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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You would need to find a second hand market most likely or a store that has had it sitting on the shelf. The quality is disappointing though. They are strictly Laserdisc rips and lesser quality of even the Hong Kong eBay version my friend lent me back when DVDs were coming into their own.

no you don't, the set is available on amazon

edit: hmmm... appears you are right. i should have bought them a while back when they were on sale. ARGH!!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Big One said:
No nerd rage is complaining about it ruining canon.

Complaining about it being unnecessary, terrible, and being a change from the original film isn't nerd rage. It's a completely legitimate, logical complaint and criticism.
Complaining about Star Wars edits is the very definition of a nerd rage lightning rod. It's the favorite nerd rage pastime of the past 14 years. Cute that you'd deny it.


I, uh... wat.

Vader being silent was part of the fucking point. He was conflicted, but when he made his decision me made it ruthlessly. Having him say "no, noooooo" makes it sound like some quick-fire reaction. Instead of a man trying to counter-balance loyalty with love, he's suddenly acting indignant at the fact Palpatine is zapping Luke.

I mean, goddamnit, even a single "no", the first one in the soundbyte, wouldn't have been atrocious. That would have been firm enough still. But to have the wailing "my wife is dead" sound as well? How does that fit the context of the scene?

BocoDragon said:
Complaining about Star Wars edits is the very definition of a nerd rage lightning rod. It's the favorite nerd rage pastime of the past 14 years. Cute that you'd deny it.
While true, I think as simple lovers of film most people are offended.

I mean, Ridley Scott felt he needed 5 edits of Blade Runner to get it right, yeah? (let's discount for a moment the fact he only actually did two of those edits, the rest were out of his hands) His Final Cut is an improvement. It fixed the objective visual issues with the film, doesn't add new material not shot at the time and genuinely just trims and switches stuff around for flow and a clearer expression of his ideas.
See: Deckard finally being undeniably a Replicant, something he intended but had to edit out.


He keeps the original versions around. He gives them the same restoration treatment. He preserves them because they are an important part of film history. So we have both Blade Runner as Ridley Scott wanted it and Blade Runner as was actually released.

As a film lover, an art lover, a fucking historian, what Lucas does is an actual crime against culture. As in, I honestly believe his systematic destruction of the original version should be a punishable crime of the same level for people who deface famous landmarks and architecture.


The no sounds just as terrible as it did in Sith. The emotion sounds just off, it doesn't sound angry, it doesn't sound sad, it doesn't sound....right at all.


For the new page for people wondering why the thread is bumped.

richiek said:
Hoo boy. SW fanboys are gonna have an aneurysm after hearing this.

Obi-Wan's Krayt Dragon yell in ANH has been altered again.


Vader now says NOOO twice when Luke is tortured by Palpatine and goes to attack him.


The info is from MillenniumFalcon.com.

Man, I don't mind the changes but I can imagine the fanboys calling for Lucas' blood.

richiek said:
Someone synched up the new audio clip in ROTJ with video:


Very interesting. Not as obtrusive as I thought it would be.

Big One

BocoDragon said:
Complaining about Star Wars edits is the very definition of a nerd rage lightning rod. It's the favorite nerd rage pastime of the past 14 years. Cute that you'd deny it.
If you don't want to contribute to anything to why this isn't a legitimate complaint other than actively insulting people, then don't ever respond to this thread ever again. I'm not denying that Star Wars complaints are fueled by nerd rage, but complaining about these changes isn't even close to being synonymous with nerd rage, more-so synonymous with the idea of preserving film and/or not wanting films to be made objectively worse on every level possible. Just because you define this as nerd rage, doesn't make it so.


Dr Zhivago said:
The first 'NO' is OK as its kind of cold, but the second one is awful.

Lucas should add a big flashback montage to Anakin's entire life.
I agree. I liked the first 'NO', it works imo. That second "NO" though? Sounds just like the infamous no in RotS.


bish gets all the credit :)
JB1981 said:
no you don't, the set is available on amazon

edit: hmmm... appears you are right. i should have bought them a while back when they were on sale. ARGH!!

