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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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I was completely sceptic until I was woken up by a constant ticking on my table, as in morse code, when I turned the lights on a pen was FUCKING LEVITATING AND MAKING THAT NOISE ON THE TABLE. I couldn't believe my eyes so I went to the kitchen, drank some coke and returned to bed. The pen was still levitating and making that sound. Nope.jpg. Took it and threw it to the wall. Good night.

I swear to God and my own life this is true, and I'll repeat it until I'm six feet under.
I was completely sceptic until I was woken up by a constant ticking on my table, as in morse code, when I turned the lights on a pen was FUCKING LEVITATING AND MAKING THAT NOISE ON THE TABLE. I couldn't believe my eyes so I went to the kitchen, drank some coke and returned to bed. The pen was still levitating and making that sound. Nope.jpg. Took it and threw it to the wall. Good night.

I swear to God and my own life this is true, and I'll repeat it until I'm six feet under.
Anything else ever happen?


Passing metallic gas
Seeing how others are telling their real life horror stories here i have decided to write this out. I don't want to relive this moment as it was the single most horrifying thing I have ever experienced. But my therapist says it'd be healthy to share with somebody.

This happened a few months ago. My parents had recently bought a house on the cheap they could fix up so they could rent it out. Before they did anything though they wanted pictures of the place as neither of them had seen it fully. Both of my sisters live in other cities so they asked me the favor. I reluctantly gave up my friday evening to go do this for them. When I arrived to the house it looked like a regular run of the mill run-down house from the outside. But when I entered the house I knew that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

It was dark inside so I moved carefully. It was dusty as fuck but I didn't think much of it. I started to take pictures of the kitchen and living room area. It was at this time I felt a shiver running down my spine. As a staunch atheist I don't believe in the supernatural, so I laughed it off and continued to take pictures with my phone. As I headed upstairs the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I felt somebody behind me. I didn't think twice and turned around swinging a fist. Nothing was there. I nervously sat down and laughed to myself in cold sweats. Now while I don't believe in Jesus I still wanted to humor the possibility that ghosts were real, so I downloaded a supernatural camera app in my phone. I took pictures of the downstairs area. At first it seemed normal. But at the corner of the picture, so faint you couldn't really see unless you had the brightness at full setting, you could see what appeared to be something like a brass instrument of some sort. That wasn't there before.

Like anybody with at least half a brain in them would do I decided that it was time to leave the house. But as I stood up to walk downstairs the front door slammed shut. There was no light inside the house.I yelped and reeled back against the stairs. I was about to turn on the flashlight in my phone when I heard footsteps approaching the stairs. I did the only thing I thought in the moment and ran upstairs. I entered one of the rooms praying there was a closet. There was. As silently as my shaking knees would give I entered and shut the door. I slouched down holding back my sobbing gasps as tears streamed down my face. I heard footsteps on the stairs. Not only that but there seemed to be a screeching noise of some sort. I couldn't tell what it was, maybe like somebody blowing on a trumpet. The steps and the eery tune grew closer. And closer. And closer until they stopped in front of the closet door. The door handle started to wiggle around as if somebody was attempting to open it, but I was holding onto the handle from my end hoping the person or thing would think it was locked. After what seemed like an eternity the movement stopped. I stayed silent not knowing what to do. My heart was thumping so strong it felt like it would break through my ribcage at any second. After maybe 20 minutes I thought the creature would be gone by now. I slowly creaked the closet door open.

I walked out. Nothing was there. My adrenaline started to lower and I couldn't help but break into a nervous laugh. I had survived whatever that was. After my fit of laughter stopped I knew that I had to tell my friends. But they'd never believe me unless one of the pictures I took had me in it. So I took a selfie in the room and headed out at a quick pace.

The next day as I was telling them the story they laughed and thought I was fucking with them. I knew it would happen so I decided to pull up the pictures I took with the supernatural app. They thought I found the pics off google or something, so I then swiped to get to the picture of my selfie. When the picture came into view it took me a second to realize what was on the screen and when i did I dropped my phone and screamed.

Behind my teary eyed smiling face in the picture, stood a motherfucking spooky ass skeleton playing a trumpet. I NEVER SAID THANK TO MR SKELTAL. I NEVER SAID THANK.


The only supernatural experiences I have ever had are two:

- The day I saw the "shadow" of a deceased family member when I was walking beside an open door. It had bright yellow eyes and it just kept staring at me. Of course, I ran away.

- Random laughs during the night. I might have been dreaming - I'm still not sure - but they sounded so real. I was legitimately scared.
Seeing how others are telling their real life horror stories here i have decided to write this out. I don't want to relive this moment as it was the single most horrifying thing I have ever experienced. But my therapist says it'd be healthy to share with somebody.

