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Halo |OT 20| It really does feel like Halo


Why reserve judgement? It's pretty black and white...there's ADS in Halo 5. That's it. No amount of awesome gameplay will negate that.

Unless the gameplay is legit good. I'm reserving any and all judgement until the beta. Yeah I get the argument that its "not halo" but on the other hand maybe this is what halo is becoming, and MCC is the swan song farewell to the old ways.


What if we are going to be DOUBLE-RAIDENED?

Think about it.

- MC for the first mission.
- Locke for the 2nd-5th mission.
- Palmer for the last 20 missions.


Jem that line of reasoning is bullshit. we shouldnt be relegated to a few games that will get ignored by the sustain team when their next abortion of Halo gets released.

I wasn't trying to imply that at all.

He said he wished he had cherished it more, I said he can now cherish it more because the MCC is coming out. I wasn't trying to say that disregards any issues with Halo 5.

It was poorly worded I admit.

What MSFT executive made this design decision? If anyone from 343 actually generated the concept, they should be ashamed of themselves and should be ashamed to call themselves a video game designer.

Microsoft executives are so fucking stupid, stop chasing the COD pie, you'll never get it.

CoD number have gone down each year. What pie do they want exactly, obviously people want something different.
Unless the gameplay is legit good. I'm reserving any and all judgement until the beta. Yeah I get the argument that its "not halo" but on the other hand maybe this is what halo is becoming, and MCC is the swan song farewell to the old ways.

343 is literally just saying Fuck you to the halo fans.


A less optimistic thought is that the MCC is a parting-gift to fans of Halo as 343 takes the franchise into the "modern" era. An end-of-an-era sort collection that represents Halo's past so that they can reboot the franchise into the idiocy of the modern gaming era.

Lol the modern era is going to last 2 years, as that's how long it'll take the last person to log out of Halo 5.

343 are putting Halo on the death bed right now. They just don't know when to put it under ground.


343 is literally just saying Fuck you to the halo fans.

Or they realize that they need to change to be competitive in a market owned by COD. Face it even if they made this perfect Halo game that catered to fans like us it would not be the commercial success it needs to be for MS to justify the money it pours into this franchise, because the market isn't about that anymore. Its about casual pick up and play shooters (ie COD).

The fact that MCC exists suggests that they still care about the hardcore fans, but the hardcore fans aren't going to pay the bills anymore.

I don't like it, but I understand where they are coming from.


How would Shinobi know anyway? Like I understand 343i showed journalists and insiders things about the Beta and bits of the story but the game is a year away. Why would 343i tell so much about the story?
Why reserve judgement? It's pretty black and white...there's ADS in Halo 5. That's it. No amount of awesome gameplay will negate that.
  • There's a CE Pistol (meaning fast kill times, skill-based gameplay).
  • It doesn't gimp movement, instantly transitions and serves as a replacement for zoom.
  • No flinch and getting shot puts you back in hip fire.
It may not be as bad as we think. Yeah I know, I should be flinging turds around because of Halo's history with competitive gameplay, but what good would that do right now? Everyone's got me covered.

I'm tired of being upset, I just want some good Halo experiences. It's clear
Combat Evolved 2
is being used as their ace in the hole.


Unless the gameplay is legit good. I'm reserving any and all judgement until the beta. Yeah I get the argument that its "not halo" but on the other hand maybe this is what halo is becoming, and MCC is the swan song farewell to the old ways.

ADS doesn't belong in an arena shooter. 343 have been claiming Halo 5 is an arena shooter...ADS is not part of that.

Look at the history of arena shooters, ADS isn't present, nor should it be.

You guys are blind sheep, following the 343 herd.
So guys, what are we going to do when 343 doesn't do a god damn thing to fix this thrash after the beta?

Well, since 343 got me to buy an Xbone already, I'll probably still buy Halo 5 unless they really piss me off. Right now I'm disappointed, but I'm willing to wait the coming weeks until the beta to see how they handle all this. It just won't be a game that I'll play for years on end... A week, maybe two weeks, and i'll hit the shelf.


ADS doesn't belong in an arena shooter. 343 have been claiming Halo 5 is an arena shooter...ADS is not part of that.

