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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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Seeing how others are telling their real life horror stories here i have decided to write this out. I don't want to relive this moment as it was the single most horrifying thing I have ever experienced. But my therapist says it'd be healthy to share with somebody.

This happened a few months ago. My parents had recently bought a house on the cheap they could fix up so they could rent it out. Before they did anything though they wanted pictures of the place as neither of them had seen it fully. Both of my sisters live in other cities so they asked me the favor. I reluctantly gave up my friday evening to go do this for them. When I arrived to the house it looked like a regular run of the mill run-down house from the outside. But when I entered the house I knew that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

It was dark inside so I moved carefully. It was dusty as fuck but I didn't think much of it. I started to take pictures of the kitchen and living room area. It was at this time I felt a shiver running down my spine. As a staunch atheist I don't believe in the supernatural, so I laughed it off and continued to take pictures with my phone. As I headed upstairs the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I felt somebody behind me. I didn't think twice and turned around swinging a fist. Nothing was there. I nervously sat down and laughed to myself in cold sweats. Now while I don't believe in Jesus I still wanted to humor the possibility that ghosts were real, so I downloaded a supernatural camera app in my phone. I took pictures of the downstairs area. At first it seemed normal. But at the corner of the picture, so faint you couldn't really see unless you had the brightness at full setting, you could see what appeared to be something like a brass instrument of some sort. That wasn't there before.

Like anybody with at least half a brain in them would do I decided that it was time to leave the house. But as I stood up to walk downstairs the front door slammed shut. There was no light inside the house.I yelped and reeled back against the stairs. I was about to turn on the flashlight in my phone when I heard footsteps approaching the stairs. I did the only thing I thought in the moment and ran upstairs. I entered one of the rooms praying there was a closet. There was. As silently as my shaking knees would give I entered and shut the door. I slouched down holding back my sobbing gasps as tears streamed down my face. I heard footsteps on the stairs. Not only that but there seemed to be a screeching noise of some sort. I couldn't tell what it was, maybe like somebody blowing on a trumpet. The steps and the eery tune grew closer. And closer. And closer until they stopped in front of the closet door. The door handle started to wiggle around as if somebody was attempting to open it, but I was holding onto the handle from my end hoping the person or thing would think it was locked. After what seemed like an eternity the movement stopped. I stayed silent not knowing what to do. My heart was thumping so strong it felt like it would break through my ribcage at any second. After maybe 20 minutes I thought the creature would be gone by now. I slowly creaked the closet door open.

I walked out. Nothing was there. My adrenaline started to lower and I couldn't help but break into a nervous laugh. I had survived whatever that was. After my fit of laughter stopped I knew that I had to tell my friends. But they'd never believe me unless one of the pictures I took had me in it. So I took a selfie in the room and headed out at a quick pace.

The next day as I was telling them the story they laughed and thought I was fucking with them. I knew it would happen so I decided to pull up the pictures I took with the supernatural app. They thought I found the pics off google or something, so I then swiped to get to the picture of my selfie. When the picture came into view it took me a second to realize what was on the screen and when i did I dropped my phone and screamed.

Behind my teary eyed smiling face in the picture, stood a motherfucking spooky ass skeleton playing a trumpet. I NEVER SAID THANK TO MR SKELTAL. I NEVER SAID THANK.

edit: as per the request of others I found the selfie image that still gives me nightmares to this date. Be warned. Not for the faint of heart so do not click if you're scared easily.

If we're posting ghost stories I'll go ahead and post mine from another thread. Note, I don't believe in ghosts at all but this has an urban legend backstory to it so it's kinda cool I think.

In my hometown there's an urban legend about a phantom motorcycle rider on the outskirts of town. I'm sure other towns have similar urban myths, but basically you have to park your car at the top of this hill and flash your lights three times. After that you'll see a single light moving along the road and go down the hill, but never come back up to where you are parked.

I'm the type of person that doesn't believe in ghosts whatsoever, but I ended up trying this out with a bunch of friends.... and it worked. At first I was sure it was a car, but as it got closer you could definitely only see one headlight and then it just vanishes as it goes down the hill and out of sight. It was pretty freaky, but I'm sure there's an explanation for why that happened.

There are a couple videos on YouTube of people trying it out. This one got a ton of views, especially for a local legend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKUW_w9MlTg

Funny enough, it's also a spot that cops like to hang out at and bust drunk kids, but that's beside the point.

I'm pretty sure it was an actual person messing with us though. Others who have experienced it aren't so sure though. You can read about them online on various message boards.


Now this threads getting fun. Heres something I posted a in a thread a year or so ago. I'm sure there is a reasonable though no less creepy explanation.

Here's a long one I typed out for a similar thread on reddit awhile back. I think this is the most I've written since high school so I'm no wordsmith.

About 11 years ago, me and two of my friends decided one night to head down some train tracks and "break in" to an old abandoned coal mine on the outskirts of town. My friend had been there a week before exploring with a buddy, and so we climbed through a hole in the fence they had cut.

This place was pitch black and I had no experience with mining yards, so I could only imagine what these giant looming towers and silos were all around us. I could just barely make out these darker patches that were giant doors and holes in the structures and hear scuttling noises beyond. Those noises could easily be explained as pigeons or bats so we were not too fazed. So we continued to our destination. We knew that our town was surrounded by old wwII forts and bunkers and there was one on a hill in the middle of the mine yard. As we slowly crept towards our goal I kept hearing a small tapping noise. Not too alarming, just a small "tink tink tink" coming from the dark behind us in the direction we had come.

