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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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Gary Whitta said:
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if the new "NOOOOOO!" in ROTJ is just copied over from ROTS or did they have Jones do a new one?

Sounds pretty close to a re-use, maybe with some post-process tweaking. Possibly an alternate take. I have a hard time believing they'd pay Jones' day rate just for that line. I'd bet money that both are repurposed dialogue from elsewhere in the series or alternate takes of Jones' Episode 3 recording session.


MattKeil said:
Sounds pretty close to a re-use, maybe with some post-process tweaking. Possibly an alternate take. I have a hard time believing they'd pay Jones' day rate just for that line. I'd bet money that both are repurposed dialogue from elsewhere in the series or alternate takes of Jones' Episode 3 recording session.
You are under the impression Jones was even used for the NOOOoooo in Ep3, I recall several times JEJ was still waiting for an invitation by Lucas to record shit for Vader

There are good software programs that can synthesize the voice pretty close


Medalion said:
You are under the impression Jones was even used for the NOOOoooo in Ep3, I recall several times JEJ was still waiting for an invitation by Lucas to record shit for Vader

There are good software programs that can synthesize the voice pretty close

Why would he not be used to the NOooooo in Ep3 when he was used for the lines immediately preceding it?


Morn said:
Why would he not be used to the NOooooo in Ep3 when he was used for the lines immediately preceding it?
I don't claim to keep up with every tidbit but I remember around that time I read that James Earl Jones was not invited to voice Darth Vader for Ep3


Zabka said:
Anakin's freedom was on the line, it showed that he's good with machines, handles pressure well and that he was one hell of a pilot with the help of the Force. That sequence accomplished a lot more than pretty much all the dialogue in the rest of the prequels.

And it was a chariot race crossed with hot rods and landspeeders! What more could you want?
I wished that you would have said: "What more could anyone ask?" like what Ned Beatty as Otis! in Superman said... :D
Narpas Sword0 said:
What is the most reputable way to pick up one of these fan-revised high def original cuts? Are they sold somewhere?

no... if they were sold I'm pretty sure that would be even more sketchy.
Tabris said:
Ewoks = Jar Jar. Difference is Ewoks weren't as featured as Jar Jar but you add an extra 30 minutes to Ewoks and it would be as bad.

I've always wondered why they just don't cut some of Jar Jar's scenes and re-do the voice actor since it's all CG anyways? You remove out the annoyance of Jar Jar and you are just left with the shitty Anakin scenes.

Jar jar is a dozy, floppy eared, pony GAF retard.

The ewoks are stone cold, pipe hitting, toenail pulling killers.


"what is best in life" conan in miniature, furry form.


I like episode II. yes the love story is cheesy, but you see the clone army for the first time, and at the end you see the Jedi commanding a fleet of proto-star destroyers. Thats fucking goosebumps time.

And you get Yoda being a badass for bonus points.

Kill episode I, make it a 'discovery of Anakin' but older, plus kindling love with Padme with hints of dark side and Palpatine machinations. Then episode II can be much more about the clone wars. then Episode III pretty much as it is.


Furret said:
Right, excellent... exciting!

Maybe another idea might have been that he won because he was the better pilot? Or maybe he'd done something sporting to another racer earlier and that helped him out at the end? Or Sebulba's cheating caused him to loose when he had it in the bag, or....

...no let's make him win because he pressed some buttons to do something boring and technical.

Star Wars died in 1983 and it's never coming back.

This isn't a star wars complaint - its a complaint about almost all race scenes in any movie ever. They nearly always involve the hero having a technical problem, falling massively behind, but then at the last moment regaining all the lost ground and winning. They also do stupid things like 'show person chnaging gear and pushing the gas hard'. What, they weren't pushing the gas hard before? They suddenly shoot in front, so why didn't the other driver think of that?

and how can someone come from so far behind, drive past almost everyone in the field within the space of 10 seconds, but then oddly end up neck and neck with the leader, seemingly held back from his immense progress by some odd force field.

I hate almost all race scenes in movies, they're all shit and pointless.


Tabris said:
If you want to see what 1 hour + of Ewoks would be like, watch this:


Then you'll understand my opinion.

Perhaps I won't judge how a character is presented in a mainstream motion picture by watching a shitty, probably straight to TV kids show. Both are clearly aimed at different audiences.