This happened a few months ago. My parents had recently bought a house on the cheap they could fix up so they could rent it out. Before they did anything though they wanted pictures of the place as neither of them had seen it fully. Both of my sisters live in other cities so they asked me the favor. I reluctantly gave up my friday evening to go do this for them. When I arrived to the house it looked like a regular run of the mill run-down house from the outside. But when I entered the house I knew that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

It was dark inside so I moved carefully. It was dusty as fuck but I didn't think much of it. I started to take pictures of the kitchen and living room area. It was at this time I felt a shiver running down my spine. As a staunch atheist I don't believe in the supernatural, so I laughed it off and continued to take pictures with my phone. As I headed upstairs the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I felt somebody behind me. I didn't think twice and turned around swinging a fist. Nothing was there. I nervously sat down and laughed to myself in cold sweats. Now while I don't believe in Jesus I still wanted to humor the possibility that ghosts were real, so I downloaded a supernatural camera app in my phone. I took pictures of the downstairs area. At first it seemed normal. But at the corner of the picture, so faint you couldn't really see unless you had the brightness at full setting, you could see what appeared to be something like a brass instrument of some sort. That wasn't there before.

Like anybody with at least half a brain in them would do I decided that it was time to leave the house. But as I stood up to walk downstairs the front door slammed shut. There was no light inside the house.I yelped and reeled back against the stairs. I was about to turn on the flashlight in my phone when I heard footsteps approaching the stairs. I did the only thing I thought in the moment and ran upstairs. I entered one of the rooms praying there was a closet. There was. As silently as my shaking knees would give I entered and shut the door. I slouched down holding back my sobbing gasps as tears streamed down my face. I heard footsteps on the stairs. Not only that but there seemed to be a screeching noise of some sort. I couldn't tell what it was, maybe like somebody blowing on a trumpet. The steps and the eery tune grew closer. And closer. And closer until they stopped in front of the closet door. The door handle started to wiggle around as if somebody was attempting to open it, but I was holding onto the handle from my end hoping the person or thing would think it was locked. After what seemed like an eternity the movement stopped. I stayed silent not knowing what to do. My heart was thumping so strong it felt like it would break through my ribcage at any second. After maybe 20 minutes I thought the creature would be gone by now. I slowly creaked the closet door open.

I walked out. Nothing was there. My adrenaline started to lower and I couldn't help but break into a nervous laugh. I had survived whatever that was. After my fit of laughter stopped I knew that I had to tell my friends. But they'd never believe me unless one of the pictures I took had me in it. So I took a selfie in the room and headed out at a quick pace.

The next day as I was telling them the story they laughed and thought I was fucking with them. I knew it would happen so I decided to pull up the pictures I took with the supernatural app. They thought I found the pics off google or something, so I then swiped to get to the picture of my selfie. When the picture came into view it took me a second to realize what was on the screen and when i did I dropped my phone and screamed.

Behind my teary eyed smiling face in the picture, stood a motherfucking spooky ass skeleton playing a trumpet. I NEVER SAID THANK TO MR SKELTAL. I NEVER SAID THANK.



Why didn't I enter this thread earlier? This is amazing.

Anyways, I don't think I've had supernatural occurences happen in my life so far. The closest thing would be when one day three or four years ago everything around me seemed to be in slow motion for 2 seconds or so while I walked back from school, then it was normal again. That was weird. I know perception of time can slow down considerably when your body pumps you full of Adrenaline and stuff, but it's not like I was in any kind of danger to provoke that. Literally the only remotely "interesting" thing around me in a 100m radius was a woman leaving the house. No cars, no animals, nothing.

My mother had a rather creepy occurence though. Apparently the night her mother was buried (died very young, my mom was still a child) she was visited by her in a dream. My mother was alone in a flower field at first when suddenly she smelled a strong stench of fresh earth, then she saw her mother. It wasn't a bad dream, they had that "everything will be fine" kind of talk, but when she woke up she still had that smell in her nose and apparently when her dad entered her room it actually DID smell like fresh earth in there. Creepy stuff, makes you think.


Neo Member
Be me, around 16 spending the night at my buddies house.

Late at night (woke up from sleeping), see a shadow outside the door with the light on, hear my friend behind me say "shhh, quiet, it's my dad"
Friend was the shadow, going to the bathroom, will never know who said those few words.


Be me, around 16 spending the night at my buddies house.

Late at night (woke up from sleeping), see a shadow outside the door with the light on, hear my friend behind me say "shhh, quiet, it's my dad"
Friend was the shadow, going to the bathroom, will never know who said those few words.

