy or a case of being time poor...if scanning just the tarmac and leaving the artists to fill in the trackside details probably significantly cuts the time taken to create each track. To be honest many people will likely read 'laser scanned tracks' and presume everything is 100% accurate 8)


So significant environmental detail at FM5's Laguna Seca is already years out of date? That's incredibly disappointing, but sadly not very surprising. Don't Turn 10 take photographs at these locations while they are scanning tarmac to sub-six mm detail?

Maybe a case of not seeing the wood for the trees, perhaps? There's more to accurately capturing a race track than just the nuances in the road surface.


So I have someone at the MS booth right now recording F5 footage, hopefully with HeliosT10 playing. I'm sad if it's laguna seca there though, talk about a bland track :(
bravo blim!
its better that its laguna, so you can film upgraded physics. ask helios to push the cars in traction limit, also try some car to car rubbing to see how this new calspan thing behaves on the complex stuff.


wow lol


So, $400 ($600 AUD?) with no H shifter and clutch?

Fanatec and MS better come up with a solution. That's all I'm saying..

Okay, we finally learned it.

Sad and expensive development of things I have to admit.

Greatest disappointment is no clutch. Forza games had the best simulated clutch of all console games (with Enthusia Professional Racing being the ultimate clutch simulator back in the times) and seeing it moved from the actual official wheel - while it will still probably exisit in-game as button - is nothing but sad.

I am also surprised with the price - which will probably go to 400€ in EU - which is damn high IMO. Even G25/27 were less expensive on their debut.

Strange decision for all sides, from every angle I look at it. But this reveal also pretty much seals any hope of previous-gen compatibility. Too much money involved and too much money would be lost on both sides (MS and TM) if Fanatec would be supported. Also, current Fanatecs lacks something called "Binder ID" - whatever that is, Google couldn't find it for me - which this wheel obviously have as its button. And knowing how much MS's Xinput is sensitive regarding button-assigment (you have to have exact number and assigment of buttons as requested by standard, not a button less, not a button more, not a button wrong - main reason why all X360 compatible Fanatecs had the exact number/assignement of buttons as X360 controller, in order to pass "compatibility" licensing), I do not see the *easy* way for this.

And in context, what Badned hinted yesterday gets additional weight after this reveal. Of course, I would so damn love to be wrong.

And on the similar note, I have just found this on the Thrustmaster site - Thrustmaster has revealed yesterday that it continues to be an official PlayStation hardware partner for the PS4 as well (as in previous-gen).

its probably exaggerated a bit by being off screen

Yes, I have no problem with this bloom (pre-baked or not). Sun is very blinding when driving into it and IMO it looks pretty convincing. It should light-up the cockpit significantly more though as well, but I guess they've limited the interior real-time HDR (if there is any) for performance reasons.


Hipster Princess
Don't Turn 10 take photographs at these locations while they are scanning tarmac to sub-six mm detail?

Know what? I'm starting to think that's pure bullshit. At this point in time, I don't believe T10 have actually laser scanned anything at all. Pragues layout is almost entirely fictional. Laguna Secas trackside detail is quite evidently wrong. Who knows if when we get to properly play and scrutineer the track surface itself if it actually holds up to reality.

Will need to wait for some more of the "recreated" tracks and what ever new ones show up to know for sure but it really isn't looking good at this point.

bravo blim!
its better that its laguna, so you can film upgraded physics. ask helios to push the cars in traction limit, also try some car to car rubbing to see how this new calspan thing behaves on the complex stuff.

Calspan was used for the tyre simulation.


I know some people enjoy 100% authenticity of absolutely everything, but I'm quite happy so long as the track layout and surface is done well.

And I'm not trying to be an apologetic here but I'm happier about having the walls closer in. That's always more preferable, as it helps the sense of speed and danger. They were only pushed out for safety reasons, after all, which is of zero importance in a video game, obviously.


Calspan was used for the tyre simulation.
yes, and the cars only contact points with the surface are indeed the tires, which have to put up with all forces that act upon the car.
anyway, better I wait for more details before I start pulling conclusions, but if you go a little up you will see what I commented on originally.

