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Halo: Master Chief Collection Master Thread | This is it, baby. Hold me.

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Hmmm, Thel is a Halo 4 Elite wearing Halo 2 armor, but in the Cairo Station footage we have the Elites are just Halo 4 Elites with the exception of their helmet, which is the Halo 2 helmet. I hope this means for the final game they plan of giving the Elites full Halo 2 armor but for E3 they didn't have the full suit ready.

Reading me just made me think of this as a Star Wars rerelease. Like, the old game you always loved, finally in HD, but with things changed so all the fans hate it.

At least here you can hit a button and return it to how it's supposed to be.


Reading me just made me think of this as a Star Wars rerelease. Like, the old game you always loved, finally in HD, but with things changed so all the fans hate it.

At least here you can hit a button and return it to how it's supposed to be.
He might be right. After all, Master Chief's helmet wasn't done by that games E3's reveal.

And aside from literally 2 or 3 SUPER nitpicky things in the cutscenes, I thought Halo CE Anniversary was perfect.


RE the leaked video, c'mon 343 you have to give us the classic monk chanting menu music. Get out of here with that Halo 4 menu music shit.

EDIT:::: Nevermind, heard it when they switched over to multiplayer!!!YESSSSSSS

Otherwise, looks awesome.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Damn those cutscenes look good!

Hoping the elites come out looking ok. Wasn't a fan of their Halo 4 look.
Blur Studios are a talented bunch. Excellent work and I actually like the fact they kept the original audio in.


Blur Studios are a talented bunch. Excellent work and I actually like the fact they kept the original audio in.

Oddly enough, when I first watched that video I thought Keith David redubbed that line by the Arbiter cause it sounded off. So I watched the actual cutscene and found it was still the same audio, but it was just a higher pitch in that remastered cutscene. Maybe it was due to recording device being not that great or something.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Whenever I read the title for this collection, I keep thinking that Microsoft/343 Industries have collaborated with a perfume company to release a line of Halo-themed cologne for fans. (And I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happens somewhere down the line.)

The smell of it.


It was possible to switch between vertical and horizontal split btw.

Was it? I only remember having to set the system output to standard vs widescreen in order to change it, which was rather annoying (no in-game setting). Since we're practically only dealing with widescreen resolutions now, it would suck to have to keep switching the system output every time, hence the question.


Jeez. I never knew all that. Never saw a lot of that happening when I played the games. It just floors me that people spend time finding these bugs to exploit. I'll just never understand it myself.

Yep, I remember these from having them used on me so many damn times. 10,000ish games of Halo 2 and you get to see everything. Although one of the pressure launches I found on my own.

It was interesting that Tombstone and Desolation were the only DLC maps that were explicitly hardened against superbouncing - Desolation has a kill plane across the entire top of it to nullify any bounces. Tombstone has kill planes all around the map, on top of the map, and inside columns/structures and they added more kill volumes to the inside of structures when they updated it to fix it's broken collision geometry.

Shit, I just remembered another one for Turf and Colossus. brb


15 originally in Halo 2: from Halopedia. 1 for each level, Outskirts has two.

3.1 Anger
3.2 Assassins
3.3 Black Eye
3.4 Blind
3.5 Catch
3.6 Envy
3.7 Famine
3.8 Ghost
3.9 Grunt Birthday Party
3.10 I Would Have Been Your Daddy (IWHBYD)
3.11 Iron
3.12 Mythic
3.13 Sputnik
3.14 That's Just... Wrong
3.15 Thunderstorm

15 new ones in the anniversary mode I guess? Same composition as CEA, with a few new ones?


I love that everything is unlocked but.. Skulls? Maybe leaving some classic skulls unlocked and having the new ones locked would be more fun.. I don't know, I think that searching for all the skulls again can be fun for some and boring for others.



FyreWulff's Halo 2 Bug Checklist and/or How To Be a Jerk In Halo 2

one incoming for halo 3 as well. It'll look nicer in a few minutes for people that are viewing it fullscreen

How do you even get out of Gemini with a team boost or a grenade jump? I've only see it done with a sword cancel, which wouldn't really be an issue in a competitive match. Anyway, preventing players from getting out of Gemini would greatly offend me and everyone who has experienced the Great Journey to the bottom of that map.
Playing the online-co-op in CE Anniversary on 360 was pure lag-horror for the player joining the host. I've played it 2 times with different people and we switched hosting the game to see if there is any difference.

I hope I will not experience this in the compilation!


How do you even get out of Gemini with a team boost or a grenade jump? I've only see it done with a sword cancel, which wouldn't really be an issue in a competitive match. Anyway, preventing players from getting out of Gemini would greatly offend me and everyone who has experienced the Great Journey to the bottom of that map.

There was a bug in the original where only the host had full physics. As of Halo 2 PC, everyone has full physics. In short, you have a lot more grenade jump options and pathing now in H2A.

And as neat as going down to the bottom of Gemini was.. it's really not worth leaving something in for the 15 minutes of lulz versus the hours of griefing.

Added another exploit for Turf


There was a bug in the original where only the host had full physics. As of Halo 2 PC, everyone has full physics. In short, you have a lot more grenade jump options and pathing now in H2A.

