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GTA Online PS4/XB1 |OT| Just ignore the bodies (and look forward to heists)

I've been reading the patch notes but don't understand, is money earning different now and is it as easy as it was before?
It's hard to elaborate on and I'm on mobile right now. The core game remains the same, but it has been greatly expanded uppon. This is mostly because previous gen was abandoned allowing for features that may not have been possible on older hardware.
I've been reading the patch notes but don't understand, is money earning different now and is it as easy as it was before?
All of things you remember are the same (largely), there have just been extra things added. There are now freeroam lobby events, VIP Work (missions that take place within the freeroam lobby), and the CEO Warehouse (also called SecuroServ) stuff.

To do the freeroam lobby events, you just need to be in a public lobby with a minimum number of players and be out of passive mode.

To become a VIP you need to have a GTA bank balance of $1,000,000+. There's a time limit and cooldown period for being a VIP.

To become a CEO you need to own an Office. At that point you have largely the same abilities as a VIP, but with no time limit or cooldown period.

To do CEO Warehouse (crate) stuff, you need to be a CEO and own at least one Warehouse.

Were Daily Objectives available prior to Heists? I'm pretty sure they were.


It's hard to elaborate on and I'm on mobile right now. The core game remains the same, but it has been greatly expanded uppon. This is mostly because previous gen was abandoned allowing for features that may not have been possible on older hardware.

Ah, I'm glad to hear that!

All of things you remember are the same (largely), there have just been extra things added. There are now freeroam lobby events, VIP Work (missions that take place within the freeroam lobby), and the CEO Warehouse (also called SecuroServ) stuff.

To do the freeroam lobby events, you just need to be in a public lobby with a minimum number of players and be out of passive mode.

To become a VIP you need to have a GTA bank balance of $1,000,000+. There's a time limit and cooldown period for being a VIP.

To become a CEO you need to own an Office. At that point you have largely the same abilities as a VIP, but with no time limit or cooldown period.

To do CEO Warehouse (crate) stuff, you need to be a CEO and own at least one Warehouse.

Were Daily Objectives available prior to Heists? I'm pretty sure they were.

Thanks for expanding on this! May I ask if it's worth it to be a VIP (are the returns on investment worth it?) and which office/warehouse should I buy? I think I'm going to make the jump to CEO but only if it's worth it. :D

Thanks everyone again!
Thanks for expanding on this! May I ask if it's worth it to be a VIP (are the returns on investment worth it?) and which office/warehouse should I buy? I think I'm going to make the jump to CEO but only if it's worth it. :D

Also, just to clarify, it doesn't cost anything to become a VIP, you just have to have $1,000,000+ in the bank. No money is actually deducted.

In terms of what the best warehouse is, I can't really help because there's basically no real information about them available online. I was talking about that earlier: http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=213452088



Also, just to clarify, it doesn't cost anything to become a VIP, you just have to have $1,000,000+ in the bank. No money is actually deducted.

In terms of what the best warehouse is, I can't really help because there's basically no real information about them available online. I was talking about that earlier: http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=213452088

Woot woot, I'm now a CEO! I was able to purchase everything with all the knick knacks but I might need some help with the warehouses.

Should I buy a Warehouse closer to center of city or 5 spread out through out los santos?


Woot woot, I'm now a CEO! I was able to purchase everything with all the knick knacks but I might need some help with the warehouses.

Should I buy a Warehouse closer to center of city or 5 spread out through out los santos?
Realistically, you only really need one medium or large warehouse. I have a small one up the road from the downtown Pay 'n' Spray, and a medium one on the outskirts of Los Santos. The two, when full, should yield up to $500K.
Woot woot, I'm now a CEO! I was able to purchase everything with all the knick knacks but I might need some help with the warehouses.

Should I buy a Warehouse closer to center of city or 5 spread out through out los santos?
That first link I posted has a thorough breakdown of the numbers for the warehouse stuff. Basically, go Large and skip Small and Medium, with the following proviso: The warehouse stuff only makes sense if you're willing to put some time in, because there's a big initial outlay and you have to wait quite a while before you'll actually be in front.

