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How a Gaffer and his 3D printer trolled the world (2nd NX fake)

what's with all the tree jokes?did i miss something?

This :


No way lololol
So, it was a physical object. Well done. :D

Saying something should not have been exposed weighs pretty heavily towards confirmation of a real nintendo device, imo.
From my understanding, Rosti doesn't know much about the NX himself, but he has at least several sources that does. He was freaking out because there would be severe consequences if the controller was leaked to the public, (crazy Nintendo mode, I guess) and I believe none of his sources could tell him that it was fake due to the NDA.


This case shows that 3D printing will make sorting out legitimate leaks from the bullshit that much harder due to how good 3D prints can be--and 3D printers are only getting better and cheaper.


Yeah, it was just an elaborate joke because he had the equipment and skill to do it. He was really forthcoming and down to Earth in his reveal video as well. Some folks need to lighten up a bit and learn to laugh. And also be thankful that this was fake, lol.

The other thing to keep in mind is this is his career/business, so he's likely going to get an uptick in sales/work from the PR from this.


I'm wondering why someone would go to such lengths to create a fake "leak". What a waste of time.

He got a lot of fun out of it (not to mention tons of attention around the Internet). That seems worth it to lots of people.


Woooow, the amount of salt in this thread is incredible from some people. Banning the guy because he put in a lot of time and effort for a joke, and exploiting GAF and the Internet in general's wild speculation about NX? Maybe take a look in the mirror and wonder why you were so hasty to believe the 'leak' anyway. It was all in good fun, the thread was hilarious. Learn to laugh at yourself. I know I was almost convinced, but I'm not mad about it. What a great prank.

lol it's hilarious.

Having been a member for 8 years now, I can't think of a time when I thought somebody deserved a tag more than this day. Incredible prank, great to finally see 3D printers being used to do this kind of thing hahah.


Maturity, bitches.
Rapid prototyping has been used in the product/medical/automotive industries for a very long time now.
Well I was referring to nendoroids where they only started using it in 2013 and even then I don't know how much they use it now. Haven't really heard much since they first mentioned it.


I'm not even mad, at least he had our imaginations running wild with the possibilities of a controller like that and what the system would be.


I'm wondering why someone would go to such lengths to create a fake "leak". What a waste of time.

He had the equipment and time, plus designing and building things is fun. He probably lived a more fulfilling life for all I know lol.


The funniest part of the people who believed this were the ones who swore up and down that a completely generic tree reflected in the image was obviously the spitting image of another completely generic tree seen outside a developer's studios.
Amazing and this really does show how easily sites will run with rumors. This guy shouldn't get banned for fooling people. Make him a gold member.


this was a really fantastic job. i guess it shows how stuck in the past i am. i thought for sure no one would have access to such materials or machinery to just put together something like this in their spare time. as more obvious things came out like how it didn't look like a dev unit, it became harder to believe it was real.

the crazy thing is, it's going to be harder and harder to believe in leaks now, unless they're corroborated by several sources.

on nintendo's side, they're going to have to hope that nothing actually does leak. this sort of thing was potentially a disaster for them in terms of not being able to get out there and control the message. on the other hand, it did hype people up and probably tune them in more for the initial reveal, and maybe even offset some of the negative news about the wii u production ending this year.

once again, great job. this will be a benchmark on which all further leaks will be judged.


the crazy thing is, it's going to be harder and harder to believe in leaks now, unless they're corroborated by several sources.

I've said the same thing every other time this has happened, but people keep getting taken in.

So the real question is: how long until the Internet gets fooled by another guy doing the exact same thing?

Only until the next time another guy does the exact same thing.
That is a great craftmanship. Well done.

With the Rayman Smash Bros "leak" and this one, the message is clear: Let's calm down before being angry at anything before an official announcement.

Also NX details pls Nintendo.

That is so true. People kept comparing this to the ESRB leak and completely forgot about the Rayman "leak". Just because one was true doesn't mean they all are.


Ok, but the tree thing was real right? RIGHT?

(I'm only half joking, explain that shit, cuz that tree looked identical to the oddly shaped one outside Massive)
HUGE props to you kankki! :D

Shows what great things can be done with 3D Printing, I mean someone showed a mobile phone that was printed (granted it apparently was refined over several months but still).

It was a very fun ride, can't wait to see how the real thing compares! :)

Any thoughts of what you'll do with your fake controller?


Ok, but the tree thing was real right? RIGHT?

(I'm only half joking, explain that shit, cuz that tree looked identical to the oddly shaped one outside Massive)

You do realize that I could probably walk around outside my house and find two trees without leaves that look nearly identical without even leaving my neighborhood, right?
I've said the same thing every other time this has happened, but people keep getting taken in.

Only until the next time another guy does the exact same thing.
I think in the short term people are going to be way more skeptical of these types of "leaks", and some will definitely remember it for a long time, but after a while the Internet at large will definitely forget


Those fucking stickers were the icing on the cake.

"Unit 2" lol

If you look back at photos of other dev units, those stickers are actually really common. It was the wording of "confidential" on the bottom side area that didn't fit, as Nintendo has never used that wording for those stickers. Usually it's just "property of x" and "unit #adfandkfa"

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Doesn't this effectively kill every leak, ever? After this, who's going to believe any other leak? I love this, this whole thing has been epic. There are probably copy-cats trying to come up with similar devices as we speak. None shall live up to the King of Trolls!


Tree Believer

You do realize that I could probably walk around outside my house and find two trees without leaves that look nearly identical without even leaving my neighborhood, right?

That's cool actually, if a mod wants to give me the title of "Tree Believer", I'll take it. Two reasons:

1. I'll be the gaming equivalent of the guy who thinks the moon landing was faked...except in reverse I guess.

2. Years from now younger Gaffers will have no fucking idea what that title means and it'll be funny.

Anyway, just saying, if at E3 Nintendo shows the NX and THAT is the controller, I'm gonna lol. It would mean they got someone to lie about faking it I guess?

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