And as neat as going down to the bottom of Gemini was.. it's really not worth leaving something in for the 15 minutes of lulz versus the hours of griefing.

Added another exploit for Turf

That still doesn't explain how someone with only 100% shields can grenade jump 25+ feet to the top of the map -- I still haven't seen any evidence that this is possible, and even if it is, trying to do it with an objective item would be so difficult that it wouldn't be worth practicing the exploit, and it would be so uncommon that it wouldn't be worth 343's time to fix such a thing.

And the Great Journey lasted far longer than 15 minutes, thank you very much. It was a rite of passage back in those days, so your condescension is not appreciated.


Playing the online-co-op in CE Anniversary on 360 was pure lag-horror for the player joining the host. I've played it 2 times with different people and we switched hosting the game to see if there is any difference.

I hope I will not experience this in the compilation!
Hopefully it won't happen again, I just went back to split screen co-op after that lag fest.


FyreWulff's Halo 2 Bug Checklist and/or How To Be a Jerk In Halo 2

one incoming for halo 3 as well. It'll look nicer in a few minutes for people that are viewing it fullscreen

holy shit. Thats a lot of problems with simple fixes. the frustration...

Also, what is Arcademy and what are you using to take those screenshots? they got no HUDs... is that a glitch, or are you using one of them trainers?
Wait, I remember, F11 lets you take huge ass HUDless .TIFFs in halo 2 vista, don't it?


That still doesn't explain how someone with only 100% shields can grenade jump 25+ feet to the top of the map

You're talking about a game where people found out if you punched at the right time, you could disassociate your player position from your biped on the map, which meant you could be in blue base while your player model was standing at home in red base, when you could pick up the other team's flag, touch the joystick and instantly teleport to your biped's position, holding the flag.

If there's a possible exploit in a game, people will pull it off. Hoping people won't be assholes doesn't work anymore. Assume the worst when setting up map barriers. When I fixed up 343's Relay for Halo 4 matchmaking, I made the kill volumes super huge just to prevent host timing issues that would potentially let people 'skip' past the original kill volumes.

holy shit. Thats a lot of problems with simple fixes. the frustration...

Also, what is Arcademy and what are you using to take those screenshots? they got no HUDs...

Something I'm working on.

I took the screenshots with Halo 2 PC's internal screenshot function. Press F11 while in-game and Halo 2 will super-render the scene and dump a TIFF into Documents > My Games > Halo 2 > Screenshots
There was a bug in the original where only the host had full physics. As of Halo 2 PC, everyone has full physics. In short, you have a lot more grenade jump options and pathing now in H2A.

And as neat as going down to the bottom of Gemini was.. it's really not worth leaving something in for the 15 minutes of lulz versus the hours of griefing.

Added another exploit for Turf

Can you be banned for doing the glitches ? It was considered to be cheating by bungie then, but I wonder 343's stance is it seems like they'll allow to happen although you might can be still banned by microsoft(like the mod situation in halo 4). I guess the 'modern' halo 2 version won't have button combos ,superbounces, and such.


You're talking about a game where people found out if you punched at the right time, you could disassociate your player position from your biped on the map, which meant you could be in blue base while your player model was standing at home in red base, when you could pick up the other team's flag, touch the joystick and instantly teleport to your biped's position, holding the flag.

U WOT M8?!?

I gotta see this! You think this is one of them things that won't be fixed by virtue of dedi's?

I took the screenshots with Halo 2 PC's internal screenshot function. Press F11 while in-game and Halo 2 will super-render the scene and dump a TIFF into Documents > My Games > Halo 2 > Screenshots

Yup, I remember now.

So any deets on Arcademy?

And the Great Journey lasted far longer than 15 minutes, thank you very much. It was a rite of passage back in those days, so your condescension is not appreciated.

wow. get a load of this guy. :-\


Can you be banned for doing the glitches ? It was considered to be cheating by bungie then, but I wonder 343's stance is it seems like they'll allow to happen although you might can be still banned by microsoft(like the mod situation in halo 4). I guess the 'modern' halo 2 version won't have button combos ,superbounces, and such.

Nope, they've said BXR is still in. Strange how Microsoft would ban you for things in 2004 but be all "we're not touching anything!" in 2014. They seem to suffer from the illusion that Bungie folded their hands together after Halo 2 1.5 and said "this game is complete", rather than the reality that was Microsoft telling Bungie they needed to get Halo 3 out the door and weren't going to provide funding for Halo 2 sustain any longer.

U WOT M8?!?

I gotta see this! You think this is one of them things that won't be fixed by virtue of dedi's?

Dummy glitching (what people called that glitch) was fixed in an update. You couldn't do it anymore in the original game.

It could only be done by Elites, and how it worked is you started mashing melee when exiting a vehicle. This would cause the game to desynch your client biped from your host biped. As long as you kept punching the air, you'd remain in the vehicle on your screen while you exit the vehicle on everyone else's. So you'd see Warthogs charging your base with no passenger and just a driver and immediately know it was a dummy glitch attempt. There were so many hilarious counter strats we had for it. You'd be standing in your base and suddenly start taking melee damage from being punched by a player across the map.
I'll never forget the first time we encountered some as assholes doing that objective griefing bullshit on Burial Mounds. We spent 5 hours researching it and figuring out what to do while still in the match. We finally found a way to blast a vehicle up there and killed the prick with the bomb. They were PISSED and those 5 hours were worth it.


just youtubed it and saw someone cap 52 flags in under a minute... that is hilarious.