G Rom

The lack of 100% authenticity is disappointing but it's not like Laguna Seca had big issues in that department. I'm more interested in seeing the Nordschleife so we can get confirmation that they indeed ditched the abomination that they've been giving us for too many games now.


So I have someone at the MS booth right now recording F5 footage, hopefully with HeliosT10 playing. I'm sad if it's laguna seca there though, talk about a bland track :(


Just did a run for him in the Mercedes before he had to nip off looking for an audio jack of some kind. Hopefully he'll be back soon :)


The Inside Track
Just did a run for him in the Mercedes before he had to nip off looking for an audio jack of some kind. Hopefully he'll be back soon :)

We are encoding the video now, 720p60 in a few minutes,1080p60 in 30 minutes or so. Video is looking very good :)


Just did a run for him in the Mercedes before he had to nip off looking for an audio jack of some kind. Hopefully he'll be back soon :)
so I guess he is back now :)

how about doing us a big favor and do like ..more videos? :D demo is single lap, or there are options?


I know some people enjoy 100% authenticity of absolutely everything, but I'm quite happy so long as the track layout and surface is done well.

And I'm not trying to be an apologetic here but I'm happier about having the walls closer in. That's always more preferable, as it helps the sense of speed and danger. They were only pushed out for safety reasons, after all, which is of zero importance in a video game, obviously.

its people like you make t10 so lazy, honestly

G Rom

Looking forward to seeing the 300SL up close. :)
Hopefully we can get some Audi footage as well, especially the cockpit view with the new shaders.


its people like you make t10 so lazy, honestly
hey! then when Sean replies in these attacks, you get offended etc.

i am sure that no matter either him or you or I say, we still are going to get what we are going to get from t10.
its not about lazy, and you know better than that.


it does look like every car is now FM4 photomode level. Well, player's ertainly is.
But how many cars on the track in the laguna seca demo ? (i think it's 8)

if T10 is so confident about their laser scanning tech, why not show the track like they did with road america 2 years ago ? :p
The track itself doesn't look too different from FM4's, i'm rather skeptical they really did laser scan every track. Anyone done a comparison vid yet ?

I like the amount of detail though (just look at the barriers' close up before the race starts, with fully modeled dents and missing pieces)

Car selection screen / forzavista offscreen in that ign vid looks crazy as usual.

So that Ferrari 458 replica wheel is the official FM5 thrustmaster ? the one which prototype we saw at E3 ? man, that's lame. Not that i was planning to buy another wheel anyway, but no clutch or H shifter ? lol, i'd rather go back and play FM4 with my good old fanatec.

T10 needs to spill the beans, hopefully we get that new official video today and more details in that 15mins interview with Dan.
FM5 currently looks like a game that could be delayed; there's so many aspects that haven't been finalized yet, apparently and the game is supposed to be out in 3 monrhs..

Also, to Blim and crew; pick some different class car (the Focus, the Mercedes) so we can see a few more opponent cars as well


hey! then when Sean replies in these attacks, you get offended etc.

i am sure that no matter either him or you or I say, we still are going to get what we are going to get from t10.
its not about lazy, and you know better than that.

lol he doesnt offend me at all wtf

and nah we need to be vocal about t10s shortcomings, cant just apologise for everything. still having the 2005 layout of laguna is lazy, not good enough imo


Junior Member
Almost $1000 to play the next Forza with a wheel...both of which have been gimped. I dont know what to say to that....


Junior Member
Well, Laguna Seca certainly looks much better in FM5. Plenty of detail and atmosphere.
Well done Turn 10.

Now, please release a direct feed video for fucks sake!


Almost $1000 to play the next Forza with a wheel...both of which have been gimped. I dont know what to say to that....

for 360, I've bought two microsoft 270degree wheels, the fanatec, AND the joy-wheel gizmo that launched alongside forza 4.

because microsoft are idiots, here's what I'll do:
i will sell the fanatec to a guy thats been asking for it, get rid of the two ms wheels and the joy-wheel,
and even for joypads, from now on i will look to get them replaced under warranty or something!

in this specific subject, microsoft just fails for years to meet customer wants, in the biggest way possible!
xbox accessories decision makers, you should all be fired! you piece of shit motherfuckers!
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