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Halo Online modders working to strip micro-transactions, release worldwide

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Microsoft Studios have released more games on Steam in the last 5 years than SOE has released in the last decade. This doesn't count any game MS has released for any of their own distribution platforms.

HD Remakes don't fucking count.

What has Microsoft released that lines up to the scale of Planetside 2, Everquest, DC Universe, etc?

Microsoft says they are gonna "Take PC gaming seriously" and tosses us a remake of Age of Empires. Bullshit. I have no interest in playing this cracked open Halo 3, and I don't support piracy, but I'm glad it's happening to them after several years of lying to our faces.


ElDorito lead developer here.

This article is probably one of the most misleading and misrepresenting articles I've read compared to the others I've seen. Woovie does not speak for the 40+ people involved in this and these articles seem to really want to paint us as a bunch of green-skinned unethical hackers trying to take down evil micro-transactions in the name of piracy like we're Robin Hood or something. Each of us have different motives and I'm getting tired of these articles having the voice of one peripheral entity represent all of us and these journalists carefully taking quotes and statements to fill some "look at these thugs" agenda. You have to be drunk in optimism to believe that we have anything close to some fully featured private server made purely in spite to Microsoft.

Whatever gets the clicks man. That's how its always been.
ElDorito lead developer here.

This article is probably one of the most misleading and misrepresenting articles I've read compared to the others I've seen. Woovie does not speak for the 40+ people involved in this and these articles seem to really want to paint us as a bunch of green-skinned unethical hackers trying to take down evil micro-transactions in the name of piracy like we're Robin Hood or something. Each of us have different motives and I'm getting tired of these articles having the voice of one peripheral entity represent all of us and these journalists carefully taking quotes and statements to fill some "look at these thugs" agenda. You have to be drunk in optimism to believe that we have anything close to some fully featured private server made purely in spite to Microsoft.

Well, what do you hope to achieve with this in your own words and how far a long is progress?
ElDorito lead developer here.

This article is probably one of the most misleading and misrepresenting articles I've read compared to the others I've seen. Woovie does not speak for the 40+ people involved in this and these articles seem to really want to paint us as a bunch of green-skinned unethical hackers trying to take down evil micro-transactions in the name of piracy like we're Robin Hood or something. Each of us have different motives and I'm getting tired of these articles having the voice of one peripheral entity represent all of us and these journalists carefully taking quotes and statements to fill some "look at these thugs" agenda. You have to be drunk in optimism to believe that we have anything close to some fully featured private server made purely in spite to Microsoft.

Would you mind explaining your motives?


ElDorito lead developer here.

This article is probably one of the most misleading and misrepresenting articles I've read compared to the others I've seen. Woovie does not speak for the 40+ people involved in this and these articles seem to really want to paint us as a bunch of green-skinned unethical hackers trying to take down evil micro-transactions in the name of piracy like we're Robin Hood or something. Each of us have different motives and I'm getting tired of these articles having the voice of one peripheral entity represent all of us and these journalists carefully taking quotes and statements to fill some "look at these thugs" agenda. You have to be drunk in optimism to believe that we have anything close to some fully featured private server made purely in spite to Microsoft.

Than what are your motivations for doing this?


It is piracy. But how bad is piracy when the alternative is nothing?

If Microsoft has zero plans to bring over halo online, then they have already forgone any profit that the west could have given them for the game. They said "nah, we don't want their money" they could have easily said "halo online is testing and launching initially in Russia, then worldwide at a later date" but they didn't.

If Microsoft was already getting no money from me (that I would have sincerely GLADLY given them to buy content and show the pc crowd is a lucrative, worthwhile market and that they should bring more halo games to the platform) then I see no reason in playing a free fan-translation. The game itself is free already, now I get to play it.

The alternative is that these hackers leave the microtransactions in the game, and take the money for themselves. Which is entirely amoral. So them giving a free game to a non-audience who wants it and stripping the microtransactions so the game is playable is fine by me.

