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Gravity Rush 2 - You're going to buy it, right?

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Will the animation be available to watch via YouTube?
In my country's PSN (Malaysia), the animation is included in the preorder page.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Demo sucked. Gameplay is still PS2-era stale and bland.

Title defines style over substance. Art is great, but other games have done everything else better for years.

Just wanted to common this and say that post is as trollish as they come.
Fantastic compilation of information, GR2 is looking awesome.

I'll be there for a physical copy day one... if I can find the time to clear the first game before it releases. I really like the game but Overwatch hasn't left my PS4 in weeks.


But, the flying... :(
Linear path button driven start-stop is not flying. It's outdated garbage. They had to throw in obscene amounts of auto targeting and pathing support because the controls are too wonky.

Game is GIF friendly and folks latch onto the style, but actual execution of "falling w/ style" is repetitive and bland, while the combat is simplistic auto-lock button mashing.

No Western demo release because they know it would hurt sales. I had it pre-ordered w/ the hope a PS4 sequel would remove the Vita shackles that presumably held back modern gameplay execution in the original release. Completely disappointed that the sequel features identical outdated gameplay and it hasn't even launched yet.
After randomly downloading the demo because it was next to Nier one I think (?),I'm glad I gave this a chance. Bought and almost platinumed the first game's remaster within a few days (only missing the ghost couple quest and the lava rift race but cba with those).
Not gonna lie,when I first saw Kat,I expected I was going to roll my eyes and suffer through anime tropes/fanservice bullshit throughout the whole game,so it surprised me actually with how tame the whole thing was.

Then I played the demo again,damn the difference was huge. Destructability,the controls,the actual vibe of the city are all so much better now that its unshackled from handheld capabilities.Loved that it actually has some color now!

It reminds me of going from Infamous 1 to 2 actually,maybe not as extreme in graphics department but the overall experience was similar.

So yeah,I'm in.


Linear path button driven start-stop is not flying. It's outdated garbage.

The way you keep talking about the mechanics being "stale" or "outdated" is weirding me out. How can a unique mechanic that appears in no other series be "stale" or "outdated"?

Anyway, to your point, you're right that it isn't flying. It's falling. The entire premise of the game is that with a button-press you can re-align gravity in any direction you choose. You're not supposed to be able to soar around like Superman.

They had to throw in obscene amounts of auto targeting and pathing support because the controls are too wonky.

Aim assist is hardly a new thing in videogames. No idea what you're talking about re: "pathing support".

No Western demo release because they know it would hurt sales.

Who wants to tell him?


Sorry- will be busy saving for the Switch. So Kat will have to wait.

Hope i made up for it buy buying the remasterd version twice. One is sealed and the other one was Digital

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
If I buy that special edition on Play Asia, I see it will work on any PS4, but will it come with all languages too so I can switch to English?


It's even in the OT lmao
EU got it. Guess I own that one.

Metacritic under 70 from major outlets. Pros will unanimously praise art, cons will unanimously criticize gameplay.

Anyhow, that's more than enough of me yelling at clouds for Sony funneling AAA money into a game I don't enjoy. Enjoy your OT prep.
Yes. But probably not day1 depends if there is a good deal for it. My priority for January is Yakuza 0, then Gravity Rush 2.


EU got it. Guess I own that one.

Metacritic under 70 from major outlets. Pros will unanimously praise art, cons will unanimously criticize gameplay.

Anyhow, that's more than enough of me yelling at clouds for Sony funneling AAA money into a game I don't enjoy. Enjoy your OT prep.

As in, Gravity Rush 2 will score under 70? That sure would suck, hopefully that doesn't happen!
Linear path button driven start-stop is not flying. It's outdated garbage. They had to throw in obscene amounts of auto targeting and pathing support because the controls are too wonky.

Game is GIF friendly and folks latch onto the style, but actual execution of "falling w/ style" is repetitive and bland, while the combat is simplistic auto-lock button mashing.

No Western demo release because they know it would hurt sales. I had it pre-ordered w/ the hope a PS4 sequel would remove the Vita shackles that presumably held back modern gameplay execution in the original release. Completely disappointed that the sequel features identical outdated gameplay and it hasn't even launched yet.

I keep telling you guys the detractors are shit at the game. You can start and stop while shifting to traverse but the traversal mechanics are designed to allow you to move around the world without stopping.

You see, that's that outdated-PS2 style of gameplay which lets players figure the gameplay mechanics out for themselves.
No. And even though I haven't played the first game, I really feel bad for not buying this.

I totally understand where you guys are coming from. Very good series that sells really bad and deserves better. We are in the same bad situation with Yakuza 0 as well. Hopefully both Y0 and GR2 manage to get good sales, even though they are releasing very closely to bigger series like RE and KH.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Nope. Didn't like the first on Vita.


As in, Gravity Rush 2 will score under 70? That sure would suck, hopefully that doesn't happen!

A bold prediction for sure. That would put it at least 10 points below the remaster and at least 13 below the original. Games it would be hanging out with would include Mafia 3, The Order: 1886 and Mad Max.

