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Grand Theft Auto V - Review Thread | Take 2

There's nothing wrong with that quote. It's not about quality of writing (though that seems high here). He's just saying that like Dickens' work is a window into that time period GTAV will be a window into ours one day. That's...true. It will be a very interesting work to look at for someone 100 or 200 years from now. It seems to be quite the cultural time capsule of 2010-2013 in terms of tone.

Practically speaking there are unlikely to be any video games from this generation so well-preserved that they run on machines 200 years from now unless Rockstar lives that long as a corporation and finds it profitable to sustain it.

Also, what work made in 2013 set in 2013 contemporary locales isn't a time capsule of today's culture? That's not something that's hard or noteworthy to accomplish, Sessler is name-dropping because he wants to build a permanent canon of western video games. I'm hard pressed to find the seventh console entry in the series in such a list just because of how it mirrors and satirizes the foibles of early 21st century egotists.


If performance was bad I assume someone would have mentioned it in a review. A game this expansive and long will highlight the technical deficiencies.

i´m kind of baffled - the 360 has glaring framerate drops. no idea if that is present on the ps3 too
I don't seem to understand what you expect to get out of these reviews then. If you didn't enjoy San Andreas, which is pretty much universally loved by hardcore GTA fans and everybody else, then you've kinda gotta consider yourself a small minority on this subject, whose opinion is not likely to reflect the general opinion of others.

In other words, the reviews will be largely useless to you, so.........what are you even doing in here? No offense, you have your right to be here, I just don't get what you're doing.

To be fair, I only played SA for maybe 30 minutes at a friend's house. It didn't grab me. I'm trying to work my way through the motorcylce GTA and the gay Tony one but those are both a chore as well.

I came in to see the hyperbolic reviews proclaiming it to be one of the best games ever. And then to voice my opinion that the SAME thing happened with the last game, and years later many people will look back and say it was overrated.

The thing that really sold me on GTA IV was a review that proclaimed the online play to be amazing and one of the best online experiences of all time (IGN I think). And then I played that first and it fucking sucked. So....we shall see.

I'd wait for the pc version anyway, so I've got plenty of time.

Hip Hop

I really don't see how the game does not deserve the high reviews, praises, and hyperboles that you so call.

If I'm not a fan of a game, for instance, Mass Effect, I'm not gonna sit here and say how the series does not deserve its praise and love by many. It's just not my type of game, but I fully understand its achievements and the trully great series they created. Same thing could be said by many games I dislike, but I just don't simply shrug them off as "HYPERBOLEZ!".

Can you not see scope of GTA V, can you not see how different it is trying to be from most games out there? How it has achieved what it has?The quality?The content?


This feels like GTA 4 all over again. I think I'll rent it and see if they've actually improved the on-foot controls before I buy it.
Every..single..time with GTA. I am depressed how this industry has come. Really there are also other good and quality's games but this is so mutch hyperbole and they don't get mutch attention then only GTA. I am not falling in that rockstar trap again. Escapist review is pretty honest but that's about it really.
Self-examinate yourself, yo. You're sceptical of the game's praise and only trust the review that appears sceptical? Isn't that confirmation bias or whatever?


Practically speaking there are unlikely to be any video games from this generation so well-preserved that they run on machines 200 years from now unless Rockstar lives that long as a corporation and finds it profitable to sustain it.

Also, what work made in 2013 set in 2013 contemporary locales isn't a time capsule of today's culture? That's not something that's hard or noteworthy to accomplish, Sessler is name-dropping because he wants to build a permanent canon of western video games. I'm hard pressed to find the seventh console entry in the series in such a list just because of how it mirrors and satirizes the foibles of early 21st century egotists.

actually he's just shilling for audible


I love Pokken!
Dat 10/10 from EDGE


I want to know how this game will fare against TLoU when it comes to GOTY season. I think GTA5 will win just because its more recent tbh.
I'm glad I don't share some of the distrust in these reviews/Rockstar that some others do after IV. In my opinion Rockstar are incredibly consistent at creating great open world games, and IV was an exception that I'm willing to overlook. Virtually all of the problems I had with that game were addressed in the trailers for GTAV alone, so I have no problem buying into the hype.

There's no harm in being pessimistic and taking a wait and see approach, but I love getting excited for games and I haven't been this excited for a while. The reaction might appear hyperbolic to some, but GTA typically delivers on its hype for most of its fans. An "it was overrated" backlash months after release certainly isn't typical of the franchise, just one game and IV certainly didn't kill my enthusiasm for GTA. This feels like IV all over again? It feels like San Andreas and Vice City all over again too. And those turned out just fine.


