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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


Gold Member
Day 23 without GoT: And so it begins!!!!!


Emilia going all the way this season!



Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
For me in hindsight which is rather important, one thing they should have done is sped Danny's storyline in season 6. Get her ass on the sea by episode 6 and have land in episode 9. Then have her sort out the shit we get in episode 1 and 2 by the finale. Leaves a few more things for breathing for s7.
I agree for the most part. Although that would be even less material for Season 7 (though maybe there will be less ridiculous teleporting.
I have no issues with how Barristan was taken out, I just hate it, lol.

But the Grey Worm and Missandei stuff I mentioned is terrible. I love their characters, love their relationship because it feels very genuine for the most part. Don't make this about race, that's just ridiculous, because it has nothing to do with that. The actual writing is shit, think about it, I'm glad they cut my dick off, I'm glad they cut my balls off, I'm glad they took my name, my family, my freedom away from me because it led me to you. They could have done a far better job "fleshing out" these characters than that.
Oh lol, well I hate a lot of things then haha. I brought race into place because of the reaction to the ending of Season 3 where Dany was the White Savior trope in full form. The writing does leave a lot to be desired although maybe Grey Worm is just a corny dude? I mean I could legitimately see the writers intentionally making Grey Worm bad at expressing his love for Missandei. Plus there's the whole language barrier with Grey Worm still having to learn the Common Tongue...or the writers are just not that good (a fair answer lol).


semen stains the mountaintops
I'm not listening to the audiobooks but I was interested in seeing how long they were.

Just listening to two of them is like watching every season. Goddamn.


So I rewatched S7..

And the John/Danny meeting scene is one of my favorites in the entire show. There's so much going on here it's incredible. The dynamics between John/Danny/Tyrion alone are worth it (the constant looks, exchanges, glances, shifting tone and overall themes). Then you throw in Davos too. There is an immense amount accomplished for ALL of those characters.

I've seen it like 7 or 8 times probably, lol.

Everything from the writing, direction, cinematography.. it's as close to perfect as you can realistically get.

Emilia knocks it out of the park


Gold Member
So I rewatched S7..

I've seen it like 7 or 8 times probably, lol.

Damn that's a lot....3 for me. live, weekly rewatch and post season rewatch.

Since I ended up doing a full series rewatch it will be up to 4.

maybe Grey Worm is just a corny dude?

LOL could be.

I'm not listening to the audiobooks but I was interested in seeing how long they were.

Just listening to two of them is like watching every season. Goddamn.

You're going to get banned next season when you forget what you saw and what you read, mix it up and post about it, lol.


Damn that's a lot....3 for me. live, weekly rewatch and post season rewatch.

Since I ended up doing a full series rewatch it will be up to 4.

LOL could be.

You're going to get banned next season when you forgot what you saw and what you read, mix it up and post about it, lol.
Oh I just meant the John/Danny scene

I've rewatched S7 like 2 or 3 times.


My Seasons 1 through 6 set just showed up from the UK. It took 7 days to get here from dispatch date. $97 was a relative steal. Going through all of the discs now, just to make sure nothing is missing etc, which is a problem a few people have reported. But so far, so good. Frontier FIOS is so garbage for PQ that I had to resort to HBO GO on an Xbox, which was an improvement, but still lacking. So nice to be able to re-watch with the best experience at my disposal.

leng jai

Is there a consensus on whether or not Littlefinger actually loved Catelyn or was it all just bullshit? He doesn't really seem like the type.
Is there a consensus on whether or not Littlefinger actually loved Catelyn or was it all just bullshit? He doesn't really seem like the type.
He 100% loved her. He dueled to the death despite being a scrub vs Ned's bro and get curb-stomped. It's very likely he loved Sansa as well.

EDIT: Keep in mind Joffrey got killed immediately after the Red Wedding with LF pulling the strings. Yeah it benefited him, but the dude acted on it immediately to plan it out and then execute it.


Is there a consensus on whether or not Littlefinger actually loved Catelyn or was it all just bullshit? He doesn't really seem like the type.

Well the show runners heavily hint at this with the line from Sansa: "I think he loved me in his own strange way" (paraphrasing). Implying that he is actually telling the truth about Sansa and her mother.

And I do personally think he loved them both in a weird and twisted way. Dude just has no fucking moral compass at all, lol.


Melisandre told Varys that she had done her part by having "brought ice and fire together".

Assuming she's referring to John and Danny.. is that basically alluding to the title of GRRM's books being a direct reference to those two characters and their eventual destinies?

Or is this a reference to Danny fighting the Night King?


No Scrubs
Melisandre told Varys that she had done her part by having "brought ice and fire together".

Assuming she's referring to John and Danny.. is that basically alluding to the title of GRRM's books being a direct reference to those two characters and their eventual destinies?

Or is this a reference to Danny fighting the Night King?

She's probably referring to Jon and Dany, not knowing fire and ice have already come together to result in Jon.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I do wonder how Emilia and Kit will do outside this show. Like they know they are at the peak of their careers.


I do wonder how Emilia and Kit will do outside this show. Like they know they are at the peak of their careers.

Well, Emilia is in Star Wars and shes also hot as hell. Kit's been doing a bunch of smaller stuff. I can see him get typed cast. But at the same time he's good looking as heck and young and popular. The guy is also really funny and can do comedy. I think they will both be OK. It's some of the other actors like Sophie Turner, that I dont think will go anywhere.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Well, Emilia is in Star Wars and shes also hot as hell. Kit's been doing a bunch of smaller stuff. I can see him get typed cast. But at the same time he's good looking as heck and young and popular. The guy is also really funny and can do comedy. I think they will both be OK. It's some of the other actors like Sophie Turner, that I dont think will go anywhere.

When did Emilia join Star Wars? And Sophie Turner is in X-Men so she's fine for now. She just needs to hope that Dark Phoenix is good


semen stains the mountaintops
He was pretty confused with The Mountain and The Viper but he was able to piece some stuff together. Totally called that Robb was The King in the North before Jon.


Gold Member
He's taking the right approach. The humour comes from him trying to piece the story together from disconnected fragments. If he watched it in order, he'd have nothing to be confused about.

Very true, I agree. I just hope he does a decent amount of them, randomly.

He was pretty confused with The Mountain and The Viper but he was able to piece some stuff together. Totally called that Robb was The King in the North before Jon.

Yeah, that part made me question if he knew as little as he's led us to think, it's a pretty random assumption based on the first episode alone.


I'm still incredibly disappointed in Jon, mostly for giving up the North because he got a dragon killed -- and after Dany had already agreed to fight the Night King.

This is a small piece of what Robb fans must've felt.


I'm still incredibly disappointed in Jon, mostly for giving up the North because he got a dragon killed -- and after Dany had already agreed to fight the Night King.

This is a small piece of what Robb fans must've felt.
Jon never wanted to be a king. He trusts in Danny as the north trusts in Jon. I think they'll come around eventually. Jon will still lead them.


No Scrubs
What choice do they have? They need to survive. Where will they go?

They haven't seen the army of the dead. The only reason Dany is taking this seriously is she has. Jon needs to hope these guys get some kind of confirmation it's real before he gets back or there might be trouble.
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