Nintendo has not released Mother 3 in the US. They likely won't. Yet, it's been played by a ton of people in English thanks to the hard-working fans who translated the whole game themselves and released it as a patch. The moment that Nintendo releases Earthbound 2 here in the states I'll happily buy it, same if Microsoft releases halo online here.

But since Microsoft dropped the ball on even pretending like this game would get released worldwide, people have found an internal build and are doing it themselves. They're making no profit off this. You could argue that Microsoft could be losing money, but since they did not state that they were even considering bringing the game over, they implied that the western market will never get it. So they can't lose money on something that they never intended to try and make money off of.


We could still get the opportunity to play the RTM version of the game once the Russians had thoroughly beta tested it. Every publisher wants their consumers to have a great first impression of their product, giving a larger market access to a rough beta could kill it.

Now putting this "mod" out there will probably not make the beta or development go faster, it will just create more obstacles for Microsoft and could in the end force them to pull the plug.

"Don't rock the boat guys, buy these lightgun shooters for Wii and we'll get a real game!"

I mean, you realise you're arguing for people to sit quietly and accept this game (that they were told was for a different audience from the beginning) on the assumption that they'll maybe get something like what they wanted down the road? Right? Can you see how that might not go down well, historically?

Difference is this is Microsoft's intellectual property. They own it, they should make the decisions on it.

You're right, they absolutely should. Everyone else is free to point out how dumb those decisions are.


As a PC gamer that has always payed for his games, however might have waited from time to time for cheaper prices ;) , What. In. The .Actual Fuck?

Don't panic. I'm not saying "PC gamers are all dirty thieves". I'm just saying that the open nature of the platform makes it possible on a much wider level than console. A similar percentage of console games would likely steal every game they play as well, if they were actually able to. Their inability is what makes the platforms more attractive to many publishers. Anything that's easily stolen will be... that's all I meant.

Well now were getting somewhere.

The stealing was neccessary in the sense that it was absolutley, uncategoricly inevitable. It was going to happen. I didnt do it. You didnt do it. Big pats on the ass for us.

Someone was going to do it. Admonishing those who did it is one thing. But trying to paint me with the red pirate terrorist brush because i say "this is simply nature taking its course; I do not to judge the pirates" is different altogether.

Hmm... I don't think I say people painting you with a "red pirate terrorist brush" just for saying it's gonna happen. You were arguing with someone that simply says that simply taking things does often have consequences (they do), that those that take simply because they want are acting entitled (they are), and that if everyone did this the world wouldn't work (it wouldn't, at least not in the way it currently does). If simply taking what you want was universally acceptable/viable, then the creation of the things being taken often wouldn't be. It's a strange thing to argue against imo.


HD Remakes don't fucking count.

What has Microsoft released that lines up to the scale of Planetside 2, Everquest, DC Universe, etc?

Microsoft says they are gonna "Take PC gaming seriously" and tosses us a remake of Age of Empires. Bullshit. I have no interest in playing this cracked open Halo 3, and I don't support piracy, but I'm glad it's happening to them after several years of lying to our faces.

Ah ok. It's not support because nothing other than the specific games you want count. Gotcha.

How many Planetside 2, Everquest or DC Universe-like games have they released on Xbox? How many did they release pre-Xbox even?

Their PC output has definitely declined, but claiming Sony has supported the platform more because of a handful of games is just nonsense.


Unconfirmed Member
Probably, yea. Obviously something non-positive arose from it in their opinion, because they stopped doing it.

The same Microsoft who made Halo 2 only compatible with Vista for no other reason than to try and sell copies of Vista and also completely saddled it with GFWL, a system to try and force PC gamers to pay for online and to use an eco system they didn't want, and which Microsoft showed themselves to be atrocious at updating anyway. Another one of Microsoft's not exactly smart decisions in addition to the many others they've made over the years in regards to PC gaming.

I honestly don't have much sympathy for them but then I genuinely don't think we'll be seeing some 'online' working pirate version of Halo Online for a long time, if ever, anyway.


A calculated business move that their hardcore fanbase doesn't want. Why would they do a move that their hardcore fanbase doesn't want? Because they can get away with it. Because there are enough human beings that will sustain the practice. They know their hardcore fanbase doesn't want it, but they doing it anyway because they can. There are better ways to make money, they're choosing the one that fucks consumers the most

Is that a joke or.... ?

