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Halo: Master Chief Collection Master Thread | This is it, baby. Hold me.

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How is it any more "ridiculous" than being concerned about whether the next Halo game will be 60fps or 1080p or whatever? Last I checked, people like to get rewarded appropriately for the things they do.
What difference does it make? Everyone who worked their ass off to finally conquer Halo 2 Legendary can enjoy getting their well earned achievement safe in the knowledge that others will have to go through the same torment to get it. If your apathetic attitude were applied to this then why not just throw in an invincibility cheat while we're at it and then unlock the Legendary achievement with that too? Why not?
The point you're missing here is that you could still do Legendary with your infinite ammo and whatnot. The official recognition (achievement) would be reserved for those who did it the "real" way for lack of a better term.
Public validation is what achievments are all about. Being able to show your friends that you did some brutally hard stuff in some games.
Who cares? Gamers who don't feel entitled to things they don't deserve care.

Well, technically resolution has a direct effect on his/her game experience.

Someone else getting an achievement doesn't really.
Why tell him what to do when you could say it to my metaphorical online face?

I spend time worrying about how the MCC will turn out just like everyone else here. I don't call you sad people. I also care a lot about people getting the recognition they deserve for accomplishing things even in the gaming world, even if it means going against the mainstream entitlement complex held by gamers like Dax01 here.

I got the Halo acheivement by using the skull. You did it without using that, I am assuming.

But no one will ever know. We are both equals. Imagine that.



Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I don't want to complain about anything. Its still the best gaming package you can get.


Relax. We just don't want to confirm it till it's 100%

Not sure if this has been brought up but with Halo CE coming to XBL for the first time, will there be changes like adding game timers so matches don't go over 15-30 minutes?




Unconfirmed Member
i haven't got a reply back about dedicated servers on co-op and spartan ops :/ please be dedicated servers, i don't wanna be lagging all day in campaign with my buddys.
How is it any more "ridiculous" than being concerned about whether the next Halo game will be 60fps or 1080p or whatever? Last I checked, people like to get rewarded appropriately for the things they do.
What difference does it make? Everyone who worked their ass off to finally conquer Halo 2 Legendary can enjoy getting their well earned achievement safe in the knowledge that others will have to go through the same torment to get it. If your apathetic attitude were applied to this then why not just throw in an invincibility cheat while we're at it and then unlock the Legendary achievement with that too? Why not?
The point you're missing here is that you could still do Legendary with your infinite ammo and whatnot. The official recognition (achievement) would be reserved for those who did it the "real" way for lack of a better term.
Public validation is what achievments are all about. Being able to show your friends that you did some brutally hard stuff in some games.
Who cares? Gamers who don't feel entitled to things they don't deserve care.

I see what you're trying to say, but you're going about it in a very hostile way that's not going to get you very far here. Especially for your first posts. I agree that an achievement like this would be ideally restricted to doing it 'legit', but so far no achievements have been confirmed, nor have have any skulls, so getting all worked up like you are seems a bit silly. Chill, buddy. We all want the game to be good, and we all have differing ideas of what is good. Try not to attack people. One love. <3


Neo Member
your achievement list (which, likely, no-one cares about but you).
Likely no-one cares about but me? Was that a joke or just extreme ignorance?
Hell I'd stand behind my point even if I WAS the only one who cared about it. That's because it makes good sense.
Because if someone is helping you are still both playing Legendary and there is still a challenge and you will still both earn the achievement. When I say get someone to help I don't mean get someone to do it for you while you sit in the back and wait for an area to be cleared.
Well, surely there are several skulls – possibly including bandana – that make Halo 2 as easy on Legendary as doing it co-op. So, again, what's the difference here? If you did it solo, more power to you!
Why tell him what to do when you could say it to my metaphorical online face?

