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Happy damn 10th anniversary, Shadow the Hedgehog


Let's not forget this was the first ever E10+ Sonic game. You could just tell right from the get go that this game was too much for little kids. Mario had nothing on this shit.


I traded in Metroid Prime, Super Monkey Ball 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for this game.

No one can hate this game more than I do.

Whelp! :O

Let's not forget this was the first ever E10+ Sonic game. You could just tell right from the get go that this game was too much for little kids. Mario had nothing on this shit.

In fairness kids probably played it more than adults.


Let's not be silly. Shadow the Hedgehog is way worse than Sonic 2006. Trying to kill all of enemy X in a level is the most tedious task I've ever attempted and finishing the levels outright leaves you with a short, hollow game.

Sonic 06 is worth it for the soundtrack alone and when you're done listening to it you can glitch run and enjoy it occasionally hitting 60fps (that last video is 720p60 BTW).


Gives all the fucks
I asked for this for Xmas & got it when I was 14 along with a PS2 as well.

.....................oh god, this was the first game I remember I just flat-out hated & couldn't bring myself to try out any of the other stages after two or three playthroughs, hoping for more interesting stages.

Yeah, as soon as I saw that, that was the final straw & said "nope, trading it in".

Also, get this: So the crappiest version, the PS2 port, had English & JPN voices and subtitles (ya know, for those who want to hear Shadow speak Japanese with English subtitles). The Xbox version had Japanese voices & subtitles, but only if you changed the system language. The Gamecube version only had English voices BUT JAPANESE SUBTITLES. I don't know why, but this inconsistancy for language on a SONIC game just amazes me.

Let's not forget this was the first ever E10+ Sonic game. You could just tell right from the get go that this game was too much for little kids. Mario had nothing on this shit.
I recall the story being while in development, this was originally meant to be T FOR TEEN, but then the ESRB came out with the E10+ rating, so they toned things down a bit so they could sell it to a wider/younger audience.
I remember convincing my aunt not to buy this for my little cousin and him being so pissed at me because all his friends owned it and thought it was th best game ever.
Someone asked me if I wanted a GBA SP for my birthday, I said "No way I want that new Shadow game I've seen on tv!"

I damn near played it everyday for a year

That someone knew
I recall the story being while in development, this was originally meant to be T FOR TEEN, but then the ESRB came out with the E10+ rating, so they toned things down a bit so they could sell it to a wider/younger audience.

Yeah, this is exactly what happened. I remember there was some censorship before release.

In early trailers the aliens had red blood instead of green blood, there were some extra swears (Sonic saying "Hate to piss off GUN..." instead of "tick off GUN"), and IIRC Maria's death scene in the opening got cut short.

There was some other really bizarre rumoured stuff like an alternate ending where Shadow not only kills Eggman but also brutally crushes and destroys his skull.

Speaking of pre-release, does anyone still have that beanie that was a preorder bonus or something? Haha.


Gives all the fucks
Oh yeah, this hit PSN in 2013 in Japan. For some reason, I'm a bit surprised it hasn't been released here.

.......then again, that would require an actual demand.


I like ta think the Sonic franchise wouldn't have had such a terrible downfall had Shadow stayed dead-dead after SA2. Happy anniversary terrible Shadow game. You've always sucked an for that matter, even your levels in SA2 sucked!

Or sega could ... make good video games. The dude is extremely popular even now. I don't think taking a character people liked away would have made sega commit to not half assing video games. Shadow' existence didn't and isn't making sega rush sonic games.

I feel the same way about a lot of critcisms about sonic, like take the friends out.

Nah, take your time and make a good video game. Not being able to play as tails didn't make generations better, heck its criticism I have of that whole game. It was because they put time and effort into what they had.
I rented it and didn't like it.

Was the general reaction positive?

It was eh.

" this was disappointing , and I was hype for this game " seems to sum up a lot of folks criticisms about the whole affair

When are we getting the long awaited sequel?
Sega, Sega. Take shadow's model , throw it platinum. Tell them to use the robots and edge that isn't going into mgr2, let that gestate for about a year and release that shit.

Hold the fuck on.

We're sitting here celebrating/laughing at Shadow the Hedgehog, but we don't even have a Sonic Rush topic up?


Much like blaze the cat's character, no matter how hard I push her. No one cares.

" sonic rush was good and blaze was cool "

" who ?"

" awww.... "


From now on everything in the Industry should be made by Platinum. Every other developer is essentially useless.



I keep going into game stores trying to find this stupid game and each time I do, I end up finding some other great deal instead, like Timesplitters 2 for four bucks.

thanks shadow


This is the only important 10th anniversary. 10 years? Man it's been a wild ride on the Sonic OC character train. Some days I wonder if the crazy Sonic fandom wasn't the way it was would Sonic still exist as it is today?
My younger brother and sister got every ending in this game, they were really on that Sonic hype train hard at the time.

I haven't played either in a long time but I remember thinking it was at least better than Sonic Adventure 1.
Unpopular opinion, but I think this game is worse than 06. At least 06 had one goal. Get to the end of the level. But Shadow just dragged on and on, as most of the missions were "Kill X amount of enemies" or "Collect X amount of things", Also, 06 had good music. Shadow's is bleh.
I wanted to enjoy this game so bad. I'll never forget playing it at E3 and thinking, "this is pretty dope. I think I might grab it" then buying it and playing it. Huge fucking bummer. I still love the Darius/Outrun style level progression, though.
I liked this game in my younger years and I still own it, but I refuse to ever play it again because I know I'll hate it now. I'll stick with my DAMN good memories.