Microsoft exists the make money, not appease the hardcore fan. What is with this sense of Microsoft owing you anything?


Found the old post!

So ya, I'm glad this is happening. Microsoft seems to have trouble keeping its word to take PC gaming seriously, as you can tell below. They came close this time, putting a version of Halo 3 on PC! But darn it they accidentally forgot to release it anywhere but Russia! So the modders of Halo Online are just giving them a hand and doing them a solid by making it available elsewhere too ;-)

For people getting their hopes up. This is MS's various statements on their promise to PC gaming.

Sorry, but all MS is doing is blowing smoke up the ass of gullible people. So yea go ahead and get your hopes up and get excited. In a year or two when none of what they say comes to fruition...I'll pretend to act shocked.
Would you mind explaining your motives?

Than what are your motivations for doing this?


This article is probably one of the most misleading and misrepresenting articles I've read compared to the others I've seen. Woovie does not speak for the 40+ people involved in this and these articles seem to really want to paint us as a bunch of green-skinned unethical hackers trying to take down evil micro-transactions in the name of piracy like we're Robin Hood or something. Each of us have different motives and I'm getting tired of these articles having the voice of one peripheral entity represent all of us and these journalists carefully taking quotes and statements to fill some "look at these thugs" agenda. You have to be drunk in optimism to believe that we have anything close to some fully featured private server made purely in spite to Microsoft.

their motives are pretty irrelevant anyway.

it's just a thing that's happening.

their motives are pretty irrelevant anyway.

it's just a thing that's happening.

You can't just come in and blast the article for misrepresentation if you're unwilling or unable to refute those claims. Until you provide a well thought out counter-argument to the author I will continue to believe that you are nothing more than an entitled pirate.


ElDorito lead developer here.

This article is probably one of the most misleading and misrepresenting articles I've read compared to the others I've seen. Woovie does not speak for the 40+ people involved in this and these articles seem to really want to paint us as a bunch of green-skinned unethical hackers trying to take down evil micro-transactions in the name of piracy like we're Robin Hood or something. Each of us have different motives and I'm getting tired of these articles having the voice of one peripheral entity represent all of us and these journalists carefully taking quotes and statements to fill some "look at these thugs" agenda. You have to be drunk in optimism to believe that we have anything close to some fully featured private server made purely in spite to Microsoft.

Here is some advice. If you want to play Halo, buy an Xbox, Xbox 360, or an Xbox One. Quit trying to justify ripping off and stealing other people's hard work. MS, 343, and everyone else involved in anything Halo related owes you NOTHING.


You can't just come in and blast the article for misrepresentation if you're unwilling or unable to refute those claims. Until you provide a well thought out counter-argument to the author I will continue to believe that you are nothing more than an entitled pirate.

oh no :( :( :(

Here is some advice. If you want to play Halo, buy an Xbox, Xbox 360, or an Xbox One. Quit trying to justify ripping off and stealing other people's hard work. MS, 343, and everyone else involved in anything Halo related owes you NOTHING.

i think the fact that they're working on it at all means that attempts to appeal to them on some kind of moral high ground like this probably won't work. just some advice.
You can't just come in and blast the article for misrepresentation if you're unwilling or unable to refute those claims. Until you provide a well thought out counter-argument to the author I will continue to believe that you are nothing more than an entitled pirate.
You're certainly entitled to your own opinion.
You can't just come in and blast the article for misrepresentation if you're unwilling or unable to refute those claims. Until you provide a well thought out counter-argument to the author I will continue to believe that you are nothing more than an entitled pirate.

I don't think he cares what you think, but hey, maybe you'll get a response.

I just took it as truth that people have individual motivations, which sounds like reality, versus the story's simplified version where 40 people are all thinking and feeling the exact same thing and things need to be dramatized + digestable for hits.


How did MS not see this chain of events coming? Neglecting the PC community for years and then slapping them in the face with a region locked game in Russia of all places? Come on now.


