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God of War Launches Early 2018 (PS4)

I guess I forgot where after 6 games the combat in God of War was anything special. You could Square Square Triangle your way through that entire series even on higher difficulties.

I commend SSM for trying something new with the series and what they've shown looks far more interesting and potentially more satisfying than the series has had before.
Nah I have a little bit when the first or 2nd one came out. I think it was a bit more hack and slash, this seems like Horizon or Arkham melee combat.

Scripted as in trailer combat. I wanna see someone actually play it, I meant. I don't doubt thats the real combat, I just want to see it in real time.

er what, what's so arkham about it? this looks nothing like arkham combat. usually in arkham combat you move from 1 enemy to next with constantly countering enemy attack. there's no counter here, only shield parry, and Kratos is not jumping around either

Two Words

I guess I forgot where after 6 games the combat in God of War was anything special. You could Square Square Triangle your way through that entire series even on higher difficulties.

I commend SSM for trying something new with the series and what they've shown looks far more interesting and potentially more satisfying than the series has had before.
Actually, I think the GoW games offered a good challenge on hard. You had tobactually use the defensive mechanics at that difficulty since your damage output was much smaller than the enemies'.


Funny, from the little there was I actually thought it was fine. Better than I expected, at least.

It is fine, but not more than that for me. My biggest problem is that the boy just doesnt fit the Kratos or GoW atmosphere I'm used to after all these years. Parts of this sound like a disney coming of age story. The generic dialogue doesnt help (no fault of the child actor, he didn't write this). I like disney, i watch alot of their stuff, but it dont mix with GoW.

If Kratos wasn't the father I wouldnt have as much problem with this. The expectation would be totally different. Im just not seeing a great chemistry here. At least with whats revealed so far.


Combat looks like a lot of fun! I am absolutely loving the axe. It looks badass, and I just love how Kratos is using it! Love the shield too. Not quite sure why, but I really like small-ish/circular-ish shields combo'd with a single-handed weapon. Although, Kratos wasn't really using this one together with his axe. And I know it won't satisfy them all, but I hope this at least satisfies some of the naysayers from before. If not, well, too bad. The story seems more intriguing than ever, especially with freaking Jörmungandr showing up like that. I forgot that he was in the game, so it still surprised and excited me a lot when he actually showed. Glad to see that Kratos' wife (or at least Atreus' mom?) will be showing up too. Would love to know more about her relationships with the boys.




Gods bless Sony Santa Monica for using an OG PS4. Man, it looks insanely good.

Do we know if there is a jump button? Also, no stamina bar right? Light, heavy attacks?

No info yet on things like that. Except for the attacks, I believe. I seem to recall reading somewhere before that there are light and heavy attacks... Not entirely sure, though. I'd expect to hear lots more about the game by PSX later this year.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Crazy gorgeous, but much like the rest of the series not enough grabs me as particularly engaging to want to play. Fingers crossed I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I'll probably take the same path I took with God of War 3 and wait until the price has dropped before I pick it up.

Not sure why everyone is freaking out about a bad E3. I didn't see the conference (they are always shit to watch and it was too late) but i'm catching up now and i'm seeing a lot of amazing stuff.


I really loved Ellie in TLOU and hope Santa Monica will achieve a similar bond in GOW. And i'm happy this time it's a boy, should create a different kind of dynamic between them two.


Neo Member
I wonder if any of the inhabitants of this world know of how many gods Kratos has killed, lol. This game looks good and fun so far. I want more insight in the combat system.
Loved the way the shield unfolds. Saw it at the start of the trailer and was thinking "Yep, that's some piece of equipment we get, wonder what it is" and then seeing how it works in the combat was just great.
This is what I'm most worried about still... A Kratos isn't Kratos if he's not jumping all over the place.
We see a jumping axe ground slam in last year gameplay demo. Also we see Kratos can still climb in this video. So I assume traversal and platforming is still part of the game formula.



That big dude in the background has to be Thor right ? With the hammer ?

Also, Kratos walking around with a severed head again ?
I have never been more awestruck this gen than by this game. Holy mother of God, this looks like insane.
The presentation, the IQ, the subtle details, the animations are godlike (pun not intended).


Somehow, the impossible has happened. This game has amazing visuals for a console game but I am completely turned off by the shit combat. They traded the fast paced over the top gameplay for cinematic storytelling. I've beat all the other games in the series except for Ghost. This looks to be a huge letdown for me. Babysitter of War :-\


I'm completely interested in Days Gone after not really having much to say about it in the last year or so. They have my attention completely with that game!


Somehow, the impossible has happened. This game has amazing visuals for a console game but I am completely turned off by the shit combat. They traded the fast paced over the top gameplay for cinematic storytelling. I've beat all the other games in the series except for Ghost. This looks to be a huge letdown for me. Babysitter of War :-\


I'm completely interested in Days Gone after not really having much to say about it in the last year or so. They have my attention completely with that game!

But the combat is still fast paced , where are you seeing Slow Combat??
I guess I forgot where after 6 games the combat in God of War was anything special. You could Square Square Triangle your way through that entire series even on higher difficulties.

I commend SSM for trying something new with the series and what they've shown looks far more interesting and potentially more satisfying than the series has had before.

Having replayed GoW 3 Titan mode last week, I found this is bs
You guys need to give the combat a chance. Even from this small glimpse of combat, it already look very versatile and give lots of option to do cool stuff.

So far we already see a lot of attack variety with just the shield, axe and bare hand. And the combat system looks like it allow you to switch between them seamlessly. It looks really fun to play for me at least.
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