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Fox News' Eric Bolling Sent Unsolicited Lewd Text Messages To Colleagues, Sources Say


Breaking: Per Fox News Spokesperson, Eric Bolling has been suspended. An investigation will be conducted by law firm Paul Weiss.

— Yashar Ali‏ (Yashar Ali) Aug 5, 2017

The same law firm that investigated Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly.

NBC News was not able to independently verify the allegations. A Fox News spokesperson had said earlier that the report caught the network by surprise.

“We were just informed of this late Friday afternoon via a Huff Post inquiry and plan to investigate the matter,” the spokesperson said in a statement.
lol @ acting shocked.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
It's only a matter of time until Hannity's dirty laundry comes out, because you know he has to be sitting on a mountain of it.

I don't know dude, Hannity strikes me as the kind of guy who fucks with his crew socks on and tucks his shirt into his underwear.

I suspect he'll get into trouble for stanning too hard for Trump before he goes down for anything sexual.
I don't know dude, Hannity strikes me as the kind of guy who fucks with his crew socks on and tucks his shirt into his underwear.

I suspect he'll get into trouble for stanning too hard for Trump before he goes down for anything sexual.
Yea, Hannity has always struck me as both impotent and so caught up in "unmasking" the "deep state" that he doesn't devote any time towards sexually harrasing his female colleagues.
Breaking: Per Fox News Spokesperson, Eric Bolling has been suspended. An investigation will be conducted by law firm Paul Weiss.

— Yashar Ali‏ (Yashar Ali) Aug 5, 2017

The same law firm that investigated Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly.

lol @ acting shocked.

wow, awesome, i'll update the thread, thanks guys


Jesus, what is going on over there? State TV for Trump, sexual predators running rampant.

Fire Hannity while you are at it.


For real: liberal or conservative, its a terrible idea to take a pic of your junk. Always terrible. Even if someone asks for it. No. Nope. Don't do it.


Why is it that this kind of behavior is so pervasive at Fox News?

Because the guy who ran it for years was a massive piece of shit who had a lot of connections to let other pieces of shit run wild with little to no blowback that it became so bad that when that fat piece of shit left and shortly thereafter died a lot of those connections were gone, and shit got lit


It's not just Fox News. Tech has been getting hit women naming harassers. Gaming is dealing wih it now. The problem is we are shocked when it happens but it's been happening this while time.

Nobody who has been paying even the slightest attention to Fox would be shocked it's happening there lol
HuffPo: New Sexual Harassment Allegations Leveled Against Fox News’ Eric Bolling

Here's the facebook post referenced in the article:
Caroline Heldman said:
Fox News just suspended Eric Bolling pending allegations that he sent photos of his genitalia to female colleagues. My only surprise is that it took this long for people to come forward about Bolling's behavior, which has been wildly inappropriate for years.

I did hundreds of appearances on Fox and Fox Business from 2008 - 2011, and had multiple experiences with Bolling that caused grave concern to my friends and family. Bolling referred to me as "Dr. McHottie" on air on four different occasions, and called me “smart, beautiful, and wrong” on air twice. I pushed back with “Mr. McSexist,” but I should have had to. This on-air behavior was perfectly acceptable to Fox executives at the time.

Bolling would also contact me via phone and text after shows, sometimes to apologize for his behavior (and then do it again), and sometimes just to talk. He said he wanted to fly me out to New York for in-studio hits and to have “fun.” He asked me to have meals with him on several occasions, but I found excuses not to go. Once, he took me up to his office in New York, showed me his baseball jerseys, and in the brief time I was there, let me know that his office was his favorite place to have sex. I know other women have had similar experiences with Bolling, which means that lots of folks at Fox knew about his behavior well before 2017.

Bolling was one of three men from whom I experienced sexually harassment and gender discrimination (the others being Bill O’Reilly and Woody Fraser).
O’Reilly was creepy in person; told me “when I was in college, professors didn’t look like you”; then called me “hysterical” during a show, edited the interview, and retaliated by never having me on his show again. http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/3-accusers-on-trump-s-defense-of-o-reilly-926048835901

Fraser took me under his wing as a mentor; constantly pressured me for a relationship and sex; took an idea for a show that would become The Five (I emailed Fraser a treatment that is remarkably similar to The Five, right down to some of the hosts, a year before The Five aired); dangled a contributorship and a hosting position for a sexual relationship; then stopped my appearances when I didn’t acquiesce to his advances. http://www.motherjones.com/media/2017/08/fox-news-sexual-harassment-heldman-fraser-ailes/

Fox News guests are also a problem. In 2010, I consoled a make-up artist (who no longer works for Fox) after Gene Simmons sexually harassed her, and this was not his first time doing so. On March 20, 2011, Lenny Dykstra persistently asked me to a party and told me that he gets “sexually aroused when I talk politics.” He also harassed the make-up artist who was curling my hair at the time. Make-up artists at Fox are contract workers, so many are fearful of speaking up because they simply won’t be hired again. If any Fox executives are reading this, please include make-up artists in your assessment of the environment. They see and hear a lot, and are sometimes the target of harassment from hosts and guests.

There are a lot of great people working at Fox, many of whom I admire and respect to this day, but there is also a culture of sexual harassment that has not fully been addressed. I have faith that, given recent decisions to fire and suspend perpetrators, the new management will effectively shift this culture.

At some point we're going to find out that literally every man on the network besides, like, Shep Smith, has sexually harassed women.


Whoever has dirt on Fucker Carlson and Lumpy needs to speak out now. You'll be doing the world a huge favor.




Republicans on Twitter are trying to spin this as liberals having it out for Bolling because he has different opinions.

... Why do Republicans live in an alternate reality?



Glad he's been canned. Guy was trash and it was so plain to see way before the allegations. Really hoping we can get Carlson out of there next.


Unconfirmed Member
Awesome. My 5 o'clock workout just got a little more tolerable.

Now get rid of that infuriating blonde woman who looks like what's her face from Sense8


Yeah, but Hannity is just as bad. Listen to him speak sometime. He was the one pushing the Seth Rich fake story.

You're not wrong. I still think Carlson is probably worse though. At least Hannity has some sense of masking his nastiness, but the best scenario is they both go down in flames.
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