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I found a vagina in Watch Dogs 2 and Sony suspended me (Update: Ban lifted)


That is a naked dead woman where the panties are crotchless. It's blatantly done on purpose. Just saying that this is weird.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
You seem to be ignoring the full-frontal part, and you are insulting my comprehension?

There is no way of knowing what the ESRB saw, since they only gave two examples. Unless I'm mistaken and you work for them.

Full-frontal is not the issue, that was known, the issue is the word brief. I'm not trying to be insulting, but this isn't brief and I think the description would be different if there was awareness that you could view this for an extended period of time.


Briefs normally at least encompass every part of the genitals tho

Funny, however if the screenshot in question is what we are talking about, some odd individual could stare at that poor woman for days and I'm pretty sure that amount of time doesn't constitute as breif.


Full-frontal is not the issue, that was known, the issue is the word brief.

Funny, however if the screenshot in question is what we are talking about, some odd individual could stare at that poor woman for days and I'm pretty sure that amount of time doesn't constitute as breif.

Since you can stare at the two examples given as long as you want, how is that any different?

Why would this make a difference given that it's situational?
Funny, however if the screenshot in question is what we are talking about, some odd individual could stare at that poor woman for days and I'm pretty sure that amount of time doesn't constitute as breif.
I suppose the question is if the body will stay there indefinitely as long as the player is present?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Since you can stare at the two examples given as long as you want, how is that any different?

Why would this make a difference given that it's situational?

Again, brief. The description reads like the ESRB didn't know that this could potentially not be brief.

It may mean nothing to the rating, but this is not brief.

Well, I mean if you decide to just solely stick around that particular area it isn't brief. I'm going to take a guess that the game isn't overwhelmingly populated with people walking around in the buff.

True, but I have the feeling that just cutscenes were shown. Perhaps this situation was not shown, with the camera staring indefinitely at it. I think the description would have changed, that's all.

There are probably people who have dealt with the ESRB before on GAF who would have a better understanding.


Full-frontal is not the issue, that was known, the issue is the word brief.

As it's an open world video game, technically nothing is brief. Not saying you're wrong so much as they're using film/TV rating systems and applying them to an interactive medium where, 99% of a person's experience in Watch Dogs 2 could be staring at a vagina if they chose to. For most people, this would be a fleeting thing and fall into "brief".


Again, brief. The description reads like the ESRB didn't know that this could potentially not be brief.

It may mean nothing to the rating, but this is not brief.

You skipped over the first part of my post.

Couldn't you potentially stare at the body-painted woman or the man and woman (given in the two examples) as long as you want?


Since you can stare at the two examples given as long as you want, how is that any different?

Why would this make a difference given that it's situational?

Lol you're debating what the word brief means. I guess now is the question of what the word brief is and it's true meaning.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
You skipped over the first part of my post.

Couldn't you potentially stare at the body-painted woman or the man and woman (given in the two examples) as long as you want?

Not if it's in a cutscene or any situation where the word brief would apply. Would be bizarre to use something that implies a specific amount of time.

As it's an open world video game, technically nothing is brief

Theoretically if it's only in a cutscene it could be. In fact, one position from Hot Coffee was sort of kept in San Andreas after Hot Coffee's files were removed. It was just used very briefly upon entering an area. It was known when the game originally received an MA15+ in Australia and an M in North America.


Junior Member


those eyes. looks sooo familiar!


Full-frontal is not the issue, that was known, the issue is the word brief.

Well, it is brief if you move on and don't stare at it agog for as long as your eyeballs can stand it...

I do agree, the ESRB breakdown for Watch Dogs 2 doesn't do the presence of nudity justice, and it implies that the nudity is covered by bodypaint or as infrequent as a singular man and woman standing next to each other, so it should be amended. However, the full profile is a website-only feature, and rarely used or enforced. Mostly the ESRB holds product manufacturers and sales outlets and news sources to the rating and the descriptors, which say simply, "Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs". If you buy a game with nudity, expect to find nudity,

(By the way, I do believe Content Descriptors are part of the submission process from a publisher, and then the publisher and ESRB work together to verify and approve the content. So Ubisoft will not be surprised that its full-frontal nudity is waived away as "brief", and the ESRB is most likely aware of just how accessible the nudity is in the game but I would doubt it's totally their wording of the scenarios that nudity is supposed to appear. This is also I assume an unintended display of that nudity texture, assuming that's what this is, so it's a different issue from what would have been presented in Ubisoft's content breakdown submission, and even code errors can be considered rating challenges, as evidenced by Hot Coffee and some lesser-known re-ratings.)