Assuming you're buying 3 crates at a time, and selling only a full warehouse (which you should always do, since there are big bonuses for selling more crates at a time), these are the profits for each:

Small Warehouse (16 crates): $148,000 ($9,875 profit per crate)
Medium Warehouse (42 crates): $483,000 ($11,500 profit per crate)
Large Warehouse (111 crates): $1,554,000 ($14,000 profit per crate)

There's really no point having more than two, since that will already eliminate the crate buying cooldown period, and you don't want to have crates sitting idle in warehouses for extended periods of time or you run the risk of having them stolen anyway. I only have one, but I'm considering getting a second.

My advice is to become an Associate to another CEO and help them with buying and selling crates for a while (until you understand the process) before actually buying any warehouses of your own. The location of the warehouse is less of a big deal than how easy it is to land a chopper there, because you'll be doing that a lot.
Decided to jump in for some action today and still marvelling how something that has made rockstar 10s of millions of dollars is still busted to hell. Just trying to join games today is arduous... Stuck in the clouds, or launching a game will boot everyone out shortly after starting. In the last hour, I have tried unsuccessfully to launch 4 jobs...

Also, is there a functioning way to do a party/group invite? Like, I'm in a Party or Crew, and can I search for a job that will take me and my party/crew makes with me? Or do I have to join a job, and then quickly invite them invidually?

ALso what is wrong with hosts not setting even teams? It happens in almost every adversary mode... ENds up being like 4 vs. 1.
Decided to jump in for some action today and still marvelling how something that has made rockstar 10s of millions of dollars is still busted to hell. Just trying to join games today is arduous... Stuck in the clouds, or launching a game will boot everyone out shortly after starting. In the last hour, I have tried unsuccessfully to launch 4 jobs...
Sounds like it could be a problem with your connection. Is your PS4 DMZ'd (I'm assuming that's your platform since you didn’t specify)?

Also, is there a functioning way to do a party/group invite? Like, I'm in a Party or Crew, and can I search for a job that will take me and my party/crew makes with me? Or do I have to join a job, and then quickly invite them invidually?
If you're in a lobby with friends, you can use the Quick Join option on the phone and then specify whether you want to Quick Join either Alone or With Friends. Most game mode lobbies are so empty though that you shouldn’t ever have a problem getting into one with your friends by inviting them later, unless it's a double $/XP mode.

ALso what is wrong with hosts not setting even teams? It happens in almost every adversary mode... ENds up being like 4 vs. 1.
The Host has no control over team numbers. Players can individually switch teams, and provided no team is over or under whatever limits Rockstar has set, the game will just proceed. It's ridiculous.
Decided to jump in for some action today and still marvelling how something that has made rockstar 10s of millions of dollars is still busted to hell. Just trying to join games today is arduous... Stuck in the clouds, or launching a game will boot everyone out shortly after starting. In the last hour, I have tried unsuccessfully to launch 4 jobs...

Also, is there a functioning way to do a party/group invite? Like, I'm in a Party or Crew, and can I search for a job that will take me and my party/crew makes with me? Or do I have to join a job, and then quickly invite them invidually?

ALso what is wrong with hosts not setting even teams? It happens in almost every adversary mode... ENds up being like 4 vs. 1.

Yeah, I love the game but hate the interface so much. You have to jump through so many damn hoops to do anything, whereas 9/10 I'd prefer the ability to lobby search. I don't want to run around the open world so I wish it didn't do that by default, but instead gave me the option to choose what I'd like to play straight-up.

I just wanna play Top Fun, but have only found two games in probably an hour of searching/hosting over the weekend. Anyone else want to on PS4? Hit me up with an FR @ Telminator-2 if you're interested. It's the game mode where bikes try to escape from jets, and it's crazy and fun and exhilarating.


