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Grand Theft Auto V - Review Thread | Take 2

Looks like the PS3 version looks better in some parts, the 360 better in others.

Take this comparison. 360 has the blue lights on the wheel, but the PS3 version has better textures bottom left and on that weird bricking in the centre.

PS3 top, 360 bottom.



ps3 with better texture resolution? color me very surprised.


I don't think there is much about that to discuss. Unlike the GTA4 review process the reviewers weren't sequestered in hotel rooms with Rockstar reps breathing down their necks the entire time.

Is that what actually happened? Because I remember very well GameSpot giving the game a 9.5 before changing it to a 10.0
First thing I'm going to do is find a bicycle, go for a ride round the block and then just stop on a corner to see the world in action.



Amazing so many site complain about the vulgarity and swear words.

It is an M-rated GTA game.....are you really going to deduct points or make an entry in the minus column just for that?

Its like buying an AO game and being offended at the pornography.

Maybe it means "vulgar" as in cheap or on the nose.
Looks like the IQ on 360 is even worse than on PS3. Man this game needs 1080p and decent AA so bad, it would look glorious.

What are you talking about? From that gif, it's obviously the other way around.

Both look fine though. No matter which version you choose, you can't go wrong.
I wonder what the consensus will be in a year or two. GTA IV got the same level of praise from critics, but is now sitting at a 7.5 aggregate user score on metacritic.
Bunch of asshats scoring it 1, 2 & 3 just for shits, giggles & to "offset the 10s." User score means even less than the critic score, imo.


If this is the level of nitpicking that folks are up in arms with, than next generation will be delicious :D.
If it takes being THAT far zoomed out then I'm not going to sweat it. The pictures are hard to tell apart beyond that anyway, not like when GTAIV or RDR ran at blatantly lower resolutions.


Neo Member
He isn't comparing the writing to Dickens. He's saying that as we refer to him for social criticisms of the Victorian period, perhaps in the future we may refer to GTAV for satirical criticism of society as it is in 2013. I don't see this as terribly hard to grasp or conceive.

The problem is that this 'satirical criticism' is highly questionable. We all know that sex and violence sells and Rockstar uses them to gain profit, not to educate us on cultural subtleties of our times.

Many people enjoy impersonating bad characters - killing whores and murdering the innocent in video games and GTA provides them the opportunity. Nothing artistic or ironic about it. Sessler should just recognize it for what it is (no one would blame him) but instead we got this pseudo-intellectual justification (for not criticizing some things in the game /like he did in God of War/ and maybe for the score) with poor Dickens in the middle...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Amazing so many site complain about the vulgarity and swear words.

It is an M-rated GTA game.....are you really going to deduct points or make an entry in the minus column just for that?

Its like buying an AO game and being offended at the pornography.
If the bad language is lazy and overabundant (like GTA seems prone to) then it seems like a legitimate knock against the title.
Satire is often a very generous descriptor. When you use the language Sessler does (invoking Dickens!), you are placing this in some very select company. We are talking about the series with "tw@t" Internet cafés. This is not Jonathan Swift. I don't know why we have to ascribe a sharpness it really doesn't deserve. Without having played GTA5 but having played all the previous entries, I'd say it is most likely to be a comedy.

I would be severely disappointed if this is our cultural time capsule. But I'm also a snooty snoot.

Well Mr. Snooty Snoot, I'll just say that comedy actually often tends to be one of the better historical windows into another culture.

I haven't played GTA5 either, but writing all of the satire off because something like "tw@t internet cafes" is present isn't really fair. Being crude doesn't mean that something isn't just as a valid a thing to look back on. Really, there's tons of classical literature that we look back on today that was considered very crude at the time!

If it seems like I'm trying to say something like "GTA5 is the Dickens of our time!", I'm not. I'm just saying that if you had an interactive "videogame" on the level of GTA5 that was created in 1800 and was a satirical reflection on that time period by those who lived in that time period don't you think we'd find that valuable today? I sure think we would. By that line of thinking I don't see how it's a stretch to say that someone in 2200 would find GTA5 to be a pretty interesting look into 2013.

mf luder

Amazing so many site complain about the vulgarity and swear words.

It is an M-rated GTA game.....are you really going to deduct points or make an entry in the minus column just for that?

Its like buying an AO game and being offended at the pornography.

Its not the swearing its the constant incessant swearing. The metro gamecentral review and blog is worth a read.
I get what Adam is saying there, but it's still ridiculous to ascribe that kind of importance to any game given all the inane silliness inherent in both these games and the Houser's writing.

And while the Dickens' quote is quite mockable, him comparing the writing in these games to Jonathan Swift is pretty facepalm-worthy.
Well, I just buy both versions. Gonna wait for DF tomorrow and maybe I'll return one copy to the stores. What bothers me more....the fact that you don't have to install the second play disc could waste my old 360. Sounds like a jetengine already.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I haven't played GTA5 either, but writing all of the satire off because something like "tw@t internet cafes" is present isn't really fair.
There is a difference between writing something off and calling it the next Dickens. The idea that GTA is an insight into modern culture hundreds of years from now is pretty absurd.


Bunch of asshats scoring it 1, 2 & 3 just for shits, giggles & to "offset the 10s." User score means even less than the critic score, imo.

Paranoid much?
As far as I'm concerned, MetaCritic might as well not exist if user scores is worth less than the site scores.

There is no surprise that this game did well with almost every review website, giving this game a 9/10 will end up with a flamewar on the review and death threats from the rabid fanboys.

Any news on dat PC version? I'm still holding out on this game.


