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I've been keeping tabs in there for sure. When we get closer ill copy a bunch down on my notebook for reference. Only place we went last time was the restaraunt in the fish market, and then a random hot dog dude in a park nearby.

Also for the record, if you want to hit up a Subway during PAX, take the time to walk two blocks to the one next to the Olive 8. The one attached to outside of the center is annoying and doesn't do the 5$ footlongs, and they also skimp on their ingredients.

I stopped by the better one my way up to Vancouver, they put so much stuff on it that I actually couldn't finish it.
Wow Cyren always has the information first. He is like a database for Halo information. Watching now, thanks.

hahah I saw people posting those vids on Waypoint a while ago, but figured HaloGAF probably saw them already so didn't wanna bother :b

It's good to lurk both forums. Despite all the chaos, Waypoint has some really good discussions/posters as well.


Dude Halo 2 BTB.................... I get chills sometimes just thinking about it honestly lol

Burial Mounds Assault:
---Drive the Hog past the window while the bomb guy gets out and crouches. Distract the enemies with the rest of your team, wait for opening then BOOM!

Halo 4 = Revival of BTB

Right now I would say Longbow will be really good for Netural Flag, 1 Flag and 2 Flag objectives due to the top middle base area.

I can see Asssult being fun though but maybe not optimal on that map.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
the movie theater trailer seemed like something you'd see in disney world.

i liked it

That's actually a pretty good description. It's definitely aimed at a more mainstream audience which is why I caveatted before showing that video on the panel.


Man, the Spartan Ops map is way larger than I thought it would be.

It's like Firefight on crack.... this makes me a very happy man.

*Single tear*
What I LOVE about Longbow is what I loved about Halo 2 BTB maps. Its big but has enough cover thrown in between so you can make an escape if you are good enough but also a few of those spaces where if you are caught you are a dead man. Reach's BTB maps were full of dead man spaces and it just made it un-enjoyable where as Longbow has a great use of space and cover and takes advantage of sprint being a default ability.

Jeremy was talking about Halo 3 btb maps and how compartmentalization of the larger maps made for a better experience and more interesting encounters (Valhalla). I definitely felt like there was a nice open flow to Longbow, but that it retained plenty of unique play spaces where different battles could take place independently of one another. I never let like there was a point on the map where a DMR/Sniper user could take 100% control of the environment.
I was hoping so, but you can never tell with a trailer like this.

Also, they COMPLETELY nailed the concept art, in regards to the actual visuals.
Yep. I agree. The concept art slowly transform into in-game was magnificent. I cannot wait to see the stuff in direct feed quality.

Btw. The video makes it clear that a new team is working on Halo and not Bungie anymore.


A more fun version of countdown is construct

Construct has evolved. Halo maps are like Pokemon. You start with something simple and elegant then keep strapping more random stuff onto it as time passes.




It's not very effective...
50 damn SpOps missions, that's so insane.

I mean when you hear 10 weeks you don't think it's very many, but 5 per week plus a CG rendering, must be a ton of work.


lol why the hell are people comparing Adrift to Countdown and Construct? I can see similarities between Countdown and Construct, but Adrift looks absolutely nothing like them. Maybe a touch of Condemned, but seems pretty original to me.

Then again I haven't played it myself, just going from the vids.

a zoojoo

Construct has evolved. Halo maps are like Pokemon. You start with something simple and elegant then keep strapping more random stuff onto it as time passes.



It's not very effective...[/QUOTE]

HAHAHA, very well said. I agree by the way, I hope that 343 will take their artistic choices and add them to simple map designs.
Construct has evolved. Halo maps are like Pokemon. You start with something simple and elegant then keep strapping more random stuff onto it as time passes.




It's not very effective...



Forerunner Sniper confirmed?

Shoots out a long red beam and vaporizes target. Seems to function like the Beam Rifle.

Sorry for the potato cam quality. :/


Lets get a monkey in the middle oddball game type where the monkey is the juggernaut and you have to play keep away. If the juggernaut gets the ball he scores points. Please.


Can you explain this further?

From what I was told you will be able to play different missions on maps, wasn't told much else really but I would easily assume it means if Spartan Ops starts out with map A,B,C,D and E and maps A,B,C,D and E and I play mission A on Map E when they allow stuff like that.


From what I was told you will be able to play different missions on maps, wasn't told much else really but I would easily assume it means if Spartan Ops starts out with map A,B,C,D and E and maps A,B,C,D and E and I play mission A on Map E when they allow stuff like that.
Wow. Holy shit if true. That's awesome.

a zoojoo

From what I was told you will be able to play different missions on maps, wasn't told much else really but I would easily assume it means if Spartan Ops starts out with map A,B,C,D and E and maps A,B,C,D and E and I play mission A on Map E when they allow stuff like that.
so invasion-fight.
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