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Hideo Kojima left Konami/KojiPro on October 9th, non-compete ends in December


Your move, Altair.


Concerning all this "Sony will pick him up" "No, Ms" "No, Nintendo"...
by the time Kojima finishes his next game there will be no more consoles :p


Super sad he had to leave this way. Metal Gear will forever be my favorite game series of all time. One that I grew up with every step of the way. I got Metal Gear randomly for Christmas one year for the NES and just fell in love with it and as a kid. After being blown away when I saw MGS1 Ive been there day one for all the others. My Step Dad and bonded for the first time when we played MGS2 together randomly one night. We never played games together before that and he just saw the case one day and wanted to try it really bad I guess.

Went to meet Kojima once in New York at the Peacewalker signing with a few freinds and actually got to speak with Ken for a few minutes. You dont see many game developers getting huge crowds of fans lining up around the block for autographs.

Cant Wait to see what he does next.


Well at least he is free now hopefully he will go to Sony or a third party who will give him the time and resources he needs.
Why do we want him to go to Sony? I hope he goes somewhere where his games can be played by everyone.

Honestly, I'm torn. On one hand, I want his game's to be played by as many people as possible. On the other hand, especially given what happened at Konami, I selfishly want him to be in the best situation possible to produce the best game he can. And as I've said in this thread, I think Sony has the best potential for him as a creator of games and me as a player of games. There isn't any fanboyism or delusion (at least from me), just a rational conclusion from what I know about the industry.

Of course if somebody doesn't own a PlayStation console and don't particularly want to buy one, then I understand why they would want the game to be multiplatform. I'm just selfishly hoping he goes somewhere that he can make the best game possible - I just think it's Sony.


Does a non compete preclude someone from looking for work or can they arrange something and start working immediately the day after it expires?


This article is BS. The man tweeted a picture of himself on Oct 9-10 (timezone differences) of him trying out a special edition of a DD jacket and that picture was taken in his office which was still packed with his stuff. Didn't look like he left to me or was about to leave.

Yeah, Kojima leaving Konami is a huge troll, guys! :p


Why do we want him to go to Sony? I hope he goes somewhere where his games can be played by everyone.

Why? He's a valuable asset for every console manufacturer. People would buy a PS4/Xbox One/NX in order to play his games. I'd say let the big three battle it out and give him the resources he'd need for his next masterpiece.

Ploid 3.0

Honestly, I'm torn. On one hand, I want his game's to be played by as many people as possible. On the other hand, especially given what happened at Konami, I selfishly want him to be in the best situation possible to produce the best game he can. And as I've said in this thread, I think Sony has the best potential for him as a creator of games and me as a player of games. There isn't any fanboyism or delusion (at least from me), just a rational conclusion from what I know about the industry.

Of course if somebody doesn't own a PlayStation console and don't particularly want to buy one, then I understand why they would want the game to be multiplatform. I'm just selfishly hoping he goes somewhere that he can make the best game possible - I just think it's Sony.

I would like him at Sony because I'd like him to go back to cinematic stories and cutscenes. He'd probably have access to good mocap studios, help from ICE, or even a ND person (I hear they give help even to 3rd party studios).

Square could be good too. They may give him resources he needs to make his development process smooth. Starting from scratch would probably take a long time, and the games will probably be small games at first.

You know what, I don't remember this scene in the game.

Only in the trailer.


Why do we want him to go to Sony? I hope he goes somewhere where his games can be played by everyone.

Honestly all I want its Kojima doing whetever he wants. I dont care if its multi, exclusive on a plataform that I own or exclusive on a plataform that I dont own as long as Kojima have freedom to work.
And honestly I dont see it happening in any other place thats not with Sony.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.



I hope he wants to try kickstarting a horror game with Del Toro , but whatever he does I hope he finds something that makes him happy.


Kojima heading to Square-Enix would be the absolute best. The trolling that would ensue would be amazing.

KOJIMA X KINGDOM HEARTS would literally be the worst and best thing that could happen to video game narratives.


While this could possibly be the dream, Platinum bleeds enough money on their own. They don't need Kojima's help.

I don't see Sony out of the question, but I'd prefer a more platform-agnostic publisher.
I'm with you on hoping his next game would be platform agnostic, but there are multiple reasons why people see Kojima going with Sony (not saying it's going to happen btw, but I could see it).

- Kojma will probably look forward to continue working in his home country
- He has a longtime (and supposedly good) relation with Sony and many people there
- He likes big budgets, even where AAA is concerned, and working with a team under him
- He has Cinematic ambitions, and Sony Columbia might allow that (far fetched that one)

So, the options imo are:

1) Sony
2) A big Jap/ Kor/ Ch publisher gives him his own studio (probably one in the mobile space. Hopefully he wouldn't be restricted to mobile)
3) MS/ Acti/ EA/ Ubi/ Beth/ TT opens a Japan studio (imo the most unlikely, but who knows?)


Gold Member
He's probably building his own studio next. The question is where the money is going to come long term.

I would hope Take-Two or Bethesda.
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