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In retrospect, Macklemore is the only rapper with something to say

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I agreed with the first paragraph.
And then I proceeded to read a childish rant that was just as bad as the posts that I have a problem with.

Let people enjoy what they want, on whatever system they want.
I don't give a shit if somebody prefers console to PC, regardless of resolution or frame rates or whatever. I don't care if someone buys every single game that EA releases, including the tacky microtransanctions.
I think people on this forum need to get off each others backs and let them enjoy what they want without bitching about it.

And for Tomb Raider, we all know the exclusivity is timed anyway, so whatever. I'll just play something else in the meantime.



I was about to gut the bear for the mistake. It is safe for now.

There certainly nothing wrong with PR, but astroturfing is insidious. It's faking grass roots enthusiasm and trying to deceive people. There is nothing wrong with John Drake shilling Sony on the giant bomb cast or Phil Spencer doing the same but there is something wrong with paying people to try to shape online opinions though astroturfing.
This suggests to me that the official message from Xbox and their PR is "we've changed guys you can trust us again" which I think is hilarious.
Microsoft just doesn't learn. Why do they have corporate shills everywhere? Remember the ms employees at the Wii u best buy stations last year? The fuck.


I am sad. Banned or not - I would have loved to see a real discussion about the way XBone is bashed here on a regular basis. I understand that GAF is just a very unique thing and crowds behave in certain ways that are at times not very intuitive, but man... the quality of many posts just suffers lately. GAF now is a lot less entertaining than in the hyped up guessing phase before the new consoless were announced. I am sure lots of it has to do with bolstering and buyers remorse and all those physiological effects.

But still: GAF is not as ccol as in that GT-documentary. :-(


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Lets be real here. His occupation isn't entirely relevant. Titus's OP was a fanboyish meltdown that honestly warranted at the absolute least a demotion to Junior.

Yep. Even if it wasn't astroturfing this isn't the kind of thread to sit here and defend. If we want better discussion about all of the consoles, making a thread and calling people "fools" is not going to help. We're above this.


The Xbox One is not a bad console. It is a perfectly valid entry into the next generation, and Xbox owners should be afforded all the same respect as anyone else.

Loll now that's funny

L Thammy

That's not how it works. We have many PR people on the forum who were kind enough to let us know what they do for a living - even if they didn't use a work email address to register.

So by the sound of it, the ban is going to stick, right? Is it just that he didn't directly inform you guys of where he worked, or is it that he's actually suspected of working with Microsoft (or Nintendo or whoever)?
Dug this up:

Eh... I've always thought Microsoft has the weakest first-party lineup of the big three, and this didn't really change that. Scalebound looks like it could be cool, but that's a third party exclusive, not first party. Same with Sunset Overdrive.

The Phantom Dust remake will certainly be interesting, but a lot of the other stuff looks like it could be hit or miss. Certainly not sold on Fable Legends, and am going to wait and see on Project Spark as well. I've already given up hope on Rare, and don't expect all that much from 343 after Halo 4, so I'm still waiting on Microsoft to impress me. Sony and Nintendo have shown that they've got first party devs who can make peerless games. I'm still waiting on Microsoft to do the same thing.

And just to note, I say this as someone who still has their OG XBox plugged into the telly, and enjoys taking old Xbox games out for a spin.



Gata is on the run.


Aside from the (unproven?) fact that he was PR or is somehow related to PR, he made some good points. A lot of babies on this forum that take shit too personal. Shit that doesn't even affect them directly. For example go find the MS takes a jab at Sony gif thread. I couldn't believe what I was reading in there, sweet baby jesus.

All I'm saying is, this a hobby that we share. Let the corporations worry about profits and fight each other tooth and nail, they actually get paid for that, by us.

He deserved to be banned for being a dickhead to a majority of the forum.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
People in the thread are up in arms about that post for some reason.

It's kind of ridiculous.

It's really creepy. The post, I mean.


bitch I'm taking calls.
He admits to working with PR companies. Which he does, as an employee of a company that makes software for PR companies.

You might want to try reading the rest of the quoted post.

The OP spins it as if PR is great for the customers (which isn't always the case.)


And from the OP and original title, he's straight up telling the consumers that we're all a bunch of morons and it's time to be "re-educated." Not only does that come off as confrontational as you can get, but it also paints a picture of the poster being a total zealot and having fingers in their ears and go la la la la la. It only makes the case of the post astroturfing even more believable.


No one puts this much effort into defending a box unless paid. Shill confirmed. I'll be keeping my eyes open.


You clearly have not been paying attention. There are members here whose posting histories look like the PR Department for certain video game companies. Never underestimate lonely people who define themselves by their love of a video game console/company.
He admits to working with PR companies. Which he does, as an employee of a company that makes software for PR companies.

Agreed. The sad part is how many people are willing to jump in here for drive-bys which is kind of his point.

Appreciate the title change Bishop.


So ultimately, you can still roll with this as banning a guy who was just unbanned and had another massive freakout soon as he "got out."

Shit sucks, sometimes there are shills, sometimes there are crazy fanboys. It's a wild world.

Now let's get back to biting each other's heads off for whatever other reason lol


So by the sound of it, the ban is going to stick, right? Is it just that he didn't directly inform you guys of where he worked, or is it that he's actually suspected of working with Microsoft (or Nintendo or whoever)?

Maybe because of the meltdown itself ?
Or like people suggested, OP just came back from being banned and opening a topic like that, isn't the smartest way to get back...
That title change! It really has been all downhill for the Flames after Gelinas' goal was disallowed in Game 6. That would have been four series winning goals in one playoffs! Instead, Canada's Cup drought continues to this day.


Was the individual banned on the basis of a PR company-type email address or was it the content of the thread as the company at hand does seem more inclined towards selling their software services as oppose to PR firm?

Just trying to get an understanding for future references.
The OP had an email that appears to be PR-related, and as others have noted, it may be for a company that makes software for PR companies. At any rate, there's no proof he was paid by Microsoft to say anything he did. It could easily be a case where he has a strong opinion, and an incorrect assumption was made that he was paid to say it.

It's been said that PR people are free to contact the mods in advance about their affiliations, and some have done that, but I'm not sure everyone would think to do that if they're just posting here in a casual capacity.

I think there's a very good chance the OP is completely innocent. I just worry incidents like this create a culture where people are constantly second-guessing what they say for fear they'll "look" a certain way.
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