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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO


Is it just the classic mode that's 60fps or is anniversary mode for Halo 2 Campaign 60fps too? The reason I ask is because the Xbox Wire videos don't run at 60fps...


Is it just the classic mode that's 60fps or is anniversary mode for Halo 2 Campaign 60fps too? The reason I ask is because the Xbox Wire videos don't run at 60fps...

That video is all over the board the entire way through.

I don't think the build they had there was all that presentable in terms of showcasing >30 framerate. Although it could also be the encoding...






Not surprising. Just think of the logistics of this. Nearly 12 years worth of Master Chief Halo games, upto 2 generations back, all maps (save for a few) , all campaigns, all the originals multiplayer, two of the campaigns updated with new textures and graphics, all on a single disc, at 1080p and 60fps with access to a month long beta for Halo 5 at the end of the year. It's pretty crazy.

Perfect way for new fans to get in on the series too and rekindle a love for the series for the old fans. Hopefully it's all pulled off without a hitch. Can't have the servers crash or be down on midnight while you have a bunch of people trying to simultaneously play CE, 2, 3 all seamlessly.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Is it just the classic mode that's 60fps or is anniversary mode for Halo 2 Campaign 60fps too? The reason I ask is because the Xbox Wire videos don't run at 60fps...

The Halo 2 Anniversary campaign mode runs at 60fps as well.


...I'm, actually not a fan of those skulls, as they completely remove the challenge of Legendary mode for the campaign. Halo:CEA is a walk through the beach with all the quirky skulls they have.


@Fyre: Dude, the way your making it sound, (and it is a slightly nervous possibility) the game would be so inconsistent in terms of netcode and controller response (add to that the lockstep campaign and Spartan OPs networking) that I think there almost no way that their coding/porting would be so uninvolved.

Imagine how jarring a cross game playlist would be!?

We just need to see someone in an online session launch a Warthog on Blood Gulch with the Banshee bomb. How the Warthog reacts, we'll be able to tell which netcode it's on.

Which I just thought of - if the multi is based off Halo PC, then the banshee is now in Halo 1 multiplayer, and Sidewinder will have the changed teleporters.

They are directly touting their new framerate and networking in their ads and on the back of their box, I think a lot of the games will have mostly redone code for the relevant systems.

I don't remember any real problems with Halo 2 PC's networking on dedis. Halo 1's was the only really stand out sore spot. Halo 3 would be interesting though. Halo 4 is based off Reach's netcode, which was pretty excellent, and I haven't seen any severe issues on the descendent of that netcode in [Embargo expires at 2pm CST]

Did you watch the IGN interview? Frank addressed the issue of super-bouncing specifically with the show's hosts. He said it was an issue with the specific version of Havoc they had at the time. (It's been my understanding that for the PC version, Havok got updated to a newer version since the PC was better able to store more of the BSP over the chunked up stuff they had streaming in in Halo 2 for OG Xbox, and this was the reason bouncing no longer worked)

Yeah, I've brought that up before. Halo 2 PC basically had superbouncing fixed just by them updating to a newer version of Havok.

Its not clear if Frank was referring to the 6 new H2A maps or the upressed classic H2 maps, but he said that the bounces supposedly may not transfer 1 to 1 anyway. (if they're even still mostly there,)

IIRC, the PAL and NTSC versions of Halo 2 had different bounces because of the difference in framerate. This kinds stuff would probably change quite a bit again with them updating for 60fps (which, incidentally, should give them a lot of opportunities for improving the feeling of netcode and responsiveness through things like higher tick rates and update rates for the physics system)

Correct, PAL did have different (and i believe more, in total) superbounce spots in maps. Those bastards.


Taking something that was once challenging, and not accomplish able by most people, and then giving those people a way to just easily do it, completely kills the fun of thus challenges.

Bragging rights is a fun part of video games. Saying, for example you have the achievement for completing the most difficult campaign on Legendary won't mean anything, when anyone else can now go and do it without any actual skill involved.


I don't remember any real problems with Halo 2 PC's networking on dedis. Halo 1's was the only really stand out sore spot. Halo 3 would be interesting though. Halo 4 is based off Reach's netcode, which was pretty excellent, and I haven't seen any severe issues on the descendent of that netcode in [Embargo expires at 2pm CST]

Halo 2 PC had some laggy ass corpses and grenade nonsense going on and I do remember there being other problems that would probably come to mind better if I just loaded it up for a little bit
(for some reason, my copy on windows 8.1 installed improperly this time around and I haven't touched it since, so I'll have to deal with that first)

Halo 3's problems with its BR and BTB lag are hopefully going to be a thing of the past just from the change to dedicated servers.

Reach and 4 we're up to par with what I expect from AAA games nowadays and BTB in them is very good for P2P.

Not sure what you mean with "and I haven't seen any severe issues on the descendent of that netcode in [Embargo expires at 2pm CST]"

What game are you talking about? What is under embargo? You know something we don't?

Are there going to be more videos of Halo:TMCC?
Each Utility Weapon is hitscan with zero bloom, spread, or recoil.

Potential Kill Times – Fastest to Slowest

-1.0 sec – Magnum – semi auto, 4 shot kill, 8 shot magazine
-1.1 sec – Carbine – semi auto, 7 shot kill, 18 shot magazine
-1.2 sec – Battle Rifle – three round burst, 10 bullet kill, 36 bullet magazine

The Magnum has a slower rate of fire than the Carbine so a missed Magnum shot punishes the user more than a missed Carbine shot. The Magnum user has to wait longer than the Carbine user to fire again, and resume dealing damage, which makes achieving the final, lethal headshot more difficult. In addition, each missed shot with the Magnum brings the weapon much closer to an empty magazine compared to the larger magazine of the Carbine.