Took me a few mins to understand. Spooky you guys


I only ever had one supernatural type of experience but I won't forget it. I was probably 18-20 or so at the time and living with my parents. I slept in the basement and had a bathroom and such down there.

I was home alone and taking a shower. Someone grabbed the bathroom door handle and gave it a good shake for 5 seconds or so. There were 2 doors and both were locked, one to the family room, the other to the bedroom. This was a shake on the family room side, and it was unmistakable because the doors and walls were rather thin.. lots of noise. I responded asking who was there but silence..

I cut the shower short and looked around to confirm that I was still alone. It freaked me out a bit, so I called the next-door neighbor. He came over and we searched around to find nothing. During this time, my dog came downstairs and completely wigged out barking and getting all crazy. The dog ran straight to a storage room on the other side of the family room. Dog's angry and jumping up and down on the storage door, so we peeked in there and eventually searched it well. There was a window in the storage area, but it was closed and locked from the inside. Totally empty..

I never did figure out what had happened. My family was at work and unless someone was pranking me, they would have answered when I spoke. The house was locked up.. Now when we stay there and the kids are too scared to sleep downstairs, I tell them it's fine and that there isn't anything to be afraid of. Then I remember this.

Anyways, great thread.. lots of spooky things to read.

At the rate that gaffers are having supernatural occurrences we should have that definite proof to shut down naysayers in no time.
When the picture came into view it took me a second to realize what was on the screen and when i did I dropped my phone and screamed.

Behind my teary eyed smiling face in the picture, stood a motherfucking spooky ass skeleton playing a trumpet. I NEVER SAID THANK TO MR SKELTAL. I NEVER SAID THANK.

Would you mind posting the pictures? I'd love to see it.
It's not my first time posting about my supernatural occurence, but everytime I like to say I absolutely envy people who don't believe in ghosts. It's seriously one less shit to worry about in life. I've had too many occurences and I'd like to share some again so I'll rattle them off. Like a previous poster, I've had the door shake occur too. About 15 years ago, my mother and I moved into a new apartment with two floors. There was a tree blocking any street light coming into my room so my room was pitch black. Couldn't even see my out-stretched hand. My mother slept with me on the first night with the door locked. Just as we were about to fall asleep, KACHUNK, KACHUNK, KACHUNK, the fucking door knob to my room rattled loudly and violently for three times. We were scared out of our minds, but we eventually calmed down and found nothing. We tried to rationalize it as much as we could. Did the landlord or previous tennant with the same key come to get something? It was impossible. The carpetted second floor and the stairs leading up creaked extremely loud with every step so we could have heard anyone trying to come up.

More occurences: About three years later in my new house, my friend and I was playing Halo for the PC while sitting next to each other. We were the only ones in the house. My computer room had an entryway where it lead right into the kitchen. Around 4 AM, my friend was completely engrossed. Suddenly, over the top of his head, I saw a woman's head peak in from the kitchen and was looking straight at my monitor. My heart skipped a beat and I slowly turned away and stared at the wall instead. My friend asked me what's wrong and I lied and said I was tired. I didn't want to scare my friend. I still remember that woman's face. She appeared middle-aged with a short, dirty-blonde round haircut. Two years later, when I was alone by myself in the house, around midnight, I was burning audio CDs for my car. In my computer room, there was a window behind me that faced the street. Being bored, I picked up one of my CDs and looked at myself from the reflective side. What I realized was I wasn't alone in the room. I saw something behind me and it was a head. Just the head. A face with a completely grey complexion. He had no eyes. Where his eyes were was just a deeper shade of grey. He looked very young and had his hair parted to the side. His facial direction appeared to be looking at my computer monitor. I slowly put the CD down and calmly walked out the room. My logic was I didn't want to change my relationship with any possible ghosts in the house. I didn't want to think how the ghost would behave differently if it knew that I knew he existed. If that face had been directly looking at me, I would have had a heart attack. This post got fucking long so I'm cutting my worst occurences that involved shit actually moving. I wanted to share these particular instances because a poster said ghosts wouldn't know how to operate a computer. I just wanted to share that I believe they are extremely curious and if there are any around you, they may be looking over you to check out whatever you're playing or watching too probably because they're bored as hell.


Seeing how others are telling their real life horror stories here i have decided to write this out. I don't want to relive this moment as it was the single most horrifying thing I have ever experienced. But my therapist says it'd be healthy to share with somebody.

