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How to brick an Xbone in six easy steps.


Reminds me off this 4Chan prank I saw XD:

That was a joke, right? That guy wasn't actually bricking his dad's computer and the other guys knew he wasn't, right? Because if he actually was or if they actually thought he was, then wow. What kind of scum finds that funny?
Why would someone intentionally hurt someone like this? I understand someone hurting another if it benefits them.
I asked the internet, and after a long pause it belched out the following answer in an endlessly deep rumbling voice:

"For the lolz"

And yeah, its just people being shits because they can. Horrible fucking people.

I remember a common scam when I used to play Runescape back when I was younger. People would lead a group to a deserted area claiming they were going to show them how to quickly boost their level with a cheat.

They told people to drop everything in their inventory and hit alt+F4. People fell for it and lost all their stuff...There are a lot of stupid kids on the internet.

That's how I learned what alt-F4 did :(
That reminds me of my first day playing EVE online and finding such wonderful and helpful people in the general chat.

Yeah, let's just say that those wounds will never fully heal. I will carry them to the end of my days. ;p


Hope the number of people that fall for this is very low, I don't have enough faith in people to believe it would be zero. Pretty mean sported by those that started this. :(


Why would someone intentionally hurt someone like this? I understand someone hurting another if it benefits them. I don't advocate that, but I can understand it. This doesn't do anything but hurt with no benefit to anyone. Some kind of sociopath does this shit. May the fleas of 1000 camels infest their nutsack.
Laughing is the benefit


Why would someone intentionally hurt someone like this? I understand someone hurting another if it benefits them. I don't advocate that, but I can understand it. This doesn't do anything but hurt with no benefit to anyone. Some kind of sociopath does this shit. May the fleas of 1000 camels infest their nutsack.

Welcome to the internet.
I know there's dumb people out there, but I don't believe anyone would be dumb enough to actually do this... though just the fact that they CAN do this is baffling.

Incoming firmware update to remove access?


I know there's dumb people out there, but I don't believe anyone would be dumb enough to actually do this... though just the fact that they CAN do this is baffling.

Incoming firmware update to remove access?

What if they can't patch it out and this is the ass-storm?



I don't know, it's funny, but it's not funny. I laughed, but I feel kind of bad about it.

I'll bet a few people have tried it already.

I know there's dumb people out there, but I don't believe anyone would be dumb enough to actually do this... though just the fact that they CAN do this is baffling.

Incoming firmware update to remove access?

Kids. Whoever did this is only hurting the children.


I feel like this is the kind of thing that could easily make the rounds on tumblr. No one ever fact checks anything on that site.

More importantly, why in the world did Microsoft leave a function like this in?


Honestly, I find this hilarious that it's even possible to brick a xbone in the settings, I see alot of retail kiosks broken soon

Not really a issue if a kid or someone does it, they aren't really out of anything but their console for a few weeks while it gets serviced by MS... There are alot worse ways to find out not to trust people online IMO


And THAT is why you've never seen a dev kit in the normal console before now. People are stupid enough to try this.


the iphone ads are nice, i wonder how many dumb people actually tried this...
is there a collection of the fake ads?
i would like to post them to my "friends"
lol thats fucked up, saw a couple of those a while back that would straight up kill you, like one about making crystals for kids that instead made some kinda poison.


So that image has been going around the office for the last two days... Fun stuff... We were almost tempted to try it on one of our kits but decided not too in the end.
I didn't seen any pics of the dev menu, so I put my Xbone on the line for you Gaf. This is as far as I got before I bailed the fuck out

The moment people start figuring out the sandbox IDs is when the Xbone gets jail broken.

I can see it now.

Pay 10$ for your own ID from some hacking site, input the code and boom jailbroken Bone and whatever games you want FO FREE. lol Now we just wait.


so who at microsoft is getting fired for not removing this?

Nobody that's as intended. When they announced that every retail console could be switched into a devkit, they had to put in a way somewhere in the dashboard to actually make the switch. Nothing really broken or anything like that... That controller shortcut has been known by devs for a long time now.
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