He isn't comparing the writing to Dickens. He's saying that as we refer to him for social criticisms of the Victorian period, perhaps in the future we may refer to GTAV for satirical criticism of society as it is in 2013. I don't see this as terribly hard to grasp or conceive.


Gold Member
Amazing review scores for this, I just read a couple but I'm trying to avoid most of it as I want to be surprised - I've avoided it all so far :)

Sooooo hyped for tomorrow, my bedroom tele broke yesterday had to order a new one quick so I can play it uninterrupted so that should be here at the same time hehehe ;)

IT Slave

Escapist's review is spot on about most "AAA" games today. Games like this are the reason I have to lock myself up in a room at like 11 pm just to play video games. I can see having to do that if you enjoy watching XXX pornography, but playing a video game shouldn't be like that.

So many games are going this direction. It's embarrassing that this industry is just a notch above porn with it's so-called "AAA" titles.

Thank God for Nintendo and indie developers, but this industry has a long way to go. Millions upon millions of people go to see summer blockbusters that know how to make the trade-off between family-friendly and thrilling action. Yet somehow games have to go over-the-top in order to even think about making a profit.

No, I won't be buying GTA V.

mf luder

Half of this game won't be unlocked for another two weeks.

Edit: Lol. Uncharted 2 of the open-world would still be selling it short from impressions i've read.

True, but the reviews and my opinion is for whats in the game now. Don't get me wrong its easily the best gta from what I've played so far and the multiplayer will only add to that. The combat (hand to hand) hasn't been mentioned much in reviews and so for its the worst part but thankfully there's not much of it so far.


Love that Giant Bomb review. Jeff proves yet again that he tries to be as uncompromisingly objective as always.

Well written, understandable criticisms and a score that fits the text!


I only skimmed the reviews because it's a nutty day in the office.

Do the reviews take into account GTA Online? Or is that a separate review?


So, what has been the average respond of the entire gaming community to reviews that gave less than 10/10? Attacks through twitter? Death threats?
Checked gamespot forums myself and people have been attacking Carolyn Petit there for the most insane things (mutant, retard, whore, you name it), just because she had the audacity to give it a 9/10. I understand the rage such reviews have brought forth though, as not foaming at the mouth at everything Rockstar makes and not giving their games 11/10 has been deemed unacceptable for a long time now.

Not getting this on release, but will probably try it out later when it decreases in price. I just hope this isn't GTA IV all over again.
Its been pretty equal between them and those who are whining about the high scores.
This feels like GTA 4 all over again. I think I'll rent it and see if they've actually improved the on-foot controls before I buy it.

Yeah. As expected, I mean I could have written some of these quotes myself months ago just based on the GTA4 hypetrain farce back in the day.
Instead of renting, I just wait for price drops and then hear some level headed opinions on here.
Escapist's review is spot on about most "AAA" games today. Games like this are the reason I have to lock myself up in a room at like 11 pm just to play video games. I can see having to do that if you enjoy watching XXX pornography, but playing a video game shouldn't be like that.

So many games are going this direction. It's embarrassing that this industry is just a notch above porn with it's so-called "AAA" titles.

Thank God for Nintendo and indie developers, but this industry has a long way to go. Millions upon millions of people go to see summer blockbusters that know how to make the trade-off between family-friendly and thrilling action. Yet somehow games have to go over-the-top in order to even think about making a profit.

No, I won't be buying GTA V.

Do these games go any more over the top than mainstream cinema? Loads of films showcase breasts or have an obligatory sex scene, yet it's still taboo and risque' in this medium for some reason.

I'm sure you could argue that it's different because it's visual depictions as opposed to real nudity, but then that's a whole other debate.

That being said, GTA has always been a franchise that has sought to push limits of what some consider acceptable. Why should Rockstar limit their vision because of what competitors are doing? Criticising a series for having edgy content because others do seems like a completely odd complaint, also.
I find it slightly funny that GTA IV got 10s from the same sites which have given GTA V a 10 even though GTA V is apparently better than IV in pretty much every conceivable way. Shows how ridiculous review scores have become.

Although I don't think GTA IV deserved the 10s it received, this logic doesn't make any sense. Technology advances with time. GTA IV came out in 2008 and at that time it was pretty impressive.


No surprises here. I expected the reviews to praise it to the high heavens. As expected it also has all the hallmarks of over-hyped praise.

Of course I havent played it yet, so I cant say one way or the other if it is deserving of these scores, perhaps it does. Judging by GTA IV and other games like MGS IV getting such large helpings of 10/10's though, this seems to be unfolding in the same fashion. All those games were great, but I felt they were all over-rated at the time.

Regardless though, Im certainly looking forward to GTA V. Hopefully it is deserving of all these 10's.