I actually really enjoyed The Order and Mad Max, so worst case scenario I'll probably still be a happy camper.
I want to but I'm already getting RE7 and Yakuza around the same time. The latter is already going to be doing some sitting around


Some of the criticism in this thread for the first game makes me think that I played a completely different one. I had such a great time with it! And the demo just makes GR2 seem even greater.


Nice OP to bring support to a game you're hyped about, but sorry I'm going to let it pass. Maybe in the future I'll give this and the first game a play.

I hope gravity rush 2 has much success!

The last PSX was a perfect display of why Sony is the best with how diverse their catalog is. 2017 will be another amazing year for everybody.


How do you figure? The critical reception to the previews and demo have all basically said, "it's like the first one but better". And the first game scored in the 80s.
I guess i could see some people being less forgiving of the gameplay jank, this not being a vita game/port and all.
It looks cool, but I still need to play the first one. It's been sitting in my PS Vita/TV library forever since it was a part of PS Plus back in the day.


Getting more and more excited as I play through the remaster. I hope I can finish it in time because I apparently forgot a lot about my first time through.

Wanna collect gems all day every day.


I really wish I enjoyed the gameplay in Gravity Rush. The environments are beautiful, the characters are endearing, I love the UI, etc, but I just can't find enough enjoyment in the game mechanics to justify a purchase. I was really hoping that the existing mechanics would be overhauled in the sequel, or, at the least tightened up nicely, but the demo felt like they left them exactly the same (like, exactly) and just added some new mechanics on top. Maybe I'll see something in post release coverage that will convince me otherwise, it seems like a lovely game otherwise.


I really wish I enjoyed the gameplay in Gravity Rush. The environments are beautiful, the characters are endearing, I love the UI, etc, but I just can't find enough enjoyment in the game mechanics to justify a purchase. I was really hoping that the existing mechanics would be overhauled in the sequel, or, at the least tightened up nicely, but the demo felt like they left them exactly the same (like, exactly) and just added some new mechanics on top. Maybe I'll see something in post release coverage that will convince me otherwise, it seems like a lovely game otherwise.

Exactly. If it was a Vita sequel I might forgive this, but in the move to the big screen I expected the gameplay to get a commensurate polishing as well. Instead it... feels like a prettier Vita game. Not good enough, not for 60 bucks or whatever they're charging.


I'm a big supporter of this IP. I bought it digitally on Vita. Then wanted a physical copy so I bought that new. Then I triple dipped for the PS4 remaster. So in short, yes OP, I'm buying this day one.


The way you keep talking about the mechanics being "stale" or "outdated" is weirding me out. How can a unique mechanic that appears in no other series be "stale" or "outdated"?

Anyway, to your point, you're right that it isn't flying. It's falling. The entire premise of the game is that with a button-press you can re-align gravity in any direction you choose. You're not supposed to be able to soar around like Superman.

Aim assist is hardly a new thing in videogames. No idea what you're talking about re: "pathing support".

Who wants to tell him?

Dude is straight up trolling. He is pretty much incorrect on single one of his points. The demo thing just is icing on the cake of his awful post.

Exactly. If it was a Vita sequel I might forgive this, but in the move to the big screen I expected the gameplay to get a commensurate polishing as well. Instead it... feels like a prettier Vita game. Not good enough, not for 60 bucks or whatever they're charging.

So, can you expand on this a bit more. What exactly in GR2 demo feels like a Vita sequel? It feels like an advanced PS4 game to me with fun flying mechanics, improved combat, amazing scenery that 4 Vitas taped together couldn't handle, expansive environments?
Shame that it won't have a 60fps mode on the pro, the framerate/lag made me enjoy the demo far less than I thought I was going to.

I guess all I can do is hope that there's an enhanced fps mode a la Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Linear path button driven start-stop is not flying. It's outdated garbage. They had to throw in obscene amounts of auto targeting and pathing support because the controls are too wonky.

Game is GIF friendly and folks latch onto the style, but actual execution of "falling w/ style" is repetitive and bland, while the combat is simplistic auto-lock button mashing.

No Western demo release because they know it would hurt sales. I had it pre-ordered w/ the hope a PS4 sequel would remove the Vita shackles that presumably held back modern gameplay execution in the original release. Completely disappointed that the sequel features identical outdated gameplay and it hasn't even launched yet.

Thank you for making me laugh.
I know some dark souls players were infamous with "git good" but you're below even that .. you haven't even played the game to figure how to play it properly , especially when there are events designed ( the races ) to make you learn those mecanics

As for the "auto target" sentence , you know what .... do play the game before writing this please , it's becoming embarassing


Shame that it won't have a 60fps mode on the pro, the framerate/lag made me enjoy the demo far less than I thought I was going to.

I guess all I can do is hope that there's an enhanced fps mode a la Rise of the Tomb Raider.

The demo is a really old build
. The game we get on the 20th should be much smoother.
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