This happened a few months ago. My parents had recently bought a house on the cheap they could fix up so they could rent it out. Before they did anything though they wanted pictures of the place as neither of them had seen it fully. Both of my sisters live in other cities so they asked me the favor. I reluctantly gave up my friday evening to go do this for them. When I arrived to the house it looked like a regular run of the mill run-down house from the outside. But when I entered the house I knew that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

It was dark inside so I moved carefully. It was dusty as fuck but I didn't think much of it. I started to take pictures of the kitchen and living room area. It was at this time I felt a shiver running down my spine. As a staunch atheist I don't believe in the supernatural, so I laughed it off and continued to take pictures with my phone. As I headed upstairs the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I felt somebody behind me. I didn't think twice and turned around swinging a fist. Nothing was there. I nervously sat down and laughed to myself in cold sweats. Now while I don't believe in Jesus I still wanted to humor the possibility that ghosts were real, so I downloaded a supernatural camera app in my phone. I took pictures of the downstairs area. At first it seemed normal. But at the corner of the picture, so faint you couldn't really see unless you had the brightness at full setting, you could see what appeared to be something like a brass instrument of some sort. That wasn't there before.

Like anybody with at least half a brain in them would do I decided that it was time to leave the house. But as I stood up to walk downstairs the front door slammed shut. There was no light inside the house.I yelped and reeled back against the stairs. I was about to turn on the flashlight in my phone when I heard footsteps approaching the stairs. I did the only thing I thought in the moment and ran upstairs. I entered one of the rooms praying there was a closet. There was. As silently as my shaking knees would give I entered and shut the door. I slouched down holding back my sobbing gasps as tears streamed down my face. I heard footsteps on the stairs. Not only that but there seemed to be a screeching noise of some sort. I couldn't tell what it was, maybe like somebody blowing on a trumpet. The steps and the eery tune grew closer. And closer. And closer until they stopped in front of the closet door. The door handle started to wiggle around as if somebody was attempting to open it, but I was holding onto the handle from my end hoping the person or thing would think it was locked. After what seemed like an eternity the movement stopped. I stayed silent not knowing what to do. My heart was thumping so strong it felt like it would break through my ribcage at any second. After maybe 20 minutes I thought the creature would be gone by now. I slowly creaked the closet door open.

I walked out. Nothing was there. My adrenaline started to lower and I couldn't help but break into a nervous laugh. I had survived whatever that was. After my fit of laughter stopped I knew that I had to tell my friends. But they'd never believe me unless one of the pictures I took had me in it. So I took a selfie in the room and headed out at a quick pace.

The next day as I was telling them the story they laughed and thought I was fucking with them. I knew it would happen so I decided to pull up the pictures I took with the supernatural app. They thought I found the pics off google or something, so I then swiped to get to the picture of my selfie. When the picture came into view it took me a second to realize what was on the screen and when i did I dropped my phone and screamed.

Behind my teary eyed smiling face in the picture, stood a motherfucking spooky ass skeleton playing a trumpet. I NEVER SAID THANK TO MR SKELTAL. I NEVER SAID THANK.

Not sure if I should be laughing or worried. Would love to see that picture.
Posted in thread made a few years ago by Lamonster which can be found here:

I'll start by sharing a very creepy story from the old thread. I saw the picture, and man its pretty freaky. Thanks LaMonster:

Back when I still lived with my parents, I was laying in my room on my bed when I heard a click noise under my bed. It sounded like a credit card dropped onto a countertop. My room was carpeted so I thought this was strange and without looking, I reached under the bed and grabbed something - a photo.

I looked at the photo and instantly felt my heart drop. It was thick, with the edges curved, color faded a bit and slightly warped. It had to have been 20-30 years old.

The photo was a young boy, probably about 11 years old. He was sitting in a rocking chair with this legs crossed like a woman and looking very unhappy. The boy was dressed in lingerie and heavy makeup. He was sporting a black bra, with black panties, fishnets and heels. His makeup was very similar to Dr. Frank N. Furter, Tim Curry's character in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

He also had bruises on his arm and shoulder.

I was pretty freaked out for a while and finally felt comfortable enough to show it to a friend of mine.

After showing the photo to my friend and imitating the sound it made under my bed, he started looking around my room. I joked with him that he was looking for ghosts, but then he revealed to me that he discovered the photo was actually taken in my fucking bedroom, the very room where I found it. The curtains were different but I could tell it was my room because of the very distinctive windowsill.

After this revelation, I decided to tell my mom. She started asking the neighbors about it and showing them the photo. Most neighbors have lived in that neighborhood since the houses were built. None of them recognized the kid, but a retired FBI agent next-door said he thinks a child that used to live in the house had been sexually molested before they moved in. The kid in the photo wasn't the same kid, but I wonder if he had been the "victim" of the child living there. Sometimes sexually assaulted victims can practice the same behavior on others. Also, many years ago the house across the street burned down and the teenage boy living there was killed. May or may not be related.