Yeah, I love the game but hate the interface so much. You have to jump through so many damn hoops to do anything, whereas 9/10 I'd prefer the ability to lobby search. I don't want to run around the open world so I wish it didn't do that by default, but instead gave me the option to choose what I'd like to play straight-up.

I just wanna play Top Fun, but have only found two games in probably an hour of searching/hosting over the weekend. Anyone else want to on PS4? Hit me up with an FR @ Telminator-2 if you're interested. It's the game mode where bikes try to escape from jets, and it's crazy and fun and exhilarating.

Top Fun has been in since the beginning so people don't play it much, if any, anymore. The daily objectives were supposed to get people playing more of a variety, but I don't think that has panned out. The newer play modes are the ones that are active, like Heists were big for a while, now it's the CEO and Adversarial modes. Otherwise, people will stick with stuff they like, such as racing-only crews.

BTW, you can have the game set where it spawns you in your garage/apartment/house instead of on the street. If you don't have a residence yet, solo some races until you earn enough to buy one. IIRC the cheapest garage is about $25K and it is near a LS Customs so you can spawn and sell a car right away. Usually I also go into a friends, crew, or solo session and things seem to be a lot smoother in terms of loading and finding missions to join.
Sadly, nobody ever really played Top Fun. Even right when it came out you'd get a Top Fun mode with 3 or 4 people for a couple of rounds, and then that'd be it. There are dozens of play modes that I really honestly thing nobody has ever played.

It's just a real shame how few people there actually playing the modes to play them. The 2x adversary modes have highlighted this pretty well. I've played a bunch of extraction this weekend/week, and probably 1/2 games devolves to people trying to just milk the game for money. People have realized that if you milk round 1 and 2 for 10 minutes (e.g., just standing in a field for 10 minutes), the winning team gets $20,000 or wahtever it is... And so, teams will just stand there for 10 minutes to milk it. And then do it on the other team. It creates uneven teams and sucks.

If you do try to play the actual mode, you generally end up getting griefed by your own team. I tried to kill the VIP, successfully killed him, and then got an angry message from a guy who is just using the mode to make GTA dollars. I ... just don't get it. It's like you want to spend 30 minutes of your time making fake money in a fake universe that you can use on nothing. If $60 gets you 6million GTA bucks with the cash cards, then that means that every $1 is worth about $100,000. And these people are spending 30 minutes to make $40,000 in game (max). Which means that even in the best odds, you're saying that you're willing to waste 30minutes of your day for $0.33.

Rockstar fucked up GTA Online so bad, but they're making so much money off of it they're not willing to really work on improving it as a game mode. having played this game for almost 3 years, and being level 80 or so, I can still say that I don't think I've ever actually played a full 8 vs 8 game mode like Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch, ever. It's a major step back from GTAIV Cops vs. Crooks, whcih those modes exist in GTA online, they're just almost impossible to get games going of them. Before hackers took over GTAIV, it was so easy to just look for a game or play a game with friends and do a quick deathmatch or cops v. crooks, etc. In GTA Online that's almost impossible.

GTA Online in a nutshell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFmDtCjllFQ


So whats up with all the huge boats and yachts in online mode? I tried to get on one but cant do anything, cant even steal the chopper thats on there. Can we buy one?
Sadly, nobody ever really played Top Fun. Even right when it came out you'd get a Top Fun mode with 3 or 4 people for a couple of rounds, and then that'd be it. There are dozens of play modes that I really honestly thing nobody has ever played.

It's just a real shame how few people there actually playing the modes to play them. The 2x adversary modes have highlighted this pretty well. I've played a bunch of extraction this weekend/week, and probably 1/2 games devolves to people trying to just milk the game for money. People have realized that if you milk round 1 and 2 for 10 minutes (e.g., just standing in a field for 10 minutes), the winning team gets $20,000 or wahtever it is... And so, teams will just stand there for 10 minutes to milk it. And then do it on the other team. It creates uneven teams and sucks.

