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Grand Theft Auto V - Review Thread | Take 2


Well this helps validate my decision to trade in a couple 3DS games to GS for their current promo. I typically hate trading in games BUT this is a pretty good deal (trade 2 and pay $9.99) and it seems to be well worth it.


So far, I have completely managed to avoid any spoilers
outside of the official preview/trailer stuff from R*
. My hype is astronomical for this game and it's good to see that it's getting good reviews. I mean, I would hope it would get good reviews. R* took long enough to polish it up, I would hope it was a gem and not a turd they were polishing.
With this game costing about 265m dollars I am not surprised of the moneyhats.
Also, why do I always have the feeling that this game always receives so much 10s across the board only because of the technical achievement and giant scope of the game?

Months later you always look back and shake your head about it because the story and narrative are cringe-worthy and the violent, conservative, macho, sometimes rascist and misogynic attitude of the game are despicable. Especially now the graphics this generation make it less cartoony (like last generation) and more realistic.

Although this is my personal opinion. I respect every other one's opinion.

That's cool man. What percentage of the game are you up to so far?
It doesn't feel like its coming out tomorrow. I have so many games I'm working on. And they're all gonna go on the back burner tomorrow.


With this game costing about 265m dollars I am not surprised of the moneyhats.
Also, why do I always have the feeling that this game always receives so much 10s across the board only because of the technical achievement and giant scope of the game?

Months later you always look back and shake your head about it because the story and narrative are cringe-worthy and the violent, conservative, macho, sometimes rascist and misogynic attitude of the game are despicable. Especially now the graphics this generation make it less cartoony (like last generation) and more realistic.

Although this is my personal opinion. I respect every other one's opinion.

So I take it you've finished the game then?
Good scores. Not surprised though.

GTA IV also had great scores. And that game turned out to be pretty mediocre in my opinion. Had way more fun in RDR and SR3.

So I learned my lesson last time. I will not be buying this based on these reviews. I'll wait for impressions from other neogaf posters. I know with GTA IV there were many people on here that I agreed with regarding the game. In neogaf I trust.
I think they mean games that have arrows appearing overlayed in the game world to show you where to go. But if you listen to the bombcast a lot, you can see it as Jeff reaching real hard because they like to joke constantly that Rockstar develops in a vacuum and does not take notice of any other games (which maybe true) so with this view firmly in his head he goes into the game reaching for that stuff.

to be fair, other reviews noted on this too.

and after playing sleeping dogs and the newer saint row games, it was a bit harder to get back to older gta games.

With modern cars having assorted HUD on the windshield (and stuff like gamin selling an accessory with gps projected on the windshield), hopefully gta6 would have GPS stuff integrated in the world map, or at the very least navigation arrow at the top center of the screen of when to turn.
When Sessler loves a game he REALLY loves a game.

Bioshock Infinite.. TLOU and now this. Somehow he manages to outdo his Sessler-ness each time.


Every..single..time with GTA. I am depressed how this industry has come. Really there are also other good and quality's games but this is so mutch hyperbole and they don't get mutch attention then only GTA. I am not falling in that rockstar trap again. Escapist review is pretty honest but that's about it really.
Sure there are some good and quality games, but not one game comes close to the quality of gta 5. Not even near. It's like uncharted 2 of open world games.


Sessler says "it may not be the biggest map in a gta" or something like that. Is that true? Seems more massive than anyone I can remember.

It's been said it's bigger than san andreas, gta 4 and RDR combined but that was likely including the skybox and ocean floor too. Two things that likely get ignored by most people when comparing map sizes.
What are the best subjective, technical reviews? I want to hear what people think about controls and image quality, not how they feel about playing as a psychopath.

the arstechnica review for ps3 retail clearly calls out frame rate dips, texture pop-in and the fact billboards take a few seconds to load in.

they also said the submarine has terrible controls apparantly.

Months later you always look back and shake your head about it because the story and narrative are cringe-worthy and the violent, conservative, macho, sometimes rascist and misogynic attitude of the game are despicable.

"Conservative" is the last word I'd use to describe GTA.

The Escapist review makes me more interested to play the game. If anything I was tired of GTA main characters forced into subservient roles for most of the game because the developers couldn't think of how to make missions work without having the character run chores for other people. Niko was one of the worst because he spent the whole game claiming to want to get away from being a violent man while killing hundreds of people.

Hearing that the main characters are doing what they're doing because they want to instead of having some hokey narrative reason as to why they're forced to (I mean there's only so many times you can use revenge or familial obligations) makes it sound like they fixed one of my few nitpicks of the series.