Who the fuck knows where that photo came from or if the boy in it is still alive and well.

After some months time, I had forgotten about the photo and was no longer afraid in my own home. One day I decided to look at an old yearbook that I kept under my bed. When I pulled it out, there was a strange clear liquid splattered on the cover. Yes, it looked like semen but it was cold and wet. Semen comes out warm and eventually dries. It also had no odor. My guess is that it was ectoplasm.

I may bump this thread in a few days to post the photo if anyone is interested. As my girlfriend commented above, it's fucking terrifying.

He indeed posted the photo. And it is super fucking creepy. I suggest reading through that thread as there are a ton of really spooky stories in it.
OP should probably post a screenshot of the processes running in his task manager. What if his landlord installed some spyware on his computer that allows him to see everything the OP is doing on it? He would know the OP bought a hidden camera and has it setup recording.

He (landlord) might even be browsing this thread right now while putting ketchup on his morning hashbrowns.


ghosts are very much a possibility.

source: live in haunted house. "i'll believe it when i see it" i saw shit. ghosts are real. you just haven't seen them yet if u don't believe them.

advice to OP. if they are harming you or making you feel uncomfortable then TELL them. tell them this is your house so they need to quit their shit (be nice about it though). if they don't want to listen then seek help or move out (although that won't sort your problem 100% of the time). in my case they don't bother me or i'd have moved out long ago. i learned to live with them.


It's not my first time posting about my supernatural occurence, but everytime I like to say I absolutely envy people who don't believe in ghosts. It's seriously one less shit to worry about in life. I've had too many occurences and I'd like to share some again so I'll rattle them off. Like a previous poster, I've had the door shake occur too. About 15 years ago, my mother and I moved into a new apartment with two floors. There was a tree blocking any street light coming into my room so my room was pitch black. Couldn't even see my out-stretched hand. My mother slept with me on the first night with the door locked. Just as we were about to fall asleep, KACHUNK, KACHUNK, KACHUNK, the fucking door knob to my room rattled loudly and violently for three times. We were scared out of our minds, but we eventually calmed down and found nothing. We tried to rationalize it as much as we could. Did the landlord or previous tennant with the same key come to get something? It was impossible. The carpetted second floor and the stairs leading up creaked extremely loud with every step so we could have heard anyone trying to come up.

More occurences: About three years later in my new house, my friend and I was playing Halo for the PC while sitting next to each other. We were the only ones in the house. My computer room had an entryway where it lead right into the kitchen. Around 4 AM, my friend was completely engrossed. Suddenly, over the top of his head, I saw a woman's head peak in from the kitchen and was looking straight at my monitor. My heart skipped a beat and I slowly turned away and stared at the wall instead. My friend asked me what's wrong and I lied and said I was tired. I didn't want to scare my friend. I still remember that woman's face. She appeared middle-aged with a short, dirty-blonde round haircut. Two years later, when I was alone by myself in the house, around midnight, I was burning audio CDs for my car. In my computer room, there was a window behind me that faced the street. Being bored, I picked up one of my CDs and looked at myself from the reflective side. What I realized was I wasn't alone in the room. I saw something behind me and it was a head. Just the head. A face with a completely grey complexion. He had no eyes. Where his eyes were was just a deeper shade of grey. He looked very young and had his hair parted to the side. His facial direction appeared to be looking at my computer monitor. I slowly put the CD down and calmly walked out the room. My logic was I didn't want to change my relationship with any possible ghosts in the house. I didn't want to think how the ghost would behave differently if it knew that I knew he existed. If that face had been directly looking at me, I would have had a heart attack. This post got fucking long so I'm cutting my worst occurences that involved shit actually moving. I wanted to share these particular instances because a poster said ghosts wouldn't know how to operate a computer. I just wanted to share that I believe they are extremely curious and if there are any around you, they may be looking over you to check out whatever you're playing or watching too probably because they're bored as hell.

I have always heard that tech/computers attracted ghosts in the first place, they have a fascination with it and try to communicate through it.

For instance EVP, ghost communication that can be picked up by recording tech, but not audible to the human ears.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Well, I hope the OP's place isn't haunted, sounds more like an intruder with a key to me. That said, I do believe in ghosts though, even though I think that 95% of all ghost stories are hogwash.

But, since people are posting their ghost stories I figured I'd post my experience up too.

