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Hatsune Miku Project Diva series general discussion thread


A few days ago, I purchased a PS3 and this was one of the games I was interested in (since I'm a big rhythm game fan).

I just played the demo and I love it. Pretty sure I'll be picking it up next week.

I stopped by J&L in NYC and I saw they have the game for $95. Is that how much this game goes for? I'll check out VGNY as well to compare prices.

One of the few rhythm games I never tried and I'm sad it took me this long to finally give it a shot.

You can find it for a bit closer to $70 on Amazon for the Japanese version or $60 for the Hong Kong version (which is exactly the same as the JP one, except I believe you have to buy DLC from the HK PSN rather than the JP one).

Amazon (JP Ver)
Amazon (HK Ver)

Might be wrong through, so feel free to correct me.
I couldn't help myself and decided to pick up a copy, lol.

Had some 3DS games I no longer played and traded those in. Game came out to about $60.

..and since we're on the topic of rhythm games, I also picked up a copy of DDR for the PS3, used at Gamestop, for $8.99. Not the best DDR mix in terms of the songlist, but I wanted some form of controller DDR, lol.

Any other rhythm games for the PS3 I should know about? Playing Project Diva F now makes me want the Vita version >_<

Thanks for your responses, btw. I'm sure I'l be back talking about this game some more and posting screenshots of accomplishments, hehe.


Megane with the Mikudayo head is the most hilarious thing ever.

Any other rhythm games for the PS3 I should know about?

If you also own a PSP (a real one, Vita won't work), you could also get Dreamy Theater 2nd and Dreamy Theater Extend. They're quite expensive though since you also need to buy their respective Project Diva counterparts on PSP to transfer a save file from.
Megane with the Mikudayo head is the most hilarious thing ever.

If you also own a PSP (a real one, Vita won't work), you could also get Dreamy Theater 2nd and Dreamy Theater Extend. They're quite expensive though since you also need to buy their respective Project Diva counterparts on PSP to transfer a save file from.

I've actually heard a Vita -does- work but I don't have a way to actually confirm this for myself since it requires PSN ownership of the PSP titles. It's not an officially supported combination though.


I've actually heard a Vita -does- work but I don't have a way to actually confirm this for myself since it requires PSN ownership of the PSP titles. It's not an officially supported combination though.

Oh you've piqued my curiosity...

I own the digital version of PD 2nd and I was planning on switching my Vita to my Japanese account to play some demos this weekend. Maybe I should take the occasion to finally confirm once and for all if the save file transfer with a Vita works or not.
Had a chance to sit down with the game a few moments ago. Got my first Perfect (on an Easy song, lol):


Working on my timing at the moment so I'll go through a few more easy songs.

Trying to get 100% "COOL" reminds me of my DDR days where I would try for an AAA. Very frustrating, but addicting! Not a requirement but a personal goal I always give myself when it comes to rhythm games.

First time playing this series and I'm kicking myself for not getting into it sooner. Very fun game and worth every penny.


First time playing this series and I'm kicking myself for not getting into it sooner. Very fun game and worth every penny.
Project Diva f (Vita) was my first Hatsune Miku game, and I feel the same. I really want the PS3 version too, but I'm holding off for a possible localization for now. :/

Edit: Also the first imported game and soundtrack I've ever bought.


I just bought the Vita game on Saturday, after giving the demo another try.
Loving this so much now. A lot of the music is very good indeed.


Wish there was a bit more Luka in the song selection...

Seconded. I was really bummed when I learned that the new songs in F had no new Luka solo, leaving her to only a duo in Rin-chan Now!, which is fun but more of a "joke" song than a real one.

At least she was funny in Senbonzakura...

They should have switched that Len solo with a Luka solo. Who cares about Len anyway.
What's the deal with Project DIVA Extend, is it basically an all new game compared to 2nd? Like, the same engine but new songs or whatever? Thinking about finally getting another game after F and figure I'll get the budget release of 2nd or track down a second hand copy of the first game on Rakuten or whatever, just want to clarify the status of Extend.
What's the deal with Project DIVA Extend, is it basically an all new game compared to 2nd? Like, the same engine but new songs or whatever? Thinking about finally getting another game after F and figure I'll get the budget release of 2nd or track down a second hand copy of the first game on Rakuten or whatever, just want to clarify the status of Extend.

DIVA extend is the third entry in the series - the only significant engine upgrades were the addition of challenge items and caching of DLC indexes. The songlist consists of about 1/3 new material, 1/3 material previously available as DLC (essentially all of DIVA 2nd's DLC except for the IDOLM@STER SP stuff), and 1/3 returning content from the previous two games.

If you're just starting with the PSP titles it's a good idea to start with DIVA 2nd; when you start a new DIVA extend save it will give you the option of importing your unused DIVA points and unlocked modules from DIVA 2nd.
I know this is quite late in the making but I finally got my capture card and recorded my very first review for Project Diva F! Here's the link. I hope this helps out potential buyers!

Don't have time to watch the whole video at the moment, but just from a quick glance I'd say you may want to lower your mic record volume and start using a pop filter. It should greatly increase the quality of your recorded voice.


I microwave steaks.
Don't have time to watch the whole video at the moment, but just from a quick glance I'd say you may want to lower your mic record volume and start using a pop filter. It should greatly increase the quality of your recorded voice.

Yeah, I definitely figured that my voice was way too loud. Need to fiddle with audacity.

I heard about pop filters, I guess I should invest in one. Thanks for the suggestions.