We make it to the base of the hill that holds the bunker and find some way to sneak around the only pole light in the yard and up the hill. The whole time we hear the soft "tink tink tink" behind us. Having made it up the hill and faced with the option to head into the bunker us brave men decide to pass. Little too creepy for us with no lights to find our way in or out. Instead we decided to head around back and this is were things get interesting.

We find ourselves standing around a hole with a ladder leading down into a lower level of the bunker with that relentless "tink tink tink" coming from somewhere out in the shadows. Now On two sides of us are the steep drop off of the hill, on the other two sides are the walls of the bunker. We were boxed in on all sides with only a small path leading out and with the hole and ladder in the ground at our feet. So we decide this is as good a place as any to light our joint and so I break it out. With my back to the drop off of the hill a few feet behind me and the hole directly at my feet I try. Well Im on top of a hill without much cover from the wind and having a difficult time getting the joint lit and Im growing frustrated. Not to mention that "tink tink tink" is starting to get annoying. Up until this point I assumed it was a metal sign hanging on the fence we climbed through, gently blowing in the wind, and so ignored it.

Frustrated with the joint and getting annoyed with the sound I turned around and stared in its direction. I asked my friends what they thought it was and tried again to light the joint, but this time I was facing the noise and did not try to conceal the flame. As soon as the lighter flashed the noise changed from a soft "tink tink tink" into a thunderous "boom boom boom". "Oh shit, security guards!", is the first thing that pops into my head. That booming noise is them running down metal stairs in one of these dark towers. They saw my face when the lighter's fire illuminated it and are now on the way.

All 3 of us crouch half way between flight and fight, unsure if we should run, hide or do nothing. We decide to wait. Its too dark for them to find us easily and they're so loud that we'll hear them the minute they get close. "Boom boom boom" the noise just wont stop and I swear its getting louder. "How long are those stairs" I think, "this is weird". And I swear I hear movement in the grass in the darkness at the bottom of the hill. We all agreed it was probably just the wind in the grass but decide it was time to sneak our way back out of this place. Slowly crouching through the dark we move through the mining yard towards the our exit when we run into a problem. Whatever is making that noise is in-between us and the exit. We squat down in the middle of an open gravel road to try to figure out our next move, safe in the thought it was just too dark for anybody to see us sitting there in the dirt. But just to be sure we picked a spot that placed a large chain link fence between us and that god awful "Boom boom boom" of the charging security guards. Now at this point I decided to upgrade the guards to Cops in my mind and was becoming a bit antsy, but we decided to wait them out. I guess at this point we all realized that none of this is making any sense and those "guards or cops" should have reached the bottom of those stairs by now. Thats when things got weirder.

With the "Boom boom boom" in front of us and nothing to do but wait if we want to use our only known exit we start to hear something else. In the dark all around us, but some where close and on the same gravel we are crouching on. Things start to move. There was a "thud" noise and then a slow scraping noise as something was dragged across the gravel. Then again from somewhere else, quiet but very close. These noises were all around us, thuds then a slow dragging across gravel, but we could not really pin point in what direction they were coming from. At this point I go from rational adult to scared kid and I think of all the people who died at this mine, or what could be living in those tunnels. In my mind the noise went from guards/police, shot past ghosts and now is smack dab in the middle of goblin and giant rat town.

Of course we have to get the hell out of there and decide that climbing the fence behind the mine, running into the woods and making our way to the highway is our only option. And so we pick our butts up out of the dirt and sneak as fast as we can the hell out of there. We're making it, the noise are behind us and not getting any closer and we find rows and rows of empty coal train cars, perfect! We can walk freely between them with no chance of being spotted from a distance. With the end of the mine yard close by and with the protection of the train cars we relax a bit and talk in less hushed whispers. I guess that was a mistake.

A few seconds after entering the rows of train cars the first car explode in noise "BOOM". Whatever was making that booming noise was right behind us only feet away. I have never in my life, nor will I ever, I'm sure, move so swiftly again. The hundreds of feet between me and the fence to the outside world flew by and I still do not understand how I got over the ten foot fence so easily, I just remember leaping off it into the dark. We make it to the road and head back to town. The road bends around the mine and we can still hear that relentless " boom, boom, boom" of something smashing that train.

My friends get too uncomfortable talking about it and seem happy to forget anything weird ever happened, but my curiosity is drives me nuts and I've gone back a few times over the years. Nothing out of the ordinary happened and the last time I went by myself and everything was torn down and taken away.

Trying to find a modern picture of the yard I found this old paper. Seems a lot of men and boys met their end here.


Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Could someone explain this.

When my grandad was alive for as long as i can remember he grew all sorts of vegetables n salads etc in his garden.

When he passed away for aroud a week i would smell all sorts of vegetables etc. This also happens now n then to this day.

I would also add im not a salad or vegetable eater i never buy any.

This doesn't freak me out or anything its just a strange thing thats happening now n then since his passing.


Redmond's Baby
Could someone explain this.

When my grandad was alive for as long as i can remember he grew all sorts of vegetables n salads etc in his garden.

When he passed away for aroud a week i would smell all sorts of vegetables etc. This also happens now n then to this day.

I would also add im not a salad or vegetable eater i never buy any.

This doesn't freak me out or anything its just a strange thing thats happening now n then since his passing.

