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Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy's Journey Trailer, delayed to February 28th, 2017

Not a big delay, this doesn't bother me at all it's just a few months.

How can you be iffy on story when you have seen pretty much nothing of it?

The story setup seems generic and the people behind Killzone are making it. They have a talent for taking an interesting story set up and then making the most boring and annoying story out of it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Looks cool. My anticipation is a little deflated since the initial reveal for a handful of entirely subjective (and admittedly not necessarily accurate, given there's still so much to learn) traits that don't jump out and wow me. I'm not the biggest fan of the environments, except the overgrown urban areas, as they aesthetically and topographically look pretty dull to me. I'm not sold on the hero, but mainly because I just don't know enough about her, and I don't really like Guerrilla's writing (though John Gonzalez offsets that considerably). I'm not completely sold on the engine, which while obviously pretty, has a weird look to it that I can't quite describe (like a faux sharpening, I know, it's a stupid complaint). And I'm worried how the game will come together as a whole given we know so little and E3 press demos are so routinely scripted. I just hope it doesn't go the way of Ubisoft or Monster Hunter, as an open world/adventure game, selfishly because that's not my taste.

Still, the robo designs look fucking amazing, and I'm keen on the premise. Narratively nothing about that trailer jumped out to me; cliché seek-the-truth-about-your-mysterious-past. Maybe she'll turn out to be half robo or some such tripe. But I don't mind too much. Hoping, more than anything, this year is the year we get to see some proper hands-on footage from attendees, new areas, emergent encounters and application of strategy, and so on. The stuff you can't get in controlled demos.

Massive props to Guerrilla for trying something very different from Killzone.


I'm still not sure what the story of this game is and what the gameplay's like besides hunting meca-dinosaurs

Toasters became sentient and destroyed the world and then evolved into dinosaurs robots. The last remaining huma... it's about hunting robot dinosaurs, do you need anymore context?


I'd be in the dick
So many people are just talking about the delay.


Goddamn this is one of my favorite trailers this gen

The Flash


On Demand

I never liked end of the month release dates. They're too near to the following month and makes it feel like the release is farther than it is. Why not February 14th?

I have release date issues I know.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
Uncharted 4 is the best looking game this generation visually and art style. Come February 28 2017, it will be dethroned.


Must be Neo, looks too incredible. Delay doesn't bother me at all.

When she was riding the robodino shooting her bow and arrow I got heavy Zelda vibes. I hope Nintendo knows that this is the kind of competition they're up against... Going to be hard to compete.


I really hope we can use a flying dino and not just ride one on earth

that was hype

Sony pleas save TLG trailer for E3.


Dang, was hoping to play it this year.

Guess I'll have to cry myself to sleep with the rest of 2016's amazing release line up.
Ah, the old outcast going out to find their history trope? I don't really care for that one. But I get to ride robot dinosaurs and engage in some interesting combat so it's all cool whatever the story is.
The story setup seems generic and the people behind Killzone are making it. They have a talent for taking an interesting story set up and then making the most boring and annoying story out of it.

Seems generic? How many other robot dinosaurs taking over earth games have you played? They have hired talented writers for the story for this one so judging this new ip off of killzone doesn't mean anything.


So many people are just talking about the delay.


Goddamn this is one of my favorite trailers this gen

I was legit trying to hold in my excitement at my desk at work. That was so good. I'm all over this. Thinking after E3, I'm going on media blackout.


Video removed :( Anyone got a mirror?

Go to the blog link, it has a video... and the story looks really intriguing/promising.

So far it is looking good/no great. ANd I gotta say after thinking about the delay.. I'm actually happy if they actually manage to keep that date and not delay it further cause I find beginning of each year I have absolutely nothing to play cause nothing interesting (for me) comes out then. So for once I'll have something to look forward to in the first part of a year (I hate that time of year, holidays are done so nothing exciting there, weather is sucky and it's just a boring/unfun time of year. So it's great for once a game I am excited for is coming out to brigthen it up a little.


Yeah, UK is March 3rd.

That's not so bad then, thought they might do another R&C release dates BS.

The latest it will release is the 3rd, I don't think abandoning the internet will be necessary.

I just don't want any more RoboDinos/Animals spoiled, and the game will definitely leak a few days early too, so story stuff will get out. I'll probably just dig something out of my backlog and disconnect for awhile.


The PS4 is gonna be the greatest system in history

Gravity Rush 2
Uncharted 4

Cant contain hype.

edit: I forgot Nier 2, FF12 remaster


I have never been so interested in a Sony first party project (I guess except the first Infamous). Man I'm ready for this!


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Uncharted 4 is the best looking game this generation visually and art style. Come February 28 2017, it will be dethroned.

I would bet any amount of money that it will receive an upgrade patch for the Neo, especially with the DLC still to come.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Holy shit.

Was mildly exited before but now I am full steam ahead on the hype train.

That looks amazing.

Hopefully it takes advantage of the Neo in a big way.


The dialogue in the trailer confirms that I'll have to turn off my brain if I want to be able to play this game.


I have no issue with this game or any game being delayed if it needs it.


Nearly always, they say something like
It wasn’t an easy choice to make; we know many of you have been anxious to play the game since we first announced it. However, we also want to ensure that Horizon Zero Dawn lives up to the visuals and gameplay quality that our games are known for. The new date affords us the extra time required to deliver fully on our ambitious vision for Horizon Zero Dawn.

Which becomes effectively meaningless to me. Are they saying that they didn't expect to fully realise their ambition when they first announced a 2016 release date? Just say you cocked up your estimates and its going to take longer than you previously thought. Not this PR bollocks about realising your dreams. Sometimes you make mistakes. Sometimes it is nice to hear someone say that. I won't think any less of you - I might think more of you in fact
Hopefully The Last Guardian will be around then too
I agree. I've been expecting for a while now that TLG will be Sony's Fall game, while Horizon would get the Spring release that most of Sony's big games have been getting lately.

It makes a lot of sense.
Am I the only one who thought VA was kinda bad in the trailer?...

Sounded awful. Hopefully there's less typical Guerilla Games in this and the new talent exudes their skill on this product. Killzone 3 and Shadow Fall really left a bad taste in my mouth...

Best wishes.
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