Edit: I realized one of my issues, I thought the audio mixer in Premiere affected the end result but I think it's just for editing within the program. I'm still learning new things.
So I finally got a chance to try out Project mirai. It's actually pretty hard to score well when you're completely unfamiliar with the 3DS button layout! The fact I'm more used to the Xbox layout, which took pains to use the same labels but place them in different positions, means I'm almost never hitting the correct button ._.
Have they announced any new upcoming DLC for PDF?

Not to my knowledge. It can be safely assumed either more DLC is coming (or they'll just move on with a new game), given there was voting for which song and which module from previous games people wanted to see return.
Has there been any dlc for F besides the snow miku and the one other costume pack yet?

All DLC so far. If you are playing DIVA F (PS3) the last two don't apply for obvious reasons:

  • Neru, Haku, Teto module pack
  • Toro Kuro pack (PiPiPo Special edition)
  • Snow Miku 2013 module pack
  • PS3 accessory pack (free)
  • PS3 extra songs pack (6 songs, 18 modules, a few more AR/Theater songs)
The extra song pack is the one that was discounted to 1500 yen if you bought DIVA F (PS3) digitally before 4/14 or so or redeemed the code that comes with Japanese retail copies of the game. It's otherwise 3000 yen.


So I bought Project Diva -F- like two weeks ago and my roommates and I have had a blast playing it so far. An incredibly fun and addictive game; definitely going to get the Vita version for when I make my trip to Tokyo in August.
So I bought Project Diva -F- like two weeks ago and my roommates and I have had a blast playing it so far. An incredibly fun and addictive game; definitely going to get the Vita version for when I make my trip to Tokyo in August.

Make sure you're playing on a JP PSN account if you want the data sharing between the two to work, otherwise you have to unlock everything a second time.


Make sure you're playing on a JP PSN account if you want the data sharing between the two to work, otherwise you have to unlock everything a second time.

I've not been playing logged into the PSN at all since the Ethernet port on my PS3 broke and I can't get my PS3 onto my campus' WiFi. Am I still fucked? First time I can sign in again to the PSN, I'm going to log on to my JP account.
I've not been playing logged into the PSN at all since the Ethernet port on my PS3 broke and I can't get my PS3 onto my campus' WiFi. Am I still fucked? First time I can sign in again to the PSN, I'm going to log on to my JP account.

If you're playing on a local account that isn't yet attached to a PSN account you might be able to. I have no idea how that works, I've never played a game on a local account before taking it on PSN. If the local account has already been tied to a PSN account I think you'd probably want to start over.


So I've been thinking about importing Project Diva F(PS3) but with the chance of a localization it is stopping me from doing so (cuz it'll be kinda expensive sending it to my country), should I just buy the JP version or wait for news about a NA version?


If you're playing on a local account that isn't yet attached to a PSN account you might be able to. I have no idea how that works, I've never played a game on a local account before taking it on PSN. If the local account has already been tied to a PSN account I think you'd probably want to start over.

Damn that would suck. Have already cleared the game on Normal and Hard, got a few songs on Expert, hit a few million Diva Points, etc. Would loose a LOT of work if I have to restart. :/

So I've been thinking about importing Project Diva F(PS3) but with the chance of a localization it is stopping me from doing so (cuz it'll be kinda expensive sending it to my country), should I just buy the JP version or wait for news about a NA version?

I was not patient enough and just imported it anyway. Worth it. (But I don't know how expensive it might be for you, for me it wasn't THAT bad.) $80 with Amazon Prime, and I already had an Amazon giftcard that wasn't getting used so effectively nothing.


Damn that would suck. Have already cleared the game on Normal and Hard, got a few songs on Expert, hit a few million Diva Points, etc. Would loose a LOT of work if I have to restart. :/

It only transfers unlocks (costumes, items, songs). No scores, no DP.


Still have quite a bit unlocked, so it'd be nice not to have to do it again, but I guess that's not as bad.

Personally it didn't bother me at all, as it gave me an excuse to plow through the game a second time.

The only annoying thing is not having access to DLC at all. But at least there's the PS3 version so I'm not completely missing out on them.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Scans are out. Looks like there's been a significant change in interface - the big circles are gone, looks more like PJD or Ouendan. Definitely going to need some more info.

I wasn't so sure, but after watching this:


I was like Holy Crap! The touch mode really is Ouendan. This might've been the first 3DS game I imported if it wasn't region locked.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Finally unlocked "Rin-chan now!"... what a cracked-out song! Can't believe I actually managed to beat it "standard"... felt like I was missing more often than I was connecting.
Somewhat big news from Weekly Diva Station today that I'm shoving in here because this is probably not something we're seeing outside Japan anytime soon:

Project DIVA Arcade Future Tone has been announced.


See the announcement video!

This revision has an overhauled graphics system, centering around Module AC Type 2.0.







This update is also the first in the series to change the gameplay interface, adding a touch slider that spans the entire control panel.



Touch inputs involve either short swipes:

... or long drags that span the entire slider.

Further customization is now possible, similar to DIVA F.




The following songs are present for the game's location test:


Unhappy refrain:



It doesn't seem this could be done on PS3/Vita without some serious downgrading for both platforms, yet a PS4 would probably run this in its sleep.


It says in the paraphenalia that the new modules are based on Project Diva f, but use an improved expression engine and many, many more polygons.


Love the new models, they look closer to the ones used in recent concerts. Always thought the old ones had terrible faces.

Oh man, Unhappy Refrain looks soooooooooo much better with proper lighting, compared to the cheap lighting from F...

Too bad I'll probably never get the chance to play this.
Finally decided to jump in and got Diva F (Vita) imported. Game should arrive during E3 time (estimation).

Ready for some good rhythm action and I'm pretty new to Miku.
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