Maybe your grandad is checking on you from time to time and his presence is noted by vegetable smell :)


Could someone explain this.

When my grandad was alive for as long as i can remember he grew all sorts of vegetables n salads etc in his garden.

When he passed away for aroud a week i would smell all sorts of vegetables etc. This also happens now n then to this day.

I would also add im not a salad or vegetable eater i never buy any.

This doesn't freak me out or anything its just a strange thing thats happening now n then since his passing.

It's your brain messing with you.

Which is the answer to most stories here btw.


It's your brain messing with you.

Which is the answer to most stories here btw.
Ahh yes the brain is messing with you crowd. Remember guys all these unexplained things are just because you are looking for something to happen so your brain tricks you... Hahahahaha


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Ahh yes the brain is messing with you crowd. Remember guys all these unexplained things are just because you are looking for something to happen so your brain tricks you... Hahahahaha

Pretty much, yes. Dunno why you are going all sarcasm


Ahh yes the brain is messing with you crowd. Remember guys all these unexplained things are just because you are looking for something to happen so your brain tricks you... Hahahahaha
Can't explain it? Must be something wrong with your brain powers.


Ahh yes the brain is messing with you crowd. Remember guys all these unexplained things are just because you are looking for something to happen so your brain tricks you... Hahahahaha

I hope you realize that what you perceive as reality is simply what your brain pieces together from mostly incomplete information, guesswork and shortcuts, which can lead to mistakes.
subconscious and conscious memories can trigger certain sensations that are actually not there, just as certain sensations can trigger certain memories.
in the case of the person I quoted the sensation of vegetable smell, which is obviously linked to his/her late grandfather.

that's neither uncommon nor paranormal. it's just how our brains work.


I hope you realize that what you perceive as reality is simply what your brain pieces together from mostly incomplete information, guesswork and shortcuts, which can lead to mistakes.
subconscious and conscious memories can trigger certain sensations that are actually not there, just as certain sensations can trigger certain memories.
in the case of the person I quoted the sensation of vegetable smell, which is obviously linked to his/her late grandfather.

that's neither uncommon nor paranormal. it's just how our brains work.
To bad I don't go around thinking I want so smell rotting flesh and see a woman in white all day.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It's your brain messing with you.

Which is the answer to most stories here btw.

I would agree that most ghost stories are just people's minds playing tricks on them, that said though some of the things I (and many others) saw in my story above were not mind tricks but very physical phenomenon. The only way they could be mind tricks is if telekinesis is a real thing and someone in that restaurant loved playing practical jokes.

In the OP's case though, I really think someone's just breaking into his apartment and making messes and his PC has lots of malware.


To bad I don't go around thinking I want so smell rotting flesh and see a woman in white all day.

That's not what I said.

I would agree that most ghost stories are just people's minds playing tricks on them, that said though some of the things I (and many others) saw in my story above were not mind tricks but very physical phenomenon. The only way they could be mind tricks is if telekinesis is a real thing and someone in that restaurant loved playing practical jokes.

In the OP's case though, I really think someone's just breaking into his apartment and making messes and his PC has lots of malware.

I just read your story, and yeah it sounds pretty crazy, no doubt.

As an Anthropologist I accept that people will believe what they want to believe based on their own experience and socialization, and that they are probably going to stick to their perception of reality, even if there is evidence proving otherwise.
But I'm also a scientist, so it's only natural for me to base my explanations on actual facts based on evidence.
That said, schizophrenia, mass hallucination and people that love playing practical jokes for example are all things based on actual facts, while to this day there is not one single case that proved the existence of the paranormal with conclusive evidence.
So I do believe you, that you believe what you saw was real and linked to a paranormal phenomenon, but I don't believe that what you saw had anything to do with ghosts.

And yes, I absolutely agree with you that a real human being is actually responsible for what the OP encountered, which, let's be real here, can be pretty fucking dangerous if he's not willing to accept this more likely explanation.


Ahh yes the brain is messing with you crowd. Remember guys all these unexplained things are just because you are looking for something to happen so your brain tricks you... Hahahahaha

Our sense of smell is very strongly linked to memory, more so than any other sense. The part of the brain responsible for your sense of smell (the olfactory bulb) is physically very close to parts that are responsible for emotional memory. A familiar scent can trigger intense memories and similarly, a memory can make you "smell" odors associated with it. These types of memories, olfactory memories, are not only more intense but also more resilient than most others.

After her grandfather's death, when she was thinking about him frequently, it's completely normal to be reminded of scents that are most strongly associated with him. She was probably more sensitive to those specific odors that she may have ignored earlier. It's even possible to smell those odors as a direct result of those memories of her grandfather without any additional stimulus.

It's like if someone describes an experience with, say, raw sewage and you pick up a fleeting whiff of the odor from their description alone. The link between scent and memory is very well established and we've all experienced it in some form or another, it's not an unexplained mystery.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I just read your story, and yeah it sounds pretty crazy, no doubt.

As an Anthropologist I accept that people will believe what they want to believe based on their own experience and socialization, and that they are probably going to stick to their perception of reality, even if there is evidence proving otherwise.
But I'm also a scientist, so it's only natural for me to base my explanations on actual facts based on evidence.
That said, schizophrenia, mass hallucination and people that love playing practical jokes for example are all things based on actual facts, while to this day there is not one single case that proved the existence of the paranormal with conclusive evidence.
So I do believe you, that you believe what you saw was real and linked to a paranormal phenomenon, but I don't believe that what you saw had anything to do with ghosts.

