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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Not getting on with the ropecaster. I enabled the tutorial quests to try it out and on ravagers it often wouldn't stick so I was wasting ammo. And then when it did stick they wouldn't fall over. Is there a knack to it?

Generally takes multiple ropes. They won't fall over and get rooted until the debuff icon above their head is full.

Other enemies can also break the ropes, or at least it seems that way.


You misinterpreted it. I JUST met the character and didn't imply anything about his/her/its intentions. I was just commenting on the fact that I painted a different picture of said character in my head and expected something which didn't happen. So no story spoilers regarding the character.

Oh okay. Whew. Good to know. I was worried because someone earlier was saying how they hope the Sun King doesn't turn out bad or something because he seems like a good guy. And your comment just put that in my head and thought you were saying he wasn't who we expected him to be (a good guy).

Now I can go on confident that I don't know how it will turn out. :) My bad. Your comment wasn't a spoiler. I just interpreted it the wrong way.
Not getting on with the ropecaster. I enabled the tutorial quests to try it out and on ravagers it often wouldn't stick so I was wasting ammo. And then when it did stick they wouldn't fall over. Is there a knack to it?
Some robos you need to shoot more than one ropecaster at it. There's a bar you need to fill up


Lvl 29... First thunderjaw...AV IT!!!!! 2nd Cauldron bagged...Rockbreaker downed at quarry quest...Last night was a good night...

I need to look out for the cauldrons, have only found the first one. Had one side mission that pretty much made me travel the entire width of the map and back again. The fast travel came out for that one..

Thanks for the rope info - will keep an eye out for the gauge


This game is so good! Took my sweet time getting to Meridian, but it's definitely been worth it after doing several of the side quest from there. I love how amazing and full of depth that a lot of the side missions have. Aloy's story really does feel like a small part of this bigger world, which is something a lot of open word games fail at in my opinion. I actually care about the side quest, the stories, and the characters. I've once again put off the main quest to do other stuff, not to level up or be a completionist, but because I am actually interested in these people and their stories. That rarely happens to me in open world games, or at least to this degree.

I'm still having so much fun with the combat as well, which is another thing that can wear out it's welcome in open world games sometimes. Actually, I find myself enjoying the combat more and more as I go through the game. I've gotten into some really tough fights, and they are so satisfying when you get through them. Being able to override more of the robots has become one of my favorite things to do. I love watching them fight and it definitely helps out to have a few on my side going up against the harder robots. Having two of the more difficult robots fight each other is really cool to watch as well. I was in a huge fight with four sawtooths and some longlegs and after getting a sawtooth on my side, we tore the rest of them up and it was such a blast to do. I really can't say enough good things about this game, I'm just blown away by it and I enjoying it so much.
There's a meter you have to fill before an enemy topples. One or two cords will just immobilize them (which is sometimes all you need anyway). Don't sleep on the ropecaster; It'll make your encounters with some extremely powerful robos much easier.

Also you get access to stronger ropecasters later on that require fewer ropes per knockdown. And yes, super useful later on when dealing with the big stuff.


You can actually stop a ravager in its tracks midleap if you run out of range of the rope. There's nothing quite as thrilling as watching a big, angry sabertooth tiger get pulled just short of you.
Also you get access to stronger ropecasters later on that require fewer ropes per knockdown. And yes, super useful later on when dealing with the big stuff.
Aye. The Lodge Ropecaster + triple 40+% handling coils is probably the most ridiculous weapon in the game. I had to turn the difficulty up from hard to very hard after getting that setup.


"It's already pretty late. I'll just jump in and do the quest I started I the other day. This 'Cauldron' thing is only level 8 so it should be fast."

lol. That was not what I was expecting.

As an aside, are there any critters that are particularly good at dropping loads of wire? I thought I had tons of everything with my continually getting sidetracked, but suddenly I'm down to 5 wire. :x


When you've been wearing really underwhelming outfits for the majority of your playtime and then a story quest hands you this fly kit.


I think I'm in love.
I'm sure this has been complained about a hundred times, but I just started and it's frustrating that with all the customization options you can't turn off the floating quest markers. Should've been at the top of the list. Otherwise the dynamic HUD is great. I've always wanted something like this in more games.

You can remove the quest marker by toggling off any mission that is currently active.


When you've been wearing really underwhelming outfits for the majority of your playtime and then a story quest hands you this fly kit.

I think I'm in love.

It made me laugh, here's this
disguise in case you need to head back there at any point but you're the only one with red hair around but don't worry, no one will ever know because this mask covers have your face.


Stumbled upon Cauldron Zeta, underleveled and on the hardest difficulty. Thought it was impossible until I realized
the disc launchers were usable.
Still took a lot of tries, but finally got through. Pretty brutal fight for a stealth build.
"It's already pretty late. I'll just jump in and do the quest I started I the other day. This 'Cauldron' thing is only level 8 so it should be fast."

lol. That was not what I was expecting.

As an aside, are there any critters that are particularly good at dropping loads of wire? I thought I had tons of everything with my continually getting sidetracked, but suddenly I'm down to 5 wire. :x

Actually most machines drop wire, but I've found hunting the smaller ones is a more efficient way of farming wire as they go down faster and have fewer other things they can drop.

So Watchers, Scrappers, Striders, Broadheads, Chargers, Grazers and Lancehorns. Those are either fairly easy to dispatch or won't put up as much of a fight. I've had good luck with wire from Shell walkers, but they're annoying enough to fight that I wouldn't go after them solely for the purposes of farming wire (you could farm them for shards though, selling mods from their shells).
I think it's really cool how you can spec yourself for raw dps, elemental debuffs, stealth and traps, or any combination thereof. I'm mulling over the thought of maining slingshots too just for the hell of it.