Hmm... I don't think I say people painting you with a "red pirate terrorist brush" just for saying it's gonna happen. You were arguing with someone that simply says that simply taking things does often have consequences (they do), that those that take simply because they want are acting entitled (they are), and that if everyone did this the world wouldn't work (it wouldn't, at least not in the way it currently does). If simply taking what you want was universally acceptable/viable, then the creation of the things being taken often wouldn't be. It's a strange thing to argue against imo.

"Breaking the law can have consequences". This is one of those situations were i just dont know what to say. Are you implying that i dont know that? What?

The assertion that these pirates are doing this out of entitlement is an emotional projection and has no basis. I dont know these people. I dont know why they didnt just kick their feet up and wait for someone else to crack the game. This is really where i think the conversation is to be had. And now that we seemingly have a represntative here, we may be able to explore this further.

" if everyone stole the world wouldnt work the way it does". Okay great. Again. I cant really respond to a statement like this. I am not being dissmissive either. I mean... I guess i agree. But that seems to give to much credit.


Found the old post!

So ya, I'm glad this is happening. Microsoft seems to have trouble keeping its word to take PC gaming seriously, as you can tell below. They came close this time, putting a version of Halo 3 on PC! But darn it they accidentally forgot to release it anywhere but Russia! So the modders of Halo Online are just giving them a hand and doing them a solid by making it available elsewhere too ;-)

Ah that post needs some updates to it we are 2 years further. But still relevant.


Okay now i get were you are coming from. I think next time you should lead with that ;)
Still that was a very broad statement.

Lots to reply to. Sometimes I don't manage to flesh my posts out as well as I'd like. I'm partially a PC gamer too. I tend to double-dip on a lot of games that I have on console and want to protect from the typical lack of BC. I even have a few random physical copies of games that I couldn't get on Steam or whatever (stuff like Need for Speed Underground, Sega Rally Revo and Outrun 2006). I'd like nothing more than to be able to simply get everything on PC and be done with it.. but I can see why that's not very likely to ever happen, and if Sega exiting the console business has taught me anything... it's that I may not like the end result as much as I'd initially think.

The same Microsoft who made Halo 2 only compatible with Vista for no other reason than to try and sell copies of Vista and also completely saddled it with GFWL, a system to try and force PC gamers to pay for online and to use an eco system they didn't want, and which Microsoft showed themselves to be atrocious at updating anyway. Another one of Microsoft's not exactly smart decisions in addition to the many others they've made over the years in regards to PC gaming.

I honestly don't have much sympathy for them but then I genuinely don't think we'll be seeing some 'online' working pirate version of Halo Online for a long time, if ever, anyway.

Yea, but you could also look at that Vista (and later GFWL) push as being the only reason they were willing to port Halo 2 (and stuff like Gears, Viva Pinata etc) over at all. The potential success of the platform would offset any negative impact it'd have on their console business and make the venture worthwhile. If in an alternate timeline it had worked well for them, they'd probably be happy to port a lot more of the remaining titles over too. But when faced with only the raw sales of the games themselves, before the user then runs of to be everything else from Valve? Probably not very appealing.

Hell, the current push is really much the same thing. It'll be worth it to them if they can boost the Windows Store to relevance (thus helping them in markets more important than the Xbox). If they can't, because "no Steam, no buy".. then they'll likely re-evaluate, and everyone will add another checkpoint to "the list".

They're not you're friends. No company is. They'll offer you stuff as long as its mutually beneficial, and will withhold them if it's not. Now in Sony and Nintendo's case, it's pretty much never beneficial, and so they just don't bother.


"Don't rock the boat guys, buy these lightgun shooters for Wii and we'll get a real game!"

I mean, you realise you're arguing for people to sit quietly and accept this game (that they were told was for a different audience from the beginning) on the assumption that they'll maybe get something like what they wanted down the road? Right? Can you see how that might not go down well, historically?

I didn't argue for people to sit quietly, I argued that they shouldn't play an unauthorized version of a game. Your view looks to be quite black and white.