That's what I used to argue with my co-workers, that just because we can't explain the stuff that we were seeing didn't mean it necessarily had to be "ghosts". Maybe some of those glasses had water under them that reduced the coefficient of friction and allowed light breezes to move the glass. Maybe the soup bowl that jumped up and out of the stack had a defect in the material that caused it to crack or expand suddenly. Maybe the doors moving on their own were just caused by drafts. Maybe the table arrangements truly were simply pranks by sneaky bus boys. Maybe the people quitting in fear just succumbed to scary stories and mild delusions.

That's why I was always disappointed that I never saw an actual apparition, a "physical" ghost. I saw plenty of stuff I can't explain properly to this day, but I'm still skeptical as to what caused said stuff. If I had seen a full on ghost, no matter how scary it would have been, at least I'd have that as evidence for myself to explain it more thoroughly. And while some employees did claim to see apparitions, the scientist in me just can't take their word for it as concrete proof.

Most people say they never want to see a ghost, personally I'd love to see one, hell I'd love to get it on film and in a picture too, even sound recorded. The more evidence the better!


That's what I used to argue with my co-workers, that just because we can't explain the stuff that we were seeing didn't mean it necessarily had to be "ghosts". Maybe some of those glasses had water under them that reduced the coefficient of friction and allowed light breezes to move the glass. Maybe the soup bowl that jumped up and out of the stack had a defect in the material that caused it to crack or expand suddenly. Maybe the doors moving on their own were just caused by drafts. Maybe the table arrangements truly were simply pranks by sneaky bus boys. Maybe the people quitting in fear just succumbed to scary stories and mild delusions.

That's why I was always disappointed that I never saw an actual apparition, a "physical" ghost. I saw plenty of stuff I can't explain properly to this day, but I'm still skeptical as to what caused said stuff. If I had seen a full on ghost, no matter how scary it would have been, at least I'd have that as evidence for myself to explain it more thoroughly. And while some employees did claim to see apparitions, the scientist in me just can't take their word for it as concrete proof.

Most people say they never want to see a ghost, personally I'd love to see one, hell I'd love to get it on film and in a picture too, even sound recorded. The more evidence the better!

Yep, those are all possible explanations that are far more likely.
But people obviously love to draw conclusions from at first glance unexplainable and seemingly related events, that are most likely just random occurrences that can be explained by simple physics.
But people love mysteries and ghosts, so what can you do... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And I agree, I would love ghosts to be real because it would open so many crazy possibilities. And also, if ghosts were real, Dragons might too.
I fucking love Dragons! :D

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
So I dont feel like making a new thread when this one is up, but I too have been experiencing strange things. I've ruled out sleepwalking(I'll explain) and someone secretly living in my apartment, as there just isn't a viable place they could hide. I have a large walk in closet, but it's pretty much empty and there is no place a human could hide.

Basically, things are getting strangely wet in strange ways. I should say the very first time it happened was longer ago than the more recent occurrences and was so strange and one off I just wrote it off as nothing. Basically a top part of my sheet on my bed was wet, I thought I legit pissed myself at first. Then I realized my underwear and comforter were completely dry. It also seemed like water, not urine.

At first I put it down to me spilling something and then not remembering, but then it happened when I know for a fact I had no beverages near the spot, so that was weird. First few times it happened after the sheet incident was on my night table next to my bed, and the underside of my remote and Xbox controlled were soaked. Not the top, or even anywhere else on the table, I didnt notice until I picked one up and went wtf at the wetness. It definitely isn't urine, it seems to be normal water. The next time it happened my stack of Xbox games was soaked, and I know I didnt spill anything there because they are next to my Xbox and I wouldnt risk ruining that by putting a beverage there. I dont know when they got wet because they were all sticky and stuck together by the time I found out(Im guessing this is what happens to plastic when you let it soak). Again, nothing else was wet aside from the games, nothing next to them, nothing dripped on the floor. At this point I confronted my roommate on the matter to see if this was some sort of weird, fucked up prank and he denied it. I believe him, because I honestly dont think he would try to ruin hundreds of dollars worth of my stuff and I cant think of a motive. I dont think it is a leak, as it happens in different spots, it wets the underside of things and not the top, and there are no signs of an actual leak on the ceiling. From that point I stopped having a glass of water in my room of fear that I was sleep walking and was pouring precise amounts of water on things. That happened a little over a week ago and nothing happened since.

Until last night.

I went to bed around 5 AM, again, no water in my room. As I woke around 1 PM I stretched my arm and felt something wet. I sleep on a futon, first layer is the futon's mattress, then two memory foam pads, and then on top a comforter. My comforter and top memory foam pad are bone dry. The bottom memory foam and futon mattress? Soaking wet.

I honestly dont know what it is at this point, could it be a weird form of condensation or something? Four possibilities in my eyes:

1. Roommate is actually doing this, why or how I do not know. For reasons stated earlier I really doubt this.

2. Someone has a key to our apartment, comes in at certain times, takes nothing of value, and wets certain things just to fuck with me. I'm not sure how much I believe this. This person would basically have to devote their life to watching my roommate's and I's actions. We both dont really have very concrete schedules, so unless they are constantly watching us, it would be a gamble everytime they came in. IIRC the mob has done similar tactics to make people go insane, but I dont have any real enemies and live in a small college suburb.

