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#GamerGate thread 2: it's about feminism in games journalism

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No one is saying death threats aren't serious, but inserting yourself into some tragic situation because it has something to do with 4chan is ridiculous.

There's a ton of people capable of killing anywhere on the Internet.

Based on your posts, your dislike for Zoe Quinn started before this incident. Care to eloborate when and why?
I've seen "They rarely materialize, therefore, they're not serious."

Apparently death threats are all a part of "gamer culture", just like Doritos and Mountain Dew.
Theres quite a gap. I mean by that that the authorities should go after them, but most likely nothing will happen.

but I am torn because you never know. maybe that guy will kill someone for exposure because fame is something that they are trying to achieve.it's not unprecedented
No one is saying death threats aren't serious, but inserting yourself into some tragic situation because it has something to do with 4chan is ridiculous.

There's a ton of people capable of killing anywhere on the Internet.

It legitimizes their fears, that's why they have commented. What is wrong with you? Is there an empathetic bone in your body?


Objectively speaking ofc

Imagine your home address was recently made public and multiple threats to your life have been made. Sure they might be trolls, but shit, what was that noise outside? Should I get up and look? Should I wake up my partner? Shit, chances are it was just the wind like it was the last 100 times, but that doesn't make sleep come any easier.

When you talk about the threats and your reactions publicly, there is a large movement attempting to downplay these threats. Saying they didn't happen, you made them up, or they did happen but they're just trolls and not serious, just like everything else in chanland, you're just publicising them for attention.

Then imagine waking up to news of a murder involving the same source of those threats. Do you expect the targets of those threats to maintain a cool head and investigate just exactly how similar this situation is to the threats they have been receiving before feeling any emotion? That expectation seems ridiculous to me.

I don't think Wu and whoever else are trying to "make it about them" anymore than it actually is. It's more a response to the constant downplaying of the constant threats and harassment those people have received.

Van Owen

It legitimizes their fears, that's why they have commented. What is wrong with you? Is there an empathetic bone in your body?

How? Was he an anonymous guy making threats to a woman he had didn't know and then followed through? Or just because he killed someone and happened to know how to post on 4chan?


Van Own, people are getting on your case because you're acting like women who've received numerous violent threats should not be able to comment on violence against women because their situations weren't exactly the same.

On Techcrunch. He mentions the fantastic Ion Storm Dallas Observer piece and that he used to work in the gaming press and is concerned about it, thats it. He then makes a lot of allusions and fails to connect the Techcrunch issue to the gaming press in any specific way. It is a good think piece advising of the potential conflicts inherent in the enthusiast press in general but it fails to identify any specific failure or even any specific area of concern in the games media.


No one is saying death threats aren't serious, but inserting yourself into some tragic situation because it has something to do with 4chan is ridiculous.

There's a ton of people capable of killing anywhere on the Internet.

A couple things need to be said here.

First, people have been literally saying that these death threats aren't serious for months. That's the context in which these comments are provided. Second, the whole movement began on 4chan, so I'm confused why you think that connection is irrelevant.


How? Was he an anonymous guy making threats to a woman he had didn't know and then followed through? Or just because he killed someone and happened to know how to post on 4chan?

Let's say you get multiple death threats. Most of them originating from activity on the chans.

Then a channer murders someone and posts about it.

Aren't you going to feel a certain "that could have been me", even if it's unrelated?
"just because he killed someone"

You're right, that's not a warning sign of anything wrong.

Consider what it is about 4chan that the killer thought it appropriate to post his pictures on that message board of all places.
No one is saying death threats aren't serious, but inserting yourself into some tragic situation because it has something to do with 4chan is ridiculous.

There's a ton of people capable of killing anywhere on the Internet.

You keep saying inserting. I think you mean talking. People get to talk. Or are you inserting yourself into this thread right now?


Van Owen, why are you responding to any of these people? Just because you post on the same message board as them doesn't mean they are directing their posts to you. The fact that you keep inserting yourself into the conversation as though someone asked you to comment on the topic just makes it seem like you want this to be about you.

Obviously, that's not accurate. People are responding to you, and by engaging with you, they're saying to continue the discussion. Even if you stop posting in here for a month and then come back to comment on a totally different thread, that's totally fine. You're a human being, and so I assume you have reactions to new situations that are informed by past experiences of yours. Please feel free to put in your two cents, and you're even allowed to bring up personal anecdotes that relate your past experiences to new ones as they happen.