Looks like the PS3 version looks better in some parts, the 360 better in others.

Take this comparison. 360 has the blue lights on the wheel, but the PS3 version has better textures bottom left and on that weird bricking in the centre.

PS3 top, 360 bottom.



The "blue light" you see on the ferris wheel is intentional, as far as I can tell. I live right next to the boardwalk and it does light up at night with multi-colored lights. So the devs could've easily stuck that into the game and have the ferris wheel light up and change colors all the time.

Also, these shots were taken within micro-seconds on one another. The world is a living breathing world, and there's constant movement going on. Hence the water having different patterns and whatnot.


Do people seriously think GTA is a "window into our culture"?

San Andreas nailed a number of different cultural things of the 90s, from music to a number of different things. I recently played through it again and was surprised by how much of the time period it managed to convey


Why are you guys ragging on Sessler for that quote? In the review, and based on trailers etc, I can see his point having great poignancy. Materialism, the NSA, spying, technology, the political system and laughable Republican or otherwise candidates and representatives that manage to get through and so much more.

I know the quote sounds pretentious and overly fluffed, but I have a feeling it's going to have some vague form of credibility when all is said and done.
Its not the swearing its the constant incessant swearing. The metro gamecentral review and blog is worth a read.

That's actually a pretty big turnoff for me. When I was 10 years old I would be all over that kind of profanity, but nowadays I just find it tasteless. It bothered me enough in the previous GTA games so it probably will here too.


How is it not?

I'm not talking literally about the gameplay, obviously. We aren't all skydiving out of blimps while shooting guns on the way down.

In terms of the satire they execute on and the overall setting of the games how is it not?

GTA is cheap satire. All characters are usually one dimensional representing a specific stereotype to the extreme. Its not some example of amazing writing. Its just trying to be something more than it is.


If it takes being THAT far zoomed out then I'm not going to sweat it. The pictures are hard to tell apart beyond that anyway, not like when GTAIV or RDR ran at blatantly lower resolutions.

I'll put it to you this way, Red Dead Redemption PS3/360 will be the norm for next generation port differences between Xbox One and PS4 if we go by specs on paper.


Amazing so many site complain about the vulgarity and swear words.

It is an M-rated GTA game.....are you really going to deduct points or make an entry in the minus column just for that?
Well they can be fine with vulgarity and swears, but everything gets tiring if there's too much of it. I don't know if that's actually the case, but the criticism isn't inherently wrong.
At the risk of ending up on a list of shame, most of those 'contrarian' reviewers(in this case, contrarian being anything other than 10/10 lol) seem to be more concerned with establishing their morals than evaluating the game.

As for the reviews in general, it would be nice if the they could point out flaws in the gameplay(which surely exist, you can't have a mechanically sound game when it's this big), but I guess waxing poetic bollocks about whether or not GTA5 advances the human race is a larger priority for dudes trying to justify the medium they cover.

I expected a mess of hyperbolic tosh claiming this to be videogaming's <insert classic from other meduim> sprinkled with a dash of social righteousness maneuvering(the guys taking a GTA's portrayal of a modern America at face value are proving particularly entertaining), but this shit has somehow managed to exceed my expectations.

Keep up the publisher foot worship, game "journalists".


Hopefully Mr. Sessler is asked about this wording a a year or two down the road, because I'm sure he himself will be a tad embarrassed by them.
Why are you guys ragging on Sessler for that quote? In the review, and based on trailers etc, I can see his point having great poignancy. Materialism, the NSA, spying, technology, the political system and laughable Republican or otherwise candidates and representatives that manage to get through and so much more.

I know the quote sounds pretentious and overly fluffed, but I have a feeling it's going to have some vague form of credibility when all is said and done.

Unless there's some deeper narrative involving these things my bet would be that most of these themes will be covered briefly in order to serve some larger crazier storyline or used as one-off lines in the radio station.

We'll see, but consider me skeptical given what they've written before.


So, is the major consensus on GAF that the majority of the footage shown from the game was from the PC/Nextgen build?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why are you guys ragging on Sessler for that quote? In the review, and based on trailers etc, I can see his point having great poignancy. Materialism, the NSA, spying, technology, the political system and laughable Republican or otherwise candidates and representatives that manage to get through and so much more.

I know the quote sounds pretentious and overly fluffed, but I have a feeling it's going to have some vague form of credibility when all is said and done.
Maybe it's the cut game quotes in the review that sing, "I need to meditate...or masturbate...or both." Step aside Dickens.


Why are you guys ragging on Sessler for that quote? In the review, and based on trailers etc, I can see his point having great poignancy. Materialism, the NSA, spying, technology, the political system and laughable Republican or otherwise candidates and representatives that manage to get through and so much more.

I know the quote sounds pretentious and overly fluffed, but I have a feeling it's going to have some vague form of credibility when all is said and done.

It's not just the one quote. The review (of what I watched) seemed very overwritten, which might not be so bad if Sessler wasn't reading it out loud.
Am I the only one confused why a publisher would embargo reviews up until the day before release when they know they have a 10/10 title on their hands? Always seems suspicious to me.


As for the reviews in general, it would be nice if the they could point out flaws in the gameplay(which surely exist, you can't have a mechanically sound game when it's this big)or , but I guess waxing poetic bollocks about whether or not GTA5 advances the human race is a larger priority for dudes trying to justify the medium they cover.

Yeah, that is mostly what I want from reviews too. The assessment of the game as a game and the graphics/mechanics.

This is going to sound harsh but I don't have enough respect for the general reviewers to much care for their pontification on the merits of GTAs brand of America satire or the social commentary.
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