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Giant Bomb #7 | Hey There, Small Business Owner!

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aka IMurRIVAL69
Yea, I don't get the Alex hate. Guy has a good and diverse taste in games and is still enthusiastic about them unlike some others on GB.
Totally saw the Destiny Alpha on screen.




Jeff, Alex, Danny and ??? (Vinny?) in a car for 6 hours?

Probably going to be one of the best drive streams since Adam Boyes and John Vignocchi drove to E3.


Definitely one of my favorite UPFs in a long time. At one point I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard. Fucking Tomodatchi Life owns.


Anyone else with terrible internet unable to watch live content for the past few weeks? My connection maxes out at 150 KB/s and up until ~2 weeks ago that was enough for SD but recently even that stops to buffer every 10-15 seconds.

I really need to move.


Anyone else with terrible internet unable to watch live content for the past few weeks? My connection maxes out at 150 KB/s and up until ~2 weeks ago that was enough for SD but recently even that stops to buffer every 10-15 seconds.

I really need to move.

They mentioned in last weeks UPF that the hardware is set to stream in HD only, and not SD. Has something to do with them streaming directly from the TriCaster, since all their gear is packed away. Should be back to normal (hopefully) during E3 and after.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
So Danny drinks a lot? Playing into those Irish stereotypes (I'm part Irish, am I allowed to say that?)


Did Jeff just say that "Danny is carrying some stuff for Dan"?

Is there another Dan at Gamespot or did Jeff just let the cat out the bag?


Listening to the Power Bombcast, I'm starting to think Dan's not the new hire. They're being too obvious. Then again, maybe that's the plan. Make it so obvious that people like me start second-guessing themselves.
Yea, I don't get the Alex hate. Guy has a good and diverse taste in games and is still enthusiastic about them unlike some others on GB.

He's uncomfortable on-camera (anxiety issues) and has a nasally voice so everyone hates him. I can see why those things may make him unpleasant to some, but his work and his game industry commentary is pretty good so I wish people would ease up a bit.

Basically, I get it, but it sucks.


I've really grown to like Alex and I don't even know why. No wait, I do. It's because he's not a Gamecube controller-hating, cynical, apathetic downer-ass sack of sadness all the time.

He's actually *gasp* enthusiastic about stuff?!


I've really grown to like Alex and I don't even know why. No wait, I do. It's because he's not a Gamecube controller-hating, cynical, apathetic downer-ass sack of sadness all the time.

He's actually *gasp* enthusiastic about stuff?!

He always was.
If by "stuff" you mean Rock Band.


I've really grown to like Alex and I don't even know why. No wait, I do. It's because he's not a Gamecube controller-hating, cynical, apathetic downer-ass sack of sadness all the time.

He's actually *gasp* enthusiastic about stuff?!
shots fired
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