Our counter-dummy glitching strats back in the day:

- Whoever had a Banshee was on patrol to look for any Elites punching the air or standing in a strange spot without moving.

- If a Warthog with no passenger approached our base on Coagulation, we'd line up in front of the grav lift exit in the basement to block the dummy glitcher from landing on the flag and being able to grab it.

- If a dummy glitching Warthog was destroyed on Waterworks, we'd sweep the area with our Wraith towards the cliff to push the dummy glitcher into the water. When you're glitched like this you actually don't get killed by the deathplane so you just fall way into the bottom of the map, forcing you to end the glitch.

- If we were feeling particularly cocky and the dummy guy was in a good spot to do it, we'd get behind the dummy glitcher, let him grab the flag, then immediately assasinate them and return the flag. lol

This is what I mean by wanting to play Halo 2 and not playing a meta game revolving around Halo 2's bugs.


Our counter-dummy glitching strats back in the day:

- Whoever had a Banshee was on patrol to look for any Elites punching the air or standing in a strange spot without moving.

- If a Warthog with no passenger approached our base on Coagulation, we'd line up in front of the grav lift exit in the basement to block the dummy glitcher from landing on the flag and being able to grab it.

- If a dummy glitching Warthog was destroyed on Waterworks, we'd sweep the area with our Wraith towards the cliff to push the dummy glitcher into the water. When you're glitched like this you actually don't get killed by the deathplane so you just fall way into the bottom of the map, forcing you to end the glitch.

- If we were feeling particularly cocky and the dummy guy was in a good spot to do it, we'd get behind the dummy glitcher, let him grab the flag, then immediately assasinate them and return the flag. lol

This is what I mean by wanting to play Halo 2 and not playing a meta game revolving around Halo 2's bugs.

Well, at least there is halo 3.

...there is still... Halo... 3... right Fyrewulff?

Next your going to publish your list of Halo 3 exploits that I had no clue existed and you'll ruin everything. :)


Well, at least there is halo 3.

...there is still... Halo... 3... right Fyrewulff?

Next your going to publish your list of Halo 3 exploits that I had no clue existed and you'll ruin everything. :)

I'm working on the Halo 3 list now, will probably be up later tomorrow. Halo 3 had it nowhere near as bad as Halo 2, but it still had some.

Halo 3 maps with known bugs or exploits (at least that I know of):

Last Resort
Rat's Nest

Halo 3 had a BXR-style button combo at one point but Bungie patched it out. I need to figure out how to get screenshots, I don't have my capture rig and Bungie.net is no longer an option.


wow. get a load of this guy. :-\
Really? I was barely being serious.

You're talking about a game where people found out if you punched at the right time, you could disassociate your player position from your biped on the map, which meant you could be in blue base while your player model was standing at home in red base, when you could pick up the other team's flag, touch the joystick and instantly teleport to your biped's position, holding the flag.

If there's a possible exploit in a game, people will pull it off. Hoping people won't be assholes doesn't work anymore. Assume the worst when setting up map barriers. When I fixed up 343's Relay for Halo 4 matchmaking, I made the kill volumes super huge just to prevent host timing issues that would potentially let people 'skip' past the original kill volumes.
343 already has so much on their plate with this collection, does it really make sense for them to start patching theoretical bugs that people haven't discovered yet, especially when they may end up creating new bugs in the process? If a new exploit is found, then they'll cross that road when they come to it, otherwise, I think their time and resources would be better spent patching out more harmful exploits, rather than the ability to get out of Gemini in custom games. Even if a serious Gemini exploit is discovered that leads to widespread griefing, I'm sure the new matchmaking is being built so that playlists can be edited without the need for a game update. I'm just saying that this doesn't seem like something that should be of very high concern, as it's extremely unlikely to be an issue in matchmaking.


I don't know who made the fantastic infographic in op, but I'll probably take it and make a french one, if you don't mind.
FyreWulff's Halo 2 Bug Checklist and/or How To Be a Jerk In Halo 2

one incoming for halo 3 as well. It'll look nicer in a few minutes for people that are viewing it fullscreen

A good reminder of some of the more unhappy times I've forgotten about. This stuff really needs to be fixed, because people WILL exploit it again. The ability of people to play the game as intended vs. custom game glitches... it's a no-brainer if you think about it.

Our counter-dummy glitching strats back in the day:

My personal favourite (though not recommended!) was when the host would briefly standby to lag the cheater out of the game. Edit: actually, I'm getting confused with "secondary standby", disregard.

Same with booting modders out the game. It's quite amazing when these people have the audacity to bitch about cheating, and the tears are so delicious.


Thread reminds me how criminal it was to not have the Halo theme used prominently in Halo 4. I really hope it makes a return in Halo 5.
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