I agree. At the end of the day I'd rather play as a genuinely despicable person than a hypocrite...that's not to say hypocrisy can't be an interesting character trait in it's own right. The problem is that it's rarely intentional and mostly just arises from dissonance between story and gameplay.


I'm not a big fan of IGN, but I am a fan of Keza's reviews. This was another good one (referring to the content of the review, not the score).

Yeah, that's what I said in the OT. Keza reviewing something isn't the same as, say, one of the Podcast Beyond guys doing the same. Nothing against them, but her background has a lot of work for Edge and Eurogamer. Her work is more comparable to those outlets than what you typically read on IGN.


These reviews are encouraging. I have a hard time appreciating content from The Escapist, so their review doesn't bother me.

Man... I have to wait a whole twelve hours before playing this beauty. Work is going to be so long today.


Could someone please point me to a review that touches on the outdoor activities in great detail? Preferably the hunting stuff. I don't have the time to go through all of those reviews while at work.


Good scores. Not surprised though.

GTA IV also had great scores. And that game turned out to be pretty mediocre in my opinion. Had way more fun in RDR and SR3.

So I learned my lesson last time. I will not be buying this based on these reviews. I'll wait for impressions from other neogaf posters. I know with GTA IV there were many people on here that I agreed with regarding the game. In neogaf I trust.

There has already been plenty of impressions in the OT from people who got the game early. Every single one has been incredibly positive, including one from a notoriously critical poster.


Gold Member
The quote from Sessler is single most hyperboled filled sentence in regards to a videogame I've seen this year.

From the GB Review:

"As other open-world games push forward in ways that make things like traversal more convenient, GTA forces you to look at the minimap for your turn-by-turn directions."

I need to know what this means in the context of a game with taxis, various methods of public transportation, a stronger plane focus than ever, and the greatest variety in vehicles (and raw numbers) thus far. Do they expect SRIV super powers? What is the solution here? Obscuring on-screen arrows and traffic direction?

I think Jeff from GB expects every open world game to have super powers. He really liked SRIV quite a bit. I really can't think of any other open world game beyond SRIV that made traversal easier.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I DO wish reviews would discuss some of the technical aspects of the game (ie - performance or visual anomalies).

When Sessler loves a game he REALLY loves a game.

Bioshock Infinite.. TLOU and now this. Somehow he manages to outdo his Sessler-ness each time.
Some games do kind of fade a while after you've finished them, though.

A review I might write for Bioshock Infinite would have been super positive following my initial completion but a bit less so a few weeks afterwards.

Whereas, with The Last of Us, I actually continue to feel even more positive about it as time goes on despite its performance issues. It was incredibly well made and dynamic in a way that few other games can match.

Still, the post-game buzz you often get after a good experience can certainly shape your review into something quite glowing. Sessler takes it to the extreme, though.
I wish the game had a language filter, then I might actually pick it up, as it looks like it might be a good amount of fun, but as is I have to agree with the review that talked about only being able to handle #$!$ mother !#$% so many times.... That is just annoying.
No way is this a 10. I bought this and wonderful 101 and I can't wait to play 101 again yet look at the difference in reviews. I know reviews and my impressions are about opinions but In terms of what will be enjoyable to play in years to come there's no comparison.

Half of this game won't be unlocked for another two weeks.

Edit: Lol. Uncharted 2 of the open-world would still be selling it short from impressions i've read.


I wish the game had a language filter, then I might actually pick it up, as it looks like it might be a good amount of fun, but as is I have to agree with the review that talked about only being able to handle #$!$ mother !#$% so many times.... That is just annoying.

Ya its pretty crazy. The best thing would be to make sure there are NO kids anywhere nearby hahahaha.


I said it in the previous thread, but Gerstmann's review reads like the most chill 5/5 I've ever seen from him. "Yeah, you know, this game's pretty good and stuff." I got a good chuckle out of it.

With this game costing about 265m dollars I am not surprised of the moneyhats.
Also, why do I always have the feeling that this game always receives so much 10s across the board only because of the technical achievement and giant scope of the game?

Months later you always look back and shake your head about it because the story and narrative are cringe-worthy and the violent, conservative, macho, sometimes rascist and misogynic attitude of the game are despicable. Especially now the graphics this generation make it less cartoony (like last generation) and more realistic.

Although this is my personal opinion. I respect every other one's opinion.

Okay, unless anyone has some cold hard proof of reviewers being "moneyhatted", just fucking drop it already. Making that claim does nothing to add to the discussion of the thread. It is quite literally the definition of a blind accusation. The high-horsing going on around here has reached new levels of lunacy.