By that token, why not roll out the Holiday Special as an example of why the entire Star Wars trilogy is shit?


mrklaw said:
This isn't a star wars complaint - its a complaint about almost all race scenes in any movie ever. They nearly always involve the hero having a technical problem, falling massively behind, but then at the last moment regaining all the lost ground and winning. They also do stupid things like 'show person chnaging gear and pushing the gas hard'. What, they weren't pushing the gas hard before? They suddenly shoot in front, so why didn't the other driver think of that?

and how can someone come from so far behind, drive past almost everyone in the field within the space of 10 seconds, but then oddly end up neck and neck with the leader, seemingly held back from his immense progress by some odd force field.

I hate almost all race scenes in movies, they're all shit and pointless.

I hate sports in any movie. You know beforehand that the heroes of the movie will come out on top, even though they're 1000 points behind with 2 seconds to play.


Botolf said:
This, the goofy fucking faces he's making constantly during the Jedi confrontation, and the ease of Anakin's turning destroyed whatever gravitas was there to be tapped in this slice of the movie.


jaxword said:
Someone should try and edit all 6 films into ONE three hour film.

Just to see if it can be done.

think you could do it with the prequels. Skip I, remove all the love shit and keep the 'anakin being all creepy and pushy' so it looks like Padme is pressured into things, so most of II goes away except the clone army reveal and the end part with the cool ships. In III just shorten it a bit to make space - keep Dooku execution but drop stupid escaping from tilty ship part


mrklaw said:
think you could do it with the prequels. Skip I, remove all the love shit and keep the 'anakin being all creepy and pushy' so it looks like Padme is pressured into things, so most of II goes away except the clone army reveal and the end part with the cool ships. In III just shorten it a bit to make space - keep Dooku execution but drop stupid escaping from tilty ship part

If I had the talent, I bet it could make a really interesting non-chronological film.

Have Vader, Obi-Wan and Yoda all have their own individual flashbacks of a sort to bookend each of their "Stories". So have the bookends be the OT and the interesting parts of the prequels as the individual vignettes.
Medalion said:
I don't claim to keep up with every tidbit but I remember around that time I read that James Earl Jones was not invited to voice Darth Vader for Ep3
He was and did lines. There were reports that he had 15 minutes worth of dialog recorded so we were expecting more Darth Vader in Ep 3. Turns out he was probably only in the studio for 15 minutes.
Shalashaska said:
He was and did lines. There were reports that he had 15 minutes worth of dialog recorded so we were expecting more Darth Vader in Ep 3. Turns out he was probably only in the studio for 15 minutes.

This is what I remember hearing as well. James Earl Jones was brought in for a very brief recording session in which he voiced Vader again. And like you, I was expecting more dialog.


mrklaw said:
think you could do it with the prequels. Skip I, remove all the love shit and keep the 'anakin being all creepy and pushy' so it looks like Padme is pressured into things, so most of II goes away except the clone army reveal and the end part with the cool ships. In III just shorten it a bit to make space - keep Dooku execution but drop stupid escaping from tilty ship part

If you got rid of all the filler in the prequel trilogy, episode 1 vanishes, you get about 20 minutes of episode II and maybe 40 minutes of episode III.
Anth0ny said:
If you got rid of all the filler in the prequel trilogy, episode 1 vanishes, you get about 20 minutes of episode II and maybe 40 minutes of episode III.

And then maybe, just maybe, we would have actually seen the Clone Wars in a real film and not an animated off-shoot. Damn Lucas.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
megashock5 said:
And then maybe, just maybe, we would have actually seen the Clone Wars in a real film and not an animated off-shoot. Damn Lucas.
Seriously. Episode 2 should h ave been all clone wars.

Already relayed this in this thread, but someone once mentioned to me that Anakin shoudl have just been some random pilot that became famous during the clone wars for his skills and caught the attention of the jedi.

You could have had episode 1 be all about hte leadup to the clone wars and an insight into the jedi order and the republic, how they funcitoned, what htey were like. Maybe have the battle of geonosis at the end on 2 fronts (in the ground, and in space, ala Battle of Endor), with Anakin first showing up being a pilot with the callsign "Red 5" like Luke.