If you do try to play the actual mode, you generally end up getting griefed by your own team. I tried to kill the VIP, successfully killed him, and then got an angry message from a guy who is just using the mode to make GTA dollars. I ... just don't get it. It's like you want to spend 30 minutes of your time making fake money in a fake universe that you can use on nothing. If $60 gets you 6million GTA bucks with the cash cards, then that means that every $1 is worth about $100,000. And these people are spending 30 minutes to make $40,000 in game (max). Which means that even in the best odds, you're saying that you're willing to waste 30minutes of your day for $0.33.

Rockstar fucked up GTA Online so bad, but they're making so much money off of it they're not willing to really work on improving it as a game mode. having played this game for almost 3 years, and being level 80 or so, I can still say that I don't think I've ever actually played a full 8 vs 8 game mode like Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch, ever. It's a major step back from GTAIV Cops vs. Crooks, whcih those modes exist in GTA online, they're just almost impossible to get games going of them. Before hackers took over GTAIV, it was so easy to just look for a game or play a game with friends and do a quick deathmatch or cops v. crooks, etc. In GTA Online that's almost impossible.

GTA Online in a nutshell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFmDtCjllFQ
Which platform are you playing on?


The yachts are nice but I kind of wish I held off buying one after all this CEO stuff had came out.

I see the warehouses have dropped in price at the moment but I fear it isn't a big value for your buck. I am nearly up to $5M but no eye on what to buy.

Actually the Tyrus is tempting but those cars may be on sale soon.


speaking of yachts, just had a sniper duel against a rank 100 from the safety of my yacht. so i was in free roam minding my own business when i get close to my yacht sitting off the coast by the seaside tennis club and i decide to swim to the thing since its been ages since i set foot on it after 15mm in ceo crate runs and i hear potshots pinging off the water and off the yacht, i swing around once on board and the guy is standing on the beach trying to snipe me from behind his car. well if the guy couldn't kill me in his first barrage then i might as well respond in kind. what followed was a 30 minute massacre as he just could not find a decent position to fire from as i in turn sniped him on the beach, off the roof, from behind corners, off rocks, behind railings and chimneys, from the bushes, him going off radar then back on, finally going 12v1 before he speeds away up the hills behind the tennis club with his tail tucked between his legs he couldn't get out of there fast enough. at least you tried nolace232, you persevered but lost today and you have my begrudging respect.
Which platform are you playing on?

Xbox One, but I have friends that play on PS4, and it's not that different. Getting into a Versus Job with more than 2 or 3 people is almost impossible on both platforms.

Try to play a game of, say, "Escape from LS," one of the original versus jobs that shipped with GTA Online. You'll wait in an endless empty room. You may get 1 or 2 people joining for a 30 seconds, who then usually drop as there's noone else to play. There are modes that are crazy fun, but the system is so disorganized nobody is there to play them. For instance, "Acquire Targets" is basically CTF with fighter jets, but because the job system is so bizarre and it requires 4 players on 4 different teams, I assume almost nobody has played this mode.

I don't believe that nobody wants to play vs. jobs, because they're a hell of a lot of fun if you have people to play them. I believe the job invite system is so broken that these rooms never fill even when there's mllions of concurrent players online.
I tried to do some death matches last night and this morning with the quick job option and the only thing I was getting was those damn scammy BS death matches where you need to know the trick to reach weapons and then you can openly slaughter everyone else who is defenseless. Well, all I was getting because it was the only one up, only got into a couple actual death matches and of course neither was filled, the first which I need for the daily objective was the Maze one and that turned out to be a two on one against me because the two other people who were supposed to be on my team didn't do anything, one left and the other just stood someone and I'm pretty sure was someone's dummy character or some shit. Second one I got into was Ace Liquor which again, no full and only one other person so it was one on one against someone who was questionable in their playing without some third party assistance. Like, I know there's a lot more people playing on PC than what I was seeing but the match making still just sucks and there's so little incentive to do jobs and it's only gotten worse with the CEO stuff.
Bought the top Maze Bank office after scraping together 2 mil over the last couple of days. I will slowly upgrade it and figure out my warehouse situation when I recover from the purchase.

