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Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy's Journey Trailer, delayed to February 28th, 2017

This has been the game from Sony that ive been most tempted by (not really into JRPG's or similar) and was hoping for a good deal on a PS4 when Horizon releases.

The fact this releases next year makes me wonder if it will be PS4K enabled and if I should go for that console or try and pick up a really good deal on a standard PS4.

Descisions, descisions?!


Looks insane. Hyped!

Didn't like Aloy's voice at all, way too plain. Such a strong character design deserves a stronger, more recognizable voice.



Lip sync looked a little off in one scene.

This looks just so damn good O.O


I like the cover art. Isn't it still early for these trailers? I think they should have left this trailer for the conference, instead of showing it today. Unless they have many new games to announce (all for 2018), or Neo announcement, and there's no room for all.


Wow that trailer was awesome! Everything about this game is making me so excited. The delay sucks, but it's not a bad date. There will be plenty to play in the fall/early winter.

Still though, I'm still a little frustrated that yet another Sony title is getting delayed. Don't get me wrong, I would rather they take their time to make a good game, but perhaps someone on the marketing needs to be better about not putting out dates/time frames that are not more of a sure thing.
Ugh that voice over writing was pretty bad but everything else looks great. Thats probably the PS4K version that we just saw too.


Dreams in Digital
Loving the visuals and the imagery, but that voiceacting and 'story' was cringeworthy :/

The voice acting and writing were not very good but there's no way we can tell if the story is cringe-worthy from that trailer. I'm hoping those are just placeholder voices because a little girl asking 'why am I an outcast' is narrative with speachmarks 101. That's so bad. ND, have a word.

Ray Down

I like the cover art. Isn't it still early for these trailers? I think they should have left this trailer for the conference, instead of showing it today. Unless they have many new games to announce (all for 2018), or Neo announcement, and there's no room for all.

Live demo.
Art direction and design is amazing
Plot looks intriguing
Female main character
Looks fresh and creative

Voice acting was weak


The story setup seems generic and the people behind Killzone are making it. They have a talent for taking an interesting story set up and then making the most boring and annoying story out of it.
I raise you John Gonzalez (lead writter) who was lead writter on New Vegas, and Dennis Zoetebier who was writter on the Bloody Baron sidequest (among others) in Witcher 3, which give high chances of having a great main story and side quests imo.
Different writing teams.

John Gonzalez (Fallout: New Vegas) is working on this.

The setup doesn't seem generic to me honestly. Yes, the very basic plotline behind it but the story they make out of it seems pretty interesting (plotline itself is not the only part of a story.. it's the backbone but it's what you flesh it out with that makes it interesting. That's how The Last of Us can have such a generic plotline but still be a great story).

But, I will share some hesitation about agreeing with you from what little I've seen about the developer taking an interesting story set up and making an annoying story out of it (so I'm basing this off the last Killzone. It had a very interesting premisis and from the start they really fuxored it up. If I have a hard time overlooking your plot holes to the point it annoys me, you've messed up). But, they have hired outside help including some one from Obsidian who worked on New Vegas so hopefully that helps (Though I am sad they took him away from Obsidian in case Obsidian ever gets another chance at Fallout).

It's cool they've gotten a good writer for this, really. But I don't think their past writers were super incompetent or something. Having a great writer alone doesn't necessarily mean it'll wind up having a great story.

I'm still getting this game, but I'm really lowering my expectations on the narrative front because of my past experiences with this developer.
i dont like statues and shit but for the love of god, i was waiting for a thunderjaw CE not this. im quite frankly disappointed

getting that limited edition though, just hurry up amazon
So what this trailer show us:

- Robot Dino Riding
- Melee seems important
- The open world is fucking huge
- Robot Dino Riding
- The story sounds intriguing
- The soundtrack continues to be amazing
- Robot Dino Riding
- Beautiful visuals
- Climbing

Ha exactly! This game is looking amazing


Welp, least it's not that far out.
Will it still appear at the conference or are they gonna keep making space this week with pre-E3 stuff?


Ugh that voice over writing was pretty bad but everything else looks great. Thats probably the PS4K version that we just saw too.

I like how people are automatically assuming it's running on PS4K. Lest they forget Guerilla are technical wizards much like Naughty Dog.
I'm not annoyed at the pushed release date, but why can't the industry show some constraint and hold off on announcing ANY release date targets or hopes until there is a much more tightened production schedule? It's borderline embarrassing at how many release dates this gen have been pushed, in some case repeatedly. Either don't show your game until it's closer to completion, or don't announce a release date. The film / tv industry doesn't have much of a problem with this.


So we are going to see the Neo Version of the game at E3 ? the graphics seem very much changed and the Neo version will look like what we saw the first time we saw it


This has been the game from Sony that ive been most tempted by (not really into JRPG's or similar) and was hoping for a good deal on a PS4 when Horizon releases.

It's an RPG (from what they say and I hope they're right) but it's not a JRPG or similar. For one JRPGS are linear and turn based. Neither of which supposedly describes this game (if I remember right they're selling it as an open world game and it most definitely is not a turn based combat game). JRPGs really are their own seperate genre.

(nor do I think it's made by a Japanese company even...).


Very excited about this and I don't mind the delay since I doubt I'll have much time to play it this Fall. FFXV and Persona 5 (assuming it's still 2016 in US) will keep me busy.

I hope we get another gameplay demo at E3!


I like how people are automatically assuming it's running on PS4K. Lest they forget Guerilla are technical wizards much like Naughty Dog.

Yeah. we are probably going to see GOW 4 on E3 and I bet the talk will be "PS4 Neo version" etc...


Looks fantastic. As others said, I'm curious if this is Neo or regular PS4 footage. That might be a running trend this E3.


It's an RPG (from what they say and I hope they're right) but it's not a JRPG or similar. For one JRPGS are linear and turn based. Neither of which supposedly describes this game (if I remember right they're selling it as an open world game and it most definitely is not a turn based combat game). JRPGs really are their own seperate genre.

(nor do I think it's made by a Japanese company even...).


Now to see if these are NEO graphics or standard PS4.

It looks like a notable step up from Uncharted 4 despite being an open world game and draws in a ton of detail at a long range to boot.

This is almost assuredly the PS4K footage unless this is all cutscene mode.
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