3. A strange form of condensation or the likes as I said earlier.

4. Ghosts. Looking up similar occurrences online that is everyone's explanation. Someone on a ghost forum experiencing the same things even said after looking up the death records of their house, they found out someone had drowned in their pool before they moved in. I live next to a graveyard, for what it's worth.

What say you, GAF?


Put a camera on, record video to a large hard drive and wait for it to happen again every night. A leak or sleep walking I'm guessing. A ghost isn't pouring water randomly on your shit.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Put a camera on, record video to a large hard drive and wait for it to happen again every night. A leak or sleep walking I'm guessing. A ghost isn't pouring water randomly on your shit.

Wouldnt the ceiling itself show signs of a leak though?


Wouldnt the ceiling itself show signs of a leak though?

Have you felt the ceiling when its happened? Doe it happen on rainy nights? I too would be pretty freaked out (especially living next to a grave yard). Just think you need to do more digging of the source before jumping to conclusions on possible ghosts and a camera might be the best option. Sounds a bit odd if its in multiple spots but maybe this is something you're doing when you get up in the middle of the night and you don't recall. Damp walls don't mould quickly, depends how long its been going on.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Put a camera on, record video to a large hard drive and wait for it to happen again every night. A leak or sleep walking I'm guessing. A ghost isn't pouring water randomly on your shit.

Yep, film it with a hidden camera and let no one else know about it, no one. It rules out lots of stuff when you have film. I'm guessing it's your roommate honestly, and film would tell you that pretty clearly. Just make sure the camera is hidden and secret.

On another note, I found out from my mom today that the haunted restaurant that I used to work at is a historic preserve of sorts now:


They give ghost tours from time to time and openly welcome ghost hunters and paranormal investigators to do whatever they can to document things. I guess they stopped trying to keep the place open to the public as a restaurant, just too hard to keep the employees I'd wager.


I guess I'll share my story. This was me when I was young. Maybe 4-6 years of age. I used to live in a small town one hour off of Guadalajara, Jalisco. Anyway, I sort of recall this, but apparently, I used to see a dead man. We had a 2 story house, the top floor was exposed and had a patio. I would sometimes see a dead "ghost" across 2 or 3 buildings away. I would point my finger and tell my family members, "hey look do you see that man over there?". My parents would look the direction I was pointing at and not see a thing. What I vaguely remember is seeing a man on a crucifix, but it was more like a scarecrow. We decided to look into it, or my parents did actually. They found out that people were hanged there.

I want to further express that I was 4-6 years old at this time. It is a clouded memory but it is there. It was only brought back to me because my parents reminded me of it.

Today, I don't believe in ghosts. I haven't experienced anything supernatural ever since. Sometimes I do get scared shitless because of things I might have seen, or believe I saw. Like at night.
So did OP ever find out who or what was snooping around his apartment?

Came to last page for this, found thread fell apart into ghost stories. I approve, but cannot contribute.

One when I was a kid I was playing Silent Hill in our unfinished basement at night. I remember going to grab a drink, seeing a deer outside the window and losing my shit. Ahhh, the eight year old mind, I don't think I slept at all that night.
I honestly dont know what it is at this point, could it be a weird form of condensation or something? Four possibilities in my eyes:

1. Roommate is actually doing this, why or how I do not know. For reasons stated earlier I really doubt this.

2. Someone has a key to our apartment, comes in at certain times, takes nothing of value, and wets certain things just to fuck with me. I'm not sure how much I believe this. This person would basically have to devote their life to watching my roommate's and I's actions. We both dont really have very concrete schedules, so unless they are constantly watching us, it would be a gamble everytime they came in. IIRC the mob has done similar tactics to make people go insane, but I dont have any real enemies and live in a small college suburb.

3. A strange form of condensation or the likes as I said earlier.

4. Ghosts. Looking up similar occurrences online that is everyone's explanation. Someone on a ghost forum experiencing the same things even said after looking up the death records of their house, they found out someone had drowned in their pool before they moved in. I live next to a graveyard, for what it's worth.

What say you, GAF?

I still don't know how you jump to ghosts, over say, a leaky roof, or even trans-dimensional thunderstorms. I really can't grasp how 'ghosts' is one of your 4 options. What do you know about ghosts that suggests they would go around making things wet? Why ghosts, and not some other equally unproven phenomena?


I love reading stuff like this.

I had a really creepy experience texting my wife, and I'm pretty sure I screenshotted all of it so I may make a post one day about it.

I sent her a random picture of one of our kids or something via text, and she received a text from my phone number, but it was of a completely different image that I have never seen or took before. It looked like a shitty cellphone pic of a girl in a canoe with her legs hanging over the side. We even compared phones and timestamps... and sure enough, it showed that I sent a completely different pic than she received. So I tried it again. I sent a different image this time, and there was a delay in her receiving the text, but when it came to her phone it was a completely different image that I have never seen before. This time, another grainy cellphone pic of like, a dark space. Hard to really make out, but it almost looked like polaroid quality.

We tried a third time and it never happened again. But this weirded us the fuck out properly. The weirdest part is that they were just overall creepy ass looking grainy pictures. It was so strange, and I dunno why or how that could have happened. I think I screenshotted both of our phones but now I'm going to have to check, as this happened a few years ago.


I'm no story teller, but I'll share a few experiences..