I worked in a a restaurant for over six years back in my high school / college days, and it was haunted. Why do I say that? I personally saw things that to this day I just can't explain. Wine glasses sliding across countertops. Soup bowls leaping several feet in the air off of stacks of bowls. Table cloths moving and flowing in a room with no breeze nor wind. Candles infrequently going absolutely batshit crazy, turning into huge roman candles for a few seconds and then going back to normal. Piano keys faintly chiming on their own. Swinging doors swinging by themselves. Honestly, fucked up stuff happened so often that our regular employees (including me) simply got used to it. We did have a few bus boys and waitresses quit over the years all freaked out, but for most of us it was just part of working there. Nothing dangerous or bad ever happened, at worst the shit was almost playful, like a kid trying to get your attention. Only the owner and a bartender ever actually saw anything that could be called a stereotypical "ghost", meaning they saw a transparent human like figure. The owner saw a young girl in what looked like an old nurses outfit, and the bartender in question saw what he thought looked like a male Native American.

We had priests come in to do exorcisms. We had several ghost hunter types come in to do their thing. Heck, the one paranormal team came all the way from Europe. Many of them seemed like phonies to me, they just had no clue nor did anything exceptional. But the happenings never ended, and to this day the place seems mildly haunted according to the owner and her daughter. I eat there now and then and catch up with them. Not too often though as it's terribly expensive, lol.

The building had an interesting history though. It was a very old place. At one time it was a boarding house for a foundry down the road. During the civil war it was used as a field hospital. There were Native American burial grounds on the hill top just a few hundred feet up the dirt road, we often wondered if the entire hill was at one time a burial ground.

So, were ghosts or dead people responsible for the paranormal stuff happening? I can't say for sure, but something beyond my explanation caused them. This is why I believe in ghosts, even though I can't stat any scientific reason to explain the phenomenon. I just know what I experienced and saw, and something caused that stuff to happen, something I can't explain.
Well, I hope the OP's place isn't haunted, sounds more like an intruder with a key to me. That said, I do believe in ghosts though, even though I think that 95% of all ghost stories are hogwash.

But, since people are posting their ghost stories I figured I'd post my experience up too.

I worked in a a restaurant for over six years back in my high school / college days, and it was haunted. Why do I say that? I personally saw things that to this day I just can't explain. Wine glasses sliding across countertops. Soup bowls leaping several feet in the air off of stacks of bowls. Table cloths moving and flowing in a room with no breeze nor wind. Candles infrequently going absolutely batshit crazy, turning into huge roman candles for a few seconds and then going back to normal. Piano keys faintly chiming on their own. Swinging doors swinging by themselves. Honestly, fucked up stuff happened so often that our regular employees (including me) simply got used to it. We did have a few bus boys and waitresses quit over the years all freaked out, but for most of us it was just part of working there. Nothing dangerous or bad ever happened, at worst the shit was almost playful, like a kid trying to get your attention. Only the owner and a bartender ever actually saw anything that could be called a stereotypical "ghost", meaning they saw a transparent human like figure. The owner saw a young girl in what looked like an old nurses outfit, and the bartender in question saw what he thought looked like a male Native American.

We had priests come in to do exorcisms. We had several ghost hunter types come in to do their thing. Heck, the one paranormal team came all the way from Europe. Many of them seemed like phonies to me, they just had no clue nor did anything exceptional. But the happenings never ended, and to this day the place seems mildly haunted according to the owner and her daughter. I eat there now and then and catch up with them. Not too often though as it's terribly expensive, lol.

The building had an interesting history though. It was a very old place. At one time it was a boarding house for a foundry down the road. During the civil war it was used as a field hospital. There were Native American burial grounds on the hill top just a few hundred feet up the dirt road, we often wondered if the entire hill was at one time a burial ground.

So, were ghosts or dead people responsible for the paranormal stuff happening? I can't say for sure, but something beyond my explanation caused them. This is why I believe in ghosts, even though I can't stat any scientific reason to explain the phenomenon. I just know what I experienced and saw, and something caused that stuff to happen, something I can't explain.

what's the restaurants name and where is it located?
please tell me you have this photo still

story was great but a picture accompanying would just ngngngngn give me chills.

I had to gather my composure to look in that folder again. I was shivering and crying as I uploaded it to imgur. Please don't make me do it again. And to those saying I just found random images and pictures online, does this look 'shopped to you?



I only ever had one supernatural type of experience but I won't forget it. I was probably 18-20 or so at the time and living with my parents. I slept in the basement and had a bathroom and such down there.