Being a CEO paints a nice clown-colored target on your back, doesn't it? Really gives me a reason to cruise around in the armored Schafter V12.
I tried to do some death matches last night and this morning with the quick job option and the only thing I was getting was those damn scammy BS death matches where you need to know the trick to reach weapons and then you can openly slaughter everyone else who is defenseless. Well, all I was getting because it was the only one up, only got into a couple actual death matches and of course neither was filled, the first which I need for the daily objective was the Maze one and that turned out to be a two on one against me because the two other people who were supposed to be on my team didn't do anything, one left and the other just stood someone and I'm pretty sure was someone's dummy character or some shit. Second one I got into was Ace Liquor which again, no full and only one other person so it was one on one against someone who was questionable in their playing without some third party assistance. Like, I know there's a lot more people playing on PC than what I was seeing but the match making still just sucks and there's so little incentive to do jobs and it's only gotten worse with the CEO stuff.

Yep, this exactly.

Spend 15, 20, 30 minutes trying to get into a deathmatch or some organized mode that isn't one of the primary playlists for the week, and you're usually met with people who aren't even playing, just using some exploit to get $8,000.

It sucks.

I know that Rockstar HAS To know this. They MUST be playing their own game, but I just wonder if any of this is a priority for them at all.


They don't care. It's still one of the top 10 games for sales and they're making millions more a month from Shark cards.


I have a warehouse of 111 boxes now, should I recruit actual associates for the selling part of it gaf?

edit: Nevermind, I was able to solo it myself, got an easy boat mission and thankfully everyone left me alone.

(waves at MikeBreezy below)
Yep, this exactly.

Spend 15, 20, 30 minutes trying to get into a deathmatch or some organized mode that isn't one of the primary playlists for the week, and you're usually met with people who aren't even playing, just using some exploit to get $8,000.

It sucks.

I know that Rockstar HAS To know this. They MUST be playing their own game, but I just wonder if any of this is a priority for them at all.

Probably not because people tend to have more "fun" making money, doing things like Contact Missions, Heists, VIP stuff, etc.

Yeah the modes are fun but people really seem to like the "Career Criminal with my friends." Aspect more than actual VS gameplay. And no one does vs gameplay because the Free Mode allows that on its own merit.


we all knew her
I tried to do some death matches last night and this morning with the quick job option and the only thing I was getting was those damn scammy BS death matches where you need to know the trick to reach weapons and then you can openly slaughter everyone else who is defenseless. Well, all I was getting because it was the only one up, only got into a couple actual death matches and of course neither was filled, the first which I need for the daily objective was the Maze one and that turned out to be a two on one against me because the two other people who were supposed to be on my team didn't do anything, one left and the other just stood someone and I'm pretty sure was someone's dummy character or some shit. Second one I got into was Ace Liquor which again, no full and only one other person so it was one on one against someone who was questionable in their playing without some third party assistance. Like, I know there's a lot more people playing on PC than what I was seeing but the match making still just sucks and there's so little incentive to do jobs and it's only gotten worse with the CEO stuff.

It doesn't really help with the number of people playing the standard matches, but you can change your online settings so that the quick jobs will only put you into games that were created by Rockstar so you don't get stuck in those bullshit custom games.
It doesn't really help with the number of people playing the standard matches, but you can change your online settings so that the quick jobs will only put you into games that were created by Rockstar so you don't get stuck in those bullshit custom games.

You can? I'm gonna have to check that setting...
Probably not because people tend to have more "fun" making money, doing things like Contact Missions, Heists, VIP stuff, etc.

Yeah the modes are fun but people really seem to like the "Career Criminal with my friends." Aspect more than actual VS gameplay. And no one does vs gameplay because the Free Mode allows that on its own merit.