About 10yrs ago me and my wife rented out a cabin for a few days. On the first night, I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. I found myself peering off into the black darkness of the room. There was no moon or starlight this night, so it was pitch black. All of a sudden my surroundings started to get almost a 'tv static' appearance. It wasn't bright, but very faint. It was if the atmosphere in the room and its tiny molecules were boiling in the dark. I wasn't afraid, in fact I felt very calm. Suddenly I noticed there was something else going on. I could perceive a light blue colour coming out of the void and static. It then became clearer what it was. Fingers.. then hands.. then noses.. cheekbones.. forehead.. chin.. eye sockets. All were just appearing as if it was a threshold that needed to be crossed. All a faint transparent blue. There was probably five or six distinct entities floating about five feet away relative to where I was laying. They never amounted to more than just faces and hands. I tapped my wife's shoulder, who was still barely awake at the time. I told her that she had to turn over and look at this wonderful thing. She refused. She was too afraid to do it, almost knowing that something very odd was happening. I just stared at the floating disembodied figures trying to make out any recognizable features but I could not. After about two to three minutes it all faded back into the background noise and then even that faded and disappeared. I was again just staring into the black and again, not afraid.

Another few accounts are from family members.

My brother is purely a man of science. He is completely rational and doesn't believe in an afterlife or ghosts in general. At this particular time, he lived in an upstairs apartment attached to my grandparents home. One evening, at approximately 3am, he needed to come down to get a drink out of my grandparent's fridge. Upon closing the fridge, he turned around and saw a woman or apparition standing about two feet from his face. He said that she was completely vivid and real as if it took up physical space. A dark-haired woman probably in her late 30s. She was dressed in something that more befit the 19th century. A few seconds after staring at her, my brother recounted that her jaw dropped and her mouth stretched out well past a natural length. Her mouth was filled with hundreds of tiny sharp teeth. She then zapped completely out of vision without delay. That was it. He tells me that he cannot explain what happened other than perhaps it being so late his mind was playing tricks on him. He says he was already awake previously and didn't feel all that tired.

My parents have told me that in the very same house an incident once occurred to me when I was a baby. My parents and grandparents were in the kitchen having lunch and I was tucked safely away in a crib in one of the bedrooms. Then there was crying heard. This wasn't abnormal, because apparently I did this quite a lot. After a few minutes the crying got a lot louder almost to the point of screeching in pain. They rushed into the bedroom to discover that I wasn't in the crib at all. Perplexed they searched around the adjacent bedrooms. Nothing. My parents then came into the living room and this how they found me (according to them). They said that I was upside-down on the top of the lazy boy chair seemingly dangling defying the laws of gravity. Dad rushed in a grabbed me.

My uncle Eddie and his wife would never stay in that house again. One night they woke up to see two figures standing at the end of the bed staring at them. Both were also wearing 19th century garb. Apparently, these apparitions disappeared after a short while in the same manner as my brother's experience (without the teeth). They both ran out of the bedroom frantically afterwards and left the house straight away.
1. Roommate is actually doing this, why or how I do not know. For reasons stated earlier I really doubt this.

So it happened with you sleeping in your room, right? If your door opens inward put an empty glass bottle right in front of it before you go to sleep. No camera needed and failsafe.
Or you could just lock your room, I guess.

Other than your roommate my next gues would be a leak in the ceiling. Though those usually only occur in one spot...
I'm no story teller, but I'll share a few experiences..

About 10yrs ago me and my wife rented out a cabin for a few days. On the first night, I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. I found myself peering off into the black darkness of the room. There was no moon or starlight this night, so it was pitch black. All of a sudden my surroundings started to get almost a 'tv static' appearance. It wasn't bright, but very faint. It was if the atmosphere in the room and its tiny molecules were boiling in the dark. I wasn't afraid, in fact I felt very calm. Suddenly I noticed there was something else going on. I could perceive a light blue colour coming out of the void and static. It then became clearer what it was. Fingers.. then hands.. then noses.. cheekbones.. forehead.. chin.. eye sockets. All were just appearing as if it was a threshold that needed to be crossed. All a faint transparent blue. There was probably five or six distinct entities floating about five feet away relative to where I was laying. They never amounted to more than just faces and hands. I tapped my wife's shoulder, who was still barely awake at the time. I told her that she had to turn over and look at this wonderful thing. She refused. She was too afraid to do it, almost knowing that something very odd was happening. I just stared at the floating disembodied figures trying to make out any recognizable features but I could not. After about two to three minutes it all faded back into the background noise and then even that faded and disappeared. I was again just staring into the black and again, not afraid.

Another few accounts are from family members.

My brother is purely a man of science. He is completely rational and doesn't believe in an afterlife or ghosts in general. At this particular time, he lived in an upstairs apartment attached to my grandparents home. One evening, at approximately 3am, he needed to come down to get a drink out of my grandparent's fridge. Upon closing the fridge, he turned around and saw a woman or apparition standing about two feet from his face. He said that she was completely vivid and real as if it took up physical space. A dark-haired woman probably in her late 30s. She was dressed in something that more befit the 19th century. A few seconds after staring at her, my brother recounted that her jaw dropped and her mouth stretched out well past a natural length. Her mouth was filled with hundreds of tiny sharp teeth. She then zapped completely out of vision without delay. That was it. He tells me that he cannot explain what happened other than perhaps it being so late his mind was playing tricks on him. He says he was already awake previously and didn't feel all that tired.