I spend time worrying about how the MCC will turn out just like everyone else here. I don't call you sad people. I also care a lot about people getting the recognition they deserve for accomplishing things even in the gaming world, even if it means going against the mainstream entitlement complex held by gamers like Dax01 here.
Well that's unfair.
Likely no-one cares about but me? Was that a joke or just extreme ignorance?
Hell I'd stand behind my point even if I WAS the only one who cared about it. That's because it makes good sense.

Why are you being so hostile to everyone? Just talk about what you like and hope without taking everything personally. I think your point (which isn't bad, but not absolute) is getting lost in the way you're talking to people.


Neo Member
Why are you being so hostile to everyone?
Hostile? By internet forum standards, I'm not being hostile at all. I'm defending my point of view alone against people who laugh and talk down to me. You don't see me complaining. I'm not swearing, raging or threatening anyone here. What's the big issue? I'm aware NeoGAF has strict standards but really?
Pretty ridiculous to get worked up over something that really has no bearing on you or your life no? What difference does it make to you if someone uses the skull to beat Halo 2 Legendary and get the achievement and you didn't use it? Who cares? Or you need the public validation that you did it without it? I mean you'd know you did it without the skull no?

That's perilously close to the logic that argues for ranks hidden from the UI. The only time I really care to aim for a particular achievement in a game is if it's a true challenge. I enjoy it when a dev does that; it often offers a novel way to replay a game.

That guy is merely hoping that 343 stipulate that you can't enable skulls and I agree. It's similar to CEA where they had a generic achievement for completing legendary and a seperate one for doing it solo. There is a league of difficulty between doing it co-op and doing it solo and it ought to be reflected in the achievement parameters. Otherwise, why even bother with the concept of achievements in the first place?

I've seen a sentiment expressed on Gaf before that because the person has purchased a game, they're entitled to the 1000 GS. Those posters really ought consult the dictionary for the meaning of the word 'achievement'.

E92 M3

Except Halo 2 Legendary co-op plays the same way as having the Iron skull on in Halo 3 onwards. One of you dies and it's back to the last checkpoint.

Even still. Just add a Legendary Solo achievement like the recent Halo games have done and this is a non-issue.

I have no issues with solo Legendary because I am not the biggest fan of co-op anyway. Either way, multiple people will always be easier than 1.
I've seen a sentiment expressed on Gaf before that because the person has purchased a game, they're entitled to the 1000 GS. Those posters really ought consult the dictionary for the meaning of the word 'achievement'.

A slight nitpick. Achievements aren't necessarily something that's really hard for you to achieve – they're used for many different things.
Bandana makes it way easier than Co-op.

And co-op makes it easier than solo. As I said, you're still getting help.
Accusing people who disagree with you of having an entitlement complex seems hostile to me. Please don't get yourself banned over something so trivial.
Hostile? By internet forum standards, I'm not being hostile at all. I'm defending my point of view alone against people who laugh and talk down to me. You don't see me complaining. I'm not swearing, raging or threatening anyone here. What's the big issue? I'm aware NeoGAF has strict standards but really?

No but you are negatively labeling people who don't share your opinion. I agree with you, but calling someone entitled or undeserving for disagreeing with you is pretty unfair. Not cool.

What about something like this?

Machine and Nerve - 50G
Complete Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty

Vidmaster: Rock and Mettle and Time - 150G
Complete Halo 1-4 on Legendary, without the use of skulls

Everybody wins.


Likely no-one cares about but me? Was that a joke or just extreme ignorance?.

I said likely no-one cares, if you have a ton of people who do care then great! I'd still put framerate/resolution above achievements though, they directly affect the gameplay itself.
No but you are negatively labeling people who don't share your opinion. I agree with you, but calling someone entitled or undeserving for disagreeing with you is pretty unfair. Not cool.

What about something like this?