Unpopular opinion, but I think this game is worse than 06. At least 06 had one goal. Get to the end of the level. But Shadow just dragged on and on, as most of the missions were "Kill X amount of enemies" or "Collect X amount of things", Also, 06 had good music. Shadow's is bleh.

Nah, Shadow's soundtrack is gem of cheesy-as-hell buttrock on top of Jun getting to stretch his legs musically. 06's music isn't nearly as memorable.


Dot Hacked
Or sega could ... make good video games. The dude is extremely popular even now. I don't think taking a character people liked away would have made sega commit to not half assing video games. Shadow' existence didn't and isn't making sega rush sonic games.
"some people liked shadow" isn't a redeeming enough reason to keep him around. Lotsa people loved Gamma but it was a one and done! There was nothing good about Shadow in SA2 an even his levels sucked as I said. Had he not been kept around Sega might've not kept up with the "team" gimmick and avoided the disaster that was Heroes altogether!


I liked this game and hope that Shadow returns in newer Sonic games.
I mean yeah he's ridiculously edgy. That's the point lol. Gameplay was too repetitive though.


"some people liked shadow" isn't a redeeming enough reason to keep him around. Lotsa people loved Gamma but it was a one and done! There was nothing good about Shadow in SA2 an even his levels sucked as I said. Had he not been kept around Sega might've not kept up with the "team" gimmick and avoided the disaster that was Heroes altogether!

I used to really like Shadow, but now he's kind of just...there. I can at least respect Sega for giving him a complex story (even if they threw it away immediately thanks to Heroes), but even then, Shadow's always been a walking sterotype of every "anti-hero counterpart" trope you could get away with in a kids' franchise, complete with the death of a female character to fuel most of his actions and motivation. It was clear that Sega ran out of ideas for him quickly, and it especially showed in Shadow's solo game.


I liked how Sonic Boom kinda poked fun at his edginess.

eh sorta? It was't much at best, i wish they did more. but it was kinda... safe I dunno.

"some people liked shadow" isn't a redeeming enough reason to keep him around. Lotsa people loved Gamma but it was a one and done! There was nothing good about Shadow in SA2 an even his levels sucked as I said. Had he not been kept around Sega might've not kept up with the "team" gimmick and avoided the disaster that was Heroes altogether!

Its not some, its a fuck ton. Its why he's around. I'm sorry you liked a character no one else liked, if it makes you feel any better I like blaze but no one gives a shit about her or cream. I thought he was cool and liked his levels, a lot of people agreed and he's still around because of that.

I used to really like Shadow, but now he's kind of just...there. I can at least respect Sega for giving him a complex story (even if they threw it away immediately thanks to Heroes), but even then, Shadow's always been a walking sterotype of every "anti-hero counterpart" trope you could get away with in a kids' franchise, complete with the death of a female character to fuel most of his actions and motivation. It was clear that Sega ran out of ideas for him quickly, and it especially showed in Shadow's solo game.

I feel the exact opposite way about that. Also they didn't throw it away after heroes.


I liked Shadow, but it should have ended in in SA2 with his vague death or disappearance. It was a perfect introduction to the character and a good send off and ending.

What even is Shadow anymore now? This game and everything after certainly helped nothing in that regard.


I liked Shadow, but it should have ended in in SA2 with his vague death or disappearance. It was a perfect introduction to the character and a good send off and ending.

What even is Shadow anymore now? This game and everything after certainly helped nothing in that regard.

to respond in order, nah. I like him, I'm glad he's around

As for that bottom part , I know everyone has collectively chosen to remove all memories of sonic 06 from their memory. But shadow is actually the best the in the entirety of that game, he went from this character haunted by his past to this self confident problem solving big brother character in 06 and in the rivals games for the psp. He completely evovled as character, its something I will actually give sega credit for. So it actually helped a lot actually. Like seriously Shadow is becomes amazing in that game. The bad part is, you have to play sonic 06 to experince this, and... its sonic 06.

Dunno what sonic boom shadow is, I don't know what the sonic boom version of every character is. Sticks is scrappy doo, that's about all I got.
to respond in order, nah. I like him, I'm glad he's around

As for that bottom part , I know everyone has collectively chosen to remove all memories of sonic 06 from their memory. But shadow is actually the best the in the entirety of that game, he went from this character haunted by his past to this self confident problem solving big brother character in 06 and in the rivals games for the psp. He completely evovled as character, its something I will actually give sega credit for. So it actually helped a lot actually.

Dunno what sonic boom shadow is, I don't know what the sonic boom version of every character is. Sticks is scrappy doo, that's about all I got.

ahahahahahah, what is this


Dot Hacked
Its not some, its a fuck ton. Its why he's around. I'm sorry you liked a character no one else liked, if it makes you feel any better I like blaze but no one gives a shit about her or cream. I thought he was cool and liked his levels, a lot of people agreed and he's still around because of that.
History shows Sega/Dimps makes good Sonic games when Shadow isn't playable or even in the game. SA2? Heroes? Advance 3? '06? Battle? His own game? Crap. The Rush games and last 5 or so years of console Sonics? Kinda not crap all the way up to good! Can they make a good Sonic game in which he's playable? Maybe? But I see no outcome in which said game is good specifically because he's in it o.o


I almost got the Gamecube version near launch, but for some reason I ended up getting Donkey Kong Jungle Beat instead. I think that was probably the right choice in retrospect!


I was so stoked when I found out Shadow was getting his own game. Then I saw what they made of it. Guns?! I never even gave it a chance. 10 years later and now you're telling me I can play the whole game without having to use a gun or vehicle? If they're completely optional I'll find a way to suffer through this game. I'm obligated to as Shadow is the greatest Sonic character ever created.


Shadow was such a awesome character in SA2....then they made him a afterthought in other sonic games specifically Generations lol.
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