I mean it's a beta. If Halo Online was RTM and still no sign of a western release you should outrage as much as you want. But going bunkers because you want day one access to an incomplete F2P game seems silly to me.

Most of us got a good taste of early access with Halo MCC and AC Unity.

oh no :( :( :(

Do you have anything to add to the conversation or are you just going to continue to shit post?

You're certainly entitled to your own opinion.

Do you think it's okay to steal when you don't get what you want or feel lied to?

I don't think he cares what you think, but hey, maybe you'll get a response.

I just took it as truth that people have individual motivations, which sounds like reality, versus the story's simplified version where 40 people are all thinking and feeling the exact same thing and things need to be dramatized + digestable for hits.

You claim you are the ElDorito lead dev but keep conveniently avoiding the question of why you are doing this. Stop dancing around and answer the question because this looks like a pretty clear case of piracy. This is your chance to clear up any misconceptions.
Thats not a point, its a platitude. Or a circular argument. In fact i would reccommend you and anyone else reading put your guard up whenever someone tries to justify their argument by saying "its just how the world works." They probably have their head up their own ass .
So exactly what you did. And I'm not painting you as some pro-pirate person or even attacking piracy. But justifying some gray are stuff, like piracy, with other party's " wrong" doings or saying "well someone will do it anyway, ah well that's it" isn't constructive at all.

And by the way, what was my argument I was trying to justify?


"Breaking the law can have consequences". This is one of those situations were i just dont know what to say. Are you implying that i dont know that? What?

The assertion that these pirates are doing this out of entitlement is an emotional projection and has no basis. I dont know these people. I dont know why they didnt just kick their feet up and wait for someone else to crack the game. This is really where i think the conversation is to be had. And now that we seemingly have a represntative here, we may be able to explore this further.

" if everyone stole the world wouldnt work the way it does". Okay great. Again. I cant really respond to a statement like this. I am not being dissmissive either. I mean... I guess i agree. But that seems to give to much credit.

Well, yea... we don't fundamentally disagree with anything here, other than that you thought the initial response to your post was worth combatting head on, with anything other than a "well yea... obviously...".

Maybe there is some good conversation to be had on the motives of those working on this, and I'd be interested for the member here to elaborate more beyond "don't believe their lies". It'd have to be a very convincing argument though, considering that whatever motive they have, they're still taking and redistributing someone else's work against their will.
Do you have anything to add to the conversation or are you just going to continue to shit post?

Do you think it's okay to steal when you don't get what you want or feel lied to?

You claim you are the ElDorito lead dev but keep conveniently avoiding the question of why you are doing this. Stop dancing around and answer the question because this looks like a pretty clear case of piracy. This is your chance to clear up any misconceptions.

I think he did and you missed the post. He linked his contribution to the project.
You claim you are the ElDorito lead dev but keep conveniently avoiding the question of why you are doing this. Stop dancing around and answer the question because this looks like a pretty clear case of piracy. This is your chance to clear up any misconceptions.

What? No, I didn't lol


Is that a joke or.... ?

Microsoft exists the make money, not appease the hardcore fan. What is with this sense of Microsoft owing you anything?

Are you for real?

Nobody here is claiming Microsoft owes them a game. What they are doing is pointing out how dumb their decision-making is and how harmful it is to their goodwill among their PC customers (with the modding and the negative outcry being the natural outcome). Now if you have a good argument that how Microsoft have behaved in the PC market has made sense and how they shouldn't have expected backlash to this game I'd love to hear it, instead of rolling out the "entitled gamers" garbage. 1 FPS game isn't going to turn PC customers into console customers and MS should surely realise this by now.

How did MS not see this chain of events coming? Neglecting the PC community for years and then slapping them in the face with a region locked game in Russia of all places? Come on now.

Apparently a F2P Halo with no campaign that only Russians can play is naturally what PC Halo fans should have expected, and they are filthy entitled pirates if they think otherwise. Never mind the unprecedented step of - wait for it - modding a PC FPS. How could Microsoft have seen it coming?
Neither does not being able to play the game (and by extension purchase its micro transactions) in the first place... son.