Machine and Nerve - 50G
Complete Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty

Vidmaster: Rock and Mettle and Time - 150G
Complete Halo 1-4 on Legendary, without the use of skulls

Everybody wins.
Doesn't each game have its own 1000G? Or does the whole package just have 4000G?
It's still hard as balls and you still have to actually achieve it. Bandana just gets rid of all difficulty as you run around with infinite rockets and grenades.

Not necessarily. Rocket launchers aren't available everywhere in the game. What about the Boom skull? Or the Grunt Funeral skull?

I guess I'm just not seeing the logic in that if you want the "honor" in having completed Legendary without any skulls, co-op is okay but skulls aren't. Especially for a difficulty that has been admitted – even by the developer – to be poorly designed.


Why tell him what to do when you could say it to my metaphorical online face?

I spend time worrying about how the MCC will turn out just like everyone else here. I don't call you sad people. I also care a lot about people getting the recognition they deserve for accomplishing things even in the gaming world, even if it means going against the mainstream entitlement complex held by gamers like Dax01 here.

I hate to break it to you but achievements mean absolutely nothing. You wouldn't put beating Halo 2 on Legendary w/o bandana on a resume, would you?
Not necessarily. Rocket launchers aren't available everywhere in the game. What about the Boom skull? Or the Grunt Funeral skull?

I guess I'm just not seeing the logic in that if you want the "honor" in having completed Legendary by yourself without any help, but co-op is okay and skulls aren't. Especially for a game that has been admitted – even by the developer – to be poorly designed.

It's more about me not liking achievement culture. I don't like how everyone feels they should be able to 100% a game no matter their skill level. I'd prefer it if some achievements were actually achievements. If you can get the achievement with skulls I won't really care and it sure as hell isn't the end of the world, but I'd rather they disable the achievement when you turn cheats on just like most other games do. This also isn't about me wanting to be able to 100% a game when others can't, I stopped giving a fuck about 100 percenting(achievement wise) games a long time ago.
Doesn't each game have its own 1000G? Or does the whole package just have 4000G?

Well Halo 2 has never had achievements on console, so they could just freely swap and add as they please. I don't think there are any rules here, especially considering the Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer being its own thing.

And for the uber hardcore:

Vidmaster: I am Peace, I am Salvation - 175G
Complete all Halo campaigns LASO
It's more about me not liking achievement culture. I don't like how everyone feels they should be able to 100% a game no matter their skill level. I'd prefer it if some achievements were actually achievements. If you can get the achievement with skulls I won't really care and it sure as hell isn't the end of the world, but I'd rather they disable the achievement when you turn cheats on just like most other games do. This also isn't about me wanting to be able to 100% a game when others can't, I stopped giving a fuck about 100 percenting(achievement wise) games a long time ago.
I can definitely understand both positions, especially because achievements are used for many different things other than being something that's really hard for the player to accomplish. And yet there are some that are designed to be really hard to accomplish.

I'd probably agree with you on having an achievement where you have to complete Halo 2 Legendary solo, but Halo 2's Legendary is poorly designed, so I don't really see it as being "unfair" that you're using something to aid yourself, because Halo 2's Legendary is already unfair.
I can definitely understand both positions, especially because achievements are used for many different things other than being something that's really hard for the player to accomplish. And yet there are some that are designed to be really hard to accomplish.

I'd probably agree with you on having an achievement where you have to complete Halo 2 Legendary solo, but Halo 2's Legendary is poorly designed, so I don't really see it as being "unfair" that you're using something to aid yourself, because Halo 2's Legendary is already unfair.

It's not so much that I think it's unfair that people can get the Legendary achievement with bandana, I'd just rather they couldn't, if that makes sense.


Neo Member
I guess I'm just not seeing the logic in that if you want the "honor" in having completed Legendary without any skulls, co-op is okay but skulls aren't.
There should be a Legendary Solo achievement as well as a standard one in the same way Reach and Halo 4 had one. The only skull which makes the game easier is Bandana, and it makes the game RIDICULOUSLY easy. Infinite grenades? Infinite power weapon ammo the moment you get your hands on one? How you think completing the game with that advantage should be held in equal regard as not confuses me greatly.
Have their been pics/vids yet of the games other than 2 in this collection? When on stage they said, "and Halo 2 gets the full anniversary treatment" I kinda got the feeling 2 is the one they're mainly working on with the updated visuals and the others might just be tossed in there?