Nailed it. For me at least.

VS modes are a mess, IMO. Character control just isn't quite good enough to dive into a dedicated PVP mode. And this is really the case with most aspects of GTA V (and the series entries before it). Character movement, aiming, and shooting is good enough to get around in the game and deal with the occasional Free Roam scuffle. But that's it, this isn't a 3rd person shooter. Similarly, flying and driving are good enough to get around and enjoy the world that R* has put together, but stripped out as a singular experience, they just don't quite stand on their own. Only recently, with the addition of the Cunning Stunts updates, have the driving physics been tweaked to a point where I feel that this aspect of GTA V could be cut out and made into its own stand alone game.

I realize I don't speak for everyone, but I play GTA Online to live out my seedy 90s LA underworld crime fantasies. PVP in a football field with shipping containers for cover, a dodgy 3rd person camera, and aiming that never seems to be quite right isn't why I put this disc in my PS4. Neither is a makeshift sumo match with exotic fictional supercars. If I feel like a round of fighter jets VS motorcycles, I'll register as a VIP and speed down Vinewood BLVD on my Akuma.

I'm not trying to make excuses for the piss poor connectivity and seeming lack of interest in the many adversary modes by the general community, but for the reasons that catapulted the series into infamy after the 3rd game, GTA Online works just fine.

GTA Online is plugging into the Matrix, loading in and listening to some tunes on the radio while you wait for your friends to carry out whatever seedy thing it is you're doing that night. Then you spend that e-money on more toys to see how far you can push the mayhem... until you need more e-money, or R* releasees another proverbial carrot on a stick in the form of a new update.
Is there a reason why everyone else seems to be faster than me in Cunning Stunts races? I mean, I get taking the racing line on corners and so on, but sometimes I'm just bowling down a straight line and other cars (even the same model) are able to overtake me with relatively little effort, and this happens all the time.

Top Fun has been in since the beginning so people don't play it much, if any, anymore. The daily objectives were supposed to get people playing more of a variety, but I don't think that has panned out. The newer play modes are the ones that are active, like Heists were big for a while, now it's the CEO and Adversarial modes. Otherwise, people will stick with stuff they like, such as racing-only crews.

BTW, you can have the game set where it spawns you in your garage/apartment/house instead of on the street. If you don't have a residence yet, solo some races until you earn enough to buy one. IIRC the cheapest garage is about $25K and it is near a LS Customs so you can spawn and sell a car right away. Usually I also go into a friends, crew, or solo session and things seem to be a lot smoother in terms of loading and finding missions to join.

Thanks for replying. From the 4-ish times I've played I think it's definitely the most fun mode, although it's still pretty new to me so I appreciate it might feel like old news to most players.


Is there a reason why everyone else seems to be faster than me in Cunning Stunts races? I mean, I get taking the racing line on corners and so on, but sometimes I'm just bowling down a straight line and other cars (even the same model) are able to overtake me with relatively little effort, and this happens all the time.

Probably they have custom cars that have been modded with better engines, tires, etc.
Is there a reason why everyone else seems to be faster than me in Cunning Stunts races? I mean, I get taking the racing line on corners and so on, but sometimes I'm just bowling down a straight line and other cars (even the same model) are able to overtake me with relatively little effort, and this happens all the time.

Sounds like drafting or whatever they call it... slipstream?

In auto racing, if you get behind another car, their car blocks wind resistance, which gives a real-life "boost" to the car behind. It's a real thing, also called "drafting" in NASCAR and it's how race car drivers pass each other in a race.

GTA is an arcade racer, so the slipstream effect is really strong. Basically, if you get behind a car on a straight-a-way for like 1 second, you'll see these two semi-transparent lines appear behind that car. Stay within those two lines, and then as you pick up speed, pull out to the lane beside the car and zip by.

If you're the lead car, you can drive erratically to make it difficult for someone to get in your slip stream, but in my experience, it's best to just let it happen, and then you try to over-take them on the next straight-a-way. If you know the track you'll know how much time you need and when to use your slipstream and when to try to fight against it.