Van Own, people are getting on your case because you're acting like women who've received numerous violent threats should not be able to comment on violence against women because their situations weren't exactly the same.

She has to get killed first to be allowed to speak.


No one is saying death threats aren't serious, but inserting yourself into some tragic situation because it has something to do with 4chan is ridiculous.

There's a ton of people capable of killing anywhere on the Internet.

Negatory; can't count the number of times I've seen something on the variation of "oh it's probably just trolls/kids" or "they're not serious, they don't intend to do anything but be a jackass on twitter".

Van Owen

You keep saying inserting. I think you mean talking. People get to talk. Or are you inserting yourself into this thread right now?

More like using some woman's death as an "I told you so" to Twitter followers when the story really has nothing to do with you and you wouldn't have said a thing about it if it was just "boyfriend kills girlfriend" without the 4chan element.

Buy it's clear I'm the only one here that feels that way so I'll stop.


More like using some woman's death as an "I told you so" to Twitter followers when the story really has nothing to do with you and you wouldn't have said a thing about it if it was just "boyfriend kills girlfriend" without the 4chan element.

Buy it's clear I'm the only one here that feels that way so I'll stop.

Yeah I guess the only way this is related to anything GG is that she's saying "told you so".
Now if she got any death threats from people going to that board...


More like using some woman's death as an "I told you so" to Twitter followers when the story really has nothing to do with you and you wouldn't have said a thing about it if it was just "boyfriend kills girlfriend" without the 4chan element.

Buy it's clear I'm the only one here that feels that way so I'll stop.

How did you catch this to begin with? Your hate seems to have a longer history.


More like using some woman's death as an "I told you so" to Twitter followers when the story really has nothing to do with you and you wouldn't have said a thing about it if it was just "boyfriend kills girlfriend" without the 4chan element.

Buy it's clear I'm the only one here that feels that way so I'll stop.

That's a great point. If you remove the reason why she tweeted about it, it doesn't make any sense why she would tweet about it.


The GG backlash to this guy seems to be because he denied the holocaust on a GG stream.


Among other things. That dude hasn't been a very good spokesperson for GG. The stream you're referring to is the biggest clusterfuck I've seen in a good while by the way, they're all pretty hammered and it just goes to shit from the start (I manged to watch about 5 minutes).

i googled zoe quinn to try and find out what was going on today and this was the only thing that came up under the news results



To be clear, for most of Quinn’s detractors, including myself, this began as an issue about ethical journalism. Even if the allegations that Quinn slept with journalists in exchange for good press are false, we do know with a great amount of certainty that she did sleep with them. Which raises the question: Can a journalist sleep with someone prominent in the industry they cover, and maintain objective neutrality?

Among other things. That dude hasn't been a very good spokesperson for GG. The stream you're referring to is the biggest clusterfuck I've seen in a good while by the way, they're all pretty hammered and it just goes to shit from the start (I manged to watch about 5 minutes).


You know, those prominient indie Kings of Industry developers.


can a journalist really sleep with anyone and maintain objectivity? i posit that non-virgin journalists are predisposed to have a positive attitude towards sex


Which version? None are complete or objective. If you want to be entertained read the pro version. Which is pretty hilarious if you`re into tinfoil stuff.

I like grabbing some popcorn myself while i watch the whole ordeal from a distance while both sides fail horribly at getting their points across and look worse every day. It`s like some kind of cartoon version of American politics.

How does the popcorn taste while people are getting death and rape threats and being doxxed left and right?

The fucking lack of empathy in this post is incredible.



Lay off Myggen. It might not be "true", but what's important is that some of it feels like it could be true.


Also love the characterisation of something releasing as scheduled on Steam for free as "aggressive marketing". Don't show that guy Ubisoft's campaign for Unity, he'll probably collapse into a puddle of fear.


How does the popcorn taste while people are getting death and rape threats and being doxxed left and right?

The fucking lack of empathy in this post is incredible.

Lack of empathy in the world has made me cynical. But I feel that I understand the world and people better because of that.

The popcorn is salt flavored.


Look there are points of views that lack at any single source. You can`t understand what is going on by following it from one side. Because one side is oblivious of the other on many subjects because they are blinded by emotion/investment. Both sides btw. I`ve tried to follow all points of view up until now. And i`m not picking any lesser evils here. Both extremes of either side are absurd.
It`s part of the distancing I learned in film school from analysing documentary filmmaking.