That said, there is a descriptor for "Partial Nudity" that you see in a games with suggestive content (bikinis and bare backs and plunging cleavage or whatever else anime titles are using to show as much boobie as they can get away with,) but just "Nudity" is under-descriptive and covers a range of issues. I'm curious why they never added additional catalog descriptors for nudity since a game with a few boobies (PG-13 by movie standards) and a game with full-frontal nudity (R and potentially NC-17 by the MPAA) both get the same "Nudity" mark. If they're listing "Intense Violence" and "Strong Sexual Content" and "Blood and Gore" and things like that, "Full Frontal Nudity" would be appropriate to denote on the bulletpoint chart of Content Descriptors so that parents can indulge their children's fascination with bazongas but keep their defenseless eyeballs clean of ding-dongs and vajayjays. Or just so that Ubisoft doesn't get in trouble next time when it doesn't describe the word "nudity" enough.

Venom Fox

People are still arguing over ESRB descriptions?

Technically the ESRB person could have stood, staring at the nude woman for 24 hours, he/she didn't and classed the nudity as brief. The description is fine, if ESRB didn't find a problem I don't think we should be arguing against it. Ubisoft would have had to have told them about it either way.

(No, 1 person did not hide a pixel vagina from 100's of staff and higher ups who sign off on work).
In regards to the possibility of lingering on nudity...

ESRB cannot rate people, but they chose to rate full frontal nudity as "M." Players themselves can always choose to do things that can look distasteful with any content in a game. That does not make the content in any way worse.


Theoretically if it's only in a cutscene it could be. In fact, one position from Hot Coffee was sort of kept in San Andreas after Hot Coffee's files were removed. It was just used very briefly upon entering an area. It was known when the game originally received an MA15+ in Australia and an M in North America.

Read my last sentence. Playing how your average person would, this would be a brief thing. You'd have to commit to staring at the vagina/penis to elevate beyond brief - at least from this example. And most of that would come, like OP, from the rarity of seeing genitalia in video games. I don't understand how an extra few seconds should determine a rating. Is there any documentation on how the ESRB tackles open world games? Watch Dogs/GTA/Mafia/Saints Row could all be turned into Hated level killing simulators if someone opts to play that way, just like Watch Dogs 2 could become a pervert's playpen. There are games that could be turned into rampant drug simulators as well. Basically, I think there needs to be an overhaul in the descriptors that would allow for discrepancies between gameplay and cutscences, especially in large open world games with.

Either way, this is getting really off the topic that should be about Sony's weird decisions on what is taboo and what is not.


Why do characters have eyes? A head, fingers etc.? Apart from the unjust suspension, this is a non-issue.

I completely and utterly disagree with this. There are people that are going to play this game weather it's kids or necrophiliacs that are now all of the sudden going to make it their own personal achievement to kill a woman just to see their vagina. This is different, and regardless to what some people think of this, it's important to point out that to many people this is weird as fuck, and to me its weird as fuck that it got through q & a.


This is one of those cases of something that wasn't an issue until it became an issue.

Op should have known better, but so should have Sony. Op shouldn't have been temp banned, maybe warned, considering that this is new ground, and Sony should have just deleted the post while warning him and taken this as a lesson and a learning opportunity.

Going forward Sony can put specific rules against sharing things like this and THEN punish people for breaking them. I'd also suggest creating new share settings, let people select settings that cater to their desires. Do you have kids and don't want them to see bad things? Set share settings to restricted, so they don't see M rated stuff on their wall. Are you a mature adult that wants to see mature adult things, set your share settings to match that. Something like that should be a fair and reasonable compromise for everyone.

When you have your share settings set to see and share M rated things, anything in a game should be fair game to share, and only people that have their share settings to see M rated things would see your posts.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to share a montage of MKX fatalities to circus music, or possibly one of Sniper Elite nut shots set to Blue Danube on my PS4, while tutting at the OP judgmentally. Because we all know that Sony will have no problem with that.

Venom Fox

I completely and utterly disagree with this. There are people that are going to play this game weather it's kids or necrophiliacs that are now all of the sudden going to make it their own personal achievement to kill a woman just to see their vagina. This is different, and regardless to what some people think of this, it's important to point out that to many people this is weird as fuck, and to me its weird as fuck that it got through q & a.
The game has an age rating for a reason... You can't really take issue with the game or developers/QA because some parents don't give a shit about what content their kids consume.

The game isn't meant to be for kids to play, it's meant to be for teenagers and adults.


This is one of those cases of something that wasn't an issue until it became an issue.

Op should have known better, but so should have Sony. Op shouldn't have been temp banned, maybe warned, considering that this is new ground, and Sony should have just deleted the post while warning him and taken this as a lesson and a learning opportunity.

