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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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How can you have such a healthy skepticism and still believe in ghosts? Theres no good evidence for ghosts, sorry.

There have been trillions of life forms to walk the Earth before us, whatever the qualifications are to becoming a ghost, even if only 0.000001% of things that die become a ghost, we would be tripping over ghosts all day long. You wouldn't be able to go a day without seeing one. People have claimed to see ghost animals too, gotta add those into the mix. Not to mention all the ludicrous inanimate object ghosts people have claimed to see like ghost ships or trains. If ghosts existed we would know for sure by now, it wouldn't be this mysterious.

How do you explain ghost ships anyway? The restless spirit of old repurposed trees can't accept that they sunk into the ocean?

Ghost ships have to be real else would ghosts get across the sea?


Alright Rivitur. It seems you don't quite grasp some fundamental definitions.

To be a scientist, you have to subscribe to the scientific method. This means that you need to design a series of experiments with controlled factors, output variables and environment, which must be reliably documented and subsequently reproduced. The "experiment" you propose pretty much violates most rules of experimental design; so you gather a bunch of people - some of which might be highly suggestible, in a dark place, where it has established that the human brain can generate subtle hallucinations to fill in the blanks created by our vision systems, with a ouija board (for some incredibly arbitrary reason), and your intention would be to justify anything weird that happens as a result of that setup? Don't make me laugh.

As a scientist, you also have to take into account previous scientific knowledge to build upon when coming up with a hypothesis. The existence of ghosts pretty much violates the laws of thermodynamics, unless there was a solid measurement of energy being drawn from somewhere in order for apparitions to manifest themselves. But sure, let's say you've made a breakthrough that goes against the foundations of basic physics, one that will usher a scientific paradigm shift. You don't go about it by making a youtube video or calling some ghost hunters show. The fact that you use previously ridiculed scientists as proof that these people may have a point is highly offensive to anyone with a scientific background.


Mate those are all real you just haven't found the right boardgame they enjoy. Have you tried playing Settlers of Catan on the 4th floor of an apartment built over old dinosaur bones?

I tried but those fucking dinosaur ghosts cheat every time. Not worth it.


Alright Rivitur. It seems you don't quite grasp some fundamental definitions.

To be a scientist, you have to subscribe to the scientific method. This means that you need to design a series of experiments with controlled factors, output variables and environment, which must be reliably documented and subsequently reproduced. The "experiment" you propose pretty much violates most rules of experimental design; so you gather a bunch of people - some of which might be highly suggestible, in a dark place, where it has established that the human brain can generate subtle hallucinations to fill in the blanks created by our vision systems, with a ouija board (for some incredibly arbitrary reason), and your intention would be to justify anything weird that happens as a result of that setup? Don't make me laugh.

As a scientist, you also have to take into account previous scientific knowledge to build upon when coming up with a hypothesis. The existence of ghosts pretty much violates the laws of thermodynamics, unless there was a solid measurement of energy being drawn from somewhere in order for apparitions to manifest themselves. But sure, let's say you've made a breakthrough that goes against the foundations of basic physics, one that will usher a scientific paradigm shift. You don't go about it by making a youtube video or calling some ghost hunters show. The fact that you use previously ridiculed scientists as proof that these people may have a point is highly offensive to anyone with a scientific background.
In the 8rh grade I did a science project and won the science fair. I had a topic and created a hypothesis and experiment to disprove my idea. Ghost hunters have the same thing going here they have an idea and are attending to assure their idea or disprove.


This is mainly for people who have just joined. If people have yet to catch on, Rivitur is stringing everyone along with a game while waiting for the OP. That's not nice, Rivitur. You know how people can be when a "psudoscience" post comes along.


In the 8rh grade I did a science project and won the science fair. I had a topic and created a hypothesis and experiment to disprove my idea. Ghost hunters have the same thing going here they have an idea and are attending to assure their idea or disprove.

That's not what ghost hunter do tho. What they do is is simple anomaly hunting. They only put forward hypotheses and make observations. But they never use observations and experiments to test those hypotheses in a way that can falsify them.