You can still get the set in many places, lot of stores still have it in stock and resellers still got it for reasonable to next to MSRP price.


PhoncipleBone said:
That is my thinking as well. I will wait until reviews hit or I see the discs myself before getting upset.
The irony is that The fan edit will be better than the final.
PhoncipleBone said:
That is my thinking as well. I will wait until reviews hit or I see the discs myself before getting upset.

I'm in this camp as well.

I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, and while I think Lucas has made some silly changes to the series over the years, they aren't worth getting upset over. The Greedo shoots first one is obviously the dumbest, but if the inclusion of these "no's" is true, they do sound kind of awful.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
I'm in this camp as well.

I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, and while I think Lucas has made some silly changes to the series over the years, they aren't worth getting upset over. The Greedo shoots first one is obviously the dumbest, but if the inclusion of these "no's" is true, they do sound kind of awful.

Indeed, the changes like the greedo thing never really bothered me so much, and even that first "no" in that scene wouldnt've bothered me. But jeez that second noo just makes me cringe. After seeing so many "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" memes on the internet, it just makes it ten times worse and ruins the scene. Really hoping its not true.


Lionheart1827 said:
Indeed, the changes like the greedo thing never really bothered me so much, and even that first "no" in that scene wouldnt've bothered me. But jeez that second noo just makes me cringe. After seeing so many "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" memes on the internet, it just makes it ten times worse and ruins the scene. Really hoping its not true.
I'm god damn hypnotized by that synced video, :lol That second no sounds so, so bad. It must have been a take by James Earl Jones that didn't make the cut for "Sith". I'm sure George has a couple more "Nooo" takes he could use again and again.

Hopefully it's not true and the scene plays out normally. Even if the first no is included it's not a deal breaker for me.


purple cobra said:
I'm god damn hypnotized by that synced video, :lol That second no sounds so, so bad. It must have been a take by James Earl Jones that didn't make the cut for "Sith". I'm sure George has a couple more "Nooo" takes he could use again and again.

Hopefully it's not true and the scene plays out normally. Even if the first no is included it's not a deal breaker for me.

I'm curious, how much worse do the films have to get before you disown them?

Does Lucas himself have to waddle on screen during a scene and take a dump before you admit these changes are make the films consistently worse and worse?


Furret said:
I'm curious, how much worse do the films have to get before you disown them?
I think we're all just holding out hope the people who secretly have their OT film reels as collectors will have them digitally scanned at 4K then released to the internet.
richiek said:
Hoo boy. SW fanboys are gonna have an aneurysm after hearing this.

Obi-Wan's Krayt Dragon yell in ANH has been altered again.


Vader now says NOOO twice when Luke is tortured by Palpatine and goes to attack him.


The info is from MillenniumFalcon.com.

Man, I don't mind the changes but I can imagine the fanboys calling for Lucas' blood.

I listened to the first no, and that was so bad I stopped playing the mp3 and deleted it. Man, some people give Carrie Fisher stick for doing tons of coke in Jedi, but I swear that Lucas started snorting it back then as well, and hasn't stopped since.
Barberetti said:
I listened to the first no, and that was so bad I stopped playing the mp3 and deleted it. Man, some people give Carrie Fisher stick for doing tons of coke in Jedi, but I swear that Lucas started snorting it back then as well, and hasn't stopped since.

He was the supplier.


Suairyu said:
I, uh... wat.

Vader being silent was part of the fucking point. He was conflicted, but when he made his decision me made it ruthlessly. Having him say "no, noooooo" makes it sound like some quick-fire reaction. Instead of a man trying to counter-balance loyalty with love, he's suddenly acting indignant at the fact Palpatine is zapping Luke.

I mean, goddamnit, even a single "no", the first one in the soundbyte, wouldn't have been atrocious. That would have been firm enough still. But to have the wailing "my wife is dead" sound as well? How does that fit the context of the scene?

While true, I think as simple lovers of film most people are offended.