I was home alone and taking a shower. Someone grabbed the bathroom door handle and gave it a good shake for 5 seconds or so. There were 2 doors and both were locked, one to the family room, the other to the bedroom. This was a shake on the family room side, and it was unmistakable because the doors and walls were rather thin.. lots of noise. I responded asking who was there but silence..

I cut the shower short and looked around to confirm that I was still alone. It freaked me out a bit, so I called the next-door neighbor. He came over and we searched around to find nothing. During this time, my dog came downstairs and completely wigged out barking and getting all crazy. The dog ran straight to a storage room on the other side of the family room. Dog's angry and jumping up and down on the storage door, so we peeked in there and eventually searched it well. There was a window in the storage area, but it was closed and locked from the inside. Totally empty..

I never did figure out what had happened. My family was at work and unless someone was pranking me, they would have answered when I spoke. The house was locked up.. Now when we stay there and the kids are too scared to sleep downstairs, I tell them it's fine and that there isn't anything to be afraid of. Then I remember this.

Anyways, great thread.. lots of spooky things to read.

Lisa from P.T.


ghosts are dumb and don't exist but i did have a pretty strange happening once.

i was laying in bed in my small bedroom about 15 years ago (I would've been 15), probably playing FF7 or something, and my computer chair, which was facing my desk and was just a few feet to the right of me, just started turning slowly until the front of the seat was facing me. that's where it stopped turning.

no breeze or anything, and it was a pretty heavy chair. i've never been able to explain or rationalize how it happened, and i still don't believe in ghosts.

Daffy Duck

Years ago I worked in an old shop in Stratford Upon Avon we knew it had a cellar but had never been down there as it was accessed by a passage to the side of the shop, and me and my friend were in the shop one day when we heard a noise coming from the cellar below us, the front of the shop was on the high street and you could see the alley that led to the cellar, no one came out or anything so I decided to go check it out, in the basement there was a safe that looked ancient, proper old thing I walked over to it and out of curiosity I decided to open it, but it wouldn't budge thing was shut. I looked around and saw nothing else so went back to my friend.

About 10 minutes later we were just stood in the window area talking about how odd it all was when all of a sudden there was a strong smell of burning we wondered what was going on, we walked to the back of the shop ( it's a tiny shop that was no more than 6 steps to to the back, the smell had gone, we went back to the window and the smell was even stronger, we leant down and smelt over the floorboards and you could smell smoke, we locked the door and both went down to see what was going, half expecting a tramp to be there lighting a fire, but when we got down there there was no one, the only odd thing was now the safe was open. We both looked at each other like wtf....the safe was under the position we were stood above in the shop. The cellar was something like straight out of the Blair witch final cellar scene, it felt oppressive down there, so we both walked to the safe and looked in it but there was nothing there, then we left and went back to the shop, there the smell the of smoke had totally gone.

There was no way the smell could have come from anywhere else as its all shops on the high street and the shop on the right was accessorize and wh smiths on the left.

Another weird thing shortly after the above was I had a call from the alarm company one night saying our store alarm had gone off so I had to go and turn it off and clear the smoke (was a phone shop so if the alarm went off it filled with smoke) now I had to check everywhere to see if someone had got in, but all the windows at the back (2 and 3 stories high) were shut and no one had got in or anything, these smoke cloaks were in most of the stores and never went off, what caused it I still don't know but it was a bit unnerving heading into the smoke knowing what had happened with the safe.

I now work across the road from this place in another old building, and there are times when I'm in the office alone you hear banging noises as if someone else is in the office but I know 100% I'm alone, the office is the only occupied space on the top floor.
I had to gather my composure to look in that folder again. I was shivering and crying as I uploaded it to imgur. Please don't make me do it again. And to those saying I just found random images and pictures online, does this look 'shopped to you?


Seems legit

I don't know who else is telling the truth in this thread, though.

Daffy Duck

I had to gather my composure to look in that folder again. I was shivering and crying as I uploaded it to imgur. Please don't make me do it again. And to those saying I just found random images and pictures online, does this look 'shopped to you?


What's that white cloaked figure behind you all about?


Seeing how others are telling their real life horror stories here i have decided to write this out. I don't want to relive this moment as it was the single most horrifying thing I have ever experienced. But my therapist says it'd be healthy to share with somebody.