Gold Member
Dat escapist political correctness.

That said, good scores for what I expected to be a good game.

10 from IGN also not surprising... we all know why.
Escapist's review is spot on about most "AAA" games today. Games like this are the reason I have to lock myself up in a room at like 11 pm just to play video games. I can see having to do that if you enjoy watching XXX pornography, but playing a video game shouldn't be like that.

So many games are going this direction. It's embarrassing that this industry is just a notch above porn with it's so-called "AAA" titles.

Thank God for Nintendo and indie developers, but this industry has a long way to go. Millions upon millions of people go to see summer blockbusters that know how to make the trade-off between family-friendly and thrilling action. Yet somehow games have to go over-the-top in order to even think about making a profit.

No, I won't be buying GTA V.

Couldn't have said it any better!
I wholeheartedly agree, good sir.


After reading some of the reviews some seem to score a little higher than the words.But the escapist one comes off as being low to make a point in my opinion.
I know people like having the gps on screen and telling you when/where to turn, but I kind of always preferred the having to look at the map. It makes you familiarize yourself with every location and, if you play enough, able to get to places just by memory. That's how I felt with past GTA games, at least. Perhaps this maps too big and I will grow tired of it?

You can just turn it off if you'd rather


Escapist's review is spot on about most "AAA" games today. Games like this are the reason I have to lock myself up in a room at like 11 pm just to play video games. I can see having to do that if you enjoy watching XXX pornography, but playing a video game shouldn't be like that.

So many games are going this direction. It's embarrassing that this industry is just a notch above porn with it's so-called "AAA" titles.

Thank God for Nintendo and indie developers, but this industry has a long way to go. Millions upon millions of people go to see summer blockbusters that know how to make the trade-off between family-friendly and thrilling action. Yet somehow games have to go over-the-top in order to even think about making a profit.

No, I won't be buying GTA V.

So it's spot on for your sensibilities. You're clearly not the type to play open world games where the protagonist is a morally reprehensible character. That review is for you, not the majority of gta fans. That's fine. We kinda know what we're getting into by now.
I will not debate the GTA V scores, I will not debate the GTA V scores, I will not debate the GTA V scores, I will not debate the GTA V scores, I will not debate the GTA V scores, I will not debate the GTA V scores.

Anyways, I'm sure it's a 10 just for fun factor alone IMO. A score is meaningless if you can't have fun. Now, anyone I've ever met that is offended by GTA is usually a self righteous asshole who feels he is better than everyone else, and thinks that those who enjoy it are somehow sick in the head. I know I'm speaking in generalities here, but this is how I see it. If you can't laugh at over the top crude humor then something in your life seriously fucked you up. To each their own I guess but this is something I will never understand. Learn to laugh, have some fun!
Much ado about world design...I can't wait to see it.

Inside all that dribble I manged to find the word "fun" a few times...always a good word in game reviews. Just what I happen be looking for

IT Slave

Do these games go any more over the top than mainstream cinema? Loads of films showcase breasts or have an obligatory sex scene, yet it's still taboo and risque' in this medium for some reason.

I'm sure you could argue that it's different because it's visual depictions as opposed to real nudity, but then that's a whole other debate.

Most games are no better than an Uwe Boll film. That's my point. The vast majority of non-sports AAA titles are M-rated games.

Mass Effect was just as fun as it was before aliens started dropping f-bombs. I could play Mass Effect with my 4 year old in the room. I can't do that with Mass Effect 2 and 3.

The Halo series is probably the last "clean" AAA franchise and the only reason it's rated M is because it has red blood. But I really don't see the point of every other AAA game going over the top with violence and language.
I think the IGN guys are going super over the top, probably just as a very subtle "help me" signal. As if they were writing as hostages from Rockstar's studio while writing the review (well, weren't they only allowed to view it at R*'s office? hmmm)

Jeff's review sounded like a 4.5 to be honest. Well, essentially it's a solid GTA game, but it doesn't sound like the best game of all time, of all time. Which is what I expect from all the live streams I've seen over the weekend (shoutout to Sethos for the non-spoiler stream).

Looking forward to be able to play it whenever Amazon deems it acceptable to ship it to me (WHY NOT OVER THE WEEKEND /CRY)
He isn't comparing the writing to Dickens. He's saying that as we refer to him for social criticisms of the Victorian period, perhaps in the future we may refer to GTAV for satirical criticism of society as it is in 2013. I don't see this as terribly hard to grasp or conceive.

It's very easy to grasp.

People just see Sessler comparing a game's writing to *gasp* a book and lose their minds for whatever reason. It's obvious he's talking about the game being a window into our culture rather than a 1:1 comparison of writing quality.
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