Have their been pics/vids yet of the games other than 2 in this collection? When on stage they said, "and Halo 2 gets the full anniversary treatment" I kinda got the feeling 2 is the one they're mainly working on with the updated visuals and the others might just be tossed in there?

The others aren't getting graphical improvements beyond 1080p, 60fps and possibly some better AA.
Have their been pics/vids yet of the games other than 2 in this collection? When on stage they said, "and Halo 2 gets the full anniversary treatment" I kinda got the feeling 2 is the one they're mainly working on with the updated visuals and the others might just be tossed in there?

Halo CE Anniversary, Halo 3 and Halo 4 are just ports at 1080p/60fps.


Is H2 split-screen co-op split down the middle still (and for anniversary)? (If anyone who remembers setting widescreen on Xbox back then...)

DJ Gunner

As someone who has also beaten Halo 2 on Legendary back in 2004, I'm going to stand on my "bad-ass gamer" podium and say- I hope to god there's a bandana skull in H2A and that you can use it for Legendary. I do NOT want to go through that again.

And maybe it's just me, but I certainly wouldn't review someone's achievements to measure their skill in Halo 2. Beating Legendary is peanuts compared with being dropped into a slayer game against four capable opponents.
Have their been pics/vids yet of the games other than 2 in this collection? When on stage they said, "and Halo 2 gets the full anniversary treatment" I kinda got the feeling 2 is the one they're mainly working on with the updated visuals and the others might just be tossed in there?
Halo 1 is almost definitely going to be the Anniversary edition with more HD textures/60 FPS. Halo 3/4 will likely just be upgrading the textures with 60 fps, but they won't have the full anniversary treatment
Just in case this hasn't been posted, it doesn't look likely that clans will be making it into the package, Halo 2 or otherwise. I assumed that they wouldn't be since the UI is totally redone and they were basically an extended friends list on the OG Xbox. I had hopes that they would incorporate clans somehow, but Frankie responded to a PM about it and said that it didn't look likely. I'm happy he responded, he's a good chap that Stinkles.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Halo 1 is almost definitely going to be the Anniversary edition with more HD textures/60 FPS. Halo 3/4 will likely just be upgrading the textures with 60 fps, but they won't have the full anniversary treatment

Halo 1 is anniversary, complete with switching. MP is original game mp.
Halo 1 is anniversary, complete with switching. MP is original game mp.

If you're in an answerey mood, are the Prologue and Epilogue before Halo CE and after Halo 4, respectively, or are they specifically for Halo 2? Conflicting info here, the OP infograph suggests the latter, but I believe it is the former.
I can definitely understand both positions, especially because achievements are used for many different things other than being something that's really hard for the player to accomplish. And yet there are some that are designed to be really hard to accomplish.

I'd probably agree with you on having an achievement where you have to complete Halo 2 Legendary solo, but Halo 2's Legendary is poorly designed, so I don't really see it as being "unfair" that you're using something to aid yourself, because Halo 2's Legendary is already unfair.

Whats so unfair about being deprived of any ammo and grenades, while still needing to face down seemingly endless waves of heavily armed elites and grunts? The very definition of being Legendary to pull that off. :)
No but you are negatively labeling people who don't share your opinion. I agree with you, but calling someone entitled or undeserving for disagreeing with you is pretty unfair. Not cool.

What about something like this?

Machine and Nerve - 50G
Complete Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty

Vidmaster: Rock and Mettle and Time - 150G
Complete Halo 1-4 on Legendary, without the use of skulls

Everybody wins.

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