Actually most machines drop wire, but I've found hunting the smaller ones is a more efficient way of farming wire as they go down faster and have fewer other things they can drop.

So Watchers, Scrappers, Striders, Broadheads, Chargers, Grazers and Lancehorns. Those are either fairly easy to dispatch or won't put up as much of a fight. I've had good luck with wire from Shell walkers, but they're annoying enough to fight that I wouldn't go after them solely for the purposes of farming wire (you could farm them for shards though, selling mods from their shells).

Gotcha. I'll just bully every little robit I find. >:D


Woah, I was making two thunderjaws fight each other with corruption arrows and suddenly out of nowhere a glinthawk swoop in and grabbed the body of a lancehorn that was caught in the crossfire and took into a mountain..


I'm loving the western side of the map, the locations are amazing
(desert, deep jungle...)
and there are far more threats than on the eastern side, no time to catch your breath when you're exploring

My main complaint maybe is the fact than human enemies have a greater presence as well, yesterday I did
a cauldron and a tallneck situated in enemy campments


Jelly Belly
ARGH!!! i'm trying to upload some footage from my ps4 to youtube but eveytime it asks me ro synch my account to my youtube account it again asks me to sign in to synch my SEN and youtube account....


Had this before. I ended up synching it in my Google account on the PC since the ps4 didnt want to do it. Works flawless ever since.
30 hrs in and barely started the game. This game is soo good. I never thought I'd say thing but this game restores my faith in open world games. Why can't they all be this well done?


30 hrs in and barely started the game. This game is soo good. I never thought I'd say thing but this game restores my faith in open world games. Why can't they all be this well done?

The balance, imo, lies in never having too many things to do (such that it feels like a chore/work) nor having too little to do (such that it feels shallow). The only issue I have quest wise is that I feel tutorials should proc even if they aren't set as active.


Finally did a couple of main story missions last night and the story kicked in big time. :O I think I can kind of predict where it's going so hopefully there will be a few twists and surprises but it is really interesting. The journey to get to these missions is a great story in itself. Almost 32 hours in, same level I think. I kinda feel like doing more side quests and Cauldrons before continuing, maybe finish off things on the Nora side.

Also the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard.


I might need to take a break. Walking to work and there was a little street cleaning truck slowly rolling along the pavement, with its little yellow spinning brushes up front and yellow warning lights on. Just for a moment I imagined it as a machine from horizon. Reckon a silent strike would have taken it down in one hit :p


I might need to take a break. Walking to work and there was a little street cleaning truck slowly rolling along the pavement, with its little yellow spinning brushes up front and yellow warning lights on. Just for a moment I imagined it as a machine from horizon. Reckon a silent strike would have taken it down in one hit :p

Suppose it's effectively a scrapper so yeah, OHKO :D

How can you guys tell how many hours you've played?

Check your manual save file details
The game started really slow for me and even a fair few hours in it didn't completely click with me. The open world, combat and story didn't really stand out in any way. It was looking like a 7/10 initially. But after a while the game just hit me and as I got better weapons like the tear bow and the game world was opening up, I really started to enjoy it.

Now I've pretty much done the majority of side quests and collectibles and finally heading back into the story (which Id left for about 20hrs), it's gripping me in even more.

I really love the game now and it certainly could end up with a 9/10 for me.


formerly "chigiri"
It's tricky sometimes figuring out weaknesses because that he says it's weak to all I think.

For elemental stuff, do you shoot it with the same element? eg shoot blaze with fire arrows, freeze sac with freeze sling, power core with shock Arrows?

I want to get a shadow war bow for freeze and corruption arrows but I need a
heart and I don't think I've even come across one yet (just reached meridian). I guess it's the game's way of saying I don't need that weapon yet..
With Cheese.

There is a stack of boulders close to the west side of the outer wall where one can stand behind at snipe at it without concern. It can't dig at you nor hit you with rocks.

I ended up doing the level 32 corrupted zone at level 23 with two of them a similar way next to a camp site. Hue hue hue.


Is anyone here playing this on an LG E6 (or B6/C6)? What picture settings are you using?

I am using the HDR standard mode with colour at 58, all post processing turned off and colour gamut set to normal. color gamut wide must be wrong for this game since everything turns super red (just look at a fireplace during night with wide turned on and you see what I mean. I find it almost perfect, however I do get some black crush in darker scenes were details are lost. If anyone has a fix for the black crush in horizon on a b6, feel free to post you settings =)
Hey GAF; Just so you know. This game is soooo gooooood. I'm hooked and I haven't been hooked on a game in ages.

I love it too and I have hated most open world games in the last 3-4 years. The story chips along at a good pace, but the side quests are generally fun to engage with. I just love the combat. It can be quite demanding, which is a surprise coming from an open world action rpg.


This game is so damn good. I'm usually not a fan of action-combat but this is superfun, and tactical. Though combat against humans is booooooooring.


The main mission structure is fucking weird in this game.

The lvl 15 mission puts you at the friggin other side of the map from where you start, ignoring a lot of areas in between them, including higher level side quests.

It also puts you close to the latest override upgrade, and far from lower upgrades. Right now I have Zeta upgrade for Thunderjaw and Stormbird without having XI lol
You never played Skyrim I take it.


Subete no aware
Whats the best Bow to buy? Or do you get one for free in story?
The main Shadow Hunter bow is the one you'll probably use the most because of the hardpoint arrows. I would get that first, then she Sharpshooter for the Tear arrows, and you're basically set for the rest of the game.
Hey can someone help me? I'm at
the Maker's End quest and after the platform has fallen down, I'm not sure where to go. I tried climbing back up and there was only a supply box. Am I missing something?
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