My parents have told me that in the very same house an incident once occurred to me when I was a baby. My parents and grandparents were in the kitchen having lunch and I was tucked safely away in a crib in one of the bedrooms. Then there was crying heard. This wasn't abnormal, because apparently I did this quite a lot. After a few minutes the crying got a lot louder almost to the point of screeching in pain. They rushed into the bedroom to discover that I wasn't in the crib at all. Perplexed they searched around the adjacent bedrooms. Nothing. My parents then came into the living room and this how they found me (according to them). They said that I was upside-down on the top of the lazy boy chair seemingly dangling defying the laws of gravity. Dad rushed in a grabbed me.

My uncle Eddie and his wife would never stay in that house again. One night they woke up to see two figures standing at the end of the bed staring at them. Both were also wearing 19th century garb. Apparently, these apparitions disappeared after a short while in the same manner as my brother's experience (without the teeth). They both ran out of the bedroom frantically afterwards and left the house straight away.

These are spooky, although the first one less so than the others. It's very common to hallucinate when your brain is deprived of sensory information. You said you were in complete darkness. That's a very normal for your mind to just start making up visions. You could probably make yourself do it again very easily. Just go to a pitch black room and stare straight ahead. Don't look around, just stare. You'll start to see the dim static effect after a few minutes. Then, who knows what you'll start seeing in the static.

I used to do it all the time as a kid.
So I dont feel like making a new thread when this one is up, but I too have been experiencing strange things. I've ruled out sleepwalking(I'll explain) and someone secretly living in my apartment, as there just isn't a viable place they could hide. I have a large walk in closet, but it's pretty much empty and there is no place a human could hide.

Basically, things are getting strangely wet in strange ways. I should say the very first time it happened was longer ago than the more recent occurrences and was so strange and one off I just wrote it off as nothing. Basically a top part of my sheet on my bed was wet, I thought I legit pissed myself at first. Then I realized my underwear and comforter were completely dry. It also seemed like water, not urine.

At first I put it down to me spilling something and then not remembering, but then it happened when I know for a fact I had no beverages near the spot, so that was weird. First few times it happened after the sheet incident was on my night table next to my bed, and the underside of my remote and Xbox controlled were soaked. Not the top, or even anywhere else on the table, I didnt notice until I picked one up and went wtf at the wetness. It definitely isn't urine, it seems to be normal water. The next time it happened my stack of Xbox games was soaked, and I know I didnt spill anything there because they are next to my Xbox and I wouldnt risk ruining that by putting a beverage there. I dont know when they got wet because they were all sticky and stuck together by the time I found out(Im guessing this is what happens to plastic when you let it soak). Again, nothing else was wet aside from the games, nothing next to them, nothing dripped on the floor. At this point I confronted my roommate on the matter to see if this was some sort of weird, fucked up prank and he denied it. I believe him, because I honestly dont think he would try to ruin hundreds of dollars worth of my stuff and I cant think of a motive. I dont think it is a leak, as it happens in different spots, it wets the underside of things and not the top, and there are no signs of an actual leak on the ceiling. From that point I stopped having a glass of water in my room of fear that I was sleep walking and was pouring precise amounts of water on things. That happened a little over a week ago and nothing happened since.

Until last night.

I went to bed around 5 AM, again, no water in my room. As I woke around 1 PM I stretched my arm and felt something wet. I sleep on a futon, first layer is the futon's mattress, then two memory foam pads, and then on top a comforter. My comforter and top memory foam pad are bone dry. The bottom memory foam and futon mattress? Soaking wet.

I honestly dont know what it is at this point, could it be a weird form of condensation or something? Four possibilities in my eyes:

1. Roommate is actually doing this, why or how I do not know. For reasons stated earlier I really doubt this.

2. Someone has a key to our apartment, comes in at certain times, takes nothing of value, and wets certain things just to fuck with me. I'm not sure how much I believe this. This person would basically have to devote their life to watching my roommate's and I's actions. We both dont really have very concrete schedules, so unless they are constantly watching us, it would be a gamble everytime they came in. IIRC the mob has done similar tactics to make people go insane, but I dont have any real enemies and live in a small college suburb.

3. A strange form of condensation or the likes as I said earlier.

4. Ghosts. Looking up similar occurrences online that is everyone's explanation. Someone on a ghost forum experiencing the same things even said after looking up the death records of their house, they found out someone had drowned in their pool before they moved in. I live next to a graveyard, for what it's worth.

What say you, GAF?

Get a lock for your door and lock it when you go to bed so he can't possibly do it as a joke. Also start putting something on the door so you can tell if someone has got in, like a hair taped to the frame, and check if it's broken before you go back in. Then, as the other guys say, if you can set up a camera to record all night that would be ideal.

Cool stories everyone; I love paranormal stuff but I've never seen anything and I don't recall ever experiencing anything either. I've only read the first and last pages so I'm now going back to read the rest.


Ahh yes the brain is messing with you crowd. Remember guys all these unexplained things are just because you are looking for something to happen so your brain tricks you... Hahahahaha

Versus ghosts and supernatural monsters exist despite no real proof whatsoever in centuries of trying to find any? I mean call a spade a spade here, there is always an explanation that isn't supernatural


Versus ghosts and supernatural monsters exist despite no real proof whatsoever in centuries of trying to find any? I mean call a spade a spade here, there is always an explanation that isn't supernatural
Picture, videos, and thousand of eye witness accounts yea OK. What do you want to go out and catch a ghost in a cage? If you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.

why the hell can't the supernatural be an explanation itself? The supernatural is science. It's just something we don't understand ATM and your making it seem like magic at a kids party.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Picture, videos, and thousand of eye witness accounts yea OK. What do you want to go out and catch a ghost in a cage? If you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.

why the hell can't the supernatural be an explanation itself? The supernatural is science. It's just something we don't understand ATM and your making it seem like magic at a kids party.