I mean, Ridley Scott felt he needed 5 edits of Blade Runner to get it right, yeah? (let's discount for a moment the fact he only actually did two of those edits, the rest were out of his hands) His Final Cut is an improvement. It fixed the objective visual issues with the film, doesn't add new material not shot at the time and genuinely just trims and switches stuff around for flow and a clearer expression of his ideas.
See: Deckard finally being undeniably a Replicant, something he intended but had to edit out.


He keeps the original versions around. He gives them the same restoration treatment. He preserves them because they are an important part of film history. So we have both Blade Runner as Ridley Scott wanted it and Blade Runner as was actually released.

As a film lover, an art lover, a fucking historian, what Lucas does is an actual crime against culture. As in, I honestly believe his systematic destruction of the original version should be a punishable crime of the same level for people who deface famous landmarks and architecture.
Damn great post
Duane Cunningham said:
No, on the contrary, it's being added to Return of the Jedi.

Ohhohohoh man people are gonna rage!!! I really don't care, but I can smell the rage.

I can't wait to get my hands on these man.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
The first no is fine and I think that while it's totally unnecessary, it doesn't ruin the scene. The second screams recycled the same way Qui-Gon's voice in AOTC did and fucks everything up. If you're going to risk fucking up the climax to your movie, you'd think Lucas would actually use some new material. Actually you wouldn't because this is the guy who used a costume test of Hayden Christensen doing an evil stare and slapped it on to the end of ROTJ despite the atrocious eyeline match with Alec Guiness and Yoda. If you're going to change these things, do them properly. It's the cheapness of them I can't stand.


Furret said:
I'm curious, how much worse do the films have to get before you disown them?
I often wonder the same thing. I gave up on Star Wars, OT and prequels alike, after seeing Attack of the Clones. It was so bad that it ruined all of Star Wars for me.

That said, if I could get a pristine Blu-Ray of the original prints of the OT, warts and all, I would most definitely buy and I'm sure I'd get back into watching them from time to time.


Shmi: Anakin...now what do we do when we encounter a stranger or something that bothers us?
Anakin: Um...we say, no?
Shmi: Good son... when something is really bad, you must shout no at the top of your lungs for as long as you can, no matter how silly you think you look
Anakin: Ok mom, yippie!


The way I look at it, is back in '97 when the "Special Edition" releases were being shipped to theaters, he stated that this was his "original vision" for the films. I accepted that, despite some of the changes (mainly Luke screaming after he chooses to let go at the end the Empire).

Then the prequels come out, and pretty much shit on the trilogy that I grew up with, and loved, and again, he states that this all ties to his "original vision". Then comes the DVD versions, with more revisions, and again he states that this is "his original vision".

Now I think it has to be true, that he sits back and relishes in the fanboy outlash that comes w/ each revision. I think it does nothing but stroke his massive ego that his films can create such hatred, 34 years later.

Sorry Lucas, but I think I've finally had enough. I understand that they are your films, and you can feel free to do w/ them whatever you want, but its my choice to spend my money on what I feel is worth it....and these aren't worth it.


Lucas has truly reached the point of being beyond parody. As in, any parody of Lucas cannot reach the ludicrous level of incompetence he is actually displaying in reality.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Suairyu said:
As a film lover, an art lover, a fucking historian, what Lucas does is an actual crime against culture. As in, I honestly believe his systematic destruction of the original version should be a punishable crime of the same level for people who deface famous landmarks and architecture.
1. The original SW films are preserved in the Library of Congress.

2. They were also made availble on DVD since 2006.

But sure, let's prosecute an artist for altering a work that HE created. That sounds perfectly reasonable.


richiek said:
1. The original SW films are preserved in the Library of Congress.

2. They were also made availble on DVD since 2006.

But sure, let's prosecute an artist for altering a work that HE created. That sounds perfectly reasonable.
Available on DVD in the poorest quality possible. How magnanimous of him.

I did not know Lucas directed ESB, did all the special effects himself, did all the sound work himself, produced the movies exclusively by himself, and acted in all the scenes as every character.
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