The ep 2 opening crawl can discuss the current state of the clone wars and how anakin skywalker has caught the eye of the jedi council, who act as commanding officers for the republic in the clone wars, for his unnaturally tuned skills and reflexes as a pilot. Ep 2 can be about the clone wars while following anakin as he "trains" as a jedi (of course, he should be a prodigy, accomplishing feats and grasping concepts immediately after they are explained to him by the jedi. Yo ucould even od a nod to the OT and have anakin move a cruiser (not a small one man fighter, something like a star destroyer or the executor) that has malfunctioned and is starting to sink into an ocean or volcano or something. Just to show his natural mastery of control over the force.

Basically, make him a freak super soldier that goes from padawan to jedi master (accelerated due to both his natural skills and the war crisis. This was kind of how it was handled in the clone wars cartoon).

I really, really like how the clone wars cartoon portrayed anakin (as well as obi wan and the relationship/chemistry between the two). My idea is to basically turn that into Episode 2, and condense the current episode 1 and 2 into episode 1, by throwing out the podracing sideshow, incorporating the reveal and discovery of anakin with the clone wars itself, and, of course, making padme, the gurgans, and the romance between anaki nand padme less prominent. I mean, compare how much screen time is focussed on Han and Leia and their romance/relationship in the OT, with how much is used on padme and anakin? It's much better executed, less central to the narrative, and takes up less time in the OT. And do we really need to know that anakin was a slave from tatooine?

You can still make the motivation for anakin's turn to be to save his loved ones/friends. It just needs to be executed better.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with throwing us into the midst of chaos, action, or unknown territory. ANH starts with some kind of space chase involving an empire trying to recover stolen battlestation plans from insurgents. ESB timeskips to some wintery planet the rebels are hiding on with luke heading out to investigate a meteor (actually an imperial probe droid). RotJ starts with an infiltration of Jabba's palace.

TPM starts en-route to mediations involving trade disputes (why couldn't they just start in the middle of them?)

And god, I just realized, I don't even remember how AotC and RotS started.
jaxword said:
Someone should try and edit all 6 films into ONE three hour film.

Just to see if it can be done.

What was needed of the backstory was already told by Obi-Wan in ANH and with the empire seeminngly defeated with the destruction of the Death Star there was no need for the sequels either.

The original stands up fine on it's own.

MC Safety

GaimeGuy said:
TPM starts en-route to mediations involving trade disputes (why couldn't they just start in the middle of them?)

And god, I just realized, I don't even remember how AotC and RotS started.

If you're going to change Star Wars, why bother keeping the trade dispute stuff?
Tryckser said:
Got it today, watched some scenes, looks great.
I love all 6 movies. <3 Star Wars!

Still waiting on mine. I got the complete series for $69 from Barnes and Noble, but they're sure taking their time in getting here. Doesn't help that they shipped on Thursday but haven't gotten any kind of update on their status since late Friday. I'll probably go home some night and just randomly find them waiting for me.


CF_Fighter said:
Got $150, not my money, in Amazon GCs to blow. I'm debating on buying the saga. 80 bucks for the series is a pretty good value.

My set was gifted to me, but I do have to say the video/audio is excellent. If you can get past the changes, and have a good home theater setup, you're in for a treat.


Anth0ny said:
Why? All it is doing is gives Lucas more money, encouraging him to keep doing this crap. Getting to scratch your neck scruff while you "make a statement" is nowhere near the trade of putting a lot of money in the pocket of the guy you are protesting.


Nairume said:
Why? All it is doing is gives Lucas more money, encouraging him to keep doing this crap. Getting to scratch your neck scruff while you "make a statement" is nowhere near the trade of putting a lot of money in the pocket of the guy you are protesting.

well obviously I don't approve of the purchase

but the best thing he could possibly do with it is burn it


Anth0ny said:
well obviously I don't approve of the purchase

but the best thing he could possibly do with it is burn it
But why buy it to begin with? People doing stuff like this is so silly, because it does NOTHING other than rewards people like Lucas.
Nairume said:
But why buy it to begin with? People doing stuff like this is so silly, because it does NOTHING other than rewards people like Lucas.
Plenty of people out there with too much money and not enough attention.


Anth0ny said:
well obviously I don't approve of the purchase

but the best thing he could possibly do with it is burn it
No. The best he could do was give it to someone else who wanted it, because then they wouldn't also be giving their money to Lucas. It's incredibly childish and probably amuses Lucas more than anything else. Don't feed the troll, stupid.
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