Could someone please point me to a review that touches on the outdoor activities in great detail? Preferably the hunting stuff. I don't have the time to go through all of those reviews while at work.
I can tell you about hunting. There is a side mission for it where you need to hunt deer for money and completing challenges. You hunt using whistle, stealth and sniper rifle and need to snap photo of every kill.


Good scores. Not surprised though.

GTA IV also had great scores. And that game turned out to be pretty mediocre in my opinion. Had way more fun in RDR and SR3.

So I learned my lesson last time. I will not be buying this based on these reviews. I'll wait for impressions from other neogaf posters. I know with GTA IV there were many people on here that I agreed with regarding the game. In neogaf I trust.

It's the same with me, I'll wait untill the hype dust settles and we can have a real impressions after a good amount of time with the game, since at least for me R* games are good enough the first 5-10 but then it just goes downhill.


I find it slightly funny that GTA IV got 10s from the same sites which have given GTA V a 10 even though GTA V is apparently better than IV in pretty much every conceivable way. Shows how ridiculous review scores have become.


The Escapists's main negative is one of the biggest positives for me. I enjoy playing the bad guy in these sort of games, even to realistic reactions and consequences. On one stream I saw a player headshot drivers as they were waiting at a traffic light, it felt scarily real to watch, but it only got me more excited to try it out in the game.
I just think its completely stupid, and dumb to criticize the characters for being "meanies" and "bad people"

I mean its GTA, there doesn't have to be a more detailed answer, its GTA that's it...

these are criminals, not heroes
Sessler's review is hilarious. I get that you like the game man, but dial it down a notch. Comparing the housers mediocre as fuck writing to dickens is the new oscar worthy, i think.

As for all the reviews, the game seems to be a solid 9 and the best open world game since san andreas. Great to hear, and I cant wait for midnight.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I fully understand what Sessler was going for. I think people are confusing his statement with him comparing GTAV to classic literature and he's really not. He's saying GTAV could very well be used as a case study into what 20XX life was like in a similar way that classic literature can be used to do the same for that time period.

Makes sense to me. People in 2250 will see GTAV and be able to pick out the pop culture references and the things the game touches on (NSA spying, tech, etc) that was popular today.

Sessler's review is hilarious. I get that you like the game man, but dial it down a notch. Comparing the housers mediocre as fuck writing to dickens is the new oscar worthy, i think.

See above, that's not at all what he was doing.
With this game costing about 265m dollars I am not surprised of the moneyhats.
Also, why do I always have the feeling that this game always receives so much 10s across the board only because of the technical achievement and giant scope of the game?

Months later you always look back and shake your head about it because the story and narrative are cringe-worthy and the violent, conservative, macho, sometimes rascist and misogynic attitude of the game are despicable. Especially now the graphics this generation make it less cartoony (like last generation) and more realistic.

Although this is my personal opinion. I respect every other one's opinion.

If you respect their opinion, why call them moneyhats?

I fully understand what Sessler was going for. I think people are confusing his statement with him comparing GTAV to classic literature and he's really not. He's saying GTAV could very well be used as a case study into what 20XX life was like in a similar way that classic literature can be used to do the same for that time period.

Makes sense to me. People in 2250 will see GTAV and be able to pick out the pop culture references and the things the game touches on (NSA spying, tech, etc) that was popular today.

True, needs to be in the OP.


I find it slightly funny that GTA IV got 10s from the same sites which have given GTA V a 10 even though GTA V is apparently better than IV in pretty much every conceivable way. Shows how ridiculous review scores have become.

Yeah, they shouldn't have given GTA IV that score because they knew GTA V would be better. This is going to be awful when GTA VI comes and blows GTA V away.
There has already been plenty of impressions in the OT from people who got the game early. Every single one has been incredibly positive, including one from a notoriously critical poster.

I'm pretty sure that's how it went last time as well. The people that have the game now are die hard GTA fans. Of course they're going to love it. It sounds like it's more of the same. That is not a positive attribute for me though. I haven't enjoyed a GTA game since Vice City.

After other people like myself who are on the fence buy the game then it'll be interesting. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that are not willing to fork out the $60 to get burned again. When we see a sale then I'll be back with bated breath.


What are the best subjective, technical reviews? I want to hear what people think about controls and image quality, not how they feel about playing as a psychopath.

Exactly. I don't think reviews are written for me. They never provide me with the knowledge I feel I'm actually looking for. I suppose conversations on podcasts are a better medium for me.
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