And that's why ghost hunting is correctly labeled as pseudo-science.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Many scientists have been called crazy over the years. Do you think the understanding of the body just happens without experiments? And we have yet to fully understand our own body..

But an Ouija board is not a scientific experiment!!!!!

I'll say this though, Rivtur sure has made this thread more entertaining than it was before, even if he is crazy! :)


In the 8rh grade I did a science project and won the science fair. I had a topic and created a hypothesis and experiment to disprove my idea. Ghost hunters have the same thing going here they have an idea and are attending to assure their idea or disprove.

I think it's a shame if you're actually interested in science that your conception of it is so corrupted by your 8th grade level thinking. I would seriously suggest that if you're really interested in the subject of the scientific method, you read up on philosophy of science. Maybe read some Thomas Kuhn, or even Carl Sagan.

It's a shame, because there are genuinely interesting things and events in the history of science, the real thing, that would help you make much better arguments and feel ashamed about citing something as unscientific as Ghost Hunters (or your 8th grade science efforts) in the discussion at hand. Seeing how true paradigm shifts in science - and there have been plenty - were discovered and eventually accepted by the scientific community would help you greatly understand why you're wrong on this discussion.

To address your point directly, you can't possibly fit any of Ghost Hunters' methodologies into any accepted model of experimental design that would lead to any level of valuable scientific discourse. I dare you to try :p
So are you throwing this experiment out before trying it? You can't be serious.

You don't know what the "&#$ you are talking about.


Photographic proof.



OP and Rivitur are not responding anymore.
I therefore put forward the hypotheses that both have been possessed by otherworldly spirits, potentionally ghosts, that prevent them from posting. Which is something ghosts are known for, besides being spooky and greasing ketchup on the wall.
I also checked several other threads on this forum and can conduct from this research that other, non possessed people are still having conversations, therefore verifying my hypotheses.

I dare you to challenge my scientific method.
OP and Rivitur are not responding anymore.
I therefore put forward the hypotheses that both have been possessed by otherworldly spirits, potentionally ghosts, that prevent them from posting.
I checked other threads and can conduct from this research that other, non possessed people are still having conversations, therefore verifying my hypotheses.

I dare you to challenge my scientific method.

I still stand by my theory that the raccoons in OP's fireplace ate him with some ketchup and wear his skin as a hat.

The Beard

I had to gather my composure to look in that folder again. I was shivering and crying as I uploaded it to imgur. Please don't make me do it again. And to those saying I just found random images and pictures online, does this look 'shopped to you?


I just got the biggest chill running down my spine. Holy shit, are you ok? Was that pic taken at your house?
And I can backup my claim that Rivitur doesnt know any scientists. I have here a picture of scientists NOT standing next to him.


Surely if he knew a scientist he would be in the picture standing next to them.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Don't worry, OP is filming his floor for 2 weeks. He'll be back with evidence of ghosts real soon.

I'm still betting the OP finds evidence of his landlord bringing strange women into the OP's apartment when he isn't home!

So no matter what we are either getting proof that ghosts exist or an amateur porn movie. Still worth subscribing.


Soo... people know where OP lives and he doesn't post anymore... is he alright? Has he been possessed or even killed? Seriously guys...


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
I'm still betting the OP finds evidence of his landlord bringing strange women into the OP's apartment when he isn't home!

So no matter what we are either getting proof that ghosts exist or an amateur porn movie. Still worth subscribing.

What's the legality on that btw? If people break in and have sex in your home and you have a camera running, is that footage yours to do whatever with?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
What's the legality on that btw? If people break in and have sex in your home and you have a camera running, is that footage yours to do whatever with?

That's an interesting legal question.

How about if you film two ghosts having sex, is ghost porn something you could sell and claim as your own? There wouldn't be anyone alive to dispute said ownership....
That's an interesting legal question.

How about if you film two ghosts having sex, is ghost porn something you could sell and claim as your own? There wouldn't be anyone alive to dispute said ownership....

There's going to be a legal shitstorm when ghosts finally reveal themselves to the general public.
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