Look at the history of arena shooters, ADS isn't present, nor should it be.

You guys are blind sheep, following the 343 herd.

That's hardly necessary. I'm just saying I get where they are coming from. I'll be content playing H3 competitive rules at 1080p60 for the next 5 years if I had to (as so well said by a friend of mine)


CoD number have gone down each year. What pie do they want exactly, obviously people want something different.

What would that be? MSFT execs don't think that way. They see COD numbers and want them.

Fuck, for all we know, Halo 5 will be CODAW, and the thrusting fwd, left, right, and backwards, and double jumps, will become industry standards.

I'm just really disgusted with the game industry. You don't take something good and just completely overhaul it, it's not needed, it's not necessary.

Some MSFT suit shouldn't be dictating game design.
343 is literally just saying Fuck you to the halo fans.

Or they realize that they need to change to be competitive in a market owned by COD. Face it even if they made this perfect Halo game that catered to fans like us it would not be the commercial success it needs to be for MS to justify the money it pours into this franchise, because the market isn't about that anymore. Its about casual pick up and play shooters (ie COD).

The fact that MCC exists suggests that they still care about the hardcore fans, but the hardcore fans aren't going to pay the bills anymore.

I don't like it, but I understand where they are coming from.
Or MCC is just a cash in on H2. MCC is going to sell like crazy, it has nothing to do with hardcore fans. They see H2 as a relic. Also, Halo 4 sold like hot cakes so it paid the bills fine. The problem was 50% of the player population vanished in a month.
Well at least this guy will finally be able to play:


Or MCC is just a cash in on H2. MCC is going to sell like crazy, it has nothing to do with hardcore fans. They see H2 as a relic. Also, Halo 4 sold like hot cakes so it paid the bills fine. The problem was 50% of the player population vanished in a month.

Yeah because Halo 4 was a bad halo game, and a bad "cod competitor".

Its obvious 343 is going full out COD competitor instead of making a good halo game, whether or not that's a good decision is left to be known.
my issue with the leak isnt that much with the ADS or sprint, as you need to play it in order to actually judge it
the real issue for me is that burst fire weapon which looks like a BR
the BR was the worst addition ever to Halo, each Halo with a BR was some sort of letdown for me :/

Pistol & DMR > BR
Stinkles where are you?!

He's not coming back here. He was already edgy towards the end. He has no reason to deal with an audience that he knows he can never win over. I'm not even blaming him. Why come in here to get killed, there is nothing he can say other than "it's not true" the will ease things.

So funny, the reveal is staged so it won't impact MCC sales.
and we all understand that you will eat whatever 343 spoon feeds to you.

See this is why you are so frustrating dude. I didn't even think his reply was implying anything other than he can go back and relive Halo 3. We are all disappointed right now, but we really don't need your harsh and mean spirited jabs here.
Yeah because Halo 4 was a bad halo game, and a bad "cod competitor".

Its obvious 343 is going full out COD competitor instead of making a good halo game, whether or not that's a good decision is left to be known.

Based on this and the gaming side thread I think it's clear already. The other Halo forums out there are melting down.


For those who side on modern games "evolving" past the traditional ways of FPS...I'd really love to hear your opinions/thoughts on WHY a traditional FPS game that doesn't have ADS, now suddenly needs to have ADS, and sprint for that matter.

I've really yet to hear a solid argument for it. Even reviewers are shitty at explaining it, they just say things like "ADS and sprint are standards in modern games".

Why? What makes them standard?

Call of Duty didn't define game design...and any game that continues to copy them isn't pushing evolution, they're just following the bandwagon.

Push the envelope, push original thought.
For those who side on modern games "evolving" past the traditional ways of FPS...I'd really love to hear your opinions/thoughts on WHY a traditional FPS game that doesn't have ADS, now suddenly needs to have ADS, and sprint for that matter.

I've really yet to hear a solid argument for it. Even reviewers are shitty at explaining it, they just say things like "ADS and sprint are standards in modern games".

Why? What makes them standard?

Call of Duty didn't define game design...and any game that continues to copy them isn't pushing evolution, they're just following the bandwagon.

Push the envelope, push original thought.

Money hats y'all
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