Slipstreaming can be turned off but it's on by default.

Here's a long video about using slipstream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDqD1QGR4UU
Slipstream and catch up yeah, but you also might have a "broken" R2 on your DS4. If you press both R2/L2, do your wheels start spinning immediately? It's not really noticeable in other games.
Sounds like drafting or whatever they call it... slipstream?

In auto racing, if you get behind another car, their car blocks wind resistance, which gives a real-life "boost" to the car behind. It's a real thing, also called "drafting" in NASCAR and it's how race car drivers pass each other in a race.

GTA is an arcade racer, so the slipstream effect is really strong. Basically, if you get behind a car on a straight-a-way for like 1 second, you'll see these two semi-transparent lines appear behind that car. Stay within those two lines, and then as you pick up speed, pull out to the lane beside the car and zip by.

If you're the lead car, you can drive erratically to make it difficult for someone to get in your slip stream, but in my experience, it's best to just let it happen, and then you try to over-take them on the next straight-a-way. If you know the track you'll know how much time you need and when to use your slipstream and when to try to fight against it.

Slipstreaming can be turned off but it's on by default.

Here's a long video about using slipstream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDqD1QGR4UU

Thanks. I honestly had no idea that drafting was in this! They've got such an incredibly detailed driving model.

Slipstream and catch up yeah, but you also might have a "broken" R2 on your DS4. If you press both R2/L2, do your wheels start spinning immediately? It's not really noticeable in other games.

I will try that also. Could be a dodgy R2 button I guess.





For you.
For people on PC: How do you disable mods when going online? Back on launch I used native trainer+scripthook, and back then the mods would disable themselves when launching online. Is this no longer accurate? I seemingly got a ban on the game when trying to launch it online (where it would crash immediately). Do I need to uninstall the mods completely to be able to play online properly, or is there a method to make them automatically disable when launching online like it was on release?
For people on PC: How do you disable mods when going online? Back on launch I used native trainer+scripthook, and back then the mods would disable themselves when launching online. Is this no longer accurate? I seemingly got a ban on the game when trying to launch it online (where it would crash immediately). Do I need to uninstall the mods completely to be able to play online properly, or is there a method to make them automatically disable when launching online like it was on release?

Did you actually see a message saying you were banned or are you just judging by the fact that the game was closing?

Because crashing when going online is actually a Scripthook feature to protect you from exactly what you describe. What you'll need to do is remove dinput8.dll from your GTA folder (every script mod of every kind will be disabled as that's the "root" dependency, you can keep the mods themselves present) if you want to go online and restore it when you want mods back.

Any mods to game files will need to be restored but it doesn't sound like you've used any of those.
I've been accumulating a custom playlist of stunt races on PS4. Excited to try a bunch of them tomorrow and hopefully begin building some as well!


Don't look at stats, they can be misleading. RE-7B is the best car right now, that thing is glued to the ground.


we all knew her
i havnt played for a while, whats the best car for me to buy? i got 2.5 mil

My answer to this question will be hugely dependent upon what you want to do with said car. For racing? The RE-7B, once fully upgraded, is an absolute beast. For driving around LS and fucking shit up? Insurgent all day. Great combo of speed, maneuverability, and durability. Armored Schafter V12 (my favorite car in the game right now by a country mile).


people are spending 30 minutes to make $40,000 in game (max)

Haha, I just started really getting into the online part recently.

Figured out last night that an empty server/instance is great!!


I bought a warehouse for the first time with my CEO office and bought a couple 3 crate shipments. If you grab a helicopter to get back and forth you can make $100,000 by yourself in like 15 minutes if you're quick 😂.

Makes delivering your warehouse goods REALLY easy.
That video lead me to a bunch of videos that have come up in the last week or so of modders/cheaters crying about their method of cheating not working because of Rockstar cracking down on shady character transfers.
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