Um,no, the supernatural is not science. While I believe in something ghost like being a reality, I understand full well that my experiences were far from scientific, and that there is no scientific evidence today that ghosts or demons actually exist.
why the hell can't the supernatural be an explanation itself? The supernatural is science. It's just something we don't understand ATM and your making it seem like magic at a kids party.
The supernatural has no explanatory power, it's answering a mystery with a bigger mystery.
I love reading stuff like this.

I had a really creepy experience texting my wife, and I'm pretty sure I screenshotted all of it so I may make a post one day about it.

I sent her a random picture of one of our kids or something via text, and she received a text from my phone number, but it was of a completely different image that I have never seen or took before. It looked like a shitty cellphone pic of a girl in a canoe with her legs hanging over the side. We even compared phones and timestamps... and sure enough, it showed that I sent a completely different pic than she received. So I tried it again. I sent a different image this time, and there was a delay in her receiving the text, but when it came to her phone it was a completely different image that I have never seen before. This time, another grainy cellphone pic of like, a dark space. Hard to really make out, but it almost looked like polaroid quality.

We tried a third time and it never happened again. But this weirded us the fuck out properly. The weirdest part is that they were just overall creepy ass looking grainy pictures. It was so strange, and I dunno why or how that could have happened. I think I screenshotted both of our phones but now I'm going to have to check, as this happened a few years ago.
Do it, this sounds pretty wild. Reminds me of the poster here who found that picture of the kid on a chair wearing lingerie. Really creepy. I think it was Lamonster.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Picture, videos, and thousand of eye witness accounts yea OK. What do you want to go out and catch a ghost in a cage? If you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.

why the hell can't the supernatural be an explanation itself? The supernatural is science. It's just something we don't understand ATM and your making it seem like magic at a kids party.

No absolutely not. It's worse than kid's magic honestly.


Picture, videos, and thousand of eye witness accounts yea OK. What do you want to go out and catch a ghost in a cage? If you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.

why the hell can't the supernatural be an explanation itself? The supernatural is science. It's just something we don't understand ATM and your making it seem like magic at a kids party.

Jeff's home video of a "ghost" in his spooky house etc, got nothing on our current understanding of physics, and how we view the universe. I agree there is a lot we do not understand yet, but there is nothing that points to ghosts, demons that holds. Shit, UFOs, some new kind of military technology, your own brain misunderstanding/making shit up is way more likely. "Ghosts" is like.. on the bottom of the list, after all other possible explanations.

Oh, supernatural is science? I don't think so. There are no testable explanations or anything. You can't do anything with it.


Jeff's home video of a "ghost" in his spooky house etc, got nothing on our current understanding of physics, and how we view the universe. I agree there is a lot we do not understand yet, but there is nothing that points to ghosts, demons that holds. Shit, UFOs, some new kind of military technology, your own brain misunderstanding/making shit up is way more likely. "Ghosts" is like.. on the bottom of the list, after all other possible explanations.

Oh, supernatural is science? I don't think so. There are no testable explanations or anything. You can't do anything with it.
You can't be serious with this post hahaha.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
You can't be serious with this post hahaha.

What makes you think he isn't serious? He's right by the way, there is no scientific proof for ghosts. There are lots of stories and crappy pictures and shoddy video but nothing concrete or even clearly real. Ghosts to this day remain a popular excuse for explaining unknown phenomenon.

While I believe ghosts were responsible for what I experienced, I wouldn't have the audacity to say "Yep, it was definitely ghosts!!!". I could be very wrong, all of us in that restaurant could be wrong.

Long ago people explained epileptic seizures as demon possession, they explained compasses going crazy as aliens, they explained stars moving across the sky as Gods watching over them. All scientifically wrong today of course.

Just because something can't be readily explained nor proven does not mean it must be supernatural....


What makes you think he isn't serious? He's right by the way, there is no scientific proof for ghosts. There are lots of stories and crappy pictures and shoddy video but nothing concrete or even clearly real. Ghosts to this day remain a popular excuse for explaining unknown phenomenon.

Just because something can't be readily explained nor proven does not mean it must be supernatural....
First half is a contradiction and picture and video is evidence.

Second half is attemptong to be explained but people wrote off the people who are trying to explain it as not scientist or just crazy people because they aren't paid by the government and don't wear lab coats.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
First half is a contradiction and picture and video is evidence.

Second half is attemptong to be explained but people wrote off the people who are trying to explain it as not scientist or just crazy people because they aren't paid by the government and don't wear lab coats.

There is no evidence of ghosts. None exists. Sorry man but you can't argue that.
EDIT: I guess you can try to argue it but you'd be wrong.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
First half is a contradiction and picture and video is evidence.

Second half is attemptong to be explained but people wrote off the people who are trying to explain it as not scientist or just crazy people because they aren't paid by the government and don't wear lab coats.

You have a very distorted view on what is and isn't science or "evidence".

If pictures and video are proof enough, then does Superman exist? I have books full of pictures of him, and several movies showing him as a real person. How about Bigfoot? There are plenty of pics and videos of those guys running around America, but do any of them make Bigfoot a real entity? Do crop circles prove the existence of aliens and UFO's?

Please, please don't say yes to any of that.... o_O
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