Going forward Sony can put specific rules against sharing things like this and THEN punish people for breaking them. I'd also suggest creating new share settings, let people select settings that cater to their desires. Do you have kids and don't want them to see bad things? Set share settings to restricted, so they don't see M rated stuff on their wall. Are you a mature adult that wants to see mature adult things, set your share settings to match that. Something like that should be a fair and reasonable compromise for everyone.

When you have your share settings set to see and share M rated things, anything in a game should be fair game to share, and only people that have their share settings to see M rated things would see your posts.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to share a montage of MKX fatalities to circus music, or possibly one of Sniper Elite nut shots set to Blue Danube on my PS4, while tutting at the OP judgmentally. Because we all know that Sony will have no problem with that.

The OP saw something weird in a game that is playable on the PS4 and shared it. Sony should have been thanking the OP for pointing this out.

I would have never thought sharing something playable on the PS4 would be suspendable.


The game has an age rating for a reason... You can't really take issue with the game or developers/QA because some parents don't give a shit about what content their kids consume.

The game isn't meant to be for kids to play, it's meant to be for teenagers and adults.

When I say kids, I'm meaning people old enough to think it would be cool to kill a chick to see her vagina. I'm pretty sure teenager fits that description.

And for the sake of argument, let's keep the age rating out of this because you can't blame a kid for playing shit that the parent bought for them.

This debate that I'm having has nothing to do with the integrity of the cashier when the game is purchased.

Cock of War

I completely and utterly disagree with this. There are people that are going to play this game weather it's kids or necrophiliacs that are now all of the sudden going to make it their own personal achievement to kill a woman just to see their vagina. This is different, and regardless to what some people think of this, it's important to point out that to many people this is weird as fuck, and to me its weird as fuck that it got through q & a.

The game has an appropriate age rating. Don't demonize the vagina.
Was there much of an uproar about satan's penis in Dante's Inferno?


When I say kids, I'm meaning people old enough to think it would be cool to kill a chick to see her vagina. I'm pretty sure teenager fits that description.

And for the sake of argument, let's keep the age rating out of this because you can't blame a kid for playing shit that the parent bought for them.

This debate that I'm having has nothing to do with the integrity of the cashier when the game is purchased.

You don't have to kill anyone to see them. You can see both male and female full frontal nudity while they're alive.

I guess you could kill a bunch of men and women to see their balls and crotch up their skirts/shorts.

Edit* Also, it's 100% on the parent if they provide their child with something they don't approve of. I screen anything my daughters watch or play. No excuses.

Cock of War

When I say kids, I'm meaning people old enough to think it would be cool to kill a chick to see her vagina. I'm pretty sure teenager fits that description.

And for the sake of argument, let's keep the age rating out of this because you can't blame a kid for playing shit that the parent bought for them.

This debate that I'm having has nothing to do with the integrity of the cashier when the game is purchased.

So the old "GTA and Doom are murder simulators conditioning our youth to be psychopaths" argument?


I wouldn't be surprised if they put (or "left") this in as a response to pre-orders being lower than expected.

Got to get people talking about the game. It worked for GTA and hot coffee.


I get the feeling there will be a lot of dead prostitutes in game because if this thread..

geez some folks need to calm down at least half of GAF has seen a vagina...
Does... Does this mean we can finally have uncensored nudity in console games? That's amazing!

I'm not being funny, I genuinely think this is a huge step forward in Sony(and presumably Microsoft's) thinking. Now all that's left is to allow actually adult games on consoles, and all the stupid censorship bullshit will finally be gone.


To the people complaining about the OP getting banned...you do realize that people of all ages go through Twitter and other shared content, and that Sony (and other companies) has to maintain appropriate content lest they get slapped with lawsuits and such, right?



. It's a fitting rating.

Really? Did you read that whole thing? Not once do you see in the esrb that you can stare at crotchless pantied dead hooker.

I'm not trying to play Devils advocate here but let's be real. It's there and can be visualized for as long as you're looking at it, so it's not brief. And it's weird.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Why even texture that? Was someone at Ubi bored?

maybe thats not textured by Ubi. They might have purchased the 3d human model online (and yes it come textured with vagina) , model clothes on it, rig and then animate it.

As to why will that come texture with vagina, well that same 3d model can also be purchased by medical, science, art institutions etc for human anatomy studies and other uses.

And yes its a common practice in the game industry. Nearly every AAA studios does that.
Really? Did you read that whole thing? Not once do you see in the esrb that you can stare at crotchless pantied hooker.

I'm not trying to play Devils advocate here but let's be real. It's their, and can be visualized for as long as you're looking at it, so it's not brief. And it's weird.
It says nudity. It's right there, no need to spell it out any further. If you're afraid your kid might go to hell for looking at a weener, that should tell you everything you need to know.
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