This happened a few months ago. My parents had recently bought a house on the cheap they could fix up so they could rent it out. Before they did anything though they wanted pictures of the place as neither of them had seen it fully. Both of my sisters live in other cities so they asked me the favor. I reluctantly gave up my friday evening to go do this for them. When I arrived to the house it looked like a regular run of the mill run-down house from the outside. But when I entered the house I knew that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

It was dark inside so I moved carefully. It was dusty as fuck but I didn't think much of it. I started to take pictures of the kitchen and living room area. It was at this time I felt a shiver running down my spine. As a staunch atheist I don't believe in the supernatural, so I laughed it off and continued to take pictures with my phone. As I headed upstairs the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I felt somebody behind me. I didn't think twice and turned around swinging a fist. Nothing was there. I nervously sat down and laughed to myself in cold sweats. Now while I don't believe in Jesus I still wanted to humor the possibility that ghosts were real, so I downloaded a supernatural camera app in my phone. I took pictures of the downstairs area. At first it seemed normal. But at the corner of the picture, so faint you couldn't really see unless you had the brightness at full setting, you could see what appeared to be something like a brass instrument of some sort. That wasn't there before.

Like anybody with at least half a brain in them would do I decided that it was time to leave the house. But as I stood up to walk downstairs the front door slammed shut. There was no light inside the house.I yelped and reeled back against the stairs. I was about to turn on the flashlight in my phone when I heard footsteps approaching the stairs. I did the only thing I thought in the moment and ran upstairs. I entered one of the rooms praying there was a closet. There was. As silently as my shaking knees would give I entered and shut the door. I slouched down holding back my sobbing gasps as tears streamed down my face. I heard footsteps on the stairs. Not only that but there seemed to be a screeching noise of some sort. I couldn't tell what it was, maybe like somebody blowing on a trumpet. The steps and the eery tune grew closer. And closer. And closer until they stopped in front of the closet door. The door handle started to wiggle around as if somebody was attempting to open it, but I was holding onto the handle from my end hoping the person or thing would think it was locked. After what seemed like an eternity the movement stopped. I stayed silent not knowing what to do. My heart was thumping so strong it felt like it would break through my ribcage at any second. After maybe 20 minutes I thought the creature would be gone by now. I slowly creaked the closet door open.

I walked out. Nothing was there. My adrenaline started to lower and I couldn't help but break into a nervous laugh. I had survived whatever that was. After my fit of laughter stopped I knew that I had to tell my friends. But they'd never believe me unless one of the pictures I took had me in it. So I took a selfie in the room and headed out at a quick pace.

The next day as I was telling them the story they laughed and thought I was fucking with them. I knew it would happen so I decided to pull up the pictures I took with the supernatural app. They thought I found the pics off google or something, so I then swiped to get to the picture of my selfie. When the picture came into view it took me a second to realize what was on the screen and when i did I dropped my phone and screamed.

Behind my teary eyed smiling face in the picture, stood a motherfucking spooky ass skeleton playing a trumpet. I NEVER SAID THANK TO MR SKELTAL. I NEVER SAID THANK.

edit: as per the request of others I found the selfie image that still gives me nightmares to this date. Be warned. Not for the faint of heart so do not click if you're scared easily.
Thank Mr Skeltal
My mom brother sister uncle grandma and some aunts went to Florida years ago and stayed at a villa. Me and my dad didn't make the trip due to our jobs. So one evening my cell phone starts ringing and I see its my brother I pick up and no one is on the other end. I call my brother later and he picks up. I say hey did you call and not speak at 6pm today? He said no my phone was laying on the bed while he and my family members were all downstairs watching a movie.

In that same villa while they are downstairs they hear footsteps running up the steps while they were watching tv. My uncle who fears nothing is even shook. A day or so later they all hear scratching at the front door. Except the scratching is coming from the inside of the front door while they are all eating dinner together.

The last thing that happened was to my grandma. She was in her room and began to scream. My mom goes running in and she tells my mom she saw a dark shadowy figure walk right past her. Shook them so bad that they slept with the lights on for the rest of the trip.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I've seen some shit.*

Posted about it before and got mocked...and I've never even believed in ghosts or spiritual bullshit.

*with multiple witnesses


You now belong to FMT.
I believe every single one of you guys... I had an experience with one of my best friends that we still dont talk about til this day. we were attacked by the same spirit/ghost in the span of an hour and a half.



wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
what's the restaurants name and where is it located?

Used to be called Covatta's Lodge, it's in southeast PA near Pottstown. It's been closed now for many years, a few other restaurants tried to make it work there but they all failed, They were going to make it into a museum but that fell through. I don't think it's anything now but an abandoned building, good looking place though.
Years ago i was up in my room around 4 am when my phone rings. I pick it up to see whoose calling so late and it says my own name with the correct number(i had saved my own number with my name in the phone since i tend to forget it sometimes).

I pick the call and no on responses. This is 100% legit, i even remember showing it to my friend in call records later that week and him just brushing it off.

Don't know what to make of it but i assume.it was just a glitch or something.
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