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In which we speak only in GAFisms

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Gaffers just shot themself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Neogaf culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in GameFAQs where you won't get banned for being an asshole. If you screw something up over on GAF, you bring shame to yourself and the only way to get rid of that shame is GAF gold and begging for forgiveness.

What this means is Bishoptl or EvilLore, after hearing about this, is not going to want to hear you bitch about feminism/MRAs, that girl that dumped or won't date you or hear your 2 cents about Capcom or Ubisoft's latest bullshit DLC practices. Banning is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Neogaf has banned developers like Dyack or Jaffe for less if they don't know their place

Some Gaffers should publicly apologize, whitelist GAF on adblock and buy multiple lifetime subscriptions to GAF gold or you can kiss your GAF-Reddit-Internet-GAF news goodbye.


Am I the only one who is tired of these? I mean, to be fair, there's a lot of good arguments on BOTH sides. Considering if we consider the consideration of them, I am in NO way advocating such acts. After all, I don't mean to offend anyone, but... I am 100% done. Actually, that's not what I'm trying to say. If you actually read what I'm writing, instead of glossing over it, you'll know what I mean is: THEY. WIN. End of story. Basically.

Here is a funny spoiler.

Quote said:


OP whatever you do, DO NOT tell your best friend you've known since grade school that his GF is cheating on him and is probably a prostitute and may have STD's. Listen, for all you know your friend is a psycho axe killer and will go crazy and kill her if you tell him. Plus, it may not even be true. Yes, she's has ads online where she is listed as a prostitute. Yes she has pictures of her up on those ads. Yes the phone number in the ad matches her phone number. But, you don't know for sure. Also, she may have already told him and he enjoys an open sex relationship between her and the strangers she sleeps with for money.

OP the best course of action is to do nothing. Don't rock the boat, just forget about it and go on as usual. However, if you must do something tell his GF first. Allow her ample time to concoct a believable lie and delete all evidence online before even beginning to think of telling your friend. But, whatever you do, and I repeat, DO NOT TELL YOUR BEST FRIEND FIRST.


Hope the people who think differently than I do on a matter neither of us can know the answer to are ready to eat crow when they're wrong even though I won't if I'm wrong
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