I`m not claiming to be better than anyone taking a side. I just enjoy observing from a distance without becoming personally involved or invested.

I hope this came across as I wanted it to. Because English isn`t my native language.
I'm really mad that schools are actively teaching the 50% of time to "both sides" bullshit that has ruined any sort of progress on issues like climate change and given the public in America the idea that there's even a debate about evolution. Don't be the people talked about in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjuGCJJUGsg


Which version? None are complete or objective. If you want to be entertained read the pro version. Which is pretty hilarious if you`re into tinfoil stuff.

I like grabbing some popcorn myself while i watch the whole ordeal from a distance while both sides fail horribly at getting their points across and look worse every day. It`s like some kind of cartoon version of American politics.

Come on now, there's at least three sides. GamerGate morons, people who don't like those morons, and people who think that makes the latter a side and think they're being clever.

White cheddar popcorn is the best and if you disagree with me you're a monster.

Ok I've stayed out of this thing since it started but I keep hearing the gamer gate term thrown around. Where can I find a good summary of what it is? I don't see anything in the OP

edit: nevermind I'm dumb, there is a brief explanation in the OP. Would still like a bit more info though.

Check Wikipedia. There's claims it's biased because they source their information, but it has a lot of lins and does a decent summary.


I'm really mad that schools are actively teaching the 50% of time to "both sides" bullshit that has ruined any sort of progress on issues like climate change and given the public in America the idea that there's even a debate about evolution. Don't be the people talked about in this video:

How so? Who is to chose who is right or wrong? That's for the person observing to decide imo. Education in this case is more important to help people make the correct choice. Otherwise you are influencing people into making the 'right' conclusion. Which could be very bad if the wrong people chose for the observer what is right or wrong. That's indoctrination.

The problem in the US is lack of objectivity from both sides of the scale.


How so? Who is to chose who is right or wrong? That's for the person observing to decide imo. Education in this case is more important to help people make the correct choice. Otherwise you are influencing people into making the 'right' conclusion. Which could be very bad if the wrong people chose for the observer what is right or wrong. That's indoctrination.

The problem in the US is lack of objectivity from both sides of the scale.

Doesn't history class kind of tell us what to think as well...? Our history isn't exactly "objective" either.


How so? Who is to chose who is right or wrong? That's for the person observing to decide imo. Education in this case is more important to help people make the correct choice. Otherwise you are influencing people into making the 'right' conclusion. Which could be very bad if the wrong people chose for the observer what is right or wrong. That's indoctrination.

The problem in the US is lack of objectivity from both sides of the scale.

Who're the other side? Because it mostly just looks like anyone who doesn't agree with their campaign. No one touting the both sides thing has been able to give me a real good definition about who the other side is. I've been told Social Justice Warriors but that seems to be mostly a label against anyone they don't agree with.


As fun as the "both sides are equal" argument is (creatonism, Holocaust denier, "climate sceptic" etc. etc.), this isn´t the right thread to discuss it.
Most of the "actual" (and by actual, I mean self-identifying) Social Justice Warriors on tumblr probably don't even know GamerGate is a thing that they're supposedly involved in.


Doesn't history class kind of tell us what to think as well...? Our history isn't exactly "objective" either.

True. But it depends on the perspective you have on history. Phylosophy helps a lot. But only if the teacher gives phylosophy objectively.

Edit: sorry going off topic
Which version? None are complete or objective. If you want to be entertained read the pro version. Which is pretty hilarious if you`re into tinfoil stuff.

I like grabbing some popcorn myself while i watch the whole ordeal from a distance while both sides fail horribly at getting their points across and look worse every day. It`s like some kind of cartoon version of American politics.

What point is the anti side trying to get across? What are they failing at?

Telling people to play nice?

L Thammy

Lack of empathy in the world has made me cynical. But I feel that I understand the world and people better because of that.

The popcorn is salt flavored.

I'm also a pretty cynical person. The thing is, I've seen enough self-centered assholes to know that I don't want to be one. Don't want to support them. They're why I became the cynical type to begin with.So while I'm nowhere near the nicest person to regularly post in this thread, perhaps one of the least empathetic, I save my laughter squarely for the Gators, since most of them don't deserve to be taken seriously in the first place.
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