The burst fire Battle Rifle kills slower than the two semi automatic utility weapons because it makes obtaining the final, lethal headshot much easier by allowing the user to sweep his reticle over an enemy’s head, giving him three times the chance that a bullet will connect compared to the semi autos. The BR requires a longer “time-on-target” to achieve a kill, 22 frames of video vs 7 for the Carbine or 4 for the Magnum, but this disadvantage is offset by the BR's ability to deal partial damage. If the BR user’s reticle was off target when he pulled the trigger but he quickly swept it on target then he would still receive partial damage from the burst. A BR user is also capable of keeping an enemy out of scope for a greater duration, per trigger pull, than a semi automatic weapon user could. While it is possible to descope a BR user mid burst, the BR is the only utility weapon that is capable of achieving three kills without reloading.
I like in the IGN interview how Frankie states that the Halo 5 beta is been rolled out earlier and that the finished product will be a result of fan feedback, obviously just as a beta should do. But it feels like they are giving it a wide space which is good, So if there is perks/AAs/ordnance hopefully we can hate on it enough to get rid of them.
This time there couldn't possibly be any excuses, "Spartan abilities" doesn't sound promising but after today I have slight hope.

I wonder what Randy thinks of all this new news.


It is going to be interesting playing these games with dedicated servers (for those of us that have never experienced the glory of the PC versions). No more blaming lag. When I suck it'll be because I suck. Hale CE and Halo 2 MP should have ambassador programs otherwise all the pro kids are going to scare away everybody and there will be no one to shoot.


So the animations in Halo CE are locked to 30fps, no? So how does that work with CEA(2) supposedly being 60fps?

I also have to wonder if any cutbacks had to be made to get these games running at 60. Not so much Halo CE or 2, but 3 and 4. And I hope there's a decent AA in place. Aliasing is a huge problem in Halo 3 and to be frank I'd rather that be fixed than 60fps or 1080p.

So many questions


So the animations in Halo CE are locked to 30fps, no? So how does that work with CEA(2) supposedly being 60fps?

I also have to wonder if any cutbacks had to be made to get these games running at 60. Not so much Halo CE or 2, but 3 and 4. And I hope there's a decent AA in place. Aliasing is a huge problem in Halo 3 and to be frank I'd rather that be fixed than 60fps or 1080p.

So many questions

Yeah, hopefully we hear more at RTX or Comic Con


Would be funny if Desolation and Tombstone are two of the H2A remastered maps.

The first map to ever be a remake of a remake, Hang Em' High. Plus to the first map to be remade 3 different times (Tombstone, High Noon, and h2a version.)


So I'm guessing the the Chief Collection there won't be any DLC? Unless it's things like armor and whatnot, I'm not sure how map packs would be handled. Will there be microtransactions?

With that being said, do we get to customize four different Spartans along the four different hoppers?


So the animations in Halo CE are locked to 30fps, no? So how does that work with CEA(2) supposedly being 60fps?

I also have to wonder if any cutbacks had to be made to get these games running at 60. Not so much Halo CE or 2, but 3 and 4. And I hope there's a decent AA in place. Aliasing is a huge problem in Halo 3 and to be frank I'd rather that be fixed than 60fps or 1080p.

So many questions

Some very strange things happen in Shadowrun above 30 FPS and that game is essentially running on a modified Halo CE engine. I am very interested to see what kind of quirks will come about with 60 FPS CE.


They did great today. Really more hopeful and excited than I've been in a while. Got so many gamer friends and family all talking about possible Xbox One purchases. Would be ridiculous if all my original Halo 2 and Halo 3 buddies are playing with me again in a few months.
Modified base player traits, or “perks”, are intangible characteristics. Pieces of armor are tangible items. Tying modified player traits to specific armor pieces allows perks to become items that can be placed on, and picked up from, maps. In addition, these modified pieces of armor could appear visually unique from standard Spartan armor.

In multiplayer, Armor Augmentations are essentially Custom Power Ups with unlimited durations. Once picked up they modify a player’s attributes until he dies. In Campaign, they act as permanent new player abilities, or permanently modified player traits, that the player gradually gains, and keeps, over the course of the game.

Feet: Scout Boots

-user's movement speed while crouched is increased

Legs: Support Brace

-user’s movement speed is unchanged while carrying a Support Weapon

Waist: Reactive Belt

-user has increased resistance to explosive damage

Torso: Mesh Vest

-user has increased resistance to EMP damage

Left Forearm: TACPAD

-in campaign, the user gains a suite of tools including radar, a 3D map, and a compass

-in multiplayer, the user gains a HUD widget, next to the game clock, that alerts him to power item respawns prior to their spawning

Right Forearm: Gravity Gauntlet

-user’s melee pushes movable objects including players back, meleeing an immovable object pushes the user back

Left Hand: Dilation Band

-user has increased weapon reload speed

Right Hand: HUDLink Hardline

-user retains HUD functionality while in scope

Back: Supply Mount

-user retains full attack capabilities while carrying an objective

Shoulders: Turbo Charger

-user’s thruster only drains half the meter per use

Eyes: Adaptive Optics

-user’s vision is affected less by vision distorting/obscuring effects

Ears: Acoustic Module

-in campaign, the user can understand alien languages

-in multiplayer, enemy footsteps and movement become audible to the user


Sorry Randy but I gotta ignore you. I don't think I've seen you interact with anyone here and at this point it just feels like spam. Even if it is technically on topic. Blahblahblah


I've been away too long I guess. Why the hell does he post that shit? Keep seeing it and assumed it was a reply to something but I now realize it is just senseless billshit. Why? Stop that fuckery.
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