So what you're essentially arguing is that it's okay for someone to commit piracy if the thing they are pirating hasn't been announced as coming to their region?
Do you think it's okay to steal when you don't get what you want or feel lied to?
Well, for one, I don't really equate what they're doing as stealing any more than playing the standard game with a Russian VPN and not paying for microtransactions. And secondly, I don't really care what they do or why to the degree of feeling moral outrage.


Did you make all the art and assets for the game? I love people who justify piracy. I hope the FBI shows up at your door.

This trail of thought already came up in the previous thread, so I'll just quote myself.

I already stated that it doesn't matter where you got the files from. If you play a 48hr Titanfall trial via Origin, EA would be legitimately giving you all the files required to play Titanfall in its entirety. If you fuck with those files in order to prevent having to pay for it once those 48 hours are up, then you're stealing it. You shouldn't be able to "do whatever the heck you want with those files once they're on your PC" in this case. It doesn't matter if you don't have it fully working right now, that just means you're in the process of stealing, and haven't quite got there yet.

So what you're essentially arguing is that it's okay for someone to commit piracy if the thing they are pirating hasn't been announced as coming to their region?

Yea, kinda like Yakuza 5. I hope nobody waited to see if that got an international release. You all should have pirated it a few weeks before the Japanese release date.
Well, for one, I don't really equate what they're doing as stealing any more than playing the standard game with a Russian VPN and not paying for microtransactions. And secondly, I don't really care what they do or why to the degree of feeling moral outrage.

So copyright infringement isn't stealing now? Trying to circumvent a revenue source isn't something that should be frowned upon? I generally don't give a crap about mega corps but this affects normal people just like you and I. If you can't empathize with them, I feel sorry for you.

Yea, kinda like Yakuza 5. I hope nobody waited to see if that got an international release. You all should have pirated it a few weeks before the Japanese release date.

Openly advocating piracy on neogaf. I'll admit that you've got balls.


I dislike F2P, but those games are developed with the intent of covering development costs and making a profit via micro transactions... So yeah, I don't think this is okay. Because really, the hacked version will absolutely make it to Russia, so it's not like this is just making the game available for more people with no consequences. Or am I missing something?
Did you make all the art and assets for the game? I love people who justify piracy. I hope the FBI shows up at your door.
This doesn't make any sense. I didn't steal any assets or art for the game.
Microsoft can make money for the game as much as they want. I don't care. I'm not doing this in spite to Microsoft like this article or "Woovie" tells you to think.

You claim you are the ElDorito lead dev but keep conveniently avoiding the question of why you are doing this. Stop dancing around and answer the question because this looks like a pretty clear case of piracy. This is your chance to clear up any misconceptions.
I don't know how stating my motive would make it any less or more as "piracy" to a lot of you guys. This article seems to have worked at selling the green-skinned pirate hacker to a lot of you guys to the point of just not making sense or being hysterical. I enjoy playing halo and seeing it on my pc screen is and messing around with it as well as understanding the engine to do other fun stuff. Not a scrap of code in the gitlab i posted screams "PIRACY" but people like Wizman choose to ignore that and would rather think that all the dozens of people involves are all thinking the same thing and want the same thing like some good-guy-bad-guy tv show. Circumventing the online-access controls does not concern me. Everything we have done is on par with the typical cheat-engine memory-poking stuff you see people do to other games with cheat engine and you don't consider that piracy.
A calculated business move that their hardcore fanbase doesn't want. Why would they do a move that their hardcore fanbase doesn't want? Because they can get away with it. Because there are enough human beings that will sustain the practice. They know their hardcore fanbase doesn't want it, but they doing it anyway because they can. There are better ways to make money, they're choosing the one that fucks consumers the most

They're doing this specifically in Russia because F2P shooters like Warface are the most popular in that ecosystem. Why the hell else would they launch any Halo PC initiative there first?


So what you're essentially arguing is that it's okay for someone to commit piracy if the thing they are pirating hasn't been announced as coming to their region?

Sounds like it's totally okay for me to pirate a lot of movies and TV series.
This is the reason why I live in Norway.
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