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Halo 5 beta clips leak (sprint, ADS is *not* COD-style) (more clips and info added)

You guys are crazy, there is a whole year until it releases so shouldn't they have time to change if they see complaints?
I envy you

Locke is not bad news. It's a good idea. MC is still a huge part of the story. That aspect of the Campaign could be fantastic.
According to thread, you only get to play as MC for around 10%
Even though he might be involved in the story, people want to play as him
Can someone explain the MGS2 references in here to me?
MGS2: You play as Snake for the tutorial and then as Raiden for the rest of the game
Snake= MC, Raiden=Locke
The Half life games are the only ones I can think of that don't have ADS, but my point was how does everyone know firing from the hip is now worthless - it doesn't need to be really, especially when it is the way it has always been played

Yeah but my point is, how does anyone know that hip fire is not still 100% viable? Does the inclusion of ADS really mean that hip fire is completely altered?
ADS means hip fire needs to be less accurate to make room for it. It severely changes how the game is played because not using ADC will be a handicap and the entire pacing of the game will change for it.


It's amazing to me that people don't want any new gameplay mechanics or changes to the formula for this game. Destiny has sprinting and ADS and it handles better than Halo gameplay wise (minus the lack of story and the repetitive grind), and it isn't nearly as strong competitively because of balancing issues. If anything Destiny proves that it's possible to tweak the formula but maintain the gameplay and feel of the Halo games that came before it. And the Halo assault rifles have always sucked because they were short range, inaccurate, and weak compared to the guns that did feature ADS like the BR and DMR. I don't get the hate.
Didnt read through the entire thread but to me this might just be what happens when people need to zoom in on the battle rifle. So while it looks like ADS it probably wont be as important as in CoD. Lets wait till tomorrow. Or atleast until the beta.
Halo of Duty 5: Advanced Guardians. Not only they have a targeting system, they also have ADS. This is some hyper shit yo.

I'm disappointed 343i. I'm sorry, I can't hide it anymore... :(


Guys 343i has obviously given MCC to us old school fans to have that classic Halo MP experience, and are making H5G their own game.

If H5 is a fantastic game that isn't really Halo anymore, but is still fun, competitive, and balanced, I will be fine with that, because I'll have MCC as my classic fix.

But ADS and sprint...
I'm glad that that Kmart.com deal today expired before I saw this. Was so close to purchasing one. My purchase was always contingent on what I saw about Halo 5 and this kills it all for me.


Generally, every weapon in the game will have an ADS accuracy and a hipfire accuracy, the latter being worse. So it's not as easy as saying "just don't use it".
Why does hip fire have to be worse? Why can't it be like wolfenstein were there was no hip fire penalty??
The Half life games are the only ones I can think of that don't have ADS, but my point was how does everyone know firing from the hip is now worthless - it doesn't need to be really, especially when it is the way it has always been played

Yeah but my point is, how does anyone know that hip fire is not still 100% viable? Does the inclusion of ADS really mean that hip fire is completely altered?

Yes, that is a fundamental part of ADS. Added accuracy and lower mobility while aiming. If the game doesn't have those thing then it is just zooming in. ADS doesn't just refer to the ability to push a button to zoom in, it is also the other thing that accompany it.


The arguement "Other shooters have it and Halo should have it, too." is so stupid.

Go back to your other shooter, if you want that stuff. Halo was never about this stuff, nor should it be. I play Halo, because it's different and not because I want the same thing in every game.

Also, it clearly showed in Halo 4, how that "chasing CoD money" and "make the game easier to casuals" worked out...

God I hope the Beta Feedback will overwhelm 343i with all the critisicm.


If aiming from the hip has been compromised becuase of this piece of shit mechanic (ADS) then fuck ALL involved in driving this decision. FUCK FUCK FUCK ADS


I'm not even that mad about just the ADS. What makes me even more mad is that they learned nothing from Halo 4 and still kept the sprinting and shitty match scoring system that adds nothing to the game.
They said they wanted to make Halo 5 Arena style combat but adding these things would do the complete opposite.



It's amazing to me that people don't want any new gameplay mechanics or changes to the formula for this game. Destiny has sprinting and ADS and it handles better than Halo gameplay wise (minus the lack of story and the repetitive grind), and it isn't nearly as strong competitively because of balancing issues. If anything Destiny proves that it's possible to tweak the formula but maintain the gameplay and feel of the Halo games that came before it. And the Halo assault rifles have always sucked because they were short range, inaccurate, and weak compared to the guns that did feature ADS like the BR and DMR. I don't get the hate.
Pretty much everyone who's upset about this news disagrees.


Aiming down sites is how one properly uses a gun. That's not a COD thing. I don't get why people want the gunplay in Halo stuck in 1997.
Hope the new Doom game uses ADS, cause I want everything to be as realistic as possible because video games.

Seriously. What a stupid argument. It's obvious ADS alters gameplay. Halo is about movement as much as gunplay. Tell me, how much precise strategic movement can you pull off when you have to look down a telescope whenever you want to shoot someone accurately?


Completely agree. I love Halo 1-3 and also really liked 4. The series needs to evolve.

Exactly. 343 is already putting 4 of the major games in a collection already on the xbone. I don't understand why people would be against changing up of the formula.

Reminds me of people that are like "I like the old x" If you don't like the new sht, the old sht is readily at your disposal.


I care enough about Halo to be interested in smacking down a chunk of cash on an Xbox but after seeing a blurry , low resolution, off screen leaked , 7 second long leaked video of Halo 5.


Why can't they just make a game that is exactly the same as Halo 2?!!1111
I hope CBoat appears and just posts "perkz" so that even more gasoline gets thrown on the fire.

Anyway, as someone who enjoyed 1-3, Reach, found ODST ok, and hated 4, these changes sound bad... But I'm probably never going to buy an Xbox One anyway so it doesn't concern me that much. Sucks for those that liked Halo because it was Halo and not CoD.
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